Transmigrated Into Another World: Aim to be the Noblewoman’s Butler

Chapter 15: Second Confrontation

"Raise the gates! Lord Jorgé has returned!"

The sound of the watchman's command echoed within the walls as dozens of guards scrambled to form a line. With snappy movements that would not lose to those of the guards at the capital, the city watch of Sundgard raised their lances in anticipation to receive their lord.

To their surprise however, the lord's company looked somewhat spent and fatigued. The Elven lover of the lord, Danari, looked especially downhearted for whatever reason.

Seeing this, Jorgé drew close to her and called her attention.

"Mind your face, Danari" He whispered in a low voice as he rode beside her. "The people are taking notice."

"Ah- apologies, master. I did not notice that I was making a face." She stuttered.

"It's fine, it's fine. I mean, I can't really blame you, though. We did have a long journey."

"Yes, master. Indeed we have" She answered with a low, somewhat sad voice.

The entire trip to and from, as well as the subjugation itself, took almost a full week to complete, largely due to Larc's condition. The company needed to stop by multiple territories in order to resupply and rest, thereby extending and prolonging their return. Although it did play a part on Danari's gripe, the fatigue from the travel wasn't the only thing that was hanging over her head. Needless to say, she did fixed her posture and face as Jorgé began to ride past her and lead the company from the front.

While entering the city on horseback, the young silver armoured lord saw a tall figure running towards them, seemingly in a panic. He squinted his eyes, and upon further inspection he realized that it was his head knight, Lennox, who looked as if a dog who's master had just returned.

"Lord Jorgé!!" The black haired man exclaimed. "Thank god you've returned!"

Seeing a tall muscular man coming at it with great speed sent the horse Jorgé was riding into a panic. He pulled the reins of his horse and stopped it's gallop just a few feet away from Lennox.

"Heed, boy." He said as he calmed his horse. "This is unbecoming of you, Lennox. You startled my horse!"

"Apologies, my lord!" Answered Lennox. He bowed his head a couple of times before drawing closer to the lord.

"We have a problem, my lord! You just arrived in time!" He whispered in a panic.

Words cannot describe the feeling of exasperation that Jorgé felt when he heard those words. He had a grasp on what could've happened that would send this Lennox in the state that he was in now.

[I had a feeling that this would happen.] He thought to himself as he rubbed his forehead. [I guess this is just my own actions coming back to bite me in the ass.]

"Let's head back quickly" He said while giving a glancing look at the carriage and Danari.

[This isn't gonna end well.. especially moreso for me] He sighed to himself as he smiled wryly.


"My lady, please calm down!"

"Princess, this is unbecoming of you, please steel yourself!"

"Call the healers, quickly! Something bad might happen!"

"Where is the lord when you need him?!"

The servants scrambled about in a panic as two young women stood on opposite sides, bearing down on one another. One of them had silver blonde hair styled into drill like spirals, while the other had Crimson red hair that was braided exquisitely. Both of which were exuding their mana from their bodies, manifesting their affinities.

"I did not think you would go this far west to try and steal my belonging, Princess Claudia." Said one of the ladies as torrents of water spiraled around her, her sapphire eyes glaring like the deep ocean.

In response, the younger lady crossed her arms as crimson flames raged beneath her threatening to devour everything around it, her Ruby like eyes glittering against the shine of her flames as she glared back.

"I did not come to steal from you, Lady Juliette." She scoffed while raising her eyebrow. "I simply came to accompany my dear sister. And besides, he's not yours to begin with."

"Wha--- you vile woman! He's mine!"

"He's not!"



""You take that back!!"" The two yelled in unison as they growled at each other. Amidst the standoff of the two ladies, a third one was watching with an amused look to her face.

"Ara ara, this is going to be interesting." She whispered while sipping her tea.

"Your highness Camilla! Please do something about this!"

Hearing the plea of the concerned handmaiden, the first Princess of the Kingdom of Seraphim as well as the future Duchess of the Carmine Duchy, Camilla, turned around and smiled mischievously.

"Ahh, but isn't Jorgé almost here now? I think I'm going to let him stop this one."

Camilla was in fact pretty upset with how Jorgé was avoiding her and the capital, even going so far as to lying to his parents as well as her that he had something important to do in their territory, when in fact he's just messing around with his other lovers. So she figured that it would be just right to get back at him, even if it was this petty.

