Tomboy Island

Day 4 – Oddities Mounting – Part 6

“Thank everything,” Tess sighed when she got to sit down.

They had gotten moving shortly after the orgy had concluded, which came with a predictable set of drawbacks. Everyone was on wobbly legs, save for Blair who had not partaken in the whole thing. Between that, carrying the chunks of clay, and environmental difficulties, it had taken them twice as long to get back as it had taken them to get there.

On weak legs or not, they were back at the camp. Everyone dropped their clay chunks in one corner of the camp and then sat down. “Anything interesting happen?” Yahui asked with an amused undertone. It was obvious by the state Alex’s haremettes were in what had conspired.

Charlotte casually waved her hand. “Nothing too interesting, besides Alex having a heatstroke and us all realizing we’re total cumsluts.”

“Are we total cumsluts or is Master’s seed just that perfect?” Evelyn asked.

“Has to be the former,” Valeria stated.

Evelyn chuckled and rolled her neck. “I wouldn’t be owned by a normal man with normal cum, just saying,” she half-sang. The tone made it clear that she wasn’t being serious.

Hot as the fantasy was, his cum triggering orgasms was biologically impossible. All of his nubile, highly sexual tomboys collectively amping each other up and reinforcing psychological enjoyment of tasting and otherwise receiving his cum? That was a lot more reasonable. Still about as ludicrous as the wonderful situation he found himself in at large, but at least possible within the confines of the material universe.

“The fruit diet definitely made him peak delicious,” Charlotte threw in. “Seriously, it’s better than chocolate.”

“Try it,” Alex urged the petite duo of sex slaves that had been following the conversation. Sofia and Ashley exchanged a quick glance, then nodded and crawled over.

Their Master, of course, was hard again. The moment he had stopped carrying the chunk of clay around, his blood had travelled from his muscles to a place where it could have more fun. Now his erect cock got a tongue bathing by the Asian reporter and Estonian fencer.

“I managed to deepthroat him earlier, just saying,” Charlotte boasted in the background.

Shy as those two were, they understood a challenge when they heard one. Sofia, especially, reacted to the words by getting more aggressive. Her pale pink lips wrapped around the head of his cock. Trying hard only made things worse, however. She forced him too far down too fast and had to rapidly retreat.

Ashley took that as her opportunity. The small woman stared at his erection like it was a giant totem pole dedicated to her own gods for a moment. Then, she did as Sofia, taking him into her mouth and going down.

Surprising everyone, she made it seem almost easy. There was only a slight moment of hesitation, when the tip of his cock penetrated the back of her mouth, but otherwise he smoothly and completely was enveloped by her throat. Her nose pressed against his groin. Hazel eyes were half-hidden by fluttering eyelids.

Alex could not help himself. The quivering of her throat pushed him over the edge. A hand in her messy black hair, he kept her down as his heavy balls pumped a massive load down her gullet. She reminded him of a happy rodent, just with her throat stuffed instead of her cheeks. Her shapely little bottom rose and fell in accordance with the spasms that bounced around under her taut, pale skin.

Evelyn laughed. “Another cumslut for this hoard of haremettes!”

Alex let go of Ashley’s head the moment he realized he was keeping her pinned. She quickly glided back up, swallowing one last time before dedicating herself to erratic breathing and the occasional cough. “Oh that was soooo hoooooooooot,” the usually shy woman swooned, her erotic flip switched. “Master, Master you filled my stomach and it felt like you were feeding me ambrosia. Is that what being a cumslut is like?”

“Apparently?” Charlotte said.

“No,” Blair weighed in. “As a cumslut, that’s more than being a cumslut.”

“My turn to serve,” Sofia muttered and went back down on Alex’s still hard cock. She knew better than to force herself down again. She tried extra hard still and was clearly annoyed with her current limits. Like any good athlete, she accepted those limits for the time being, so she could improve on them incrementally.

“Really surprising you got that down your throat,” Tess said. “Charlotte managed earlier, yeah, but that was really short.”

