Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 56 Breakfast

Just when Yanik was doing his best to play the role of pimp, in distant Moscow, in the Kremlin, the heart of the Red Empire, Natasha wished to see Stalin, the bearded Stalin who had almost never left his side, in one hand. He was holding a big pipe and looking at the contents of the telegram sent by Tukhachevsky from Germany.

"In other words, in order to get rid of their economic crisis, Germany needs to increase employment opportunities. Therefore, the Germans will agree to export advanced weapons and equipment to us, or even help us design and build a 40,000-ton battleship?" Stalin He seemed to be muttering to himself. "And what we need to pay is a large amount of minerals and raw materials, and we don't need to pay money?"

"Yes, this is the progress achieved in General Tukhachevsky's negotiations." The secretary said respectfully: "General Tukhachevsky said that it is up to you to decide whether to carry out further cooperation with the Germans. "

Smoking his beloved big pipe, Stalin looked at the data of the "super battleship" and fell into deep thought.

After all the tobacco leaves in the pipe were smoked, Stalin finally made a decision. "We can start early cooperation with the Germans to build Dzezinski-class frigates and Tashkent-class destroyers. At the same time, we require the Germans to hand over the design plans and drawings of the 40,000-ton battleship to us for review. If everything goes well, All goes well, let’s proceed with the Soviet-class battleship plan.”

drawing! Get the drawings first, and then even if the Soviet Union starts construction on their own, they will have someone to imitate! Of course Stalin also demanded safety!

The next morning, as soon as Yannick walked into the restaurant, Monica hurried in with a strange look on her face and reported in a low voice. "Your Highness, two of the four prisoners are dead and the other two are dying. Do they need to be sent to the hospital for treatment?"

"Huh?" Yannick couldn't help but be surprised. "Is Natasha okay?" His first reaction was that the death row inmates were playing tricks, trying to escape or kidnap Natasha. After all, they were all sentenced to death, so what could they not do?

Natasha is an important internal agent in the future German-Soviet war. It would be a pity if something happened now. Moreover, Natasha is one of the members of the Soviet delegation on this trip. If something happens here, it will be more or less trouble.

Unexpectedly, Monica's next words left him speechless. "Miss Natasha is fine. Those prisoners have scars all over their bodies. It seems they were tortured to death."

"..." Damn it, he had heard of shaking, but he had never heard of shaking someone to death. Fortunately, the person assigned to her was a death row prisoner.

As for treatment? Yannick shook his head very simply. "They are already death row prisoners, so they need no treatment. Isn't this a waste of resources? They can just take them to the crematorium. Please invite Miss Natasha to come and have breakfast with them."

After a while, Natasha, who had changed into new clothes, came to the restaurant and showed an apologetic smile. "I made you laugh. I heard that those people were prisoners sentenced to death. I hope they didn't cause you any trouble."

Of course there was no trouble, but what made Yannick very curious was what grudges those people had against her? "It's no trouble, but why did you torture them like that? Do you know those people?" He didn't believe that these people had any collusion with the Soviet Union. They must have never met.

She would be a psychopath if she would do this to a stranger for no reason, right? Fortunately, I didn't think about sleeping with her. What if she knocked my life out while I was asleep? I shudder just thinking about it!

Natasha explained. "I'm not targeting them. Since my whole family was persecuted, I have a lot of anger in my heart, and I have to vent it out every once in a while. Otherwise, I feel like I'm going crazy."

"..." This is understandable. Her whole family died tragically and she still pretended to be loyal to the executioners. "Then how did you vent your anger in the Soviet Union?" He even admired this girl for spending so many years safely in such an environment without anyone noticing anything unusual.

Natasha smiled slightly. "There are quite a few prisoners who need to be interrogated in the Intelligence Division. As long as they are dog-eat-dog ones, most of them will be interrogated by me. I am the number one interrogation expert in the Intelligence Division, and I am also nicknamed 'Black Widow'."

"..." You need to see a psychiatrist.

Speaking of psychiatrist Yanik, he couldn't help but think of "postwar psychological syndrome".

According to common sense, everyone who survived the battlefield should thank God for favoring him and allowing him to survive by chance, and he should also cherish his current life.

But this is not the case. Many people who come off the battlefield will have some major psychological changes, so that they cannot live a normal life at all.

The reason is that they suffer from "postwar psychological syndrome", which in layman's terms is the sequelae of war. Because of the cruelty of war, they see their comrades being injured or even dead on the battlefield, and they themselves will face the threat of injury or death at any time, which puts them in a state of high anxiety, tension, and even fear. This state often lasts for a long time, eventually forming permanent trauma in their hearts, and their character and personality are affected and changed.

Therefore, even if they are lucky enough to escape from the battlefield, their hearts will still be affected by the shadow of war, and this impact is even lifelong and difficult to change. Because of their inner trauma, many of them will isolate themselves, become alcoholics, have bad tempers, and some abuse drugs. In short, their lives are a mess. Although surviving the war is a great blessing, but To some extent, their condition of living is worse than dying in the war. Therefore, they are so miserable that they can easily choose to go to extremes because of the stimulation of reality.

There are good examples in later generations.

Since the United States sent troops to Iraq and Afghanistan, the frequency of suicide and domestic violence among American soldiers has greatly increased, and postwar syndrome has become a major hidden danger plaguing American soldiers. For every 100,000 soldiers, 30 committed suicide. The cruelty of war leaves some soldiers unable to escape from what they saw or did on the battlefield, and this trauma does not end with the end of their service.

Even veterans reported a 33% increase in domestic violence rates, a 64% increase in violent crime, and a 43% increase in child abuse cases.

A veteran's wife conducted research on this and wrote in the book, "Male veterans with PTSD are two to three times more likely to commit domestic violence than healthy veterans. Survey research has found that most suffering from PTSD Stressed veterans will commit domestic violence against their spouse at least once after one year of service."

In the future, the number of German soldiers will definitely exceed five million. How many people will suffer from mental illness after the war is over? Although there are chaplains in the army, there are also many atheists in the army.

In later generations, most people in Northern Europe, Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, France and other countries were atheists. People who believe in Christianity in these countries are generally old people with low education levels.

why? In fact, the decline of Christianity is a long-term trend, which may have started with the emergence of Protestantism.

With the development of culture and science, more and more people criticized Christianity. According to Christianity, the Bible is the voice of God, but the Bible has many logical problems, which is really ridiculous from a scientific point of view. Many people think that if God really exists, then he is a fool!

It seems that he has to pay attention to this issue and start training a large number of psychiatrists. In the future, he must have at least one psychiatrist in every company. He did not want the imperial soldiers who had fought for the country for several years to become a scourge to society due to psychological problems.

"Your Highness?" Natasha called softly when she saw Yannick holding a knife and fork in his hand but he was lost in thought.

"Huh?" Yannick shook his head after regaining consciousness. "It's nothing. Anyway, those are prisoners on death row and will be shot sooner or later. Now I have saved a few bullets."

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