Tomboy Island

Day 7 – Towards the Shore – Part 1

Alex woke up in heaven.

The attributes of the tree prevented the air from becoming too humid or smelling unpleasant, despite the sixteen very post-coital people lying in it. They were still sticky, but the air was nice, fresh, and not too hot either. The light that fell through the canopy was minimal at this early hour. That the glassy crystal dome above sat in the crown of the tree meant that there was always a decent amount of shade.

Much as Alex spiritually wanted for the morning orgy, there was a collective thirst of the regular kind. The previous night had been intense, to put it mildly.

The issues with their current, if improved, environment became apparent swiftly. The bath was not big enough, the corridor was not wide enough, and there was only a single restroom. They managed to solve this via shuffles and delays, but it still was far from optimal for a household that size.

After more than 45 minutes, they were all gathered in the living room. Sitting on grown stools, the tomboys chatted away at each other. Many comments were made to the effect of ‘I still can’t believe this is real’ and ‘me neither’. Alex let all of that happen while breakfast commenced. It was only after that he cleared his throat and grabbed everyone’s attention.

“So, this went under in the heat yesterday, but I should ask how your days on the island have been so far,” he asked, looking first at Kiara and her group, then Astrid.

The shortstack answered first. “I washed ashore with Niara.  We went along the coast for a bit, then decided to check the jungle. A stupid mist enveloped us and then we got lost. After a day, we stumbled into Jane and then we just, sort of, survived. Day 3 I started shrinking, so that was… worrisome.”

“I just wandered about for a bit. Honestly had a good time,” Astrid reported.

Simple stories, but Alex had not expected much more. Asking them about strange lights or the kind felt redundant. They all knew the island was supernatural at this point. There was another matter he wanted to start talking about.

Now that he had gathered his wanted harem in its entirety, it was time to have a talk. A talk about what they wanted to do on this island and, if given the opportunity, if they wanted to return to civilization. They still knew very little about their circumstances and yet priorities were best set early.

Alex just wasn’t quite sure how to break the news.


‘The simple way is best,’ he decided and stood up, so everyone knew he was talking about something serious. “I want to ask what our priority should be: do we want to get off this island and return to civilization or… lean fully into the supernatural?”

“Uhm, isn’t it a bit early to decide that?” Ashley asked.

“The worst policy to have is no policy,” Kiara immediately shot back. “We can change our outlook later if we get more intel. Alex is being not stupid in saying we should have an operating principle.”

Evelyn inspected her sharpened fingernails. “You don’t win the triathlon by starting to train when you qualify for it. You win by training as if you were already certain to participate years prior.” She lowered her hand. “Our Master is right - we need to decide this early.”

There was not much convincing needed to be done. In fact, it looked as if Ashley had only asked that in order to present the opinion. From the trained tomboys to the PR manager,  everyone understood the value of aiming at something from the start. Drifting from place to place was not going to serve them - especially since there were other entities on the island they would have to negotiate with.

“How do you want to go about this?” Tess asked him.

“Simple: we vote.” Alex told them. “We do a show of hands. Those who are in favour of leaning into the magic raise their hands first, those who want to prioritize a return to civilization do it second.”

“No middle option?” Astrid asked. “Like: try to balance magic and return to civilization?”

“We’ll try to balance our options either way,” Alex explained his logic. “If we can hide our changes and take trips back to civilization or if we can keep a ship route to this island open after we return to civilization, then we will obviously do that. No need to limit ourselves. However, I don’t see any logical long-term way where we balance the two sides of the coin. We have to live on one side of the divide and there doubtlessly is a divide. Otherwise, the modern world wouldn’t look what it looks like.”

The logic found agreement around the table. There was a short moment of murmured exchanges, as the various women wondered what their fellow haremettes thought about all of this. Alex cleared his throat to grab their attention again before opinions could get tainted by the exchange.

“I know this is all very fast and I mean… everything. I went with the flow and that has become a mighty river, to put it in flowery language. We all got swept up in it. I’ll do everything I should do to protect what we got so far and to make what we have work. I love this, whatever exactly this is. I’ll give my opinion last.”

Jane raised one of her finely swung eyebrows. “You do not have a lesser voice in this harem, you should vote with everyone else.” 

“It’s not that I have a lesser voice, it’s the opposite that I don’t want to happen. I am the man of this harem. No one should feel like they need to vote to impress me.” Alex showed a relaxed smile. “I get that a lovely crowd of tomboys like you gets that, but just in case. Plus, as the man it is my obligation to work so you are happy.”

“Drama is for cunts,” Janette put it bluntly. “You got so far, though, so no need to question your ideas.”

Nods around the table. Selana shrugged, causing a very amusing phenomenon where most people in the room glanced in her direction because of the jiggle in their periphery. “Hey, if Alex wants to do it like this, I’m not complaining either,” the cow girl stated. Her transformation had finished overnight, leaving her with a pair of white, curved horns.

She was far from the only one that had changed. On the major side of things, Blair had turned quite red. The unnatural pigmentation had caused some alarm at first, but it was too uniform to be a sunburn. Plus, she would have been in immense pain if it had been.

On the much lesser side of things, Evelyn and Janette had their hair grow overnight, turning their buzzcuts into still short but very present hair. It was interesting because it made clear that changes did not end at these initial points. It also proved that their bodies could still change in some of the ways they had previously thought blocked by the island.

