Tomboy Island

Day 5 – Mysteries Unfold – Part 1

“You didn’t cum in my hair, right?” Charlotte asked.

The French tomboy kept scratching two lumps of matted hair at the top of her head. Those were the same two spots she had complained about the day before. That hair as short as hers even could mat was interesting. It was strangely calming that it did so at all. Whatever strangeness of the island kept them in prime condition did have gaps.

“Wouldn’t you remember?” Alex asked.

“I’m honestly not sure. At some point when you pound the brains out of us, things just become this hazy blissful blur. Sort of like being drunk, ya know?”

“There’s a reason they call it ‘cock drunk’,” Blair chimed in. The redhead kept her hands close to the fire. Interest kept her close to it. She opened and closed her hand in front of the flickering flames. The sun was only beginning to approach to horizon and so the orange glow of the campfire remained strong for the time being.

Half of the camp and half of his harem were down by the river, cleaning themselves. Two descriptions without distinction now, which was why Alex lingered on the thought. Nine women - all his. What a blessing for his life this island had proven to be so far.

The other half of the harem was either still asleep or busy inspecting the clay oven. A secondary fire had burned away inside the simplistic piece of ‘furniture’. Structure wise, it was a tunnel with two openings, one for smoke, and one to allow things to be placed inside. A shelf separated fuel from whatever they wanted to bake in it. It was small, primitive, and doubtlessly had a variety of construction errors, but they did not need it to be long-lasting or efficient. As long as they had something that could reliably keep heat somewhat contained, that opened new avenues in cooking and that was already a good first step.

Besides, with the experience from making this first one, they could slowly scale up the operation. Eventually, they would get to some kind of brick and then they would have decently solid housing.

“Still kind of clam on the surface,” Ashley mumbled.

“What?” Charlotte asked. “Can you repeat that? I’m hearing double.”

Alex got increasingly concerned. “Are you good?”

“I dunno. Feels like my ears are stuffed, but they’re not, you know?” The swimmer took a moment off scratching her head to rub her ears instead.

“Mhmmorning, Master,” Sofia stirred from her sleep. Her and Ashley were the last two to still be asleep. “Would you like me to- wait, why are you flaccid? You… uhm… can be flaccid?”

“You’re too late!” Selana shouted as she made her way up from the river. “We sucked that cock dry. Me, Blair, and Crankylin.”

“Crankylin? Is Evelyn in a bad mood too?”

“She suffers my fate of itchy spots!” Charlotte lamented. “It is pure suffering! It is pure suffering and you’re ignoring me!”

“Mhm?” Sofia had suddenly started to gaze towards the north-west. “Sorry, can you repeat that?”

“Maybe in a minute,” Charlotte hissed. The itching was getting to her, making her even more cranky than Evelyn was.

“Your cum tastes too good,” Blair suddenly said.

Alex turned to her with a smile. “I’ll take that compliment.”

“No, I mean it actually tastes too good,” the redhead stated. “I’ve had my share of loads. I love cum. Yours tastes too good. I never came from just tasting semen.”

Sofia gave Alex’s cock a few prodding pokes. He let her pass. She was trying to wake the proverbial dragon and she was going to succeed eventually, considering the impossible amount of cum he seemed to produce these days. “M-maybe you just weren’t cumslutty enough?”

“You have no idea how much cum I’ve lapped up in my life. I- ouch!”

Selana had gently knocked the Scottish woman’s head. “Talking about past men in front of our Master is really bad style.”

“I am making a point.”

“The point that the fruit on the island made him taste absurdly good? Yeah, we got that already,” Tess drawled, herself returning as well. She looked positively radiant that morning. The light of the rising sun was somehow caught on top of her hair like some sort of translucent, silvery halo. Alex wondered if there was mist in the air that caught the light like that. “Because we already were past that.”

“This is beyond a fruity diet.”

“Hey, guys!” They heard Valeria shout from the river. “I feel like Evelyn got something!”

Alex immediately jumped on his feet and crossed over to the river. There, he found Yahui and Valeria inspecting the head of the cross-armed triathlon gold medalist. “There’s something solid in the centre of these bumps,” the Chinese woman informed Alex.

“Yes, yes, you can feel me up too,” Evelyn groaned when he approached to check. She tilted her head, letting him run his fingers through her shaven hair. Valeria guided him to the spot.

The bumps weren’t large or thick, but they were there. His thumb caught a little solid nub at the centre. It felt like something was attached to or growing from her skull. “Parasites?” he mumbled. “That’s pretty bad news if that’s the case….”

“I refuse to die before I had at least three children with you, so we better get to the bottom of this.”

“Agreed… we can only keep an eye on it for now.” Alex groaned and returned to camp, together with everyone else. They all sat together. The mood from the previous night was depressed by these mounting oddities. They had been profoundly lucky with how healthy they all were, despite the foreign environment. No hazards whatsoever, however, seemed to have been a bit much to ask for.

“Mornin’,” Ashley slurred, finally rising when the sunlight shone into her closed eyes. “What’s the ruckus?”

“We may have some dire medical news,” Valeria put it bluntly. “Or Eve has the world’s weirdest head trauma.”

“Oh thank fuck,” Charlotte groaned out loud, garnering everyone’s attention. “The double hearing finally stopped and now everything feels extra clear. Like, it’s when your ears finally pop because water runs out of them… is there something on my face? I know I’m cute, but you’re all staring.” Alex’s breakfast fruit fell out of his hand. “Okay, I’m not that cute. Or am I?” She smiled.

“C-charlotte,” Tess stammered. “Can you… can you feel those things on top of your head?”

“Things on top of my head?” the swimmer tilted her head. The pair of fox ears flicked, confused. Charlotte’s eyes opened wide. She reached up and squished the pair of additional ears now on top of her head. “What the fuck?!”

The camp broke out into confused shouts.

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