To Hell with Being a Saint, I’m a Doctor

Chapter 229: Hide And Seek Beneath Anonymity

The younger generation of the village had secretly gathered.

They sat around several tables, all wearing grim expressions, seemingly unable to reach a consensus.

“Staying here is definitely not good. I’ve been planning to leave someday, but I was too oppressed by the rules to speak up.”

“It’s not too late even now. But we must hurry. If we wait until tomorrow, someone else might…”

The heavy topic briefly halted the conversation.

“But the timing of the masked person’s appearance is a bit curious. If someone orchestrated this…”

A rugged-looking young man slammed his fist on the table, countering the objection.

“There’s no certainty, but we have no choice! As everyone knows, it’s time for us to become stronger by killing each other! If you want to regret it later, do it alone; I’m going to escape this damned island.”

“Calm down. You’re right about the lack of time, but the timing is indeed delicate.”

“Could that masked person be the one who came from outside the sea?”

“There’s no confirmation, but probably. However, moving before understanding his intentions would be a clear mistake.”


He seemed to agree.

Thus, the conversation entered a lull again.

Suddenly, a small figure dropped from the sky.

“Right, that’s me.”

Everyone in the hall quickly drew their weapons, startled by the unexpected arrival.

“…A face I’ve never seen. A foreigner.”

“To be precise, not a foreigner. I’m also a son of this neighborhood.”


A well-built man swung his large bastard sword.

The sword, filled with experience, moved so swiftly that it was almost upon its target in the blink of an eye.

The newcomer pressed the side of the sword with his index finger, twisting it and causing it to miss its target.

The difference in skill was starkly evident.

‘So strong!’

As the young man stepped back, Ray focused on his Adam’s apple.

He grabbed the throat with three fingers.


Drawing upon a full reserve of mana, he performed a swordplay technique.

At first glance, his movements, resembling sword dances, blocked every attack from the fingers.

But one move determined the victor.

It was mana deliberately unleashed by Ray.

The young man tried to deflect it with his sword, but the blade that had been blocking the fingers shattered.


With a loud noise, the young man’s throat was caught in Ray’s hand.


“I’m in a bit of a hurry because I’m short on time. My body gets sensitive when I’m anxious. So, stop rolling your eyes and put down your weapons.”

As he squeezed the carotid artery, a painful groan echoed from the young man.


He didn’t want to see someone he had been conversing with moments ago turn into a corpse.

They communicated with their eyes, and all laid down their weapons.

Clang- Clang-

“Is this good enough?”

“You listen well for someone’s son.”

The compliment did not ease his grim expression.

‘He’s strong. I couldn’t even follow his last move with my eyes.’

Yet, he maintained a calm demeanor in front of so many people.

Everyone gathered in the hall threw tense glances around.

Unaware or indifferent to their thoughts, Ray was deep in contemplation.

He had eavesdropped on their entire conversation.

But merely listening led to no progress in the discussion.

Thinking that this would be a waste of time, he revealed himself, though it wasn’t part of his original plan.

‘Perhaps it’s better to resolve things through dialogue rather than fists. Let’s try to settle this as peacefully as possible.’

Ironically, he, who usually resorted to fistfights, was now advocating for peace.

He tossed the neck he had been gripping to the floor and sat down in a chair.

“First, as I said earlier, I am indeed the one behind the mask.”

“…For what reason?”

“Well, it’s because I want to get you all out of here.”

“You want to get us out? Then why do such a foolish thing? You could have met us directly and talked.”

“Foolish? It’s ironic for you to call me that when you’ve all been swayed by a few words from an unknown masked person and gathered here. Plus, if I had spoken directly, it would have only raised suspicion. Like a door-to-door salesman trying to peddle his wares.”

“So, everything was planned?”

“More like, it was planned. It’s ruined now, thanks to your indecision.”

“That sounds like there’s no way out.”

Ray glanced around and then raised his index finger.

“There’s still one way left. You all must unite and protest to those below the mountain.”

At his words, they couldn’t hide their somber moods.

They looked at each other, whispering and exchanging glances.

Below the mountain.

The leaders issuing orders from above all lineages, the untouchable ones.

It was insane to even think about protesting to such a place.

Ray sighed as he looked at their scared faces.

“This isn’t even like a soaked, scared puppy.”

“Don’t insult us. You don’t

understand the fear of those below the mountain.“

“So you stay quiet and do nothing because you’re scared? Great, spend your whole life trapped on this island, enjoying centuries of subjugation.”

A woman frowned at his rough speech.

“What do you know? Talking is easy when you haven’t faced those below the mountain.”

Ray smirked at the response he had been waiting for.

“If you decide to stand against those below the mountain, I’ll take care of the aftermath. How’s that?”