Personally, Alex enjoyed the changes. It covered up the bases of their horns, which just was more pleasing aesthetically.

Removing his eyes from all of the beauties around him, Alex made the declaration: “Show of hands, who is for indulging fully in the supernatural?”

All hands immediately went up. There was no hesitation by anyone, not even the shy members of the harem. For a baffled second, the harem scanned its members. Then, laughter broke out.

Alex wasn’t sure who laughed first, he just knew he joined it. It was the kind of laughter that could only be created by such an organic moment of unison. The emotion that filled him was deeper than relief, for relief would have meant he had been under pressure. This was a wholesome, shared belief. A bedrock to this relationship that proved one thing.

“We really were all made for each other, weren’t we?” Alex asked out loud and raised his hand as a show of what his opinion had been. Just to get to know all of his girls better, he asked. “I would like each of you to tell me why you want to do this.” He looked to Astrid to start.

The blonde Swedish woman scratched the back of her head. “Honestly, I don’t have a grandiose answer. Just feels like the right thing to do, you know? I’ve got family back in Sweden and they’ll worry about me but… this feels more important. Plus, I’m sure I’ll be able to visit them at some point. Don’t ask me how, I just think it’ll work out.”

Alex wasn’t about to chastise her for her opinion, he genuinely just wanted to know. After nodding, his eyes wandered to Jane.

“My family can learn to get along without me for a change,” she spoke harshly, then softened up a bit. “Otherwise, I’m in agreement with Astrid. I could be an archer or I could be with you in a magical jungle. The choice is obvious. Doubly so because I do not feel like getting judged for what we have now.”

“Man, I really wanted that gold medal,” Charlotte whined with a cheerful smile. “Buuuut, I guess I want to stay because it’s just nicer here. I would miss the club, but I’m a private slut now. I’ll miss the music and other comforts. I’d miss skipping this call to adventure more!”

Janette hesitated for a moment. “There is nothing that I would go back to,” she stated, a hint of sadness shining through her tone. “This is better.” She demonstrably looked to the next woman to pick things up.

Niara had not said anything all morning and she kept things short and precise. “I don’t like home. I like this. I want more of it.”

Inspecting the back of her red hand, Blair was similarly short-spoken. “I have four brothers. My family will do fine. There’s a lot of riders the world over, but I can bask in magic. Why take the lesser challenge?”

“U-uhm… I just think… the regular world won’t understand what we have, Master?” Sofia presented. “I do like the options of magic, but it’s more the freedom of it all that I want. I do agree with sending my family a letter if we ever could though.”

“If I ever go back, I’d probably kill myself,” Yahui spoke and the lack of irony raised a bunch of eyebrows. “The CCP will either put me under intense house arrest, or my father will, or I will ‘disappear’ if it ever comes to light what we did on this island,” she clarified. “I do not want to go back to that land of rules. I want this. I want to be the ruler over my fate, bound only by that which I agree to be bound by.”

Evelyn pat her fellow haremette on the shoulder. “The mindset of a victor,” she told the Chinese acrobat. “I simply have no reason to go home. My family does not deserve me. I have already reached the peak of modelling and athletic careers. If I return to civilization, I got a stable life to look forward to. I’ll raise a bunch of perfect children, studded by my Master, and be content as I age. Here, I get to be a dragon.” The haughty woman grinned. “The choice is obvious.”

“This is just exciting!” Sara burst out. “My life has been on a straight road so far! I… yeah, I got swept up by that river, but I am swimming along now and I have never felt this alive. I want to see where this goes and I don’t want to find out before I get there.”

“This island has shown me that I’m your submissive sex slave, Alex,” Selana stated with a grin and cupped her tits. “Much as these things are going to get in the way, I don’t want to get rid of them either. Whatever is going on right now, I want more of it! This shit is exhilarating!”

Valeria nodded robotically. “It just feels correct. I don’t have a strong reason. I agree with what was said before. I don’t have anyone back home either.”

“This beats running a gym by miles,” Tess gave her opinion. “I’ve never felt this relaxed before either. The only noise around me right now is noise I like. No one is getting on my nerves. I don’t have to get annoyed by the next seminar about renewing my equipment licenses or plan anything, I just have time to be. Not just that, I have time to be with all of you and that’s, plainly put, hot.” She stopped for a moment. “I have concerns about the future. If we have children, will it be safe to have them here? What will we do after? Are there other people our children could marry down the line? I don’t have answers to that but… I’d rather jump into the unknown.”

“Being a shortstack is way less annoying now that I know there’s magical powers involved,” Kiara chatted. “I don’t have to deal with annoying camera crews staring at my tits anymore, it's just you hot lot. Yeah, I’d definitely rather have this. I have the kind of stud that will smack my ass if I tease him enough and I get to cuddle with 14 other hot women. Modernity got nothing like that to offer. It can screw off, I say!”

“I, uhm, think it’ll be a bit of a shame to never write a book on this…” Ashley muttered. “But… yeah… all of the above? I went into the press to experience unique things and… what’s more unique than this?” She paused for a moment. “Mighty Master, why do you want to stay?”

Alex, somehow, had not been prepared for that question. He fell silent, feeling the expectant gazes of his harem on him. An answer rose to the surface and he spoke it.

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