Tomboy Island

Day 3 – Part 1 – Rewarding Mornings

Alright, as per the previous poll, I will now be including polls and rolls in the story. To not make them too obstructive, I’ll put them into Spoilers.

I might as well also mention that there's AI pictures for all of the girls, but they are very nude so I can't post them here. Do join my Discord if you want to see:


“Y-you sure…?”

“This is what sex slaves do.”

“...Yeah… yeah it is… Alright!”

Alex’s mind stirred to this exchange, then jolted awake when he felt the touch of tongues on his hard cock. Opening his eyes, he was met with the wondrous sight of Tess and Sofia giving him proper service.

“”Morning, Mashtahr,”” they slurred in licking unison.

“Hmmm, you taste even better this morning,” Tess mumbled, after licking off the first drop of precum.

“Delicious… so sweet,” Sofia agreed, getting her first taste of his manhood a moment later.

‘Must be all the berries I’ve been eating,’ Alex theorized and just let the service continue.

Around him, the rest of the gathered survivors gradually stirred from their own sleep. Yahui and Charlotte left the scene largely uncommented on. Valeria, the last to wake up, raised an eyebrow but only said. “I’ll ask later.”

The three athletes then went through their individual morning routines. It involved a good amount of stretching and, in Charlotte’s case, deliberately wiggling assets in the direction of Alex. Getting a service like this first thing in the morning, with that sight involved, did not make for optimal conditions for endurance.

Tess was reluctant to taste him, because of her first taste the day before. Sofia had no such inhibitions and kept her lips wrapped nicely wrapped around the head of his cock. Spurt after spurt, he came into her mouth. Appreciative moans echoed from the fencer’s throat as she gulped it all down.

“Good girl!” Alex praised her enthusiastically.

“I-it tasted good, so…” Sofia mumbled, turning a bit red.

“Ya kidding me?” Charlotte sashayed over and, without anything in the ways of a warning, licked a stray drop of cum from the fencer’s lower lip. The French swimmer was slightly taken aback. “You aren’t kidding me! This stuff is great. Should have tried it yesterday!”

"Is it?" Tess mumbled, regret and apology on her face. She would give it a second taste another time.

“Yes, you should have,” Alex stated. He had a deep interest in making swallowing his cum the norm. He hadn’t received any compliments regarding his taste in the past. He considered that it could have been the recent, fructose-rich diet, but for all he knew he always could have been on the tastier side.

“Any nice dreams?” the French tomboy asked. “Because I dreamed I would be bent over and I think that might have been a nightmare, considering I’ll have to wait even longer on that front.”

Although Alex’s libido had grown recently, he did not remain hard right after a morning blowjob. His body craved water and food, the former much more than the latter. “I don’t really dream,” the pilot confessed with a yawn. “Haven’t for years. I do need to drink though.”

“There’s water down that way,” Valeria said.

Alex’s attention now shifted to the fifth survivor properly. Now that she wasn’t writhing on the ground, the dark-skinned woman was the image of self-control. Cooly, she met his gaze with her green eyes.

“Enough to wash and drink,” she continued. “It’s why I camped up here.”

“...You stayed out here for both days?”

“Once I had water, I was reluctant to leave. I was lucky enough to find some fruits atop nearby trees. I can get some if you’d like.” She rolled her shoulders. “I’m a climber, if you don’t know.”

Alex did not and that was useful knowledge. “If that’s going to be possible, I’d be much obliged.”

“Will be easy. They’re right outside the cave. Just let me wash this dried stuff off me first.”

Said dried stuff were the flaky remains of cum and pussy juice clinging to the inside of her thigh. Alex couldn’t keep his curiosity to himself any longer. “Are you… fine with what happened last night?”

“Beats masturbating myself to death,” she responded flatly. “You tried the alternatives, so thanks for that courtesy. Might not have been how I imagined I’d stop by my virgin streak, but it was hot. Counter question, is this some kind of fuck party?”

They had arrived by the shallow pond now. It was only around a corner into the cave, which didn’t go much deeper beyond that. The water was clear and tasted harder than Alex preferred, but clean was all they needed. Opposite of the pond was a depression in the stone that reminded him of a gothic arch in its rough shape. Aside from its outline, it was clearly natural in origin. There was nothing beyond it anyway.