"And besides, it's not like they have any experience in actual combat. I doubt that they'd be able to actually hurt one another." She added as she continued watching the spectacle.

"Nghh.. but.."

Milin wanted to retort, but because she was speaking to the future mistress of the House, she decided not to.

[I hope Lennox gets the lord here as soon as possible.] She quietly thought to herself as she clenched her fists.

The lord's arrival couldn't have been better timed. Just as Juliette and Claudia extended their arms respectively, aiming to cast their magic, the horns on the watchtowers suddenly blew a long and booming sound, signifying the arrival of the master of the house, simultaneously, the gates of the castle slowly opened.

"Lord Jorgé has arrived!" Exclaimed the Watchman.


All of the people's present attention gathered towards the arriving company of horses and a carriage, headed by a young man clad in silver armour, riding beside him was an elven archer as well as a tall black haired man.

"Hoh, you finally returned, Jorgé." Camilla whispered to herself quietly as she fixed her posture and covered her face with her fan.

Seeing her brother's entourage, Juliette's face, that was sporting a menacing look just a minute ago, suddenly lit up as she withdrew her mana and started running towards the company.

"Hah! Larc's back!" She exclaimed.

Hearing this, Claudia's ears perked up as she looked towards the company.

"What?? Sir Larc is with them? That explains why I didn't see him here!"

"No! You stay there!"

"There's no way I'm staying here!"

The two ladies scrambled towards the arriving men, not minding their hair and dresses that were disheveled in the process. All the while Camilla sat at her tea table, eyeing the elven girl with Jorgé.

[Danari's still the same as ever.] She thought to herself as she grinned.

Having arrived inside the castle walls, Jorgé and his men dismounted their horses and gave the reins to the stable hands.

"Feed them and give them water, they've served me well." He ordered as the servants bowed their heads.

"Master, your sister and Princess Claudia approaches."

After fixing herself up, Danari tapped Jorgé's shoulder and gestured towards the running figure of two girls. She also took notice of an alluring woman that was eyeing her.

[...So the vixen is also here. She's probably the reason for the commotion.] She thought to herself as she clenched her fists.

Seeing his approaching sister, Jorgé could not help but feel slightly anxious. He did after all injured her most precious person, even worse was that the third princess and his fiancée were also here.

"I'm in so much trouble" He laughed to himself as he readied his mind for the scolding he's about to take.

Needless to say, both Juliette and Claudia nearly fainted when they learned that Larc was injured and was still unconscious because of their little expedition. It should also be noted that Juliette hit Jorgé multiple times all over his body while he stood there taking it, a small drop of tear rolling down his cheek as Juliette's soft hands slapped it on both sides.


Inside an extravagant room, dedicated for the master of the house, two people sat by the bedside. An elven girl wiped the naked body of a silver blonde haired man with warm water and herbal ointments, causing the said man to wince in pain.

"Master, how are your cheeks?" Asked the long eared woman. "Is the water helping?"

"Nghh.. yeah thank you, Danari. You're a huge help, I feel my fatigue just wither away."

"You tease me, Master."

The lord's sister, Juliette threw a massive fit, probably the worst she's ever thrown, when she saw that Larc was still unconscious. Even though Jorgé suppressed her mana, that didn't stop her from punching, kicking and slapping him. Though unbecoming of the master of the house and the young lady, Jorgé permitted it because he knew that it was his fault. After a while, and a considerable amount of beating, Juliette finally calmed down and went straight to the infirmary to visit her butler. Although she didn't directly hit him, Jorgé still felt that the second princess, Claudia, was mad at him, she quickly followed his sister shortly after. Jorgé couldn't help but feel sorry for Larc and all the things he would have to go through from now on.

[Women are troublesome creatures] He thought to himself. [Stay strong, Larc.]

Somewhat discerning her master's thoughts, Danari put more strength into her actions and poked at the sore parts of Jorgé.

"Guh! That hurts!"

"You deserve it, you know."

"Haha, that I do." He sighed as he scratched his cheeks, before turning towards her.

"Well, in a sense, it's also you're fault, you know?" He continued as he faced her.

Having drawn close to her, Jorgé suddenly held her arms and began kissing her neck and chest, just above the breasts.

