Tread Lightly

5 - Cut and Run

I neglect reading for about an hour, but after a while of procrastination, I finally gather my resolve and pick up the paper. The first sheet reads.

Sigils are used by all things to grasp toward divinity. They allow for incredible power, but one must be very careful not to be influenced or taken over by the power of the Sigil, whether said Sigil is external or internal.

There are a total of 20 known different types of Sigils currently. In addition, there are a variety of unconfirmed Sigils, but it is unknown if they are just mutations or indeed their own paths.

All Sigils are known to have 10 total stages, which grow to the next by intaking another Sigil of the same or higher tier once the person has acclimated to the previous and does as REDACTED has asked of them. Therefore, we recommend you follow REDACTED's orders but not fall too deeply into its words. If you do not, you open yourself to the beyond.

The first three stages, also known as the Base Realm, are where all start on their path. These Sigils grant rudimentary but powerful abilities to the holder, pushing them to the limit of humanity. These basic skills will follow one through their whole life and likely be the foundation of all their power.

The fourth to sixth stage, also known as the door to Wonder or Wonderous Realm, is where truly mystical and bizarre powers start to appear through Sigils as the density of Ether in one's body goes through a change. This density change allows various effects, skills, and traits to emerge.

Little is known about the seventh to ninth stages, or the Angelic Realm, besides those high and mighty Hunters within them, except for the fact It takes an exceedingly powerful will to reach the realm of High Sigils as every new Sigil influences both the mind and body of its holder to greater degrees. But, of course, that also disregards the number of men and women who die fighting to reach that goal. So many have the potential, you may even, dear reader, but life rarely gives us time to bloom.

The only fact known about the tenth and final stage is that it will bring one's body, mind, and soul into the realm of gods.

When it comes to actually advancing through the stages, one can take many different types of base Sigils, as what matters most is the number of Sigils one has and how one uses them, not necessarily the types. Every time one ingests a new Sigil, it combines and fuses with the Sigil already present within. This allows one to either enhance an aspect of themselves or shore up a weakness. Those who only take one type of Sigil throughout their lives are known as Primos. Their powers usually are highly specialized and much more potent than non-Primos, but their weaknesses are also glaring.

All Sigils grant abilities called Sigils skills immediately after the attunement. These abilities are the Sigil itself, given shape and form. They vary widely in usage, scope, and amount depending on the Sigil but are generally between one and two; very rarely are more given, even at high Sigils. The only way to gain more Sigil skills besides increasing the rank of one's Sigil is to perform an Act of Absolution that purifies one's Sigil and grants a new, more powerful ability.

A user can sense the name and abilities granted by a Sigil by sensing the Ether within very closely. There is also a remarkable transition that occurs when a new Sigil is formed within the body. Yet, it cannot be spoken of in detail. However, one cannot predict the outcome of a fused or evolved Sigil, for fused Sigils have highly varying powers due to their nature. While evolved Sigils from Primes commonly grow in the same direction but are still unique to each person as all things are based on our souls and experiences.

Wow, that was a lot to read. I had to reread it multiple times to understand everything, so it only took longer. That and some things are still not clear. Like, do what REDACTED has asked of you? That makes no sense. I still want to learn about the different types of Sigils, but my brain is too strained after reading for nearly half an hour. So, I get up from the table and head outside to see Butter's grave. It's just outside the gate to Edmunds's property beside the forest's edge.

Edmund made a simple grave and put a wooden cross above the mound. He cleared the area near the grave of fallen leaves and mud, leaving just the recently disturbed dirt and the cross above it. I sit beside the grave in silence until sundown, listening to the slow winds and moving leaves, just thinking about how Butter would still be alive had I been more decisive or faster in killing the Ratbeaks.

I need to become more powerful so that something like this doesn't happen again. Sigils are the way to gain power, so I should also learn more about them. If only I didn't have to read it all. I get that Edmund is busy, but isn't there something else I could do while waiting for him? Shaking my head inwardly, I notice the fading sun and head back to the cabin.