“And why should we trust you?”

Their doubts had not yet been assuaged.

Without revealing one’s identity, doubt finds no direction.

Despite his use of a mask, it had come to this.

He decided to take a bold stance.

“If you don’t trust me, continue to live on this island as you have. Running away with your tails between your legs because you’re afraid of those below the mountain, are you even worthy of the hero’s lineage?”

The woman fell silent.

Listening to him, they felt ashamed, as if they were being labeled cowards.

These people had pride in themselves, but now, one by one, they began to make their decisions, unable to bear the shame.

“…Okay. We will follow your lead.”

“What more is there to lose? If I’m going to die anyway, I might as well go out fighting.”

“I’ll join as well.”

As more than half supported the plan, even the rest eventually agreed.

If they were in the same boat, they were allies now.

It was time to explain the situation.

‘But first, there are still those who haven’t shed their doubts.’

Sure enough, one of them spoke up with a suspicious look.

“…But why are you helping us? What’s in it for you if we leave?”

“I intend to make you heroes.”


The people perked up at this enticing word.

“What do you think a hero is? Someone who can shatter a mountain with one sword strike, or shake the earth with a shout? No, a hero is someone who saves others. For instance, Goddess Priyas created you to save people from ongoing wars. At its essence, anyone who saves others can be called a hero.”

Nods of agreement followed his words.

This was a known fact.

Having lived through the ages and pondered it thousands of times, their affirmation was swift.

With an unusually serious expression, Ray looked around and said,

“If you go outside, work with me. You’ll use your skills just like now, but instead of killing, you’ll save lives. I want you to take on that role.”

The exact nature of the job was unclear, but his voice carried an undeniable weight.

Absorbed in their thoughts, they silently consented.

While leisurely drinking tea in anticipation of capturing the masked person in the morning, a messenger rushed in urgently.

“Sir, Elder!”

“What’s all this fuss? Calm down and speak.”

“The masked person has appeared again!”


“There are two of them this time!”

“What? Two?”

One of the elders stood up abruptly and bellowed.

“Why haven’t you captured them yet?”

“Well, it’s just that…”

He hesitated, struggling to find the words.

Haeil sighed and said,

“It’s okay. I won’t blame you, just tell me.”

Encouraged by her gentle words, the messenger finally spoke,

“Their movements are extraordinary… We’re unable to capture them.”


Capturing them seemed difficult even for those at the instructor level, which piqued curiosity about their identities.

“I’ll handle this myself. Lead the way. Those causing trouble in a sacred place deserve punishment.”

An elder chuckled in his middle years and stood up.

The messenger brightened up and began to lead the way.

“Please follow me.”

“I refuse to rot away in a place like this in my prime!”

Soyeong’s voice was laced with embarrassment.

Though her face was behind a mask, it likely turned as red as a ripe tomato.

Several figures chased after her.

“Stop right there!”

“Such a shameless fool!”

“Quiet! I’m embarrassed too!”

She would never have engaged in such antics if not for her superior’s orders.

From the opposite direction, Heukyeong’s voice rang out.

“I want to go outside! I heard the women out there are beautiful! I like tall women!”

Soyeong, having inadvertently learned about Heukyeong’s preferences, shouted in anger.

“Don’t blabber about such things! You shameless fool! It’s disgraceful to the Shinuiwi, a disgrace! Anyway, I want to go outside!”

Her shouts betrayed a sincere desire to leave.

Sincerity has a way of captivating others.

Those resting at home or preparing for the next day’s training heard her cries and thought,

‘I’m not the only one who wants to leave.’

Despite the fear of Sanha’s sanctions and having remained silent, not everyone was uninterested in the world beyond the sea.

With not just one but two people openly declaring their desires, the usually tranquil evening buzzed with the noise of a festival.

This sparked a flame in the hearts of the youth.

It wasn’t surprising, given the island’s lack of entertainment. Moreover, always burdened with the heavy fate of having to kill each other, their hearts swelled with excitement all too easily.

Many began to feel the urge to join the late-night festivities.

Several figures, masked with cloths over their heads, ran around.

“I actually wanted to go outside too! And I like tall women!”

“You too?”

“Everyone, come out! This is surprisingly fun! Hahaha!”

Running and shouting like madmen, intrigued onlookers donned various cloths as masks and joined in.

Now, the scene with the masked individuals resembled a large-scale game of hide-and-seek.

Even the pursuers couldn’t help but feel joy.

“Stop there, you rascal! Hahaha!”

“Hero, what hero? I’m going to be a merchant! Hahaha!”

In that moment, he who had crafted ‘anonymity’ with just a mask pondered the lineage of heroes.

Somewhere, his mischievous laughter seemed to echo.

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