Trap Online

New Roommate

After a meal with my daughter, I decided to give my old friend a call. Her name was Victoria. She went to MIT and was a fucking genius their multiple doctorates in various institutions. She had been in universities since she was twelve and she was the same age as me. I met her when she was on her sixth doctorate, and she was at a business class learning what she could about business; I sat beside her, and although she was a genius, she struggled with business, though. We became close friends, but neither of us was sexually interested in each other. I was busy with classes, and she was even busier, and neither were interested.

My daughter went home after a promise I wouldn't just head home and go do something. I called Victoria, and she answered.

"Rick, how the Fuck ya been?" I heard on the phone, and I smile.

"Honestly, Victoria, I have been better."

"What's wrong, you are always the Driven type?!"

"I achieved my fucking dreams Victoria. What about after that?" I ask.

"That's a question I haven't asked myself, Rick but one sec." I hear furious typing. "Oh fuck ya, I see what you mean you were driven to do shit, Rick, but you were quick about it. Hell, the people you have picked up are driven. You seem to be the next billionaire now too. Shit knowing you after letting others take over the main shit, you are bored out of your mind."

"You read me too well, Victoria," I sigh, "I will be honest. I adopted a daughter after my success, and My family disowned me, Victoria. I gave them too much money, and they went at it like they won the lottery and disowned me for trying to teach them spending habits-. You know what, Victoria, where you at let us talk over a meal if you have the time. I need a friend and a favor."

"Sure, Rick, you never asked me for anything while I have asked you for shit over the years. I am in New York at the moment."

"I live here in New York; let's hit The Hilton hotel restaurant or some fucking random diner Victoria, and we can catch up."

"Sure, Let's see, there is a diner on 34th and 91st. Want to meet there? in say an hour?"

"Ya, see you then."

I hang up and walk there slowly. It wouldn't take me too long, and I just go with the flow and reach there in roughly forty minutes. I grab a table and get some water. I wasn't hungry since I just ate with my daughter.

I didn't wait long when a tall blonde woman entered the diner. She was at least six feet, and with the clacking of her heels, she walked over to me. She had nice double D breasts and a heart-shaped ass. She looked fantastic as always. She wore a one-piece dress that accented her body perfectly in black. She was a woman that spit in the eyes of stereotypes and actively used it against people to her advantage. She also looked out of place in this diner.

I got up and waved her over, and we hugged. I looked like a shrimp, and my Face almost planted directly into her cleavage. We laughed at my height again and sat down.

"I will be frank, Rick, you look like shit." she started, and I laughed. It had been a while since I laughed, and I smiled a self-mocking smile.

"Honestly, Victoria, I can't fight that statement. I do not know what to do with myself these days. Make a large number in my bank even larger? Become a philanthropist? Oh, wait, that second one I am. I donate so much the government gives me tax cuts larger than the amount I donate. So that's out. I feel like I am falling into a hole Victoria. But today, one of the reasons I called you is my daughter forced me out of my apartment and got me interested in your game." She smiles at me. "I understand if you cant, but can I get two pods of your product installed in our apartment. I need this favor." I just get it all off my chest.

"Rick, I am kinda insulted. The amount you helped me in business and finance in school, I would never have got this far!" She berates me, "You were my first Investor Rick the first person to believe in me. No matter how many degrees's I had, they all thought I was delusional until you invested in me. You might have been an Engineer Major, but you missed your calling in economics. Rick, your a genius with investments. People follow you, Rick! You saved my dream. And you question whether I can give you two pods?!" I admit that She was right that I wasn't even expecting that much from someone I helped. "Of fucking course, I will, Rick. I know I should have kept up more with you, but I worked hard to show you that you could believe in me. I accomplished my Dream and made VRMMORPGS real. I won't deny Rick it kinda hurt me that you ask so little after so much." she sighed, "But that is also just fucking like you. It's part of your fucking charisma, Rick; you never expect people to follow you politely ask them things, and if they say no, you just go okay and convince someone else. When you do someone a favor, you never expect it back. When you do call in a Favor back, it's so fucking minor that I want to pull my hair out. How do I pay you back, Rick? How the Fuck can I pay you back!"