“Shhhh, she doesn’t need to know that… but it is really impressive. Especially with, you know, you not getting the whole thing into your proper hole… did you train or something?”

“N-no!” Ashley was now back to her stammering self.

“Is that a ‘actually no’ or an ‘I’m unnecessarily embarrassed around my fellow sex slaves-no’?”

“It’s an actual no! I may have done interviews with a butt plug in me and once spent a full day wrapped up in bed just masturbating, but I haven’t throat trained myself with anything Alex’s size! I- aaahhhhhhhhhhh!” Ashley collapsed into a screaming bundle in the fetal position once she realized what she had said.

Several minutes later, Alex gave Sofia her reward for the service. Fascinatingly, she did also react by climaxing while gulping down his seed. The collective cumslut awakening really was weird. Was it any weirder than them all waking up nude and unharmed? Alex wasn’t sure.

‘Is it really just coincidences… but what else could it be?’ he shook his head and instead focused on what to do next. ‘There’s still about three hours in this day.’


Alex got up and a moment later so did Tess and Charlotte. “What are we doing?” the goth woman asked.

“We?” the survivalist asked, a little surprised by the swiftness of their action.

“Hey, ya picked us to be your help for the day.” The foxy French swimmer poked his chest with her index finger. The accusatory gesture was entirely playful. “It’s getting late, but we’re sticking around… or is the famed female intuition wrong on this?”

Alex shook his head, smiling from ear to ear. “Please, do tag along. I was just going to do some rounds around the camp.

The nearby jungle was still dense and could hide anything from useful resources to nasty surprises. It was best to patrol even known terrain frequently, unless that terrain was as flat as the Netherlands. Then a distant scan would probably do it.

In this case, the trio just maneuvered around paths that they were slowly getting to know. Knowing what openings between trees led to a smooth ‘road’ was itself valuable knowledge. Often enough, they squeezed themself through a gap only to be face to face with a wall of wood, earth or stone. Jungles were awkward like that.

As they walked, a topic came to Alex’s mind. He wasn’t sure how to start it, so he decided to do as they liked him to do: take charge. “Charlotte, tell me about your life.”

“Real romantic,” the French woman laughed.

“It’s an order,” Alex stated with a barely audible, joking undertone. That made the tomboy laugh even louder. “Report on yourself, Charlotte!” he urged, now in the overplayed tone of a parodied drill sergeant.

“Yes, Sir Master, Sir, yes!” the vixen saluted where she stood. “Charlotte Valois, 20 years old. I have brown hair, green eyes, and keep my hair very short. I do not know my three sizes, but I do have shapely C-cups, a narrow waist, and wide hips I am quite proud of! Also, I have unnaturally pink lips, no idea why!”

“Alright, now I have heard what you look like,” Alex tone softened up, “but I actually wanted to learn about you.”

“Oh.” Charlotte blushed a little bit, to Tess’ amusement. “What’re ya giggling at?”

“You get embarrassed about the weirdest things.”

“I’m used to guys loving my body, I’m not that used to them asking about… you know, more than the ten questions they think they need to ask to get me to bed.”

“Ignore all of them, forever,” Alex told her. “You’re mine now, top to bottom - and I want to care for you for the rest of my life. Tell me who the mother of my children will be.”

“...Wow that’s… okay.” Charlotte bashfully tugged at her short brown hair for a moment. “I’m not that interesting, I have to tell you. My mom was the third wife of a successful French fashion mogul - they divorced over the issue of him turning to the company of other men more often than not.”

“Huh… that’s a bit stereotypical,” Tess weighed in with her typical dry humour.

“I know right?” Charlotte waved off. “I was five at the time. Honestly, I don’t know my dad. I didn’t keep his name either. The divorce money made sure me and mom were cared for. She eventually remarrried and that left me feeling kind of alone… I picked up swimming and got really good at it and now I’m here. That’s it, kinda.”

