Transmigrated into a Noble’s beaten son

Chapter 53


Hello everyone! We'd just like to thank all of our patrons that have continued to support us this far.:

Alexis, Danielle Warvel, Mr Ove, Mordie, Jacarya Robinson, Graeme Kent, Bonobo, Evelyn Antoinette, Brandon LeBoeuf, Ur Dad, Kayden, Kristian Oinonen, ghost750x, MrPotatoman, Marcus Jean-Louis, Tyler H, Beldium, la gh, colin love,Jerry Chen, Chloe, Wat WOT, LapisLazuli, foxx cowan, Konstantinos AT, JD, ToadSage

Thank you all so much and we hope you all enjoy this chapter ^^

"Are you alright now, HOOT?"

After the battle, Owly tried to fix the damages done by the Yetis. All the while Naell rested, clearly tired from releasing his mana.

"Yeah, I'm fine now. More importantly, did you harvest a lot of the herbs that I listed?" Asked Naell, pretending to be more exhausted than usual.

He disliked inequality but in that moment, free labour (from the bossy owl) was a chance worth taking.

"Well, the amount has lessened but yes we have a lot, HOOT." Replied Owly, who turned to the abundance of herbs in confusion.

Naell simply responded with a nod, and was apparently deep in thought.

This only puzzled Owly even more, so with scrutinizing eyes he flew to his face and asked,

"What's your purpose really, HOOT?"

"...What do you mean? Clearly the commision."

Naell's hesitant response only made him more suspicious. On the other hand, Owly knew he wasn't greedy enough to risk his life for nothing.

So with a fluffy feathered slap to the other's head, the young owl added on,

"The amount we have now is far more than what the guild requested, HOOT!"

Naell scratched his head, slightly regretting his words. Wryly he smiled, still too embarrassed to spew out his intentions.

His behavior did not escape the owl's keen eyes, and so he pushed further with a preemptive HOOT of victory.

"I know you well enough to see that you are hiding something noob, HOOT!"

Naell could only sigh in defeat. He regretted underestimating Owly, yet even more so did he regret once blurting out the word noob.

So with a soft sigh, Naell finally gave in and replied,

"Problems arise if no one will get these herbs."

Owly went silent for a minute, and then it hit him, the problem Naell was talking about.

Naell then added on seeing the young owl's reaction.

"Taglagas and Beryldot are both faring well, unlike the other villages."

Owly then nodded. It was no secret that life in winter was far harsher than in the other seasons.

In truth, Naell felt a knot in the pit of his stomach upon hearing the condition of the other villages.

He'd recall how back on Earth, he would often frequent local establishments in his province due to his research.

In turn, he grew fond of small villages as the people were often kind enough to even give him food.

In his observation, both earth and Mundo were the same in this aspect; rural areas were far less established than the urban places, thus medicine was immensely lacking.

Naell was then brought back to reality by a soft lump that landed atop his head. It then spoke softly,

"But these wouldn't be enough, HOOT."

Owly too had always met kind villagers, and developed a soft spot for them. Afterall, over the course of his travels with Athena, he was always treated well.

Naell then smiled, happy to hear the owl in the same boat.

"That is why we have many trips ahead of us, Owly." He replied, patting the young owl's head.

By then, if one would ask either who they would consider as best friends, underneath all their banter both would definitely answer each other's name.


It was already nighttime when they got back to Taglagas. There they immediately reported the Yetis to the guild.

Tahina and the Viceguild master Loknar thought the situation was odd and decided to further issue an investigation.

They also put up notes, warning others to be more careful around the mentioned area.

Upon hearing of their report, Loknar had thought Naell and Owly would finally be more active, and possibly volunteer to head the investigation.

Yet much to his disappointment, they vanished at the very second they finished.

Both went to dine at their favorite tavern, the one they discovered upon their first arrival in Taglagas.

Naell and Owly were already famous for being regulars of the place, and due to this, the innkeeper was always happy to see them.

Not only did their presence bring prestige to the shop, but both were also very generous customers.

Naell ordered pita bread stuffed with grilled salmon and avocados, While Owly ordered the usual, and ate the most expensive meat they were offered.

As for their drinks, the usual green tea, and a small cup of water for Owly.

After finishing their meal they decided to return to their dorm, where Owly rested and Naell began his research.

Across his long desk he laid out several books, flipping through each simultaneously with his magic.

He then [ poofed ] out small quantities of the herbs they gathered, and began labeling each with the names whitegreenblack, and yellow herbs.


Naell couldn't help but still be dumbfounded at how simple their names were.

As he was finished arranging the herbs, one book started floating infront of him,

The Plants of my Journey

Naell oddly still cringed just by reading the title alone. Yet after reading books, cross referencing the basic ideas of the herbs' usage known for the human kingdoms, he deemed this book to be the most useful.