I should probably read just a tad bit more before Edmund gets back; I don't want to disappoint him. Entering the cabin, I sit at the table and look at another one of the sheets. Looking at the first few of the Prime Sigils I read

Prime Sigils or the 1st Sigils, the base of all other evolved or fused Sigils, give basic but powerful enhancements to one's self.

Rogue - Major increase in speed, flexibility, and reaction speed. Commonly found in speed-focused Prey like Loperds or Cyotis.

Comanche - Major increase in depth of thoughts/speed and expansion in all senses. Commonly found in intelligent and careful Prey like Sonirds. Main Sigil of the Comanche tribe within the Borderlands.

Scholar - Increases intelligence and memory. Able to quickly learn new and diverse Ether skills. Rarely found in Prey, but when they are, they are highly dangerous due to their human level of intelligence.

Mentalist - Sensitivity to others' emotions. Able to direct others easily using this sensitivity and slightly affect others' minds. Rarely found in Prey, but well-known examples are the Mindpushers.

Occultist - Increased sense of Ether and control of it. Able to perform simple Ether rituals like Strengthen, Bleed, Sleep, and Charm. Rarely found in Prey near the edge of the Borderlands but are very common in the deep towards the Badlands in demons or similar creatures.

After reading through the Occultist Sigil, I hear the gate to the property slam open outside. Standing up and folding the paper into my pocket, I walk over to the door with a slight limp as my leg rapidly recovers. But, right before I reach the door, it slams open, and Edmund, absolutely covered in blood, steps through with his boots, squelching on the wooden floor. The red liquid flows down from his body as if he were in a raincoat, the volume of blood on his body so much.

Without giving me any time for questions, Edmund gives me a look and orders me into action without a lick of jest.

"We need to leave now, a breach occurred nearby, and all hell has broken loose. I couldn't even report recruiting you as the town center was turned to rubble. Almost died escaping from Elderfield."

Taking a deep raspy breath after coughing up blood, Edmund continues.

"Get ready to leave in one minute. Any more, and I'm dragging you with me."

Shaken by the blood-covered man in front of me and the severity in his voice, I hurriedly gathered the sheets of paper on the table and put them in my bag. Then I grab some non-perishable food from the kitchen and put that in my bag as well. Finally, I turn around to head to the door and see Edmund coming up from the vault with the blood removed from him. He nods to me and follows behind to exit.

Once outside, Edmund motions me to follow him as he heads eastward towards the rising moon. I try to keep up, and although my leg healed massively in one night due to the special bandage put on, it couldn't recover fully. Edmund notices this, curses, and walks close to me.

"I wanted to let you heal unaided by Ether, but we don't have time. Hopefully, this doesn't cause any repercussions for you later with Ether."

Edmund speaks as he puts a bloody palm on my shoulder while we are moving quickly and grabs a vial of blood with his other.

I look at him, curious about what he is doing, and he begins to chant softly, barely audible. I can't quite pick out any of the words except for the last, Sana. After that final word leaves his mouth, I feel a stream of energy flow through me, and the pain in my leg fades. Amazed, I look at Edmund as he speeds up a bit further, and I have to go into a full sprint to keep up.

I have so many questions, but I cannot voice any of them as I am too busy running through fields and over streams to keep stable enough breathing to ask. After about an hour of running, my legs are screaming, and I can taste blood in my mouth. All my life, I thought I was pretty athletic, having to care for the farm mostly alone. However, I only realize how untrue that is now, as Edmund is only slightly sweaty. I really miss Butter, and doing this run only makes it hurt worse.

After two hours of running, right before I collapse, I see Edmund raise a hand in front of me and slow down to a slow crouch behind a spot of thick brush. Trying to copy him, I stop running and attempt to crouch next to him, but instead, I fall as my legs cannot keep me up any longer.

Edmund nods to me approvingly as he whispers quietly.

"You have some time to rest, but a pack of Loperds is in front of us, probably the first group from the breach. We will attack them in five minutes. You read what they are, yes?"