Alex felt like there was a little more between her five year old self and her now, but he knew that it was difficult to give a spontaneous recollection of one’s own life. He had struggled to do the same earlier today. 

“Full of stereotypes,” Tess said while shaking her head. “French, slut, daddy issues, what a combo.”

“I don’t have daddy issues!” Charlotte complained. “And being French is not an insult.”

“I beg to differ.”

Alex chuckled at their exchange. There was no venom between them and that was all he cared about. They were bantering like dudes in a locker room. All of the sexiness of fit women with none of the confusion he was used to from so many of them. ‘Tomboys are the best,’ he thought.


They continued circling around the camp, only shortly returning so Alex could get a look at what they were doing. Expectedly, they had started with the construction of the clay oven and were doing a decent job at it. Granted, Alex was not an expert at this one either, he just knew that the basic variant, which would suffice for their initial needs, wasn’t that difficult. Anyone with hands and fire could do it.

After that, it was right back to patrol. Alex did not want to stray far away from the camp this late in the day. What was the use in his harem if he did not lay with them during the night (in every meaning of that word)?

“Your turn, Tess,” he announced during a quiet moment.

“Tess Grey, 29-”

“Old!” Charlotte interrupted her. “And your last name is Grey, really? You’re black and white, nothing about you is grey.”

“My eyes?”

“...Damnit, I hate it when you make sense.”

“181 centimetres tall, F-cups, toned, wide hips, stoic cunt,” Tess finished summarizing herself. “I grew up surrounded by horny idiots. At first it was just idiots, all the kids that knock books out of your hands when you are the nerdy kid in kindergarten. Horny came into the mix when I became that chubby goth girl with the giant tits. Couldn’t even escape to the library, the other quiet girls didn’t like me.”

“Because you were a ‘stoic cunt’?” Alex suggested.

“Exactly,” Tess answered drily. “The guys gave me more attention than I wanted and the girls didn’t like the way I talked. All I wanted to do was to be left alone.”

“And you got what you wanted at the gym?” he asked next. He could follow this along from what he had heard earlier.

“Exactly again.” Tess showed a little smirk. “Good that you can listen, Master.”

“I’m more than the man that saves your life and fucks you senseless,” he promised her. In a dark, flirtingly threatening tone he added. “I am definitely more - and I am definitely those two things.”

“Want me to serve you right now?”

Tess squished her tits together. The gesture tested Alex’s resolve, but he shook his head. “We’ll be back at the camp soon enough. I want to hear more about you.”

“To parrot Charlotte: I was really happy at the gym so I kept going there and now I am here, kinda.” Tess scratched her chin. “One thing just led to the next. I kept going to the gym, then I worked at the gym, then I worked at a better gym. One day I woke up and was one year away from thirty…” She turned her eyes to Charlotte. “You’re right, I am old compared to you.”

The vixen looked a bit guilty. “Sorry if that-”

“Don’t apologize, I’m not made out of sugar,” Tess cut her off. “I’m just being introspective. Did I throw myself at you because I was getting desperate in general or is this what I always wanted and now I got it?” She sighed and shrugged. “It doesn’t really matter, does it? I’m pretty happy with the last two days and you’re succeeding at keeping it that way even when I am being difficult.”

“You’re not difficult at all,” Alex assured her.

Tess just stared at him “...How do you do what no one else did?” she mumbled. “You’re not annoying me. You push me in a way I like.”

“It probably is that I saved your life twice,” Alex said analytically. “That does things to your brain.”

“No… no, I think you give yourself too little credit. That definitely helped get me to where I am now, Master, but I feel like this was always going to end up this way.” She shrugged. “Ah well, who knows? Enough of the sentimentality, should we turn back? It’s getting darker.”

That was a good point. Alex was getting ready to get on the path back to the beach when he saw motion in the distance. He whirled around and fixated at the back of someone. He knew that back. “Selana!”

His shout came a moment too late. The tall woman stepped through a curtain of foliage. Then, there was a surprised shout back, followed by a loud curse.


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