Travel to Another World because ROB asked me.

Chapter 49. Overpowered But Also Overstupid.


{3rd POV}


After the initial show-up, Enosh was literally beaten down, without any chance of fighting back at all. He has never been felt so humiliated, yet he also feels a bit afraid of the possibility that Satoru also finds his real body outside on the multiverse. 

He wouldn't dare to fight an enemy without figuring out their weakness.





Satoru keep throwing Enosh around yet he also didn't give Enosh a chance to even take a break. Satoru literally becomes so barbaric now and keeps hitting him around across the sky like a ragdoll.





Every time Enosh tries to muster dark energy to fight back, the energy itself immediately goes somewhere due to the effect of Encounter, which made him so powerless in front of Satoru. Enosh still can't figure out what is Satoru's real ability, but he knows at least his ability made him invulnerable, detecting his enemies, also negating his enemy power too. It also seems that Satoru also getting tired of attacking him either, which is also mindboggling.

Enosh really begins to think Satoru's ability is true omnipotence. It has no weakness at all.




With everyone else watching Satoru in the sky beating Enosh from afar.

Serafall, Ageha, and Momoyo were arrived first at the Satoru location, followed by the support team members. They are very much speechless about what they are currently witnessing.






A few seconds later, Iris also arrived with Eru which is her prisonner, also shocked at what they just witnessed.

"Enosh-sama!!" Eru who followed Iris also saw that Satoru beating his 'boss' was terrified.


"Is this true power of Satoru?" Iris muttered loudly.

In the sky, Everyone could see that Satoru doesn't give mercy to Enosh. Satoru keeps beating out of the crap supposed the final boss of this expedition. 

It wouldn't be surprising if Enosh developed PTSD after this ordeal, if he actually escaped that is.







The whole realm also fractured so badly that everyone thought they should escape real quick or they will be destroyed along with this realm. Their instinct scream to leave this place as the air get hotter, the ground gets darker and the sky is just so red that it looks like a scene of hell.

"This is nuts. I am glad that in our duel he doesn't even serious. Any of his current punch to Enosh could easily erase me. I really need to apologize later and never piss him off." Aconite said with a helpless tone.

"Yeah, Vampire boy. You should fix your attitude next time." Dulio responded.

"How about Susanoo right now?" Iris asked, looking at the support team there's no Susanoo among them.

"Since Enosh taking his power off, Susanoo has been stabilized. Before we come here, Ophis has taken him away." Sanzaemon replied.

"We might need to contact Ophis again to leave this place. The entrance was gone by the way" Aconite explained.

Eru meanwhile shivering and terrified looking at Satoru beating his 'KING' effortlessly. She now understands why Enosh didn't want to Eru face him alone.





"I wonder whats makes him so mad like that. He is snapped at the moment." Iris muttered.

"I think I know what made him mad like that... Poor kid." Ageha said with a tint of despair in her voice.

Ageha then pointed her finger toward Satou's corpse who laying in her own blood on the ground. Everyone then saw where Ageha just pointed also get shocked.


"Satou!! Oh no... no..."

At that moment, Iris was running quickly toward Satou's corpse and holding her. Satou was her favorite apprentice, which she also loves dearly alongside his brother. To find your own apprentice corpse, it is truly terrible experience.



She can't feel any breath or warmth on her, which indicates she has died for some time. Her tears immediately pour down as she saw that her beloved apprentice died. She wailed like a child who just lost her precious treasure.

"No... Why this is happening..."

She was just fine and healthy in the morning, and now she laying lifelessly in her arm. Iris hugs Satou's body tightly, as she really blames herself that this is happening.

"No... If only I could anticipate this..."

Everyone in the team also feels very bad, and can't imagine what Satoru currently feels right now. Some of them also love their sister/ brother very much, and they now understand why Satoru acts so mad barbaric right now, out of control. They would also be going mad if they saw their sibling get killed in front of them.

Like Iris, they also blame themselves. Some of them even thought that if they were fast enough, they thought they had a chance to save Satoru's sister. 

But now it is too late and only regret remains in their mind.









