Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor Gao-Yuan

Episode 8 As Brave as Usual

The room suddenly erupted into chaos.

Liu Sanquan still had doubts in his heart but didn't dare challenge Gao-Yuan. Instead, he politely asked, "Are you saying that treating the lungs can also make one urinate?"

Gao-Yuan replied, "Zhang Jingyue once said, 'To treat water retention, one must first treat the qi. To treat the kidneys, one must first treat the lungs.' The lungs are the source of water. If the upper source is not clear, the lower flow won't be smooth. Moreover, the lungs are located in the upper jiao, responsible for descending qi. If the clearing order of the lungs is obstructed, the three burners will be blocked, and naturally, you won't be able to urinate."

Liu Sanquan was stunned for a few seconds.

Gao-Yuan continued, "In 'Jingyue Quanshu' it’s stated, 'When dealing with diseases like water swelling, it's a disease that involves the spleen, lungs, and kidneys. Water is extreme yin, so its root lies in the kidneys; water transformation relies on Qi, so its manifestation is in the lungs; water fears earth, so it is controlled by the spleen.'"

"The 'Inner Canon' has long talked about the three major methods of 'opening the ghost gate,' 'cleaning the mansion,' and 'removing stagnant residues.' Zhang Zhongjing also mentioned, 'For any water-related illness, if the swelling is below the waist, induce urination; if above the waist, induce sweating for recovery.' When you first visited, upon noticing the swelling on the patient's head and face, you should have paid attention to this problem."

Liu Sanquan mumbled softly, "It wasn't me who treated him the first time."

Gao-Yuan frowned and said, "Look at your prescription again; what kind of messy things did you prescribe? Bazheng powder, which treats damp heat and bitter cold to purge fire—how could this old man have any fire for you to purge? Such strong bitter-cold can harm an already weak spleen and stomach. With the middle jiao losing its function, how could water swelling not worsen?"

"Then you switched to Hupo powder, which is for treating hematuria. That's simply nonsense! Hupo powder forces water excretion and further damages the innate source of the kidneys. The disease of water swelling involves the lungs, spleen, and kidneys. You ended up damaging all three organs. How could it not turn into a severe condition?"

Liu Sanquan’s voice grew even softer as he timidly said, "That wasn’t my prescription. I prescribed Wupi decoction."

Gao-Yuan asked, "Did it work? Did it successfully strengthen the spleen and excrete water?"

Liu Sanquan dared not speak anymore.

Father Yang finished disciplining his son and came over, panting. "So, how is it?"

Liu Sanquan glanced at Gao-Yuan.

Gao-Yuan turned to Father Yang and said, "Uncle, we discussed it and decided to use the method of promoting lung function to induce sweating."

Father Yang looked at Liu Sanquan again.

Liu Sanquan lowered his head, nervously picking at a hole in his clothes.

Father Yang turned back to Gao-Yuan, still not understanding the reasoning behind this.

Knowing that it would be futile to explain ancient medical theories to someone semiliterate like Father Yang, Gao-Yuan glanced around and noticed a teapot on the table. He walked over and picked it up.

Father Yang said, "Are you thirsty? Xiuying, get him a bowl."

"No need; I’m not thirsty," replied Gao-Yuan.

With that, Gao-Yuan tilted the teapot, and water began to pour out.

Father Yang and Liu Sanquan were baffled.

Gao-Yuan then placed his finger over a small hole on the teapot lid.

Instantly, the flow of water diminished.

Then he released his finger, and the water flow increased again.

"What’s the point?" Father Yang still didn't understand.

Gao-Yuan pointed at the small hole on the lid and asked, "Uncle, I remember you used to work as a coppersmith. Why do coppersmiths drill a small hole in the lid of a kettle?"

Father Yang answered confidently, "It's to let air in. If the hole is blocked, the water inside the kettle won't flow out."

Gao-Yuan explained, "It’s the same with people. The lungs are like the lid of the kettle. If this small hole is blocked, how can the water come out?"

"Oh!" This time, Father Yang understood.

Liu Sanquan also exclaimed, "Oh!" Compared to the obscure medical texts, he found this everyday analogy much easier to grasp.

Gao-Yuan added, "Therefore, our treatment plan is to open the lid of this kettle. Once we lift the lid, the water can flow out completely."

Saying this, Gao-Yuan lifted the lid.

Father Yang quickly stopped him, "I get it, I get it. No need to pour it out; that's the only cold water we have left at home."

"Okay," Gao-Yuan replaced the lid and put the teapot back.

Father Yang finally understood, "So, this is the principle behind medicine."

Gao-Yuan shook his head. "This is the wisdom of the working people."

Father Yang looked at Gao-Yuan in surprise.

Gao-Yuan pointed at the teapot, "It’s the crystallization of the wisdom of the masses."

Father Yang was momentarily taken aback. Wow, Gao-Yuan’s consciousness was even higher than his, the village secretary.

Seeing his son Yang Degui standing awkwardly at the door, Father Yang's anger flared up again.

Liu Sanquan suggested, "Why don’t you write a prescription, and we can get the medicine tomorrow?"