‘Nature sure is odd sometimes,’ Alex thought and had a handful of water before telling Valeria of what had happened the past two days. The direct woman seemed minorly amused on the topic of sex slaves.

“Alright. If I get horny, I’ll ask you to fuck me again,” she stated at the end.

“Really? You’re fine with that?”

“Beats having my brain stir in unfulfilled urges. I spent like three quarters of my day horny and the other quarter taking care of it. Not like I have my toys with me to take care of it. Tess knows what I’m talking about.”

The gym manager rolled her eyes. “You get caught wearing a vibrator during workout one time…”

“You forgot to mention the butt plug.”

“Is there like an epidemic of nymphomania among athletes?” Alex asked.

“Dude, did you never hear about the Olympic village?” Charlotte gave him a counter question. “I became an athlete halfway because I want buff men to run a train on me.”

Alex shot her a warning glance, then reigned himself in. What exactly was she to him now that he could make a demand of her that she would not do that in the future? For one reason or another, Charlotte averted her gaze guiltily and focused on cleaning herself.

“Spilling a bit of the secret of women’s locker rooms,” Tess picked up. “I can tell you, Master, that fit women are horny. Very horny… although me and Valeria were two of a few caught with sex toys in their lockers. I’ll keep the rest to myself. Privacy and all that.”

Alex nodded, he got a feeling he would find out in due time anyway. Anyone among the nubile tomboys that had crashed with them that had similar nymphomaniac tendencies would likely come to him for ‘help’ in one shape or another. “More surprising you were both virgins,” he confessed. “Every man would salivate at the chance of fucking you.”

“Yeah, that’s the problem,” Tess groaned. “You have any idea how annoying it is to be approached any time you stop somewhere?”

“That’s her problem. I just didn’t stop to look for a man.” Valeria threw her opinion in the ring. “What’s your excuse, quiet girl?”

“Uhm… well, dad raised me to marry me off eventually, so I was told very sternly to guard my virginity with my life.” Sofia smirked at Alex. “That arrangement was broken off though. The fencing career made me a bit too important to just give away as a token of friendship between oligarchs.”

“A fortunate escape for some of us,” Yahui agreed.

During the talk, they all splashed themselves with water and gave themselves as good a rub down as possible. “So, how did you end up in that situation?” Alex asked Valeria. “Because I doubt that was just you being a horny woman at work.”

“I stumbled into some fog some time before you found me. I only realized what it was doing by the time it was too late. That I managed to make it back to my safe spot was an actual miracle.” Valeria rolled her shoulders. “Sounds like the same fog you ran into.”

“Right, on that matter,” Charlotte raised her voice again. “I now officially agree that there’s something weird going on with this island.”

Alex raised an eyebrow and looked at the French swimmer. She had been pretty staunch in her opposition yesterday. “How come?”

Charlotte ran a hand through her hair, then over her arm, and finally over her mons. Naked skin glistened from the faint light that made it from the entrance to the alcove to where they currently sat. “It’s been two whole days and, I’ll just say it like it is, I was blessed with little hair but I wasn’t blessed with no hair.” She raised an arm and splashed some water on the clean shave of her armpit. “I should have some stubble by now, but nothing.”

At the mention, all the other women gave themselves a once-over as well. Alex, similarly, felt his chin. The shave he had gotten the night before the crash was still as present as before. Running a hand through his short hair also made him realize how entirely unaffected it seemed to have been by the events of the past few days.

Day one them still looking like the products of modern skincare routines was ignorable, day two it became a bit questionable, but by day three some signs should have been surfacing. Instead, all of them still looked their best selves.

“I should have had some snowballs by now,” Tess admitted, combing through her hair with her fingers.

“When we get off this island, we should tell scientists to look at everything,” Alex joked. “Between the intense aphrodisiac and whatever is keeping us this good looking, a whole new line of beauty products can be made.”

“Any chance we can claim this island and take in the profits?” Tess asked. “The way things are going, I’d like to build a house here and live with Master off the dividends.”

“That sounds lovely,” Sofia swooned.

“I don’t think international law would recognize that,” Yahui chimed in.

