Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2086: The Greek who turned his face faster than a book

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After visiting the Parthenon, it was already around 1:30 noon.

Next, Ye Tian and the others went to visit the Erechtheion Temple, which is located in the northern part of the Parthenon and not far away.

Like the Parthenon, the Erechtheion is also recognized as a symbol of Western culture, but it is slightly less important than the Parthenon.

This famous temple building is also located on the square at the top of the Acropolis hill, and it complements the nearby Parthenon.

The Erechtheion Temple was built between 421 and 405 BC. It was originally a stone temple where the remains of the Eight Saints were placed. According to legend, it was the place where Athena and Poseidon fought for their wits for the protection of Athens.

There are three temples in this temple, dedicated to the main **** Zeus, the sea **** Poseidon, and the blacksmith **** Hephaestus in Greek mythology.

Between these three temples, there are two distinctive colonnades connecting them. There is a square hole in the ceiling and floor of the northern colonnade, which is said to be pierced by Poseidon's trident.

Like the statue of Athena enshrined in the Parthenon, the statues of Zeus, the sea **** Poseidon, and the blacksmith **** Hephaestus enshrined in the Erechtheon temple are all lost. trace.

But compared to the Parthenon, the status quo of the Erechtheion is somewhat better.

Especially the well-known colonnade of the goddess is relatively intact. Through this colonnade of the goddess, people can see the original magnificence and magnificence of the Erechtheion Temple.

When visiting this famous ancient Greek temple, Ye Tian didn't forget to turn on the perspective ability, and thoroughly looked through every corner of the temple, every stone pillar, and deep underground.

Especially at the feet of the six ancient Greek maidens in the portico of the goddess, according to legend, it is the tomb of the ancestor of Athens and the king of Attica.

It was also the King of Cecrops who witnessed the battle between Athena and Poseidon with his own eyes, and was the witness of the two battles for the protector of Greece.

It is a pity that Ye Tian did not find any cemetery at the feet of the several statues of ancient Greek girls. Naturally, there were no bones of the ancestors of Athens, only fragments of antique artifacts from earlier periods.

Deep underground in other places in this temple, Ye Tian still had some discoveries, but they were only discoveries and they were impossible to possess.

After leaving the Erechtheion Temple, the group of them descended from the top of the Acropolis hill and went to visit the ruins of the Temple of Zeus not far away.

Compared with the two temples on the top of the Acropolis, the temple of Zeus is more dilapidated.

The Temple of Zeus is located in the village of Olympia in Athens, Greece. It was built to worship the main **** Zeus. It was once the religious center of ancient Greece and one of the largest temples in ancient Greece.

Around 470 BC, when this famous temple was built, there were 104 Corinthian stone pillars supporting the temple, which was quite spectacular.

The statue of Zeus, which was once enshrined in this temple by the hand of the classical carving **** Phidias, is more than twelve meters tall and is inlaid with countless gold, ivory, and various precious gems.

It is this dazzling statue of Zeus that was named one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

But to this day, this magnificent temple has long been destroyed, leaving only 15 corinthian pillars standing above the ground, telling people the glory of the temple of Zeus.

The statue of Zeus, which is more than twelve meters in height, cannot escape bad luck. As early as 426 AD, it was destroyed in a fire and disappeared completely.

At the site of the Temple of Zeus, Ye Tian and the others did not stay for too long. After looking around, they left here by car and went straight to the next stop.

The next stop they visited was the famous National Archaeological Museum of Greece.

When the convoy rushed to the street where the National Archaeological Museum of Greece was located, Ye Tian, ​​far away, saw that Maria, the curator of the National Archaeological Museum of Greece, with a group of experts and scholars, was waiting at the entrance of the museum.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian couldn't help laughing softly.

He knew very well in his heart that the reason Maria and the others came out to greet them was definitely not because of how good their relationship was with them or because they valued themselves very much.

The reason why these heavyweights in the field of Greek antique art collection are so enthusiastic is simply because of the upcoming exploration and because they promised to let them participate in it.

It must be admitted that the Greeks attach great importance to and are extremely proud of the history and civilization of their country. They have always spared no effort in protecting historical sites and related antiques!

On this point, it can be seen from the fact that they have been fighting for decades with the British government and the British Museum, and the infrasound Soelgin marble statue and other ancient Greek artifacts.

While talking, Ye Tian and his motorcade had arrived at the entrance of the museum and stopped one after another.

Matisse and the others immediately got off the car and quickly pulled up a warning line. Ye Tian turned on the perspective and thoroughly looked through the area within a radius of more than 200 meters, without missing any corner.

