
28 l Overexertion

It wasn’t until midday before she rose up from the futon. Azlyn looked around the blacked-out room to see Kida was still sleeping. She was trying to determine what had woken her up, and the soft buzz on her ear reminded her of the link pearl. She tapped the pearl with her finger. 

“This is Azlyn.” 

“You sound tired.” The male voice of her friend popped into her ear. She sleepily grinned, pulling herself up from the bed. 

“I pulled an all-nighter with Kida and my cousin. Apparently hunting leves can run late into the night.” Azlyn explained. She kept her voice low so that she wouldn’t disturb the other one sleeping. 

“I’m almost all done over here. There’s something about studying a place high up in the trees that makes the whole expedition seem—wait did you say Kida?” 

Azlyn chuckled into her hand. “Yeah, I was surprised myself to see her with my cousin. Small world.” 

He chuckled back to her. “You’re in for a fun day if you’re with her. Well I just thought I’d check in after my fun-filled day studying historic monuments. We are meeting in Limsa Lominsa tomorrow morning, correct? Plans didn’t change?” 

Azlyn reassured him. “Yes Raha, I’ll be back tomorrow—I’ll just do some oddball jobs today.” 

There was a bit of time before he replied. He also sounded tired. “Alright, good. I’ll see you tomorrow. G’night.” 

Azlyn chuckled. “Good afternoon. Don’t work too hard.” 

The call ended, and she decided to start her day once more. Last night she had an ample amount of time to switch between the five different weapon sets she picked up—so far her favorites were punching things with her fists, summoning her Arcanist’s grimoire, and her Marauder’s axe. She had to admit though that blowing things up with her Thaumaturge staff, and combating with her Gladiator’s gear were equally as challenging and fun. 

She equipped her pugilist’s set, and quietly snuck out from the apartment. She had thought the city looked different late at night compared to the day—and she was right. The city buzzed with activity. Azlyn found the first crystal she could find and teleported to a nearby gate where she could train out in the forest. She could see fledgling archers and lancers training with their teachers in certain pockets of the Black Shroud. 

Azlyn chose to move further away, taking a winding path up through the thickest of trees. She didn’t travel for long, as she found some low-to-mid level monsters that were aggressively attacking travelers on the path. She spent the better part of her afternoon helping out, and even was directed to a small community. It was called Bentbranch Meadows. She attuned to the crystal in the town, glad to see the Aethernet Crystals were used out even in the Shroud. 

There were plenty of individuals looking for help, hunting creatures, gathering items, and crafting. She spent quite a bit of time there, getting to know the people, and their idiosyncratic ways of living. In someways she was reminded of that matron’s blatant racism from the school—but some of the people’s had been more indirect. That didn’t stop her from assisting the whole community though. 

She bounced between her three new weapons. Training with each properly to understand the tactical strengths and weaknesses—and also coming to a raging stop in her training regime. The constant shifting and changing between her aetheric weapon sets made her feel a wave of exhaustion roll over her. 

“Oh, an Au Ra in these parts? You’re not looking too well?” A strange voice popped beside her. Azlyn snapped her head over to see a couple of travelers walking down the path. One had a strange headgear on their head, with a tightened clothing set ready for movement. She had hand greaves that reminded her of the pugilist’s weapon choice. Beside her was a Lalafell male with robes similar to that of the Sharlayans. His blond hair, blue eyes were bright in comparison to the girl’s hidden face standing above him. 

Azlyn didn’t miss the markings on each of their necks. She’d seen those markings before—the same ones on G’raha’s neck—the same ones like Y’shtola had. 

She wiped the sweat from her face as she gave them a small smile. “Sorry, I didn’t hear someone coming.” She was about to run off, but the woman had caught her by her wrist. 

“Wait! You look ready to pass out!”

She waved off her concern. “It’s fine—I’m used to it.” 

