Transmigrated Into Another World: Aim to be the Noblewoman’s Butler

Chapter 6: Winds of Fate

Larc sighed as the two ladies continued to bathe each other with their own malicious auras. With their chilling smiles and glares as sharp as swords, the two maidens engaged in a silent duel.

Juliette, being a little taller than Claudia, looked down on her with a smug smirk. Her movements and body features gave off an aura of elegance and beauty that clearly surpassed that of the princess.

Claudia however, had a trump card of her own. Her smaller body and cute features pulled an indescribable feeling from the opposite sex of the need to protect. It should also be noted that despite the disadvantage in height, her bust size was a whole letter bigger than that of her adversary.

"Larc, I'm awaiting your answer, you know?" 

"Yes, sir Larc. I too wish to be enlightened as to what you're relationship is to this woman."

Without taking their eyes off of each other, the two ladies beared down on the man in question.

[Haaaa.. how troublesome.]

Larc was becoming more and more frustrated by the situation. His past panic and rants inside his head were now slowly being replaced with displeasure.

Moving between the two ladies, he first faced the princess.

"Your highness, this one is neither from a noble house nor a wealthy family. This one is the personal butler in waiting of lady Juliette."


"That's right!"

The Princess's surprised shout broke the heavy tension in the atmosphere. In response, lady Juliette showed a triumphant smile as she looked down on the confused princess.

Not wanting to believe what she had just heard, the princess quickly closed the distance between Larc and herself and looked at him with upturned eyes.

"S-surely you jest, yes? Please tell me you're joking!"

"I'm afraid not, your highness. I truly am the personal butler of lady Juliette."

"That's right, he is! He's mine!"

Feeling the strength leave her knees, the princess desperately tried to keep herself from collapsing on the spot.

[This.. this can't be!! Such a kind and compassionate man in the service of such a vile woman?? Whyy??? What kind of joke is this!!!]

Claudia shouted inside of her head as she stood there in disbelief. She couldn't make sense as to why a man of such caliber and quality would be a mere servant, what's more, a servant to a detestable woman (in her eyes).

"And? How did you meet.. that, Larc?"

Hearing Juliette's rude address to her, Claudia shot a glare to her adversary from the back of Larc. But the the young lady of house Carmine felt that she had already won this first duel and paid her no mind as she continued to question her butler.

Larc, becoming more and more displeased by the continued rude remarks to the princess, turned around and faced Juliette, he then offered a slight bow before answering.

"Yes, I got acquainted to her highness back when we went to the tailor shop to pick a dress for my lady. After finishing the transaction, I encountered her highness in the town square and helped her with her troubles."

"Hooh? So you have the time to be helping other things when I'm not around, is it? I think my pet needs more disciplining."

Not noticing Larc's ever souring mood, Juliette continued her onslaught of slights and words, much to the vexation of both her Butler and the Princess.

"My lady, I must request you to stop--"

"Stop referring to me as a thing!! I am a still princess, you know?! This slight could be seen as lése-majesté!!"

Being fed up with Juliette's constant mockery, Claudia cut off Larc and cried out in protest.

Hearing the Princess's threat, Larc quickly faced her and offered, yet again, another bow of apology.

"I must apologize for my lady's actions, your highness. She had just recently recovered from a sickness and as such, is still a little irritable, please be lenient on us just this time."

"Wha?-- Don't apologize to tha--"

"My lady?"

Before Juliette could protest, Larc's incredibly cold and chilling voice stopped her in her tracks. She was keenly aware that the only time Larc uses this voice is when he's incredibly and genuinely upset.

The mere thought of Larc hating her was enough to buckle her knees and dispel the silent duel she was currently having with the Princess, away from her mind. She could feel the tears welling up in her eyes as her chest tightened to the point of being hard to breathe.

"a-ah.. I-I'm.. ss-sorry.. Larc.."

Trying her best not to cry, Juliette meekly squeezed out those words as she hung her head down and clasped her chest.

Seeing this reaction from her, Larc felt a stinging pain in his chest. The last thing he wanted to do was to hurt his mistress's feelings. But he had no choice, he had to take action before things get out of hand.

[What was that?! How could a man as kind and compassionate as him express such a terrifying voice??.. but.. it's kind of cool.. I guess..]

The Princess stood there in bewilderment at the sudden turn of events.

The Juliette that was just recently bombarding her with rude and spiteful comments was now hanging her head dejectedly in shame. Frankly speaking, seeing her like that pulled a string in Claudia's heart, but now was not the time for that.

"Could someone explain to me what is going on here?"

A voice suddenly interjected.

The figure of the debutant, Prince Claude could be seen from the front. He showed an irritated face as he crossed his arms and glared at the group.

The first to speak was the Princess.

"O-onii-sama, you see--"

"Quiet, Claudia!"

The loud shout of the Prince that reverberated throughout the venue further drew in more spectators. In response, Claudia trembled and cowered behind Larc, beside the still looking down Juliette.

