Transcendent of Type-Moon Gensokyo

Chapter 25

Chapter 25


But Saber is also a battle-tested fighter, how can he be distracted by a mere word?

Seeing that the language is useless, Lancer directly danced his spear and continued to attack. Anyway, he must see the truth!

While the spear was in the process of forwarding, there were many changes, but Saber calmly blocked the attack in response to the changes.


Although the long spear has a distance advantage, it is easy to be too vulnerable if the distance is too close. After Saber blocked a few times, he found that the opponent revealed an empty door!

Without thinking about it, the sword in his hand was cut off.

“Puff!” The collision sound came again, but Lancer’s short spear blocked it!

However, this block is reluctant, because the sword in Saber’s hand is not visible at all!

“Awesome!” Saber praised when his ultimate move was blocked and returned without success.

This Lancer pair of guns work together seamlessly. I don’t know how long it took to study and how much sweat it took to reach such a realm!

However, Lancer was uncomfortable. Although his agility is high, the so-called world martial arts, only fast is not broken. From the beginning, he played a series of fast breaks with high agility. It seems to occupy the advantage of the scene, but he consumes a lot of physical strength and is increasing. No matter how high Saber’s sword moves and hits at high speed, it’s like being wrapped in the wind, reflecting his vision, making it invisible like invisibility. Although it seems useless, in high-speed close combat, it is Let yourself need to separate a lot of thoughts to deal with!

Without knowing the length and width of the opponent’s blade, Lancer couldn’t perform perfectly every time he attacked, so Lancer was naturally a little anxious.

“The length is about 93.3cm, the width is about 12.3cm, and it doesn’t fluctuate too much.” At this time, a faint voice came, but it answered Lancer’s doubts.

Alice Phil heard the sound of Liang Yi Luo and looked at him in surprise, not knowing how he calculated it.

However, for Saber and Lancer, it was not just a surprise, but a complete shock! If the length and width of the sword are calculated through a hands-on confrontation, it can only be said that the person’s understanding of the sword has reached a very high level, but can it be seen just by watching it? This is incredible!

As if feeling the shock of Saber and Lancer, Liang Yiluo, who was standing next to him, smiled slightly, and explained: “Just feel the air flow when the sword is swung, perceive the change in air density, and it is not difficult to analyze the length and width of the sword. Things.” The tone was light, as if not worth mentioning.

‘No, it’s not hard, it’s too hard! After listening to Liangyi’s words, it would be as easy as eating and drinking water, Saber and Lancer secretly complained.

However, this makes Saber more vigilant about Liang Yiluo. In any case, it also shows that the opponent’s swordsmanship is very good. If she suddenly attacked her Master in a battle, it would be really unexplainable. Although, she doesn’t know why, but it is. I believe Liangyiluo is not such a person…

Since the awakening of power, Liang Yiluo always finds the opportunity to analyze the natural power of the whole world. Although the progress is average, he is very sensitive to all changes in nature. Therefore, for him, the above behavior is not so good. difficult.

Because of this, he also sensed Assassin’s secret snooping not far away. He had no time to pay attention to Assassin’s transmission of information and Tosaka Tokimi’s evaluation of the two sides they were fighting. Although the Holy Grail War was a war, it was only a certainty. The degree of destructive power is nothing. In any case, it is only a war of seven Servants, and there is no army. Therefore, in this case, intelligence is not very important. As long as there is absolute force, it is not If you are besieged, there will be no losing situation.

If the two armies are actually facing each other, Liang Yiluo would have already cut Assassin by the sword. The intelligence of the two armies is extremely important…

Of course, in addition to Assassin, there is another spy from Assassin. It should be Kiritugu and his assistant…

On the container between the quay walls, Eimiya Kiritugu set up a sniper rifle and looked at the whole scene through an electronic scope.

Turn on the thermal sensor, and all the people in the whole scene are revealed. For this result, Kirito Eomiya was very satisfied.

“The enemy’s Master is such a small child?” Weimiya Kirishu was surprised at the enemy, and calmed down. In order to win, for him, whether the opponent is a child, an old man, or a relative, etc. , He treats them equally!

“Besides, is there another reason to appear with Servant so blatantly, or…” Because of Saber’s strength and his own plan, he made Alice Phil appear upright, so as to attract the attention of others. But I didn’t expect Lancer’s Master to show up so easily!

“Mu Mi, can you see the other party’s Master?”

“No problem, completely within sight.”