The Lalafell male regarded her with an observant eye, his monocle sparkled in the sunlight. “Yda it seems like she doesn’t require our assistance—let’s be on our way.” 

The one called Yda whined, “But Papalymo! She looks pale!” 

Azlyn tried to smile once more—easily twisting her hand out from the grasp. “Thank you for the concern, but really, this is normal.” She had to remember she wasn’t as constitutionally strong enough to over exert herself—especially only a day after she recovered from being sick. 

The one known as Papalymo put his hands on his hips as he looked to Yda. The girl seemed like she was trying to convince him otherwise. Azlyn eased herself back, and bowed to both of them. 

“Sorry to bother you, I’ll be on my way.” She started her teleportation spell. She hoped it wouldn’t completely wipe her out as she finished the incantation. She could see the girl look back at her in surprise at her sudden escape, but couldn’t do anything as Azlyn shifted out of view. 

She was welcomed by the warmth of Gridania once more, and had to shake the unsteadiness away from her head. She decided to not use the aether crystals to teleport for the time being, and opted to walk. She went northward, into Old Gridania where she remembered there being a small tranquil pond that flowed constant water from one of the many rivers in the Black Shroud. 

There were some people also enjoying the quiet, and Azlyn decided to sit cross-legged by the edge of the water. She closed her eyes and let the cool air off from the cascading waters to help her hot temperature. 

She received a call from her link pearl once more. Opening the link, she answered. “Hello.” 

The boisterous feminine voice of Kida rocked through the ear piece. “Where are you? I woke up to find the futon rolled up neatly and your stuff gone!”

Azlyn chuckled. She let her body relax as she sat. “I did some light exercise, but now I’m resting by the small pond in Old Gridania.” 

It took a moment for Kida to know which pond she was talking about. “Apkallu Falls? Oh! Yeah, I know where that is. I’ll be over in a bit.” The call ended abruptly. 

Taking a long deep breath, she allowed herself a brief moment’s rest as the effects of her training slowly abated. Several moments of silence had gone by, before she felt someone sitting next to her. She thought it was Kida, so she didn’t open her eyes and just focused on her breathing.

“Elder Seedseer Kan-E-Semna said I’d find someone in need of guidance this morning. Never did I think I’d find someone in tune with nature.” 

Azlyn’s eyes snapped open, immediately looking to the person sitting beside her. It looked like a young boy, no more than eight dress in all black robes. He had blonde white hair, and his eyes—it reminded her of the way Kan-E-Semna’s look unto her when they met. He smiled to her with a softened expression. 

“My name is E-Sumi-Yan.” 

“Azlyn.” She introduced herself. 

The boy nodded. “Indeed. Come find me in Stillglade Fane when you have time.” He looked over his shoulder. “Ah—I see the resemblance now.” He smiled, rising up from his spot on the grass. 

Roll walked over with Kida behind her. Azlyn watched as Roll bowed deeply to the young boy. “Master E-Sumi-Yan.” 

The boy nodded, “Roll, it is good to see you. How are you faring in your training?” 

“It is going well—the harmonic balance has been restored in the neighboring communities of the Twelveswood. I’ve been keeping an eye on it closely.” 

He nodded to Roll, pleased with the report. 

Kida bounced past the two over to Azlyn. She plopped on the grass with a bright smile. “Wow! You’re quite the popular one! Meeting the master of the Conjurer’s Guild!” 

Azlyn blinked. “He’s the Master?” 

Both Roll and the young boy turned to her. Without missing a beat Roll replied calmly. “He’s way older than you think.” 

He nodded. “Until we meet again. May the Twelve guide you three in your journey.” E-Sumi-Yan gave them a look, before a lasting look to Kida. “Try not to upset the elements too much Kida.” 

She laughed at his remark, and they watched him leave Apkallu Falls. Roll sat down beside the other two and smiled to the flowing waters. “What did Master want with you Azlyn?” 

The question caught her off guard. “He just said I should see him in the Stillglade Fane. Something about being in tune with nature.” 