Struggling to catch my breath, I shake my head.

"Only know of their names and Sigil. Rogue, right?"

Edmund curses and agrees with me.

"Yes. Loperds are fast feline-like monsters."

Taking a moment to think and formulate his thoughts, he finishes.

"We will likely have to kill them to move on, as it will take too long to go around without being detected. There are close to fifteen, and I can handle most, but you must be ready to take on one or two, as I cannot be everywhere at once. The good news is that you will likely resonate with a Rogue Sigil due to its properties, so you have a chance to gain your first Sigil after this."

I finally begin to slow my labored breaths as I try not to imagine what it will be like to have a Sigil and try to focus on the fight to come. I check on both of my weapons, ensuring they are ready for a fight. The five-minute rest passes too quickly as Edmund motions toward me and begins to stalk close to the ground. I follow. While crouching forwards, Edmund chants a few words before quietly drawing a knife and cutting his hand swiftly. I see blood dripping from his hand and seeping into the ground. We continue onward through the brush.

Right before we exit the brush, I finally see our Prey. There are fifteen Loperds in front of us, and about half are feeding on something in the open field beyond the thicket that Edmund and I are currently in. They look like felines similar in size to a large dog, but all have thin black fur in which you can see the dexterous muscles underneath. Their heads look like jaguars but with two rows of teeth within.

I bolster my resolve and focus on not being a burden to Edmund as I see him reach his bloody hand forward and grasp.

From the soil rises blood and dark mass as it wraps and engulfs the eight or so Loperds that were feeding. Incredulous, I glance at Edmund as I see the strain on his face. I position myself to charge out from the thicket, but Edmund advises me quietly before I do so.

"Be careful; there is a Loperd Alpha. They are blistering fast and famous for their stealth. I already got the matriarch within my blood sphere. Stay near me and away from the center of the fighting."

After finishing, he removes himself from the thicket and cuts his other hand. Heeding his advice, I follow him and step out from the scrub after unsheathing the Deft Talon, careful not to stray too far. The Loperds almost immediately notice us and dash in our direction. There are four Loperds in the front of the pack, and as they near us, Edmund makes a horizontal slash with his newly bloodied hand. This creates a crescent-shaped wave of blood sent forward and instantly kills the four in front of us. But behind them, rush forward two more.

I step up to intercept one, seeing Edmund get low and stab at the other with his dagger. Confident in Edmund's skill, I focus on the Prey before me. Unfortunately, due to my slight lapse in concentration, it is already upon me, and I dodge to the right while stabbing the Talon forward toward its side. I feel little resistance as the rapier slides smoothly through the Loperd, but after I pull back the blade, it turns to me only enraged.

The next thrust must land on a vital, or it won't do much. I should aim for the head; the Talon will likely go straight through the skull. With this new target, I dart towards the Loperd, stabbing at its head as it comes at me. Due to my reach with the Talon, I land my blow first, with the thin blade sinking deep into the beast's skull through the front of its head. The beast instantly dies from the lobotomy, but its momentum continues and it knocks the wind out of me and sets me flat on my ass. I can feel its blood flow onto me as I push it off and look toward Edmund. He killed the first Loperd he pounced on with his knife, and now he is fighting a second.

After gaining my balance on my feet, I watch for a few moments and notice that this Loperd is different. It is fighting with immense control over its actions and is dodging nearly every attack from Edmund while retaliating with its own. Is this the Alpha? I don't think so. It's agile but not fast. I see Edmund form blood from his wound and force it to flow from his empty left hand into a large knife to pair with the knife in his right. He presses the Loperd with both of these knives, and right before he stabs it in the neck with the bloody knife, the Loperd leverages all its weight on one leg and spins around Edmund. My teacher pursues the evading Loperd and nears the thicket we emerged from.

I see it a second before it pounces. A Loperd with deep black fur and light that seems to shimmer around it. Instantly, I remember Edmund's warning about the Alpha.