Claude then marched forward with heavy steps as he faced down Larc in an imposing manner.

"Who are you?? And why is my fiancé and sister hiding behind you?! looking sad like that?! Explain yourself!"

Larc was greatly displeased with the way the Prince shouted at Princess Claudia and at himself. He clenched his fists as he desperately suppressed his desire to deck this asshole.

Instead, he straightened himself up then offered a greeting to the Prince.

"Your highness, this one is lady Juliette's personal Butler in waiting. With regards to the lady's appearance, it is because she is feeling a little bit under the weather. As your highness knows, she had just recently suffered an illness."

Hearing Larc's response, the Prince looked at him from head to know as if trying to judge him.

[Black hair, almond eyes, not a bad face... Tsk, he's a bit taller than me.]

[Well, he's still just a lowly servant, and I'm a Prince. So I still win.]

He thought to himself as he finished his assessment.

"Well, it's fine then. Juliette, if you may, would you come here?"

The Prince extended his hand, expecting the young lady to hold it and come to his side. However, contrary to his expectations, Juliette didn't respond, she continued to hang her head down and stayed silent.

Seeing this, the Prince was infuriated.

[Why is this woman not responding to me?? I'm the Prince!]

"Did you not hear me?!? I said come here!!"

The Prince shouted once again. This time, however, he displayed his golden red magical aura for everyone to see.

Larc, feeling this violent intent, instinctively went into attack mode. Not minding that the threat came from the Prince, he crouched down low and readied himself to dash at and neutralize the origin of the aura.

When suddenly, a loud booming voice exploded in the far distance.

"What is the meaning of this commotion?!"

The voice of the King that carried a commanding tone reverberated throughout the entire courtyard. Anyone that heard it froze solid on the spot.

The Prince instantly withdrew his aura, while Larc, being subjected to the King's commanding tone, was pulled from his trance and realized that he had almost made the biggest mistake of his entire (both) life.

[..That was dangerous, I almost lost myself.]


He sighed and released the steam that had accumulated inside his body.

The King and the other heads of the great houses, including Duke Carmine, walked towards the group at the center of the commotion.

"What is the meaning of this? Why were you releasing your magic, Claude?! Explain yourself!"

King Willhelm was visibly angry as he beared down on the Prince with such intensity, it felt as though the air was thinning.

"Aa-aa.. ff-father.."

Claude found it hard to breathe, much less talk in the presence of the King. Seeing this, King Willhelm became even more enraged and started releasing his own magical aura.

The thickness and ferocity of the aura released by the King was astronomic. The crowd that had gathered before them suddenly began backing away from the furious monarch. Prince Claude stood there petrified, desperately gasping for air while Princess Claudia cowered in fear behind Larc as she held his arm.

Larc, that had so quickly sprung into action at the Prince's threat, was now frozen in fear. His instincts that have been honed to respond to danger instantaneously, was now ringing all the bells inside his head, telling him to turn tail and run away. This wasn't something he could win against, this was the fury and strength of the King of Seraphim.

"Willhelm, I'm afraid you're scaring off your subjects, please calm down."

The only person that had the willpower to call out to the King in this state was Duke Carmine. He grabbed the king's shoulder and eagerly calmed him down.

Realizing what he had just done, king Willhelm suddenly dispersed his intense aura as if never even being there in the first place.

He then faced his old friend and lightly bowed his head.

"Ah! Apologies, Jules, everyone! I got lost in my anger again!"

"You were always hot-headed to begin with"

Having been released from the King's aura, the prince and the princess both collapsed on the ground. Larc stood there petrified, not being able to move, while Juliette was still hanging her head down lightly holding Larc's sleeve.

"Idiot husband! What have you done now?!"

The angry shout of the Queen could be heard from the distance.

When the king and the duke looked over, they saw both the Queen and the duchess running to them at full speed.

"I knew I felt your aura you idiot husband! There you go again with your hot-headedness!"

"Dear husband! What happened?!"

The cry of both the Queen and the Duchess caused the King and the Duke to smile wryly.

Meanwhile, Larc was still sweating bullets from where he stood.

[W-what is this monster?! I have never felt such an intense mana.. is this.. is this really the strength of the royal family?! Shit!]

Larc's curse inside his head wasn't particularly aimed at anyone. He was just vexed about how powerless he felt against the might of the king.. and that he just barely managed to avoid pissing himself.


Having ended the party, the King and the Duke, along with the Queen, the Duchess, the first Princess and Larc, were now inside the King's private library.

After he recovered from the after effects of the King's assault, Larc calmly explained the circumstances to everyone present.

"Lady Juliette was feeling under the weather, so she asked me to accompany her and princess Claudia if she could show her a room she could rest in. But Prince Claude appeared and requested for lady Juliette. When she failed to answer because of her condition, Prince Claude took offence and released his aura, and the rest, your majesty knows."