Roll didn’t seem surprised by this. “Ah. That makes sense.” 

Kida looked between the two of them. “What? What does that mean?” 

Roll explained. “Conjuration is harnessed through the power of nature, and the wanton ability to make change. Thus does one conjure appropriate.” 

Azlyn seemed to understand. “So he was recruiting.” 

Kida snapped her fingers when she understood what had occurred. “Exactly! I mean who wouldn’t want to recruit such a dashing damsel! Oh! I should totally introduce you to the Archer’s Guild! You’ll love my Guildmaster.”

Roll looked back to the water glistening in the sunlight. “If Conjuration is something you’re interested in, I suppose I can train you. Master E-Sumi-Yan is not one to misinterpret talent when he see’s it.”

Azlyn grinned. “Alright, that sounds good to me.” She pumped her fist in the air, eager to learn new things. 

Kida exclaimed, “Oh! Roll—tell her what permission you received!” 

The conjurer smiled, “Our Free Company, Fated, has been approved of by the Gridanian Officers. Congrats team, we have ourselves an FC.” She placed her hand out in front of Kida and Azlyn. 

Azlyn reached her hand over so that it laid upon Roll’s. Kida followed the action shortly after, her hand playfully clapped on top of their waiting palms. 

“To our new group, Fated!” Kida cheered, and started to celebrate with her friends. Azlyn chuckled softly while Roll nodded in approval. It was no sooner after they cheered that a few other Gridanians who were enjoying the peaceful environment turned a sour glance their way. Excusing themselves as politely as they could, they escaped further into Old Gridania to the Miu Khetto’s Amphitheatre where the empty benches tiered in sections down toward the stage. 

There looked to be a few dancers practicing on the stage. Kida watched them practice, watching their every detail as they performed. Roll leaned back on the bench and Azlyn continued to rest. 

They remained that way for a good portion of the day, until Roll stated she needed to get ready for her night fishing expedition. Kida decided to pick up more battle levequests, and Azlyn decided to call it a day. She bid her friends farewell for the time being, and teleported back to Limsa Lominsa. Tomorrow she’d meet with her friends from Sharlayan, and follow what the fates had in store for her. 

She already felt the difference in weather, as the humidity from the ocean clung onto her. The sea breeze wrapped itself around her like a soggy wet blanket. She was about to reach out to the crystal, to teleport over to the Aftcastle, but someone caught her sleeve. She stopped in her chant to look at a young arcanist breathing heavily. 

“What’s wrong? Is everything okay?” She asked, not sure what had happened. 

The young arcanist shook her head. “Please help—Foreseer K’lyhia—she’s in danger!” 

Azlyn narrowed her eyes. “What do you mean. What happened?” 

The girl shook her head. “We were sent out to Aleport to do an investigative search on some materials being shipped in. We were overrun by some pirates on the port—K’lyhia sent me to find help!” She started to shake—it was obvious this girl was worried by what had happened. 

Azlyn took a deep breath. “What’s your name?” 

“M’laya.” She sniffed. 

She reached a hand out to place on the girl’s shoulder. She smiled. “M’laya, go to Melvaan’s Gate and inform interim Guildmaster Thubyrgeim what has happened. I’ll go to Aleport and see what I can do to help.” 

The girl nodded. Azlyn waited for her to run off to the crystal, to teleport herself over to the guild. Azlyn brought forth her grimoire and thought about the Aether crystal that resided in Aleport. She felt the aether wrap around her, lifting her off the ground and teleporting her to the port. 

She remembered there were several docks that Melvaan’s Gate did their inspections—and saw a few thug-looking individuals tying up three individuals. She recognized K’lyhia unconscious, along with their accompanying Arcanist and Marauder. 

Azlyn summoned her carbuncle and charged into the middle of it. “I suggest you stop right there.” She snapped open her book, her eyes lit a blazing red as she started to cast spells.