Several security personnel who pretended to be tourists scattered and mixed in the crowd were also on alert, secretly staring at the pedestrians and tourists coming and going in front of the museum.

Until it was determined that the scene was safe and there were no hidden dangers, Ye Tian and Matisse got off the car and landed on the square in front of the museum.

At the same time, Maria and the others had already walked down the steps and came to the front.

"Good afternoon, Steven, come over to the National Archaeological Museum of Greece. I am glad to see you here. Pendemaris called me and told us the good news."

Maria came up with a big smile and greeted Ye Tian.

"Good afternoon, Maria, I am also very happy to see you again. For the National Archaeological Museum of Greece, I have been admired for a long time. I have long wanted to come here to have a good look. This time I will feast my eyes!"

Ye Tian said politely with a smile, and hugged the old friend.

Next, Maria introduced several other high-levels in the museum. Ye Tian shook hands with them one by one and got to know each other.

After some politeness, Maria took Ye Tian and the others to the museum gate.

On the way, Ye Tian repeated what he said to Pandemaris with Maria again.

After hearing what he said, Maria was silent for a moment, and then asked pretendingly curiously:

"Steven, can you determine the nationality of these ancient Roman shipwrecks that you found on the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea this time? They belong to the Roman Empire, or to Greece? Or other countries.

One more thing, were the sculptures and other antique artifacts carried on the ancient Roman shipwrecks shipped from the Roman Empire to Greece or from Greece to the Roman Empire? "

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately turned his head to look at the old friend, and a hint of sarcasm flashed through his eyes, which was fleeting.

He couldn't be more clear about the meaning of Maria's words!

If those ancient Roman shipwrecks are proved to have originated from Greece or belong to ancient Greece, then no matter where the shipwreck is or what is inside, the Greek government will make a claim.

If the sculptures and antique relics in the shipwreck treasure are related to Greece, or are shipped from Greece, the Greeks will not let go of these treasures, and the voice will be more assertive.

This is the consistent style of the Greeks. It is well known in the field of antique art collection and the field of exploring treasure hunting.

Regardless of how polite the Greeks are now, when this sunken treasure is salvaged and presented to everyone in the world, it is time for the Greeks to change their faces!

This is a certainty, absolutely not running!

Regarding this, Ye Tian knew it well, and had been mentally prepared, knowing that it would be sooner or later to tear up with the Greeks.

He doesn't care at all. It doesn't happen once or twice. What's the matter if there are more enemies and more protesters on the Rockefeller Center Plaza?

"Maria, we don't know much about this ancient Roman shipwreck treasure. Some of the information needs to be kept confidential for the time being. I can't disclose it. I hope you can understand.

Please be patient, wait for the exploration of the shipwreck treasure to begin, and when we salvage the treasures that have been sleeping deep in the bottom of the sea for the past one or two thousand years, the answer will naturally be revealed! "

Ye Tian said with a smile, and dealt with this problem.

"Well, Steven, I hope you all go well in exploring the ancient Roman shipwreck treasure this time, and give the world a huge surprise."

Maria said, and gave Ye Tian a deep look.

At the same time as the voice fell, the group of them had entered the museum gate and began another tour.

Soon, ten minutes passed.

In the Mycenae exhibition hall of the National Archaeological Museum of Greece, Ye Tian and the others are standing in front of the bulletproof glass showcase No. 3, admiring the antique artworks displayed in this showcase.

Behind them and on both sides, many tourists from all over the world gathered, watching the antique cultural relics displayed in the showcase while listening to Ye Tian's professional and wonderful explanation.

"The golden mask you see now is the famous Agamemnon golden mask. It is the best proof of the Mycenae civilization and one of the treasures of the National Archaeological Museum of The two eyes of this golden mask were bulging and looked piercing, and its broad face seemed to cover everything, and the two broad and slightly curled mustaches around the mouth were even more interesting.

Looking at these gold bull's head cups and wine glasses, the patterns are slender and the thin gold is like paper. These are works 3600 years ago, which shows that the ancient Greek gold manufacturing industry has reached the point of perfection.

After reading this exquisite golden mask and other gold products, let's talk about the story hidden behind these antique artifacts. The name Agamemnon must be very familiar to everyone.

That’s right, this Agamemnon is the King of Mycenae in ancient Greek mythology, and the commander of the Greek army in the famous Trojan War. He led the coalition forces to break Troy and celebrated the ages..."

Next, Ye Tian eloquently told the story hidden behind the golden mask of Agamemnon, and everyone at the scene listened with great gusto and felt immersed in it.

And Maria, standing on the periphery, and several top antique art appraisal experts at the National Archaeological Museum of Greece, listened to Ye Tian's explanation, and his eyes could not help but flash with admiration.

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