"Ngghh.. M-master mhm!"

Soft moans escaped her mouth as Jorgé tightened his grip and increased his attack, slowly undoing her upper garment.

"I told you to keep the boy safe, did I not?" He said as he completely took off Danari's dress, slowly lowering his kisses until he reached the Elf's ample breasts.

"Kyaa! Master!.. you.. wanted to.. Mhmm!.. push him to the.. Haah!.. limit, did you not?! Ngghh!"

"Shhh, enough talk.. this is your weak spot right?"

"Kyaaa! Nghh! Haah!"

Just as the two were starting to develop a steamy and flowery atmosphere, the door of the room suddenly unlocked and opened.

Entering the room, a vivacious woman with crimson hair and eyes looked around and surveyed the interior of the room, slowly drawing towards the figure of the half naked elf laying on the bed while a man kissed her breasts.

With her ruby like eyes that glistened against the light of the magic stones that illuminated the room, she placed her fan against her grinning mouth, and scoffed.

"You moan like a common whore you know, Danari."

In response to her taunting, the elven woman's face suddenly turned beet red as she took the blanket and covered her exposed skin.

"Guh! Youu!!" She exclaimed in anger as she sat straight up while covering up.

Jorgé on the other hand rubbed his forehead as he held his hand to his face.

"Haaah, why would you barge into my room like that, Camilla?" He inquired as he looked at the red haired woman.

In response, Camilla merely raised her eyebrow as she slowly flapped her fan.

"Ara? But isn't this room supposed to be Ours, Jorgé?" She said in a teasing but alluring voice.

"Last I checked, I'm your fiancé, and this room is reserved for the master and mistress of the Carmine House, which would be, in common sense, you and I." She continued. "Or am I mistaken?"

Against her logic, Jorgé could only laugh to himself while lightly shaking his head.

"No, you're not mistaken, Camilla."

"Well, if that's the case then mind if I ask the real intruder to please move out for now so that I may speak with my husband?"

"We're not married ye--.. eh?"

Jorgé wanted to retort but when he saw Camilla's eyes glaring at him, he decided that it would be in his best interest to just abide by her whims.

He looked at Danari and lightly nodded, greatly vexing the elf.

"Kuh.." She grumbled as she bit her lip while dressing herself.

Walking towards the bed, Camilla and Danari passed by one another.



The two whispered against one another as they headed towards their respective directions.

"Oh and please close the door"


As the door closed, Camilla walked towards Jorgé and stood in front of him.

"So this is the reason why you've been avoiding me?" She said while putting down her fan to the table side and crossing her arms. "Just so you can play house with that elven tramp?"

"You know that's not true, Camilla."

Hearing his response, Camilla pushed him down the bed and drew close.

"Camilla?" She whispered in a low cold voice, putting emphasis on her name.

Jorgé felt her crimson eyes staring back at him as if they were trying to burn through him. He unconsciously gulped as he brushed her red hair.

"You know that's not true, my love." He answered.

Satisfied with his answer, Camilla separated from him and sat on the bed side. She took the cloth that Danari was previously using to wipe Jorgé's bruises, and proceeded to do the same.

"We will eventually marry in the future, so it makes no difference if I call you as my husband or not, you know." She said as she gently wiped his body.

"That is indeed true, but what if something were to happe-- gah! That hurts!"

Before he could finish his words, Camilla pinched his sides as she kissed his neck.

"Nothing will happen, do you understand me? Nothing will stop me from marrying you."

"I-it is as you say, my love."

After she finished wiping ointment at Jorgé's bruises, Camilla put away the cloth and the medicine to the table side. She sat back on the bed side and just leaned on Jorgé.

"When will you get along with the others, huh?" Jorgé nonchalantly said as he sat.

"I don't need to get along with them." Answered Camilla. "I just have to avoid hurting them."

"Still, it would be far easier for me if you got along with them."

"I'll think about it when you start treating me right"

Jorgé, confused at his fiancé's words, tilted his head and asked.

"I believe I treat you all equally?"

"That's the thing."

Hearing his response, Camilla pushed him back into the bed. Drawing close once more, she whispered into his ears.

"I don't want to be treated equally, I am you're wife." She said.

