Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 87 Olympic Games 2

The galloping of the Gallic chicken was in vain. Although the Berlin Olympics encountered strong opposition, it still failed to change the decision of the International Olympic Committee and the Berlin Olympics was held as scheduled. Germany even won the right to host the Winter Olympics at the same time. You must know that this is the last time in the history of the Olympic Games that the summer and winter Olympics are held in the same country.

More than 4,000 athletes from 49 countries participated. The King of Bulgaria, Prince of Italy, Prince of Greece, Prince of Sweden and other dignitaries from various countries attended the opening ceremony.

Compared with previous Olympic Games, the opening ceremony of this Olympic Games was brilliant and spectacular.

This Olympic Games decided to restore the old system of the ancient Olympic Games. During the Games, from the opening date to the closing ceremony, the Olympic flame was burned at the main stadium. It also stipulates that the fire must come from Olympia and be passed from Olympia to the host country in the form of a torch relay.

On July 20, before the current Olympic Games, a grand torch lighting ceremony was held in Olympia. 12 girls in Greek national costumes used a convex lens to light the fire with the help of the sun to the accompaniment of music. Former International Olympic Committee President Coubert Dan visited the venue in person and delivered a speech, and then the torch relay officially started with each person holding a torch and running 1 kilometer.

The total distance from Olympia to Berlin Stadium is 3,075 kilometers, and a total of 3,075 people participated in the relay. On August 2nd, the fire was transported by sailboat to the port of Kiel, the venue for the sailing competition, and was lit on the afternoon of the 3rd. Starting from this Olympic Games, lighting the Olympic flame is one of the indispensable rituals at the opening ceremony of every Olympic Games.

The Berlin Olympics were also reported to the world via television for the first time. 25 large screens were set up across Berlin for locals to watch the game for free. These actions have undoubtedly been welcomed by the public, giving busy people a chance to relax and watch events that are usually rare.

The stadium with 100,000 people was even more packed.

When the large review car that Yannick was riding in appeared at the entrance of the stadium, the German spectators in the stands burst into uniform, thunderous cheers, which shocked many foreigners around him.


The same word came to everyone's mind to describe the crowd around them. The impression given by the current Germans is that unless you can defeat him in one go, you should not mess with him.

Boom boom boom···················

At this moment, the roar of engines came from the sky overhead, and three light planes roared past the stadium, pulling out three long lines of black, red, and yellow smoke. This was Germany's The colors of the flag.

Looking at the three streaks of smoke in the sky, Yannick couldn't help but muttered that it was lucky it wasn't the left-hand gun, otherwise the pilots responsible for the flight show would be very busy.

In the early nineteenth century, there were only many small countries in the Germanic region that formed a loose confederation, and there was no unified and complete country. After Napoleon's defeat, the Germanic consciousness of unity began to rise. At this time, a group of students, the Liuziu Free Army, was very active. They wore uniforms with black cloaks, red epaulettes and gold buttons and ran for unity. Later, the uniforms The three colors of black, red and gold became the symbolic colors of the national unification movement and were also made into a flag and then the national flag.

When the German reunification movement was going on, a poet made an annotation for these three colors: "Black represents the mood of anger, red represents the spirit of pursuing freedom, and gold represents the brilliance of ideals and truth." Now it is explained that black represents Diligence and strength, red symbolizes the enthusiasm of the people, and gold represents the emphasis on honor.

Under the guidance of a group of floats, the review car slowly drove towards the center of the stadium. Yannick standing on the review car was not wearing a German army uniform as arrogantly as the mustache in the original time and space, but an exquisite dress. With a gentle smile on his face, he raised his arms in salute.

When Yannick announced the opening of the Olympic Games, the big bell in the bell tower rang, and the "Hindenburg" with the huge Olympic rings printed on the side and carrying the flag of the International Olympic Committee slowly flew over the stadium.

German weightlifter Ismail recited the Olympic oath. The famous musician Strauss also participated in the opening ceremony and personally conducted the huge symphony orchestra and 5,000 singers to perform the Olympic anthem and the Olympic hymn.

Before the opening ceremony ended, Louis, the marathon champion of the first modern Olympic Games in 1896, appeared.

The 63-year-old veteran athlete wore Greek national costumes, held up an olive branch taken from Mount Olympia, walked up to Yannick, and said with great solemnity. "I hand over to you this olive branch, a symbol of charity and peace. We hope that peoples of all countries will always participate only in this kind of peaceful competition."

"……"How do you say that? Hope is beautiful, but reality is cruel! Soon you will realize how cruel reality is!

However, the superficiality still needs to be sufficient. Yannick took the olive branch with great solemnity and spoke loudly into the microphone. "Germany longs for peace and hopes that the whole world will be bathed in peace from now on. We swear to always guard peace and stay away from war!"

His words almost moved the whole world at this moment, and the entire German people stood up and shouted. "Hi Hohenzollern!!"

Then athletes from various countries began to enter the stadium, and people in the audience sent their blessings to their country's sports. At this Olympics, Germany sent the largest team with a total of 406 athletes. It was different from the original time and space because there were no small teams. Beard’s extreme ethnic policy resulted in more than a dozen Jews in the German delegation.

Speaking of the Jewish people, the day after the Jewish representatives left last time, Elder Bloom visited again and stated very simply that they would fully support Yannick's cause.

Although Yannick was a little confused by such pleasure, after all, these guys were all shrewd businessmen and there was no way they could be fooled by his words.

But since they are willing to cooperate, Yannick has no reason to refuse. In this way, the two parties hit it off, and Elder Bloom immediately took out a huge sum of money that stunned Yannick, which was regarded as a pledge of honor. Yannick couldn't help but sigh how much money these Jewish people had.

After half a month of fierce fighting, all gold medals have been won. Germany ranks first with 33 gold medals, the United States ranks second with 22 gold medals, and Hungary ranks third with 10 gold medals.

Another advantage of this Olympic Games is that it was organized with unprecedented success, setting off a peace smoke screen for Germany's war preparations, and objectively promoting peace for Germany. This caused Britain and France to relax their vigilance against Germany. London and Paris generally believed that Germany had no war intentions, and even the previous invasion of the Rhineland was just a re-energization.

As for Germany's support for the Spanish Civil War, it was Germany's fight against the Red Empire that they loved to see. It was too late to support it, so how could they oppose it.

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