The Prince and the princess were currently in a state of shock, while lady Juliette still wouldn't speak to anyone. So it fell into Larc to explain the situation.

Hearing this, the king cupped his chin as if in thought while the Queen kept hitting his head.

"Mhmm.. I see now that I over reacted."

"Idiot husband!! You always let heat get in your head!!"

The actions of the King and the Queen were, quite frankly, unbecoming of the royal couple. But they were currently alone in this library, so they could act looser than usual.

"You said your name was Larc, yes?"

Hearing the king suddenly address him, Larc stiffened up.

"Y-yes, your mm-majesty!"

[I can't look at this person the same way again]

Larc had once thought that the king was an airheaded fool that did nothing but mess around, but after experiencing his strength first hand, he now knew that this King was the real deal.

That same king was now sitting in front of him, leaning over while intersecting his fingers.

"Mhmm.. black hair, huh. Boy, where did you say you come from?"

[Déja vu]

"I come from the slums, your majesty, lady Juliette found me, brought me home. After that, she named me, clothe me, fed me, and now I serve her."

"Mhmm.. well, If Jorgé verified that then I have no complaints. You did well withstanding my aura that close. I commend you."

[Withstand my ass! I almost pissed myself because of you, you know?!]

".. I am not worthy of your praise, my King."

"Spoken like a true servant, you know you can be more proud right?"

"That would be impertinent of me, your majesty"

"Haaah, I give up. Very well, you are free to go."

"Yes, your majesty"

After that exchange, Larc turned around and began heading for the door.

As he was doing so, Duke Carmine called out to him.


"Yes, my lord?"

"Would you please go to where Juliette is now? Milin said that she still haven't spoken since then."

"By your will, my lord."

After confirming the duke's request, Larc exited the room.


Larc walked through the hallway of the palace towards the room lady Juliette was currently staying in.

As he did so, he passed by dozens of portraits of the past Kings of the kingdom, lined up in the walls. Seeing them, he unconsciously remembered the terrifying strength of the King he had just experienced.

[Were all of these people as strong as that King? And what about that ass? Would that little shit become this strong once he grows older?]

Imagining the ass Prince being of the same level as the current King sent a shiver down Larc's spine.

[The day that ass becomes as powerful as the King is the day this country becomes a ruin]

He casually dissed the Prince inside his head.


After Larc exited the room, the King then sent a glance at the Duke.

Understanding what that meant, the Duke then spoke to the duchess.

"Julia dear, would you mind stepping out for a bit? The king and I have something we have to talk about."

"Eh? Dear Husband, is it that important?"

"Yes, it is"

Seeing her husband's seriousness the Duchess understood and exited the room. What followed was the voice of the king.

"You too, Cecilia, Camilla. This is something only Jules and I can talk about"

"Wha? How dare you send me awa--"

"My Queen, please"

The King's earnest request was a huge blow to the Queen. She quickly turned away to hide her slightly blushing face.

"I-I'll concede for now, but I'll punish you a lot later. Do not forget that"

"Haah, I look forward to that, my queen."

"I-idiot! Idiot husband!"

The Queen said so in a fluster as she stormed out of the room, face red as a tomato.

"Then, father, father-in law. I shall also take my leave"

Princess Camilla said so as she also exited the room.

"Umu, take care"

"Thank you, Camilla"

After confirming that they were alone, the Duke sat down, opposite to the King.

"So, Willhelm, what do you think?"

".. I don't know, it's very peculiar that he was able to withstand my pressure directly without passing out, hell even Claude passed out afterwards. What did Jorgé say about that boy?"

".. He refused to tell me anything, except that, that boy wasn't lying when he told us that he came from the slums and nowhere else."

"Haah, that son of yours is really troublesome, you know? Or I guess I could also call him my son."

The King made a troubled smile as he rubbed his forehead.

Seeing this, the duke smiled wryly.

"He is very troublesome, especially since he can see right through lies, I can't hide anything from him hahaha"

"I wonder what will happen once he marries Camilla, the two of them both have strong personalities you know? Hahahah"

The two men laughed as they discussed the troubles their children would face once they marry in the future.

The Duke, seemingly having remembered something, suddenly gave a serious expression.

"Oh, I remember now, There was one thing that he told me about that boy"

"Hoh? Pray tell."

The King leaned forward as he said so. In response, the duke laid back on his chair and stared into the ceiling.

"He told me "I won't tell you anything, lord father. But know and remember this, the winds of fate have started moving." I don't really understand what that means, but that's what he told me"

"... that doesn't tell as much now does it? Hahaha!"

"You're right about that haha"

The two friends once again laughed together as the King pulled a flask from under his drawer and poured it into the glass.

"Well, here's to the winds of fate that started moving I guess."

"To the winds of fate"

The two said as they clinked their glasses together and drank the liquor inside.

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