"I let you play around with those women, because I know that you enjoy them." She continued while drawing even closer until their noses touched.  "But if you ever, so much as think of giving anyone of them a child before myself, I'll kill you."

"And what would you do to the mother and child, if I may ask?"

"You'd be reunited in the after life if I kill them, so I'll just keep them alive inside the castle dungeons."

"Hahaha, you're as cold as ever."

"Do you understand me, Husband?"

Hearing the first princess's warning, Jorgé smiled wryly as he caressed her face, from her cheeks to her lips.

"I understand, my love." He whispered.


Feeling satisfied with his response, Camilla mounted him and started undressing herself.

"Now then, fulfill your duties to me as my husband, so that I may fulfill my duties to you as your wife." She said as she forcefully took Jorgé's lips, which was in turn, reciprocated by the young lord.


Inside the castle infirmary, a young man with black hair layed on a bed with a pained expression in his face.

Beside him sat two young ladies, one with silver blonde drill hairs wearing a frilly silver dress, while the other wore a gem encrusted purple dress that complimented her crimson hair.

The two sat on the opposite side of the bed and glared at one another.

"Why are you even here?" Asked Juliette as she held Larc's hand. "Shouldn't a princess such as yourself be sleeping in guest room by now?"

"I could say the same to yourself, you know?" Answered Claudia as she crossed her arms. "An engaged woman such as yourself shouldn't be sitting next to another man, much less holding his hand. What would people say?"

"Wha?! Youuuu!! I don't ca-- nghh!.."

Juliette wanted to retort that she did not care for the Prince or any other man than Larc, but looking at the pleading eyes of Milin, she decided to just hold her tongue.

"Larc is my personal butler, so it is only natural that I am concerned for him, I raised him after all!"

"Then why did you send him to such a dangerous place?! That's not a place for butlers!" Exclaimed Claudia as her emotions burst fort.

"I-I know that! It's-- it's just!.. kuh! You won't understand! And besides, I don't have to explain myself to you!"

"Likewise, I don't have to explain myself to you!"


The two growled against each other like a pack of feral wolves fighting for a scrap of meat. Milin, who was standing at the side, could not help but feel anxious at the sight of the two ladies.

[Just what is with this troublesome brat that is caused the young lady to turn like thissss!] She cursed in her heart.

Jorgé had explained to them that Larc fell unconscious because he used up all of his mana reserves, and that he wasn't in any real form of danger. A good rest was all that Larc needed, but that wasn't enough to completely alleviate the worries inside the two maiden's minds.

Juliette was feeling guilty because she felt responsible for his current predicament, while Claudia felt bad for being helpless and clueless as to what happened.

"..mhmm.. ah"


With the two ready to gnaw at each other's throat, the sudden groans that escaped the unconscious boy's mouth felt like a god send.


"Sir Larc!"

The two exclaimed in unison as the young man slowly opened his eyes and blinked at the light of the magic stones. Looking around, the first thing he saw was the crying face of Juliette.

"Laaaarc!!" She cried out as she jumped at the man and hugged him.

"..w-what? Mhmm.. my lady?"

Confused as to what is happening, Larc blinked a couple more times before realizing what was happening.

[What.. so I survived? I made it back to my lady?] He thought to himself.

"Uwaaaah! Laaaarc! *hic* I was so scareed!"

Hearing this, Larc couldn't help but feel sweet relief. [So I'm not dreaming, this is real, huh?. Thank god I made it back] He thought as he hugged back the sobbing lady.

"I'm here, my lady. You don't have to cry anymore.."

"Uwaaaaaah! *Sob* Laarc! I'm sorry I *hic* let you go to that places! Uhuuu!"

Seeing the interaction between the servant and the master, many things were made clear to the second princess Claudia.

She felt a stinging pain on her heart as she watched Juliette sob and cry as she hugged Larc.

[So that's what it was..] She thought to herself. [She really does love him.. and I think I love him too..] She continued as she clenched her chest and cried as well.

"Thank god he's okay.." Claudia whispered in relief as she headed towards the door, leaving behind the crying Juliette and Larc.

How's it going guys, TachimeSan here again! It's the same as usual, me getting caught in my school and work, so I wasn't able to update. I was lucky this week cus we have an academic break at the moment, so you can expect multiple chapters coming your way for the week! As always, thank you for reading!

TachimeSan out!

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