“Probably not - especially if we haven’t explored it all,” Alex agreed. “Let’s get breakfast and then set out again.” He got up to help Valeria with fetching the fruits. “I’m good at the Tarzan stuff,” he assured her.

She was sufficiently impressed when he proved that was true.




Past the retrieving and devouring of the fruits was the choice of where to go next. Their group had reached a respectable size, big enough that it was starting to be cumbersome to move as one. At some point, it would be wisest to make a permanent camp somewhere and then split into various teams so they could stock up on food and water. After that, they could tackle some bigger projects.

Before that, however, Alex wanted to learn more about the lay of the land. “Let’s go east,” he said.

East was the easiest direction to follow this early in the day. The sun was the point of orientation. They just had to follow its radiance where they found it between the trees. Dense as the jungle was, this wasn’t always easy, but with enough care and with a climber now among them, they had a decent degree of success.

After an eternity of scaling tree roots, navigating hazards, and just generally overcoming the obstacles of the jungle, they almost suddenly surfaced on another green, flat area. The shore was distantly visible so they kept on walking.

When they reached it, they found soggy soil slanting off into the surf, not a sandy beach. “Wonder if the original shore was washed away by a storm or something?” Alex theorized. The grass seemed to do well right next to and inside the saltwater. That was far from common as far as he knew.

“Is that another shore?” Sofia asked.

Alex followed where her finger was pointing. Straining his eyes, he did see something that could have been more sand in the distance. It was a respectable distance of water away, too much to cross casually. He was somewhat certain he could make the swim, provided the water was as warm across the entire journey as it was near the shore, but it would take him several hours.

Looking north, the lay of the land did not give him such nice visibility. Whether they were standing at the west end of a bay or the eastern shore of a disconnected island, he did not know yet.

“Would be interesting if we came across an archipelago,” Yahui said.


The distant shout made the group turn their head. From the north-west, a pale, short figure was running their way. She was pale, petite, and her messy, black hair bounced as she sprinted.

“Oh… thank… everything…” she gasped for air when she arrived by their side.

Although thin in her own right, this pale woman was less toned than everyone else Alex had met so far. She was also too tiny to compete in most sports, standing at barely above 1,50 metres tall. Bright pink was the colour of her lips, brown of her eyes. Their almond shape clued Alex in on who this one was. There had only been one other Asian besides Yahui on board.

“Ashley, right?” he greeted her.

“Y-yeah!” she said, caught her breath and looked straight at them all.

“Whew. Man, you lot would make for a great cover of… No, nevermind. Ehem, s-sorry, just happy to… you know, see people again… even if you can see more of me than I would prefer…”

“Just don’t take too much inspiration,” Tess told the short woman. Ashley had been the reporter aboard the plane. Her documentary would drastically change in character if they managed to get off this island, Alex felt.

“Y-yeah…” Ashley gave everyone a shifty look, then got stuck on Alex’s dick. It had been two hours now and since he was standing still, blood had the opportunity to rush somewhere else now. It was really hard not to get hard, surrounded by now six nubile young woman, skin glistening from sweat and humidity. “That’s… big,” she muttered.


Alex was about to do the usual spiel of explaining the situation, but the throbbing erection was too distracting. Sighing, he gave into his inner caveman. “Tess, could you explain to her what happened so far?” he requested.

“Certainly, Master.”

“Master?!” Ashley squeaked, blushing and yet stepping forwards, her interest piqued. “What’s that about.”

“I’ll tell you,” Tess stated.

While they began to chat, the man turned to the woman that had been needy for quite a while now. “How about I bend you over now?”

“I was starting to think I’d have to go and find some other guys,” the French slut stated with a huge grin. The statement rubbed Alex the wrong way immediately and she knew it. The mischievous smile on her lips invited a forceful reaction.

“You’re playing dangerous games,” Alex warned her.

“Me?” Charlotte asked all sweet and ignorant. “Whatever am I doing? Are you going to bend me over or not? Because I’m starting to forget how that cock felt inside me.” She took a half step forwards and began to stroke his manhood. “You’re getting all these other girls, why shouldn’t I fantasize about a bunch of other guys, hm?”


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