Gao-Yuan glanced at the elderly man lying in pain and said, "There's no time for that. When urgency arises, you treat the symptoms first. We must quickly expel the water. Do you have any fangfeng (siler)?"

Liu Sanquan checked his medicine box and said, "Recently, many people have had colds, so there should be some left."

"Give me three qian (about 9 grams)," Gao-Yuan instructed.

Liu Sanquan quickly measured the dosage.

Gao-Yuan asked Father Yang, "Uncle, do you have any perilla leaves (zisu)?"

Father Yang replied, "There are some in the field."

"I’ll need some perilla leaves," Gao-Yuan said.

Father Yang shouted at Yang Degui, who was still standing awkwardly, "Didn’t you hear him? Go pick some perilla leaves!"

Yang Degui grumbled, "Dad, won’t you reconsider using a pig bladder?"

Father Yang snapped, "If it's your bladder, I’ll consider it!"

Yang Degui choked and left unwillingly.

Gao-Yuan then asked, "Do you have apricot kernels (xingren)?"

"Apricot kernels..." Father Yang called out to the outside, "Xiuying, do we have any apricot kernels left?"

"A handful," came the reply from outside.

Gao-Yuan turned to Liu Sanquan, "We need three qian (about 9 grams)."

Liu Sanquan complied without further comment.

Soon, the three ingredients were ready.

The medicine was boiled, and Xiuying fed it to her grandfather, keeping her head lowered without glancing at Gao-Yuan.

Everyone stayed in the room, anxiously watching.

After the medicine was administered, Xiuying quietly took the bowl and left.

Gao-Yuan covered the elderly man with a blanket and waited until he began to sweat slightly. Then he said, "Prepare a chamber pot."

Father Yang, puffing on his cigarette, barked at Yang Degui, "Did you hear that?"

Yang Degui folded his arms, pouting, "Who knows if it’ll work? And why rush? If Grandpa can urinate by the count of one, two, three, I’ll drink it all!"

Father Yang was about to take off his shoes when suddenly, the elderly man clutched his stomach in pain, crying out, "Oh, it hurts!"

"Grandpa!" Yang Degui rushed over in panic.

"Father!" Father Yang forgot about disciplining his son and turned around quickly.

Yang Degui grabbed Gao-Yuan, shouting, "What kind of medicine did you use?"

Liu Sanquan looked bewilderedly at Gao Yuan.

Gao-Yuan lifted the blanket and saw that the elderly man’s pants were already wet. "Quick, get the chamber pot!"

Father Yang was overjoyed, "Hurry!"

"Huh?" Yang Degui hesitated. By the time he reacted, it was already too late.

"Whoosh..." A torrent poured forth.

Yang Degui was dumbfounded and instinctively swallowed hard.

Gao-Yuan asked, "Tempted?"

"You—!" Yang Degui was so choked with anger that his heart almost skipped a beat.

Father Yang let out a sigh of relief and scolded his son, "I told you to get it earlier, but you didn’t listen. You’re washing Grandpa’s bedding tomorrow!"

Yang Degui’s mind buzzed with frustration.

Liu Sanquan was stunned, feeling the elderly man’s head and neck. "It worked even before he started sweating. This is faster than counting one, two, and three! They say some treatments work like a drumbeat, producing instant results. Today, I witnessed it firsthand."

At the door, Liu Sanquan bid farewell to Gao-Yuan.

Liu Sanquan said, "Doctor Gao-Yuan, I’m convinced. Today, I’ve truly learned something."

Gao-Yuan smiled faintly and said, "You're being polite. In the future, you must be more cautious when practicing medicine and using prescriptions. Read more medical books and study medical theories in depth. This way, we can reduce misdiagnosis and mistreatment. After all, we are the true guardians of the people's health."

"Yes, yes, I've learned my lesson," Liu Sanquan nodded repeatedly. "I'll be heading out now."

Gao-Yuan replied, "Alright, be careful on the road at night."

"Goodbye." Liu Sanquan walked away, but after a few steps, he suddenly paused, thinking, "Wait a minute, how did this troublemaker end up lecturing me about serving the people?"

After sending off Liu Sanquan, Gao-Yuan was preparing to head home when he heard someone calling from behind.


Turning around, he saw that it was Yang Degui chasing after him. Gao-Yuan asked, "What's up?"

Yang Degui approached him with a serious expression and said, "One thing is for another. You saved my grandfather, and that's a kindness that must be repaid."

Saying this, Yang Degui earnestly bowed.

"But you bullied my sister, and that's a grudge that must be avenged."

Gao-Yuan frowned, "It's not what you think."

Yang Degui cut him off, "Enough talking! I've been wanting to teach you a lesson for a long time. I've waited so long, and now you're finally back. Get ready!"

With that, Yang Degui charged at him, swinging his fists wildly and shouting.

Gao-Yuan's eyes narrowed. As Yang Degui closed in, Gao-Yuan swiftly pulled him, braced himself, and then flung him aside, sending Yang Degui sprawling on the ground.

Yang Degui lay there, sprawled out, completely stunned.

Gao-Yuan said with exasperation, "Didn't you know I can fight quite well? Are you always this brave?"

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