As all the team members currently mourn and dive down in self-blame, a loud sound of crack wakes them up. They look around and find the sky was literally largely cracked as if the realm itself divided into two.


After endless beating in a few minutes, In the end, Enosh can't figure what is true nature of Satoru's ability as he disintegrated into the realm itself. He just can't exist any longer. Satoru really didn't give him chance to regenerate and disabling his energy also didn't help.



The crack got larger, and their instinct told them that they need to escape as soon as possible from this world.

"W-We need to calm Satoru down, or he will destroy this realm!" Sanzaemon yelled out.

"But how old man?! I don't believe that he is in right mind at the moment." Aconite responded.

"How about escaping then?! The realm is already about to be destroyed as we speak. As much I admit, I don't want to die! My fans across the world would be sad!" Serafall also panicked.

"But we can't teleport! Serafall, do you find the anti teleport artifact?" Momoyo asked.

Serafall shook her head and replied. "No, I didn't. I am not even sure if something like that here!"

In the middle of confusion, Eru who is depressed because she just witness her savior getting killed responded. "...There is no artifact in this place, the reason why you can't teleport is because this whole realm is under Enosh-sama domain. This is the end."

"That explains a lot of things." Dulio explained.



Everyone getting even more panic as the realm is apparently in the middle of evaporating. Multiple holes leaked everywhere and were consumed by Dimensional Gap's chaotic energy which got into the realm itself.  The scene looks like something from a movie with the theme of the end of the world. It is also harder for them to breathe, and it feels the temperature also rises so fast. If literal hell was true, then this is might be closes one to describe the scene of hell. They really needed to escape before they are toasted. 

"Hello. I will bring everyone out as mother told me."

Lilith appeared floating above them without expression as she always does in the middle of their panic. 


"Lilith-chan!!" Serafall exclaimed.

Everyone who saw Lilith's appearance sighed in relief since she is their ticket to escape from this hellscape.

"Thanks to death god, how you find us?" Momoyo asked.

"This realm almost become part of the dimensional gap so both mother and I figure that you guys must be done. And it seems we are right." Lilith explained



More place has been cracked, remind them that it is not time for chatting pleasantly.

"Stop talking and bring us out first!" Aconite yelled to Lilith in a desperate tone.


Lilith look at them, and then the space around immediately changed to a dimensional gap. For dragon god, warping her location around was easy, especially when the owner of the domain was gone.



"I am not even realized we have teleported. As expected of dragon god." Dulio muttered.

Everyone sighed in relief as they were able to escape. Looking around them, they are currently inside dimensional gap within the protection transparent sphere. All members know though that the sphere meant was to protect them from chaotic energy around. 

"By the way, Where is Susanoo-sama?" Dulio asked.

"Mother bring him to somewhere else. He is okay, don't worry." Lilith replied.

"I was prepared to die, but never thought it will be turn out like this. I am glad I am still alive, even with all wound we got." Momoyo said. Ageha who besides her rival also nodded.

"We did lose someone though." Sanzaemon said as he look toward Iris, who holding her apprentice tightly.


Iris still mourning her apprentice in her arm. None of them stopping her though, even Lilith can figure what happened also quiet.

"By the way, Where is Vasco-san!? We forget him!" Momoyo asked.

"I think sensei is getting carried with his battle." Dulio replied as he shook his head.

"Don't worry, We know. Mother will get him away." Lilith answered.

"mmm.. That's why Ophis is not here, huh." Aconite responded.


With Vasco and Crom Croach still beating each other.






Two men punched each other in the midst of an atmosphere that was like something out of the end of the world. Both of them had wounds all over their bodies and tattered clothes, but the smiles on their faces showed they were actually enjoying their fight. Even when Crom lost his dark energy and got weakened, he didn't retreat and keep fighting his battle to the fullest. He is top 10 strongest not for nothing after all.

*Crack* *Crack* *CRAACKKKKKK*


A very loud cracking sound then made them aware of the situation around them, which is stopping their battle.

"Hey, Crom-san... Do you think... we should... stop right now?" Vasco asked slowly as he was kind of out of breath.

