Trapped On A Vampire Cruise With No Power!

23: One Sip And You’re Mine

      Stupid humans, and stupid Kyle! Maggie wanted to scream out loud, but stifled her outrage. Her anger was a boiling tempest that could barely be held below the surface. Maggie’s dark hair was clammy and clung to her brow, she felt like her entire body was still in a state of flux. She still felt out of breath, and her body was desperate for some post cordial bliss. Anger made it difficult to appease that sensation. Between the storm raging outside and the one deep within her loins, Maggie was unable to relax. She pulled her underwear up her thighs and grabbed a bra from her open luggage bag. Her breasts were sore from all the grabbing. Kyle really enjoyed fondling them, apparently he preferred boobs over asses. It was a welcoming change, or so Maggie thought, her previous girlfriend had been in love with her bottom cheeks.

      Her purse slipped from the edge of the bed, causing her to curse and bend over. She could feel Kyle’s little soldiers spreading within her loins while her breasts pulled her down. There were several loads of his spent essence flooding toward her womb at that very moment. Maggie bit her lip just thinking about how much she let things get out of hand. She barely noticed it each time Kyle came inside her, in her drunken state she cared only for enjoying a new position after each finishing thrust. It was easy for her to admit that, perhaps, she let things get a little overboard. However, the truth was Maggie had been acting purely on raw instinct. 

      She picked up the purse and stood upright again, already her underwear was sticky and moist. The purse was soft in her fingers, and its touch ignited another memory she didn’t want to relive. The small thing was yet another remnant of her previous girlfriend, it was a gift she couldn’t bring herself to throw away. Just having it stirred a flood of emotions. Rage mixed with buried remorse to create an ocean of confusion in her heart. 

      Maggie found herself tearing up without realizing it. She rubbed her eyes so that Kyle wouldn’t see them. Her bra was still unlatched so she hooked the clasp behind her back and breathed a sigh of relief. The wind outside increased, growing harsher. It was enough to make her skin crawl and the welts on her neck itch. The bruises on her neckline would likely take time to heal, Kyle objected to it at first but she managed to goad him into lightly choking her. After the first few hours he gained some confidence and tightened his grip…just the way she liked it. 

      Another bang of thunder caused her to jump in shock. It was hard but Maggie knew she had to control her anxiety. Each time a bolt of lightning struck it made her hands shake, and caused a distant memory to haunt the periphery of her vision.

      “Hey, I’m really sorry. I’m sure theres a pharmacy on board, maybe they’ll have some medicine or sometime?” Kyle spoke sincerely. Unlike her, he had been quick to put on a pair of boxers once they were finished. They were loose and impractical around his waist. 

      Maggie didn’t look at him, she merely put on a t-shirt and tried to find a pair of sweat pants. She had a hard time getting a solid read on him. He was comforting, and that was enough to make her feel safe with him. But his lack of self awareness was concerning. She couldn’t decide if he was a genuine imbecile, an utterly forgetful fool, or a selfish asshole. Then again…Maggie supposed she wasn’t practicing self awareness either. 

      Maggie pulled out the flask in her purse, she also had a small collection of vodka shooters. Some of them were empty. With a twist of the top notch, she opened the flask and took a long swig. Three days into their cruise, Maggie no longer felt the sting of the alcohol as it washed down her throat. In fact it was a welcoming chaser to the taste of Kyle’s manhood. She coughed after realizing there was a stray hair in between her teeth. 

      “Haven’t you had enough?” Kyle’s voice rang true. 

      To answer him, Maggie turned around to face him and downed yet another swig. Her flask was half empty now, she would have to refill it soon. 

      Kyle just sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. His bare chest attracted her attention yet again. Men were always troublesome for her, it was one of the reasons why she preferred women. But when it came to men, physical fitness was an absolute requirement. That and a soft demeanor. Men who were willing to take a punch, and could take one, were far more attractive to her than those who were all to eager to give one. This man oozed strength, his pecks and shoulders were slabs of steely muscle and his abdomen was chiseled like a greek god. 

      But he was still troublesome…

      Just as Maggie began to take another swig, the door to the restroom flew off its hinges. Maggie spit out her drink and watched as a frail shadow was cast from the restroom and thrown across the cabin like a rag doll. Sophia slammed into the wall on the far side of the room and collapsed on the floor with a thud. Maggie and Kyle just stood in stunned silence as Sophia moaned in pain. 

      “What the f—k!” Maggie dropped her flask. 

      Sophia rolled onto her side slowly, she was too disoriented to get up. 

      “Sophiaaaaaaa…” The voice cut through the air like a knife. Maggie could feel the hairs on the back of her neck stand straight. Rebecca’s voice was the most terrifying thing she had ever heard.

