Transformed into the DC World

Chapter 60 Continue, Don't Stop

Take me. Catwoman saw that she was going back, so she jumped on the motorcycle. She didn't bring any equipment, and she had a dagger all over her body. That dagger was still a bit lethal against ordinary people, but against that ancestral crocodile. It's just a toothpick...

We'll be back soon, you hold him first... Thea left a sentence, slammed on the accelerator, and the motorcycle sped out quickly.

It's easy for you to say, how can you hold on, the remaining two looked at each other affectionately, Barbara pointed to the center of the lake, Keep cursing, don't stop.

Robin wanted to say, how about you to scold me? Have a mouthful? I have been shouting with my neck for almost ten minutes. Although it is scolding, it is a form of mutual harm, but people can drink a sip of water to moisten their throat at any time, and my throat is almost smoking.

But looking at Barbara's unquestionable eyes, she could only accept this arduous task with pain and joy.

Listen to what your girlfriend says, do whatever you want, then scold me, although uttering obscenities in front of your sweetheart may damage your image as an honest and polite young man, but there are only two of you here, and you can't let Barbara do it herself. Let's start scolding, men have to be harder on themselves! bring it on!

I opened the collar of the tight combat suit outside. I usually don’t think there is a problem. I found out after shouting at the top of my voice for ten minutes. With the continuous inhalation and sound, the ventilation at the collar is too poor, and the whole neck is covered with sweat.

Barbara saw her boyfriend obediently went up and started to rant, and she was very happy, and felt that she still had some means. Although her mother ran away long ago, and her close friends were infinitely close to zero, but we can count on the art of controlling husbands Self-taught, right?

But after listening to it for two minutes, she realized something was wrong. In the past, Robin was a taciturn person who couldn't beat a fart with three sticks. When he talked, he said, Batman is right and Barbara is right. Today's swearing is just a few minutes, the tricky language, and the viciousness of the topic are really eye-opening, not to mention that such a cruel sentence is not repeated.

how can that be? Barbara's eyes became sharper, did he find some little vixen behind his back?

Thinking that he might cheat, Barbara didn't care about Robin's strong breath, grabbed his neck and asked, Who taught you these words, and where is she! As long as Robin said a place name in a second , she immediately went to the door, and the future of the people of Gotham was postponed, and she was not happy anymore. The happiness of the people of Gotham was useless!

Ah, who taught it? Oh, it's Miss Smoke. Robin was taken aback by the question, and didn't understand what she meant. After a few rounds of thinking, he couldn't figure out the logical relationship here, so he could only answer honestly, saying Wan also pointed to the headset he was wearing.

It's Felicity? Barbara quickly took out her headset and put it on. Before she came out, Felicity specially handed her one, saying it was convenient for contact. She didn't like the Star City duo. So I haven't brought it with me.

The headset was connected quickly, Welcome Barbara to our chat room! I won't talk to you yet, we still have business to do, Robin continues... The voice in the headset was very clear, and Felicity could be heard After a hasty greeting, they started their business again, that is, she said something in the headset, and Robin repeated it with a human speaker outside.

Barbara just thinks that being scolded is ugly and vicious. If she were to be scolded by herself, her blood vessels would burst... Recalling the two words of Thea before, she didn't even eat dinner. Are they all so good at cursing? Such scolding at the scene did not repeat the same sentence, what a huge vocabulary is needed...

Robin rests for half a minute, I'll find a new one, and you drink some water too... Then I heard Felicity's typing on the keyboard and a vague cry, That bald man over there, hand me over. Give me a bottle of water...

What the hell is this? What's new? Barbara didn't understand that there was a story that she didn't know? Looking at Robin, if my ex-girlfriend looked at me like this, Robin would pass out happily,

But now I really have no energy, I'm gasping for breath, I want to drink water, the problem is there is no, there is a layer of something floating on the lake in front of me, the killer crocodile has a strong digestion ability, he can drink it, but I can't, He licked his lips, trying to think of something to quench his thirst.

Ha, I'm back again, let's continue! Felicity said energetically.

Wait, let me interrupt, what were you looking for just now? Barbara felt that if she didn't ask, she wouldn't be able to sleep today.

100 classic swearing words, the latest version of 2007...Have you read it? I read a few sentences, and I always thought it was very valuable for collection. I didn't expect to use it today, haha! Robin, let's continue... Felicity lost her mind while talking, but fortunately she still remembered the business and forcibly brought the topic back.

It turns out that you Star City people are so good at playing... Barbara just felt that the previous twenty years of her life were wasted, and she silently watched Robin scolding like gourds.

Not to mention, this joke can indeed be called a classic. At the beginning, Barbara heard a few very interesting words and remembered them carefully, preparing to use them in certain occasions in the future, but later found that the words were very interesting. It's a classic, one gritted one's teeth and stomped one's foot, turned on the recording device on the battle suit, and started recording directly.

At this time, the killer crocodile in the middle of the lake was also very uncomfortable.

When Robin scolded at first, he didn't take it seriously at all. He only thought about these annoying guys leaving quickly so that he could go ashore and run away. This artificial lake was not built in accordance with national regulations. Qian, this is a pure lake, there is only one channel full of mud below it, which is the one I swam from the Chinese restaurant, there must be many enemies ambushed there now, and I can't go back.

He swam around the bottom of the lake and found no other escape route at all, but he was not desperate either. He was underwater and they were above the water, so let’s spend it. There is food and drink underwater, who is afraid of others! While thinking about it, he caught a small fish that swam past him, ate it in two bites, and looked at the people on the shore with a sneer.

When Thea left with Catwoman, he was still happy for a while, thinking that these guys were going to retreat, but soon found that the young man who threw himself a big somersault came to the lake again, cursing with puffed cheeks up.

These people are really stupid enough to use such a low-level provocation method to provoke themselves out? Although my body has become bigger, my brain is still smart. I am a detective... No, I am me, a firework of different colors.

He caught another fish and ate it slowly. Looking at Robin on the shore, Killer Crocodile didn't bother to go out and scold him, so let him perform stand-up comedy for himself.

But after listening to it, it felt wrong, because he scolded too badly. In a short period of time, the names of countless relatives came out of the other party's mouth, and his immediate family members had been rounded up. Tell the story of your grandpa's grandpa's generation!

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