Looking around them properly, they are sighed together. The world around them was about to get destroyed and perhaps its too late for them to escape.

"That Satoru boy really broken. His power just out of the chart." Crom Croach muttered.

"I agree with that." Vasco nodded.

Both grown guys standing together watching the world around them crumble apart. They were just enemies a minutes ago, now they are having conversations like meeting an old friend.

"You... What is your name?" Crom Croach asked.

"Vasco Strada." 

"You are the only human who has pushed me this far, congratulation. I am actually having fun." Crom Croach said with a smile in his face.


"I bet Satoru can do what I do with you more easily..." Vasco said as he scratched his back head. Getting praised by one of the strongest beings is not something Vasco experienced every day.

"Well, as I said, he was broken, right? I mean he is a young human who was not in puberty ye but he was feared by Great Red and Ophis. I wouldn't even stand a chance."


"Well... I'm sorry. As an evil dragon, you aren't half bad by the way." Vasco said.

The two men communicated casually in the midst of destruction, again without caring about their surrounding. In the midst of their busy conversation, Ophis appeared above them.



"Ophis-san." Vasco said as he slightly bowed to dragon god.

"Your team member has been evacuated by my daughter. I am here to bring you out." Ophis said with a flat tone.

"Okay. But how about you, Crom-san?" Vasco looked at Crom Croach.

Crom Croach shrugged and responded. "I don't have anyone else to help me, I can sense it. That Gangster human also seems to have bitten the dust. And that masked girl was also gone. Rizevim, I had no idea where he was hiding right now. Hahahaha." 

"I will persuade Ophis to bring you with me but I guess you will be captured." Vasco said as he look toward Ophis.

"Hah! Do whatever you like, it is not like I would be able to resist her anyway! I am also a bit weakened now. It seems using that dark energy really have consequence hahahaha!!" Crom Croach cheerfully replied as he looked toward the floating loli dragon.

"I am okay with that. Let's be quick." Ophis replied as she raise both of her arms, doing a quick gestures to do warping.


Ophis quickly transported them out of the realm in a blink of an eye as her daughter did with the rest of the team members.




Vasco and Crom Croach were transported to the dimensional gap to the rest of the members, inside the sphere that Ophis and Lilith created to protect them from dimensional gap chaotic energies. Ophjs also quickly cuddled with her daughter again.

"Welcome back, Sensei. It seems you also bring prisoner with you." Dulio said as he stretch out his hand.

"Also?" Vasco confused.

Dulio pointed to Eru who was currently tied with blood rope by Iris. 

"Hey masked girl, I thought you are also bit the dust instead you got captured?! Hahahaha!" Crom Croach said while holding his stomach laughing.

"Leave me alone." Eru replied but she looked away.

"You are much depressed and less energetic, I see. So it was your facade." Crom Croach nodded in understanding.

"Shut up." Eru yelled out to him.

"You still have some of your haughty left though, hahaha!" Crom Croach laughing again. While he still laughing though, Aconite release another blood rope to tie him up like Eru.



"Ouch Ouch Ouch." Crom Croach is surprised that he also getting tied with blood rope. Eru who watched Crom Croach also getting tied feels amused. Crom Croach feels that he could break this rope easily, but with Ophis and her daughter.. he feels that later they will break his bone instead.

Yeah, Crom doesn't feel have a chance to escape.

"Anyway... where is Iris-chan? I know everyone tired but seriously, this is too quiet and I don't---"

Vasco put his hand on Crom, and pointed his other hand toward Iris. Crom Croach shut down his mouth immediately as he saw Iris still mourning her apprentice.


"Crom-san. I think you better shut up now." Vasco said to him.

"Alright alright, I might be an asshole but I am not a bastard. I know. Even I got standard to be asshole." Crom Croach muttered.



Not long after Ophis took Vasco and Crom Croach out of the realm, Satoru decided to completely destroy this realm with one strike. The realm would be destroyed on his own, but Satoru just feels want to do it.