One of the thugs stopped in his rope tying to gasp. “N-No! It’s—It’s the—“

Another one smacked the panicking male on his sternum. As he started to cough at the impact, the other narrowed his eyes to her. “No witnesses! Take her down!”

Azlyn ordered her carbuncle to attack, and then began to assess the situation. Mathematically and tactically speaking, she didn’t have the upper hand—however it was her responsibility to turn it into her advantage. She smiled, “I’m going to need you to Ruin yourselves.” 

She blasted the two thugs with a powerful burst, timing it with the wind attacks her carbuncle were flinging at them. Both were flung off the ports, as Azlyn positioned herself to better protect her friends. When the thugs attempted to swim back into the docks, Azlyn was waiting for them with a wicked smile. Happily, she raised her flexed a ruin spell in her hand, ready to send it into one of their faces. “Give me two good reasons not to ruin you both.”

The two started to sputter, the seawater bubbling at their lips as they panicked. Azlyn smiled. She was about to let the spell release, until heavy footfalls came behind her.

“What’s going on here?!” Three Yellowjackets were running over with their weapons drawn. Seeing that she had already taken control of the situation, they turned to the two thugs gasping for air in the ocean water.

“Apprehend them.” The lead officer of the Yellowjackets commanded, and the other two officers went to remove the thugs from the ocean. Seeing that her offensive magicks were not needed, she dropped her spells to turn to the three from Mealvaan’s Gate. She quickly went to untie the ropes.

Groggily, K’lyhia stirred. “Ughhh.”

Azlyn brought out a potion from her bag. “Here, drink this.”

K’lyhia drank it with a bitter expression. Helping Geissfryn and Aersthota with similar remedies, Azlyn helped bring them awake with her potions. 

When the Yellowjackets left the docks with the two thugs in tow, Azlyn replied coolly. “What happened?”

K’lyhia frowned. “It was no more than a routine inspection—I daresay the new recruit probably is crying her eyes out.” She flexed her arms trying to get the feeling back into her limbs. Then when she was limber, she hopped into a small boat that the thugs had prevented them from boarding. “Geissfryn, Aersthota, Azlyn we must go and assess the goods on that ship.”

All three jumped into the small ship, sailing the tiny boat out into the evening. The ocean was calm as K’lyhia narrowed her eyes. “Since their welcoming party at the pier tried to deter us, I expect—with a probability of 85%--that our arrival will incite further belligerence. Our objective, however, is not to trade blows, but to gain access to the hold. It may behoove us to employ ‘Strategem Hardhead’.”

The other two nodded, while Azlyn had to think back to their previous lessons in the basement beneath Mealvaan’s Gate.

“The aim of our opponents is to buy time so that suspect goods may be tossed into the ocean. I do not intend to give them that time. We will bull our way towards the cargo hold as quickly as we can.”

Azlyn felt the lightbulb light up in her head. That was why the strategy was called hardhead. “Oh…”

K’lyhia pulled from her bag a small medicinal herb to chew on. “It is a tactic with risk, but one that your presence makes possible. Shall we begin?” Aersthota steered the rutter in the rear. She gave a silent nod, as her axe laid to bare on her back.

Geissfryn took to the front of the ship. Hunkering down, he said. “This time I won’t let them get past our defenses.”

K’lyhia nodded. “Yes, together we shall pull through and complete this task anon. Azlyn, on your go.”

Azlyn smiled, pulling up her book. “Let’s get rolling.”

The ship increased in speed, bouncing off the waves until they found a vessel weighing anchor in Lominsan seas. K’lyhia directed them to slow their trajectory, and to silent creep upon their ship without alerting too many of the guards.

Aersthota did as instructed, maneuvering the ship to run in the shadows of the night. They quietly approached the side of the ship, weighing anchor themselves and boarding up above. Aersthota went first, crawling up the access point in the rear starboard side, and then helped Geissfryn and K’lyhia up. Azlyn crawled up last, making sure to keep quiet as they walked on deck.