“Very well, aim at the target and follow my instructions…”

Aimiya Kirito pointed the scope of the sniper rifle at Ryogiro’s chest, and did not aim at the head. Compared to the chest, the range of the head is too small. At such a distance, the possibility of hitting the chest is possible. Even bigger, not to mention, such a powerful sniper rifle, whether it hits the chest or the head, is fatal to an ordinary person!

Just when Eimiya Kiritugu aimed the crosshair and was about to attack, he found that the target was staring at the field and his gaze was straight along the attack line of the sniper rifle. At this moment, Eimiya was looking away. Kei Si shuddered, he seemed to look at a pair of weird black and white pupils, revealing a lot of terror, making him seem to have fallen into a small space for an instant, surrounded by endless darkness!

Soon, the weird feeling disappeared, but Wei Gong Qishi gasped violently, sweating coldly.

“What’s this? Demon Eye…” Regarding the feeling just now, Eimiya Kirishu was still palpitating.

“…Muya wait, the other party found us.” Weimiya Keiji stopped Kuu Wuya, and the other party was still calm and calm even when he knew that there was a sniper. Then it was either a fool or a special method, and he was not good at sniping. Fear, according to the information, the other party can kill the clock tower lecturer to participate in the Holy Grail War. It doesn’t look like a fool at all. Knowing that the opponent has a back hand, it would be too irrational to attack by himself.

“…For the time being, wait!” Before’Abandoned’ was spoken, Kiritugu Enomiya spotted Assassin standing on the crane. Seeing that Assassin didn’t notice him, Kiritugu Eumiya breathed a sigh of relief, but he felt Suddenly, even Assassin didn’t perceive him, but Liang Yiluo found out…

In any case, if he shot a gun just now, he would definitely die. Assassin, even though he was the weakest of the Servants in the frontal battlefield, he was also a Servant after all, and Keith Uemiya didn’t think he could defeat the opponent.

“Muya, have you seen the crane above it?”

“…Well, it’s Assassin!” Hisou Mai saw it too.

“Abandon the original plan, Wu Mi, you observe Assassin, I observe Lancer…” After a pause, he continued: “There is also the other party’s Master!” Obviously, I still have lingering fears about the reaction of Liang Yi Luo just now.


Letting go of his mind, Eomiya Kirisi quietly observed.

‘In this case…huh, it’s all up to you, Knight King! ’

Liang Yiluo didn’t care about the mouse’s prying eyes. He just gave the other side a warning with ghost eyes. The strong will always be the strong. It is not something a weak can resist at will. Liang Yiluo’s attention is still on the battlefield. , Lancer is finally about to use the treasure!

For Lancer’s treasure, Liang Yiluo has also carefully observed and analyzed it, but it is a treasure at any rate, and it cannot be successful in a short time with his own power!

‘The Holy Grail War will not end for several days. During the day, I will analyze Lancer’s treasures while I am free. If the analysis is successful, then my power of origin will also have the attributes of Devil and Curse. Future tactics will be It will be more diverse, and it will be more handy to face strange enemies, and it is also very important for my strength improvement…’Liang Yi Luo secretly planned for his future.

Item 0009

After all, Lancer revealed his treasure, no need to recite his real name. As a permanent launching treasure, the magic-breaking red rose can be used only by touching it!

Therefore, without knowing the specific situation, in the face of Lancer’s attack, Saber naturally used his sword to withstand the spear of the gun.

Without warning, the Wind King enchantment was destroyed, a hurricane emerged from the intersection of the weapons, and Saber’s weapon revealed its true body for the first time!

Although it is only a corner, it is enough. Its length and width are just like the value mentioned by Liang Yiluo, and the fluctuation is very small.

The fighting continued, but what was different from the previous one was that every time a weapon collided, it did not sound the sound of steel, but was accompanied by waves of hurricanes, and the sword in Saber’s hand gradually revealed its full picture.

‘It’s now! Seeing the opportunity, I planned to use armor to resist Lancer’s attack, which caused Lancer to be seriously injured, but the result went against her idea!

“Tick, tick.” The drop of blood was clearly audible, and the magic-breaking Red Rose ignored Saber’s magical armor and easily hurt her!

“Saber!” Alice Phil was taken aback, and then quickly used healing magic.

“Thank you Ellie, it’s okay, the magic works!”

After all, Saber saw the mystery of Lancer’s red spear, and decisively abandoned the armor. After that, she was still confused by Lancer and was stabbed by the inevitable yellow rose…

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