Tomboy Island

Day 4 – Oddities Mounting – Finale – Dreaming of Change

Eventually, the waking mind could hold onto reality no longer and so the instinct realized the dreams.

Another wonderful day. The instinct had not anticipated such rapid development. Perhaps it was civilization itself that held back the strong from thriving in the ways they should? Who could say.

Important was to keep developing this body they inhabited. It had been an eventful day, plenty of experiences to distribute between the muscles, mind, and intuitions.


[EXP for the day:


Starfish Pulped: 1 EXP

Clay Found: 5 EXP

All Tiles of Island 1 Revealed: 50 EXP

Clay Gathered: 10 EXP

??? Orb: 10 EXP

Mongrel Blood Awakened: 20 EXP

Blair Found: 5 EXP

Selana Found/Saved: 10 EXP

Blair, Yahui and Selana Enslaved: 45 EXP


Total: 156 EXP

Level Up and 76/100 EXP

Stat Upgrade, Alex’s change, then the girls.]


It was time to reward the reason a little more. It was doing what it was supposed to do with outstanding frequency, seducing and binding females of extraordinary beauty and readiness to submit. Perhaps a little more grey matter would be beneficial after all.

Beyond that, one of the many aspects of blood had been awakened by outside factors. Without such help, the instinct would not be able to emulate the outcome achieved. It was the reason’s job to acquire such outside factors… annoyingly, the reason was still asleep, drowned in the cold logic of the modern world.

For now, humble options remained all that was on offer.

The instinct beheld the vast chain of versions of the body. Still, the changes were mostly under the skin. The scrotum was larger, but that was only apparent in this chain. It was not perturbingly huge, just bigger than before.


An esoteric wave adjusted the skin of the body. A new copy appeared, outwardly the same, but surrounded by a more pleasant air. Smell was an underutilized part of courtship.

The chain of Alex’s disappeared. The unthinking mind turned to the connections that were laid to this soul now. Nine of them, sparkling intensely in the conceptual void that kept them apart. All of them were submitted to him and his suggestions would be taken seriously. It was still their unthinking minds it was communicating with and it was still the choice of their instincts to accept.

A mate was an equal, even if they were sex slaves.

Of these nine connections, seven had already been touched. Those changes would soon mature. A shock to the system, no doubt, but they would be stronger for having survived. An end to the plague of logic.

Two were untouched and to those two the instinct now turned.

First was Selana. The friend, the thrillseeker, the pleasingly extreme masochist with the tall and shapely body. The unthinking mind had screamed from the sidelines to lay her for years. It had done so for the two other friends as well. Sofia had turned out to know her place as well. Would Jane like that place too? Time would tell.

For now, Selana’s instincts required guidance.


In Selana, the unthinking mind saw many bovine qualities. The large breasts were a stereotype onto itself, but she also had the energy and readiness to tussle that was often likened to young bulls. To give her the parts of a bull, the instinct did not care for, but the mental image remained. Nudged correctly, Selana could be maternal or perhaps embody might of a minotaur.

Foundations either way should be laid early.

The embodiment of Selana’s instinct beheld the suggestion and nodded hesitantly. Doubts were there, but enough to make it something she did not accept.

One choice made, the unthinking mind traveled to Blair’s soul.

The redhead had seen the wisdom of sticking with him pleasingly fast. She was motivated by desires, that much was clear and not necessarily negative. Desires were there to be sated. Why else have them?

Blair was a woman of dedication and focus. She was tall. Her figure was balanced. She was toned. She had a temper under that controlled surface. What could such a woman become?


She was a fiery one, no doubt. A controlled forest fire or a heated furnace that baked something into a new, more useful state. The idea took hold immediately and the unconscious mind of the redhead just nodded, before returning to its own body and reason to induce the changes.

And so the choices were made.

The work was done, the instincts pulled back.

The underlying mind settles within reality once more.

With the dawn comes a new chance at expanding life.

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