"I don't need a favor paid back, Victoria; I ask if you don't want to. I see no reason for guilt trips, and I see no reason to push. I will do it myself, you know me. My daughter Gloria is moving back in with me for the summer, and I will kick her back to Harvard after."

"Why, Rick? We both know she shouldn't leave for the Summer if she can connect with alumni is the best thing she can get. You know this. Why is she coming back? And I know it's not money. Tell me the real reason." She was intent on getting my answer.

I told her this morning, and she looks in horror at me.

"Call your daughter now." She states I am surprised I had never seen this side of Victoria. "Now Rick," I call Gloria, and she picks up almost instantly.

"Daddy, is everything okay?" She asks worriedly about my sudden call.

"Hi, Gloria I am Victoria, Rick's friend. I want to let you know that I will be moving in with him so you can focus on school. I will send you a pod to fulfill your challenge with your father, but a Havard student should stay at school and make relationships with alumni. The summer is important for you, and as a good friend of Rick's, I will not let anything happen to him."

"Umm, Hi Victoria, that was a Nice rant to greet me with. Look, I am driving, and we need to have coffee. I have never met you, and although I remember some vague times my dad has mentioned you, I can't say I trust you with a simple conversation. How about this, I was going to drive to my friend's place to calm down, but I can come back to my dad's and bring some food since I doubt he has anything good there. We can chat and get to know each other."

"That sounds lovely. I would love to meet you; in fact, I am a little mad at your father for not telling me ahead of time he has a daughter," She gave me the stink eye, "I would love to come. Can we head there now?"

"No, we can't. I have the place being cleaned. They need another hour before it will be ready at least. Just chat for a while or go for a walk until it is done; they will call me when they are done. I will call then, and we can meet up. I am stopping at my friend's. I need to calm down but thank you for calling Victoria."

"No problem, Gloria, I will talk to you soon. I will definitely keep your dad occupied" with that, she hangs up my phone. I just look at it. I don't know how to feel. I never thought Victoria thought like this about me.

"I am mad at you, Rick. I can't believe the state your in and Never called me. I am so mad at myself too. Don't worry, though; you will get through this, okay?" I do not know how to respond, so I just shrug which was decidedly the wrong thing to do.

For the next couple of hours, Victoria and I walked around the streets of New York before My daughter called, and My place was cleaned. We headed to my place and went up to my place. I was just here hours ago, but it felt so much different. Victoria looked around.

"Just like you, Rick modern style and neutral nothing to stimulate. I never got that about you; no particular tastes towards anything. It is endearing and annoying." She sighed again. She looked around as I just checked how clean the place is. I see it was done very well and very professionally. I went to my room's closet to make sure no valuables went missing. Nothing disappeared, and I was happy with the companies professionalism. I should get their name from my daughter and invest they do this good of a job, and their employees seemed trustworthy.

I call the security and ask the companies name. I get it, and I walk over to my computer and do some random work. Victoria was looking around the house, and I left it to her didn't really have secrets, so I let her wander. I found the company and called one of my investment lawyers and get him to pick up some shares or invest in the company. I hang up, seeing Victoria now in my room doorway.

"Who was that, if you don't mind me asking," she simply asks, and I give a self smoking smile.

"The place is immaculate and quick. I don't see any thefts or anything like that, just a really good job. So I just decided to invest whether it works out or not. I don't care; just felt like it since they did a good job." I explain.

"No wonder you're so bored. Your instincts are spot on when it comes to investments. Look at me." She smiles, and I smile back. It was nice having her in my life again. I really needed a friend. "So I decided to claim the free room beside yours, Rick. I am not leaving you alone here for an extended time, so you have no say I called some movers to get my stuff and bring it over." There was no question, and I trust her, so I have no argument.

"Look at you, Rick. I would at least get some token resistance before, but you can't even muster the mood to joke or anything even if you agree I would get something. This depression has you bad." She states, and I don't argue; I just can't muster the want to do anything. "Alright, I will stop calling you out on it. I called the installation part of my company and decided to install some pods here tomorrow. We will both play, and I will have one set up in your daughter's home at school." I smile as my original objective had been fulfilled, but I got some extras I didn't expect.

I hear the door open. It seems my daughter just got home.

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