Although their subtlety was proven invalid as a man dressed in green sailor’s garbs crossed his arms, watching them from up above the main deck. He was smirking down to them, as he called out. “Good evening.”

K’lyhia stepped forward, solid in form. “I am Foreseer K’lyhia. By authority of Mealvaan’s Gate, I request that you surrender your goods for assessment!”

Azlyn could see he had a navigational telescope on his belt from up above, and assumed he might have been a navigator on this ship. She watched as he waved his hand in the air. “Well, now yer timin’ couldn’t be worse, lass. The ‘old door’s all rusted up, ye see. Bloody thing won’t open. Ye’ll have to come back another dar after we’d fixed the ‘inges.”

Azlyn scoffed. “Isn’t that a shame.”

K’lyhia raised her hand up in the air, her index finger held up. “I will see that cargo now. Any vessel entering a port of Limsa Lominsa is bound by law to submit to a routine inspection.”

Out from the ship, crew members started to pour out. From the decks below, and from up where the navigator stood. He grinned, pulling out his mighty axe as he snorted. “The law, is it? I reckon it’s time our ‘guests’ ‘ad ‘emsleves a little accident. Pitch ‘em over the side!”

Azlyn cracked her knuckles, grinning wickedly as she stepped forward. Aersthota and Geissfryn also came up to her side. “I’m afraid that’s not going to happen.”

The crew charged at them, Azlyn summoned her carbuncle to start blasting them away with huge gusts of wind. Aersthota pulled out her own axe, finding interesting ways to disarm the crew and knock them unconscious. Geissfryn casted spells to support them.

K’lyhia started analyzing the deck for possible entry points down into the cargo. Azlyn did the best that she could to keep the enemies off of Geissfryn, as Aersthota had her hands full with throwing people off the sides of the ship, and rendering the unconscious. They all were run haggard, probably from the earlier encounter with the thugs.

Azlyn summoned forth her strength, and a shiny amber formula flashed in front of her. Her emerald carbuncle shifted, morphing into a bright topaz colored carbuncle with spunk. It charged head first into all the enemies, knocking them to their feet allowing both K’lyhia and Aersthota to get the upper hand. It wasn’t long before the Navigator of the ship came at them, axe held up in his fury. Azlyn casted several status ailments his way. Aersthota took the lead on keeping his attention, and the remainder of the party attempted to whittle his strength and energy down to nothing.

When he collapsed onto his knee did K’lyhia deem it safe to proceed with their plan. They charged past the fallen men, pointing to a cargo hold that would lead them below into the ship. “A masterful display team. Now we can finally gain access to their cargo.”

She approached the door with steady footsteps, only for her to be knocked by as the door swung open in a wide arc. Azlyn witnessed the miqo’te with pink hair to fall on the deck. Her grimoire dropped from her hands in front of the doorway. Aersthota and Geissfryn went to her aid.

A man’s voice called from within the cargo hold’s door. “What ‘ave we ‘ere? It’s one o’ the bitch Admiral’s lapdogs, scamperin’ about me ship.” He stepped forward, the broad axe he carried in his hand. He was dressed similarly to the crew on the ship, albeit he had a strikingly familiar face. Azlyn could have sworn she’d seen it somewhere. Perhaps a wanted poster in Limsa?

“Yer just like yer mistress: always stickin’ yer nose in where it ain’t invited.” The man continued in his slow drawl. He stepped forward, and then landed his thick, heavy foot onto the fallen grimoire.

Azlyn gritted her teeth. “Get your foot off of that book, you red-bearded freak.”

The man turned to look at her. “Oh? I’ve heard rumors o’ ye Princess, forgive mine intentions.” He scoffed haughtily.

“N-no—it can’t be!” K’lyhia cried from the floor, her back pinned up against the mast as she stared up in horror. The Roegabyn captain slowly turned back to her.

