Tokyo Ghoul: Fanfiction

Chapter 29

After getting up Eto went towards a chair that was just beside my head and picked up a shirt that was spread over the chair’s railing. After lazily putting on the shirt she turned towards me and sat down on the chair with a happy expression readying herself to explain to me my current situation.

“What do you want?”, I asked interrupting her from starting her so-called explanation.

“Looks like you’re in quite a hurry darling, so for you I’ll make it quick”, Eto said teasingly, “I’m one of the leaders of Aogiri tree, Join us.” She said.

“Don’t want to, my answer shall remain the same even if you all torture me to death, better to just kill me.”, I said to Eto in my normal voice without breaking my eye contact with her.

“Why though? Aren’t you half a ghoul yourself? We want to create a good world for all the ghouls, where we can live without being hunted by those at CCG. A world that is free of the ghouls of that family who plans to dominate all others and look righteous in front of the humans.”Eto said.

“So you guys from Aogiri Tree are gonna rule after eradicating all these enemies?” I asked ignoring her earlier questions.

“Exactly! We’re gonna be the ones in power, no one would dare go against us ghouls.” Eto said in a happy tone as if already confirming that I’ll agree to join after hearing her.

“So what do you guys plan on doing with humans once you are in power?” I asked 

“Isn’t that obvious, we’re gonna use them in whatever way we want, some as slaves, some we’ll farm and others we’ll use for entertainment purposes. Wouldn’t that be quite fun?” Eto answers in an excited manner.

“Hmm, well you’re not wrong, it would indeed be a lot of fun, being in power and treating the rest as lowly slaves and as tools and I’m actually a bit baited to take on your offer but my answer remains the same. I don’t want to.” I replied to Eto.

“Why?! I don’t understand. According to what you’re saying you would love to rule these humans just like us and with your power it’s definitely possible aswell….So why?” Eto exclaims, confused by my way of thinking.

“A world ruled by the ghouls would be quite chaotic in my opinion. You want to overthrow the CCG and some ghoul family who is controlling all this so that you all could rule instead of them and make things better for the ghouls but the present situation is quite good for me. The chaos as compared to what there will be when ghouls would run free is quite less comparatively. It’s quite easy living off as a human with me being a half-ghoul I can always blend in with them and have fun.” I  paused for a bit to let that sink in as Eto looked lost for a second there and continued “So why should I make my life difficult by helping you in fulfilling your agenda, I have nothing to do with it, nor any interest in being part of it.”

While talking about all this with Eto I was checking the state of my body, my body had recovered from the earlier injuries and my energy levels were good aswell, I could fight anytime if need be. I also checked the binds which bounded my hands and legs and they end up being normal ropes that can easily be broken if I applied a bit of force...why the hell did she even tie me with these ropes if they gonna break if I apply some force.

After explaining my so-called reason for not joining Aogiri tree which I just thought of at the moment Eto looked as if she was mulling in her thoughts and had a conflicted look on her face...well I had no intention of remaining here so I broke my bindings with a slight force and got up from my bed, “Well, enough of wasting my time, I should be going then...if you plan on attacking me, now is the right time” I said to her as I used the full potential of my Kagune and brought all the 10 knives floating in front of me creating a rectangular wall in front of me.

Last time it was because of me being exhausted af and being caught by surprise but this time I had enough confidence of killing this woman if we start a 1vs1 fight now. 

Eto came out of her musings and was soon understood what was going on..unlike how I anticipated her to go full bat shit crazy and attack me she instead said, “If you don’t wanna join me..then can I join you instead?”

“So you’re saying you gonna let go of your so-called agenda about making ghouls free and all just to accompany me?” I asked a bit confused by what was happening. 

“Yes, since husband doesn’t like such a thing then as his wife I should also support him in his decision and stand along with him.” Eto said as if that was only natural…

“What do you mean by me as your husband?...and you as my wife?”...I said sensing something was terribly wrong with the way things were going…

“Darling isn’t aware? Some animals are highly monogamous in nature and maybe due to animalistic tendencies being engraved in us more vividly, we ghouls share the same nature as those animals, unlike humans who are bounded by morals we are bounded by our instincts. Hence, once we’ve mated with a ghoul of our liking, that person shall forever remain our only partner least that’s the case for most of the ghouls...It’s very common knowledge among ghouls...” Eto said to me

Having lived to mid-30s in my former life and having experienced office politics I was quite proficient whether a person is speaking the truth or not and seeing her, I was 75% sure that she was speaking the truth but still I’m not the one to take chances so I said, “So as my wife shouldn’t you help me in achieving my aim?”

“Of course darling, that’s what being a husband and wife is, we are each other’s arms and will support each other against all odds.” Eto replied enthusiastically and soon seemed lost as if thinking about our future…

Seeing this cringed me so much...Imagine seeing a character who you thought to be sadistic and hate humans and who would do anything for her goal...acting like a girl who has been lovestruck….Kinda makes me shiver, not gonna lie…but still I had to confirm some things.

“I want to become stronger, won’t you help me with that?” I asked in a serious voice.

Seeing my serious face Eto too hardened her face and said “Tell me, darling, How should I help you? I’ll go to any lengths to help you to make our bond stronger...”

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