During my trip, I discovered the herbs and wish to share it with you guys.

Well they are already discovered and named, yet I as the author, wanted to cite my own personal experiences with the herbs and make it better for the beginners to learn.

'A Herbs for Dummies.' Naell thought as he recalled similar books on earth that were written to educate "dummies".

White herbs: known as the flower of healing. Has the magical properties to close wounds...

"Magical properties my butt..."

Mundwas not a world that relied on science, therefore devices that could further study those kinds of things were nonexistent.

Yet as fortune would have it, Naell had both magic and his memories. Not to mention, a wise owl lectured him about herbs.

He turned to the white herb in front of him, its feathery leaves and flowers that densely clustered together remind him of Yarrow, a flowering plant.

"They don't really sit well with the cold on Earth."

Yet in Mundo, the white herb-looking Yarrow seemed to be faring well in winter.

"Some differences huh." Said Naell softly not wanting to wake the chubby Owly. He then continued reading the book.

Green herbs: low growing woody shrubs with tiny grey-green leaves. Not much of it is known but this herb is often used as a flavoring for food.

Their distinct aroma was good enough to be subjected to perfume. Sadly, few have done so. I know I, personally, would gladly use the scent.

Naell could only smile wryly. Things like that remind him of how primitive or different Mundwas from Earth.

'I'm sure this is thyme, it could alleviate coughing. Children would maybe like it since it tastes sweet and minty.' He pondered while again looking at Owly.

He couldn't help but show his most villainous smile as he saw his test subject.

"Fufufu... now then, moving on."

Black herbs: often believed to be the herb of energy. Not only will it boost your mind, but it will awaken your tired body.

Yet since its color and features resemble a scythe representing death, some believe that the energy one receives from drinking this tea shortens one's lifespan.


Naell was dumbfounded with that one. He could only think that these black herbs closely resembled the black tea back on Earth, minus the appearance and lore behind it.

"Well, black tea's leaves are originally green from its plant, but this one was already black when we plucked it."

If it weren't for Owly's lecture, Naell would have left this one. Yet since the bird praised its healing properties, he decided to see its worth.

Upon closer look with his magic, Naell considered the black herb to be truly magical and far more fantastical compared to the two.

"This would be perfect for staying up late and to feel warmed up!" Said Naell, happy with that plant. Most beings have problems dealing with the cold of winter after all.

Yellow herbs: Grow about 30cm tall and classified as a winter herb. It has flowers that have a slightly spherical shape that blooms with its petals.

Nevertheless, it has a bushy form and was known to be a good omen for harvest if one was to bloom in the summer.

After much contemplation, Naell thought that it was similar to marigolds based on its appearance alone.

Yet since the herb flower he knew was a summer plant, he could only second guess himself.

Luckily, Owly had told him that yellow herbs were good for beings who experienced headaches.

So he assumed that the yellow herbs would be beneficial for those who were having insomnia.




After studying the four main herbs some more, Naell proceeded and also looked up the other types of herbs they brought.


It was already morning when he stopped, Owly did not bother waking him up seeing all the tests he had done, various aromas spread yet organized across the table.

Owly was impressed, the herbs were classified by their known function and had additional information about them.

Naell was also at the table sleeping soundly. Books had buried his face, and it seemed he had fallen asleep while experimenting as some herbs were still in his hands.

"Rest well then, HOOT," Owly said as he levitated Naell to his bed, and right after went on to find Rizaul for breakfast.




It was already afternoon when Naell had woken up. After a while, he washed up to start the day off.

He wasn't surprised when he didn't see Owly. He smiled as the young owl was quite considerate putting him on the bed.

After getting changed, he then quickly arranged the herbs he experimented on, ending with a lineup that was much more organized than before.

"All that is left is for Owly to taste this." Said Naell as he cheekily smiled.

Sensing himself getting hungry, he decided to head to the canteen.

As good luck would have it, classes for every department had just resumed, leaving the entirety of the canteen to its few present guests.

The rare scene filled him with joy as the usual bustling atmosphere for once became peaceful.

Naell even dared to say that was the most enjoyable meal he ever had at the school.

Yet the happiest of times truly do fly fast, as before Naell could really appreciate the seclusion, classes were over, and students had already begun swarming the canteen.

The only consolation he could get was the fact that Owly with a whoosh of HOOTs had returned.

• Test subj--- I mean, Owly, do eat up we'll do a lot of work. •

Naell said telepathically, his face had become so villainous that Owly started having doubts. Yet since food was offered, he accepted it right away.

Little did he know, Owly also thought of him as the test subject. That was why upon returning to the dormitory both of them were subjected to the grueling taste testing.

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