Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 80: Intentional profit is trapped 1

After a lapse of 40 years, Italy once again launched a war of aggression against the East African country Ehanobia. In a speech to the nation on October 2, Mussolini publicly declared that he would annex Ethiopia by force and asserted that this was a war of quick resolution.

"The wheel of fate is moving smoothly towards its goal. Now, its speed is getting faster and faster, moving forward unstoppably! This is a symbol of the 44 million people of Italy expulsing the shadow of injustice that hangs over us!"

Listening to Mussolini's impassioned speech coming from the radio, Yannick sneered contemptuously. "What a stupid idiot!"

Also present were Rundstedt, Redl, Kesselring, Reinhard and other senior officials. After hearing Yannick's words, everyone couldn't help but look at each other.

Rundstedt coughed slightly and asked. "Your Highness is not optimistic about Italy's military action this time?"

Yannick smiled slightly and asked. "Your Excellency General Rundstedt, how long do you think it will take for Italy to capture Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia?"

Rundstedt thought for a moment and named a number. "I heard that His Excellency Mussonili ordered the army to defeat the Ethiopian army and occupy its capital Jasbeba within a month. However, there is intelligence that Ethiopia has entered into an agreement with France to purchase arms from France and use French Officers train the army and already have good combat effectiveness. I think it should be about the same in about two months."

"You all think so too?" Yannick looked at the other people and saw that no one raised any objections. He couldn't help but sigh. These people really overestimate Italy's combat effectiveness. "Okay, let's make a bet. I bet this war won't end in half a year. Maybe this guy will have to use poison gas. Reinhard, contact Ethiopia secretly and see if you can We can't sell them our stockpile of gas masks from the last war."

Ethiopia is located in northeastern Africa and is a relatively large African country. In people's minds, African countries like Ethiopia are not only poor and backward, but also lazy in food and work. Many tribes even live a life of barely covering their bodies and wearing tree leaves.

However, Ethiopia is a special case. Even before World War II, Ethiopia (also called "Abyssinia" at the time) had already become a quasi-modern country with a relatively high degree of civilization. Its level of development is almost the same as that of China at that time.

Before World War II, under the leadership of Ethiopia's outstanding monarch Selassie, Ethiopia carried out fruitful modernization reforms and achieved a very high degree of Westernization. Although Ethiopia's economy is relatively backward and the country is very poor, it has successfully achieved a rich country and a strong military. It not only maintained its independence among the great powers, but also created a powerful military force.

In the 1930s, the number of Ethiopian troops remained at more than 300,000 for a long time. If tribal armed forces were added, the number would be even larger. They were already equipped with various light and heavy machine guns, anti-aircraft machine guns, and various artillery, including Pak? 35 /36? Hard goods such as anti-tank guns and 150mm infantry guns. There are even tanks and armored vehicles and a large number of trucks. The smart Ethiopians put heavy machine guns on trucks and converted the trucks into armored personnel carriers, which is quite similar to the artillery mounted on pickup trucks of modern rebels.

They are not the native Africans that people imagine, armed with spears and bows and arrows.

Among them, the equipment and training of the elite Imperial Guards are close to European levels. They are not only equipped with advanced imported rifles and mortars, but also later equipped with British steel helmets and field boots, and some also have American equipment. Under the training of Swedish and Belgian instructors, they are not only good at shooting, but also good at hand-to-hand combat, and their combat effectiveness is very strong.

In addition, Ethiopia is equipped with dozens of aircraft. Although it cannot be said to be very advanced, it was definitely second to none in Africa at the time and was more powerful than the air forces of many South American countries. Therefore, Ethiopia's military strength cannot be underestimated. In addition, it has received assistance and support from Britain, France and even Germany. It is not an ordinary small player at all. It is not comparable to those African colonial regimes.

"We have endured the situation where Italy does not have enough say due to lack of colonies for 13 years. We have endured Ethiopia's provocation for 40 years, and we have reached the point of being intolerable! Our respected hon. Caesar once ruled the entire world here, and now it's my turn to lead you to restore the glory of the Roman Empire. The glory will definitely belong to Italy." Yannick was too lazy to continue listening to Mussolini's nonsense and turned it off. radio.

You still have the nerve to mention forty years ago?

In 1896, Italy launched a brazen invasion of Ethiopia. The Italian commander-in-chief Baratieri declared that he would transport Ethiopian Emperor Menelik II "in a cage and transport him back to Rome."

Facing the invasion of a powerful enemy, all parties in Ethiopia united unprecedentedly. Even Menelik's main political opponent, Prince Mangasha, the eldest son of former emperor Johannes IV, also defected to Menelik. Elsewhere The princes also followed Mangasia's footsteps and surrendered to the emperor (Menelik was not the son of the previous emperor, so for a while Prince Mangasia turned to the Italians for support).

In the early morning of March 1, the main forces of the two sides launched a decisive battle in Adua. The war was very stalemate for a time. Menelik's favorite general Ganjihu threw away his musket and shield and led the army with only a scepter. A warrior from the tribe went to break the deadlock, but was unfortunately shot and killed.

Faced with the deadlock, Menelik thought of retreating, but Queen Taitu and Prince Manesha stopped him and persuaded him to throw in his 50,000 royal guards for a final blow. This new force finally became the "last straw" that broke the backbone of the Italians.

As a result of the war, more than 7,000 Italians were killed, more than 1,500 were injured, and more than 3,000 were captured, including 252 officers below brigadier general. Italian commander Baratieri abandoned his army and fled at night, and the entire Italian army was annihilated.

This battle ensured Ethiopia's independence. On October 26, 1896, Italy and Ethiopia signed the "Addis Ababa Treaty". Italy was forced to give up the land it occupied and announced its abolition. The Treaty of Uchari (an unequal treaty that Ethiopia was forced to sign with Italy) recognized Ethiopia as a sovereign country and paid an indemnity of 10 million lire.

"Six months?!" Rundstedt opened his mouth, looking like it was impossible.

Yannick smiled. "We'll know when the time comes."

In the early morning of October 3, the day after Mussolini delivered his war speech, Italian bombers suddenly appeared in Ethiopian airspace and dropped a large number of bombs on Ethiopian cities and border defense military strongholds. Subsequently, under the cover of fierce artillery fire from tanks and artillery, the Italian army launched an attack on Ethiopia from the north and south.

The equipment is quite luxurious: 126 aircraft, 112 tanks, 586 new artillery pieces, 4,200 machine guns, 3,700 cars, and 35,000 mules, horses and camels.

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