Yes, Satoru even though in the midst of his anger knew that his team members were watching. He's actually not mad at all, Encounter suppresses all his feelings so he thinks rationally. He was just mad at Enosh, and he was mad that he didn't give Enosh any chance to do anything. After Enosh perished, Satoru waited for them to leave this realm, before he destroyed everything.

He already felt that he couldn't feel empathy anymore, even when he recalled what happened to his twin sister a while ago. He still got a lingering feeling that he should care, and that's what holding him from really going all out.


Satoru at least knew that he had nothing left. His sister has died, and he got no family members left. He decided to try to kill himself within this realm.

After confirming that all his team members were out, Satoru then created a giant Rasengan from the combined energy of Encounter and Imagine Breaker.



With a single strike, a gigantic explosion destroyed the Enosh realm completely.



The energy blast produced from Satoru literally broke apart the fabric of reality itself, which is something that he really hope to happen. He decided wants to kill himself.


And just like that, the realm turns quickly into a supernova explosion within the dimensional gap and made a dimensional crack.



Sadly, being stupid and forgetful as he is. He forget that Encounter would easily make him survive literally anything. Apparently, forgetfulness and lack of intellect weren't counted as mental damage. (LOL)

Also, this suicidal move would make Satoru immensely regret doing this in the future.


{POV: Matsuzaka Satou}


After farewell and doing a contract with LIV-sama, I feel my consciousness drafting away in the darkness... for a while.

I believe LIV-sama wouldn't lie to revive me. I will be back for my Onii-chan, and I won't back up.


Finally, I feel something. I feel weak. But I was able to feel something.

It seems I have been successfully revived.



I feel so weak, but at least I am back.

I tried to open my eyes, which immediately find myself in Iris-sensei's arm. I didn't feel hurt in my chest, I guess Iris-sensei healed me?

"SATOU!!" Iris-sensei yelled out of shock, which she immediately hugged me tightly in her arm.


Sensei wants to strangle me to death again! I am still weak!

"Oh, my satan it is miracle! Did hades really let you back alive again?!" Serafall also yelled out.

"I am glad! I thought I was going to lose you!" Iris frantically yelled out in happiness while keep strangle me. It seems despite sensei's usual harsh attitude, she really cares about me and my brother. I am glad.


After a minute of almost getting strangled to death again, Iris-sensei released me and let me sit down. 

I look around, and it seems a lot of people witnessed my revive. This is going to be a pain to explain. Also for some reason, we are in a dimensional gap? What happen after I died?

"Are you sure that you don't know what's happening?" Iris-sensei asked me.

"I... don't know..." I answered.

"You don't know, Satou-chan?" Serafall also asked.

I shook my head while showing a confused expression. I just need to make them believe that I had no idea. Acting is my forte after all. 

Besides I truly have no idea how the duck I got revived. I am doing my best to be expressionless so people here couldn't tell anything... like the dragon god who suddenly approached me.


"You... I feel strange energy. What is it?" Ophis asked me.

...Did LIV-sama do something to my body or my soul? I didn't feel any different.

"I don't really know." I replied.

"Interesting, Can I dissect you?" Ophis stated. 

...Did she really want to dissect me?

"Please no. *cough* *cough*" I answer and do a fake cough to show that I am still weakened.

"Here is water. Ophis-san, Satou was just wake up. I think we can save the answer later." Iris sensei said as she give me a glass of clear water. 

"Alright, but I will ask again later." Ophis said then she backed away after being told by Iris.

...It seems I am safe for now.

"Anyway, where is Onii-chan?" I asked.

As I asked that, Everyone looked away from me after I asked that. I wonder what is truly happened after I temporarily died?


After that, Iris-sensei explain to me that my brother went berserk after I died and destroyed that dimensional god along the whole world within it, which was explained by masked white girl bitch that the whole world was that thing body. That's actually made a lot of sense why that thing was so overpowered in that place.

And even with that, Onii-chan was said to beating him down without giving that thing time to fight back at all.

As expected of Onii-chan. He is really the protagonist as LIV-sama said.


Also.. I look toward Crom Croach and that masked girl snarking at me.