      “Oh shit!” Sophia moaned. She crawled under one of the beds as if somehow that would offer her some protection. 

      “Where did you go, little Sophiaaaa?” Rebecca’s hand reached out to grab the door hinge as she slowly advanced into the main cabin. Maggie and Kyle both took a step back in fear.

      The bed was too small to fully conceal her, causing Sophia to panic. “Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!”

      Rebecca took another step forward, her malice was palpable. She was completely naked, yet nothing about her posture was attractive. Her ivory breasts bounced with each step in a way that made Maggie feel a little envious, but her eyes were so fierce it was hard to avoid their gaze. The vampires blonde hair seemed to glow around her as she looked down at Sophia’s legs poking from underneath the mattress. Rebecca advanced swiftly, her eyes never seemed to blinked. “Oh there you are Sophiaaaa.” 

      “SHIT!” Sophia shrieked. 

      Rebecca lunged like a wisp, her body seemed to glide in the air as she charged. The vampire landed on top of the bed Sophia was hiding under, and then squatted down like a predator about to pounce, “Found you…..” Rebecca grinned, her teeth were bared and sharp.

      “Um….aren’t you going a little overboard Reby?” Maggie asked, trying to distill the tension in the room. She doubted Rebecca would actually hurt the poor girl, but her sudden hostility was frightening. Maggie tried to take a step forward but found herself pausing in mid stride. 

      “Please save me!” Sophia whimpered. 

      It was then that Maggie noticed that the human had kept to the restroom. Slowly Rose snuck a peek into the cabin. She glanced over to Maggie, “I have no idea what’s going on.” 

      Maggie gleamed at her accusingly, of course the human started this. 

      “It seems that someone just doesn’t get it” Rebecca spoke directly to the girl hiding under her feet. “Rosie is mine, you cant have her! You can’t touch her, you can’t look at her, you can’t even think about her! Her delicious blood is off limits! Do you understand little Sophiaaaaa?” 

      Kyle was too scared to move. Maggie looked over to him nervously then back to Rebecca, “Reby you have a crazy look in you’re eye.”

      “Please don’t hurt me…” Sophia begged.

      Rebecca sneered, “I’m not sure you truly understand yet. What do I have to do to make you get it?”

      Sophia poked her head out, her eyes pleaded with the vampire stalking over her, “Please let me go…”

      “Repeat after me,” Rebecca suddenly leaned forward with her teeth fully exposed, “Rosie belongs to the stunningly hot Rebecca, and I’m a little slut who isn’t fit to even step in her shadow. Also tell the beautiful, and drop dead gorgeous, Rosie your sorry.”

      “All of that!” Sophia could tell Rebecca was serious and tried to comply, “Rosie…Rosie belongs to you and I’m a stupid—.” Sophia began.

      Rebecca cut her off sharply, “You can’t call her that! Only I can call her Rosie!” 

      “But you said to repeat after you!” Sophia stammered. 

      “Don’t tell me what I said! Just repeat it!’ Rebecca interrupted her objections while slamming a fist into the floor next to Sophia’s face. 

      “I’m trying!” Sophia cried out.

      “Don’t make me cut you!” The vampire’s voice made Maggie’s heart skip a beat. 

      Maggie took a few steps forward, just enough to get within arms reach. She tried to lightly touch her friends shoulder but found herself hesitant. 

      Sophia cried out, “I’m sorry! The human belongs to you, THE HUMAN BELONGS TO YOU!” 

      “Not quite what I asked you to repeat, but I guess that’ll do.” Rebecca smiled, “Aaaaaand?” She leaned in closer to her prey, her eyes somehow seemed sharper than her teeth.

      Sophia whimpered, Maggie watched as she looked over to Rose and instantly shuddered as Rebecca drew inches away from striking her. “Im sorry!”

      “Ok,” Rebecca’s tone suddenly changed. She stood up and pounced off the bed as if nothing had happened. Her wavy blonde hair sparkled in the sweaty air, her eyes were sapphire jewels in the darkness. Maggie gulped as Rebecca took up a position near the center of the cabin, in between Sophia and Rose. “So I guess we should pack up and go to you’re room right?” Rebecca asked Sophia. Her head leaned to the side as if she were going crazy.

      Maggie wasn’t one hundred percent sure, but she could’ve sworn the girl hiding on the floor had pissed herself. A small puddle had grown at the base of Sophia’s feet. Maggie supposed it could’ve come from the open flask she dropped but wasn’t sure. 

      “Hey guys,” Rose spoke up for the first time. Rebecca instantly rushed to her side and wrapped her arms around her protectively. Maggie noticed the human was also naked, but she tried to cover herself as best she could. Rebecca had her arms around the woman’s chest, her head rested on Rose’s shoulder. The human continued, “Why is my suit case lodged in the window?”


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