“Heh. Recognized me pretty face, did ye?” Even with only one eye, he was leering down at her.

Azlyn took a step forward, but the hefty axe he carried lifted to prevent her from getting closer. She gritted her teeth.

“B-but you were caught—exiled—”

Aersthota knelt to K’lyhia’s side, seeing how distraught she was becoming. She lifted her own axe up in defense of the foreseer. “Foreseer! Are you hurt? Can you stand?”

K’lyhia cried, raising her hands up to her face to cower. “St-stay back! You stay away from me!”

Azlyn had never seen anyone react this violently to someone. While Aersthota tried to calm the foreseer, Azlyn started to pull out her own book. Her topaz carbuncle growling at her feet. It was waiting for her command to bite.

“—what are your orders?” Aersthota asked K’lyhia, who couldn’t stop shaking.

The man noticed Azlyn’s offensive stance, and he smirked to her. He removed his foot from the book and leaned down to pick it up. She eyed his movements with clear suspicion. “I’ve ‘ad enough o’ yer whimperin’. An’ I’ve certainly ‘ad enough o’ these bloody books. It’s clear ye ain’t learnin’ anythin’ from ‘em.” He regarded K’lyhia’s book in his hand with a disdainful eye, and with one look to Azlyn scoffed, chucking it behind it. The grimoire flew behind the ship, hitting the side of the hull and falling into the ocean below. “Reckon it’s time ye got a different kind o’ lesson.”

K’lyhia started to scream, scrambling back into the mast as he directly stared down at her. She started to panic, reaching over to Aersthota. Only she collapsed in a heap at the stress. Azlyn ran forward to block his view. She glared at him, and at how he loftily twirled his axe.

Geissfryn called out from the side, “K’lyhia! Nophica preserve us, she’s fainted. We must withdraw!”

Azlyn had no choice, as she needed to defend against the man that came charging at her. She swapped weapons quickly, shifting over to her own axe. She blocked his wide swing, looking back to Aersthota. “Hurry, get her and go!”

Azlyn swung her axe wide, preventing the men from attacking the rest. Aersthota carried K’lyhia onto her shoulder, falling back to the place where they initially climbed up from. Azlyn was still holding off the Roegabyn with her axe.

“Ah—let’s dance Bloody Princess, I’ve wanted a chance to face ye.” He darkly laughed, swinging haphazardly upon her. She had to dance around him, waiting for Geissfryn to get off the ship, helping Aersthota with K’lyhia. It wasn’t a long time, but to Azlyn she felt her strength diminishing against his. He was starting to overpower her as her knees started to buckle.

“Azlyn! Back to the boat! We have the foreseer!”

Taking this cue to retreat, she dodged the heavy swing from that dangerous man, and rushed to the side of the boat. She didn’t have time to rush down the ramp, as the man had tried to block her exit. Her only option was the dive into the ocean from the upper deck.

He seemed to have guessed her choice, as he tried to grab from her behind. She could feel her outer layer of clothing get tugged violently back. She could hear the sound of fabric ripping as she yanked the opposite direction. She let the piece rip off her arms and back as she fell into the ocean. The waves below took her down below. She swam hard, pushing herself up to break the top of the water. It wasn’t long before she felt a boat pull up beside her, to help pull her abroad.

She was soaking wet, her high-collared piece had been barely hanging onto her one shoulder. She stared up to the vessel she just escaped from, seeing the shadow of the man laughing down to them. She was starting to understand why K’ylhia had been so terrified of him. She could remember the last words he called out to her as she dove off.

“Mark me words Princess, ye’ll be in a cage o’ mine soon enough.”

Even as their tiny boat sailed back to Aleport, she felt a tinge of fear creep into her mind. She didn’t know if it was the cold water, the fact that she was soaked, or how her new shirt had been ripped asunder by her assailant with ease. Her shaking didn’t stop until they landed back in Aleport.

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