I yell and run to help, hoping Edmund can react fast enough.

"Alpha behind you!"

Hearing my warning, the Alpha Loperd immediately pounces from the copse. Edmund turns to look behind before creating a thin partition of blood that is promptly broken through, knocking him to the ground. After he is knocked to the ground, the agile Loperd tries to help its Alpha, but I intercept it and stab towards it with the Talon.

The Loperd in front of me dodges backward from the blade evading the thrust by less than an inch. Worried about Edmund, I look and see him in a bloody brawl with the Alpha on the ground. The Loperd in front of me takes advantage of this and darts at me.

Keeping my distance, I step backward rapidly and attack the pressing Loperd. This back-and-forth lasts moments until the Loperd and I hear the brawl to our side ending. I glance towards Edmund, careful not to be ambushed due to distractions, and see him standing wearily, just as covered in blood as when he got to the cabin.

The last Loperd notices this and looks back at me before running towards the coppice to escape. I begin to chase but hear Edmund raspily tell me not to. I take another look at the Loperd, and I swear I see a glimpse of hopefulness on its face. I ponder what that could mean but ignore it and turn to Edmund. Seeing him covered in blood, I run over to Edmund, worried because it looks like he just swam in a river of sanguine liquid.

He relieves my worries with some out-of-breath words.

"I'll be fine. If it wasn't for my close escape from Elderfield, this would've been light work, but I lost most of my stored blood and am running low on Ether."

My teacher then waves his arms, and I watch as all the blood covering him flows back into his wounds and closes them. Then, unable to hold in my curiosity, I ask.

"What Sigil do you have?"

Laughing, Edmund replies.

"It's rude to ask another their Sigil, but I'll tell you to help you learn. It's a 3rd Sigil called Bloodtaker. My first was Comanche, followed by two consecutive Occultist Sigils, the first of which mutated my Comanche into a Bloodhound. Bloodtaker allows me to perform a large variety of rituals and control blood. The more I have, the more powerful the control."

He says this as he creates an orb of blood on his hand and spins it before dispersing it.

"But enough about me. Are you ready to see if you resonate with any of the Sigils here? If you don't resonate, we'll have to hunt down that odd Loperd that ran."

I think about his Sigil being called the Bloodtaker as he mentions it, and it gives me a bit of pause because it is an incredibly menacing name. I pondered further, and maybe the higher the Sigil, the weirder the name. Then, I listen further, and the final words from Edmund instantly excite me as the exhaustion from running and fighting fades. Edmund walks with me to the Loperd I killed, sitting beside it and advising me.

"It is rare to resonate with a Sigil from something you did not slay yourself. Damn near impossible if you weren't near where it died. Don't know why, but that's just how it works. And even if you do somehow, it's likely to be a lower level of resonance which will impede your growth. So just do the same thing you did to sense yur' rapier's Sigil on the corpse and try to pull it towards you. I'll pull you out if you show signs of Ether oversaturation."

Nodding, I scoot close to the dead Loperd and lay my hands on it. I attempt to push my mind into the corpse and find the Sigil within. It takes me almost a full minute to successfully sense the Sigil within. I recognize it as the Rogue Sigil with its familiar feel of slippery sharpness. Following Edmund's instruction, I try to pull the threads that compose the Sigil toward me, but they won't budge. Frustrated, I continue, and they won't move at all. This second attempt grants me a minor headache.

I need a Sigil, dammit! Work! I reinforce my willpower and try again, but still, nothing. I go to try once more, despite the growing headache. Still, before I can, I lose the connection and open my eyes to Edmund shaking his head and pulling me to my feet.

"Don't try to force a connection. It'd be reassuring for this breach if you had at least one Sigil, but we will get another chance. Just be patient. C'mon, let's continue."

Dejectedly, I follow Edmund and restart our run, albeit at a slower pace, past the corpses of the Loperds. I look up at the duo of rising moons that we are running towards, thinking of the Loperd that escaped. Would that one resonate with me?

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