I need to do something to them, they know my secret after all. But for now, I need to find Onii-chan and stop him from using that mode further.


"So Onii-chan go nuts and destroy a world by himself. Got it. Can you find him, Ouroboros-sama? I need to stop him from doing stupid things." I said to Ophis.

Ophis shook her head and replied. "Don't worry about that boy. Red told me that he was able to secure him."

"Secure?" Iris followed.

"Red said that he tried to blow himself within that realm. But he was too sturdy to be killed just like that and now he should be with Great Red care. He was passed out." Ophis explained.


Everyone who hear that sighed in relief, some of them smiling widely and beginning to dance.. except me.

What I did instead was facepalming myself, which people around me got confused.

...It seems I didn't need to do anything after all. Onii-chan tried to kill himself, in that very mode that I was unable to kill him in the first place.

I am glad Onii-chan's stupidity is still there.

"Ano... Satou-chan, why you facepalm yourself?" Serafall asked me.

"I am glad Onii-chan is still stupid. I mean he literally tried to kill himself in that very mode who made him invincible." 





Hearing that, almost everyone included Ophis and Lilith facepalmed themselves and start laughing even more loudly. Some of them even rolled on the floor.

"Hahahaha!! What a stupid boy! I admit that he is overpowered but then I can't believe that he is also overstupid! HAHAHAHA!!" Crom Croach exclaimed.

"Hahahaha.!! I am sorry Satou-chan but even an old man like me finds this amusing!!" Sanzaemon also followed.

...After that, all of the members begin to party as their expedition turns out to be a huge success, Sanzaemon lets out all of his food supply, and even the prisoner is also urged to join the party, which is what Crom Croach exactly did.

Eru is still depressed though, but she occasionally looks toward Satou with a hateful gaze. Satou noticed this, and she really want to shut the girl up but she has promised the goddess. Perhaps the strange energy that Ophis check is related to the contract and I won't try my luck to disregard it.

"You really accept this easily. You act more... free than you usually do. Are you really okay, my apprentice?" Iris sensei asked me again.

"Yes, I am okay." I replied. 


...I didn't feel any physically different except feel much weaker now, but it should be because I was just back to life. However, I did notice that my mind was much more clearer now... Did LIV-sama clear my mind then from my special eyes influence?

I will need to find out later.


The cheerful situation continues for hours until Ophis remember to teleport them back to Kyoto.



{3rd POV}

...Flashback a bit when Satoru still beating Enosh.


While Satoru fighting against Enosh, ROB sits watching them in front of the television while eating popcorn. He is sitting in the couch and genuinely having blast watching our protagonist berserk and beating his enemy to death.

*Nom* *Nom*



(What I imagine ROB human appearance, shady guy lol)

"Man, I can't believe he is so entertaining to watch. That's high-quality drama you got there. I am proud of myself for making this plot. That boy turn out more overpowered than he should be, but eh.. It will make the plot much more interesting now."

"Ohhh... so you are really the one who behind all of that, my beloved brother?"


LIV appeared behind ROB, and she look mad.

"S-Sister!! You are supposed to be resting. Why you are here? Are you okay now?"



"Now explain, why you are doing all of this?"


"Crap." ROB muttered under his breath.

...It will take a long time before ROB was able to be forgiven by his sister.


Now this arc is officially done, the next chapter should be the aftermath and consequence of all this thing. Some might saw what is coming since I have spoiled it back in chapter 20 or something.

The pace is too fast? Let's just say that's how fast Satoru literally overpowered his enemy. He is just that OP. So there it is... instant annihilation. And I just want this ended for now, lol.

Summary :

  • Enosh literally gets rekt by super ultra instinct Satoru.
  • Vasco and Crom Croach beat each other with no care, then they have become best friends.
  • Satoru tried to kill himself by trying to die along with the world he is about to destroy but failed. He is too OP! It is also opened dimensional crack too, (which is means, a problem).
  • Satou revived and got questioned, She got Ophis's attention

As always, tell me if there's something wrong. No editor. 

I can't wait back to slice of life again since that's much easier to write lol.



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