Time to Duel!

Companion Cards(End)


'Sign language'


I don't own any of the cards, monsters or art, I only own the OC and fanmade cards. Also, all fanmade cards can be found in the glossary for easier access.

A teen with an average build sat on their bed, their blue eyes narrow as they glared at the white card with a golden border in their hand. After being in this position for over an hour with no signs of change, the teen sighed as they moved blond hair out of their eyes. "Sheesh, how long did the doc say it will take? Shouldn't this be done by now?" He tossed the card on top of a nearby table, falling backwards onto their bed soon after. "Look what you did Mel, you wasted a perfectly good hour which you could have used to catch up on some shows. Like season two of D/D Chronicles. Check if that new Dragonmaids live-action adaption is worth getting. Or maybe finally watch the anime adaptation of the World Chalice manga that everyone is so excited about. But noo~, you just had to be stubborn and stare at a blank card for an hour." He turned to his side, as he looked over his contacts on their Duel Watch. "Maybe Jack(Napier) is up for some fun? Or maybe that Sylvie girl? She seems like they can appreciate a good prank, they do use prank kids after all." Mel frowned as he sat up.

"Is that stereotypical of me? Like, would she be offended that I thought that? That would be like thinking Kai loves to swim." He paused before snickering. "Well, he does enjoy swimming. So maybe he isn't the best example." He tapped his chin as he mentally went over his classmates. "Ah! It would be like assuming Jack loves to go hunting!" He paused when he thought over what he just said. "Jack Markus, not Jack Napier. Ok, that's going to be confusing, I'm going to use their last names." Mel jumps off his bed, almost tripping over the nearby table. "-Sigh- But I'm pretty sure Napier is out on a date this evening, and I doubt he would appreciate me crashing it. Maybe I can find someone to duel with?" He glanced at the time on his Duel Watch. "Well maybe not, I doubt I can find an opponent who isn't already facing someone during these hours."

Mel walked towards his desk and grabbed his deck. Lazily going through it as he thought about what to do. "I'm done with all the homework that is due soon, and I don't feel like working on any assignments early. I already had dinner, and it is way too early to go to bed." He turned to look at the companion card on the table. "I want to see what companion I get, but do I want to waste another hour just staring at a card?" He grabbed the companion card and noticed how circuits would appear when he held it close to his deck while feeling a slight tugging from it. A grin grew on his face as his eyes lit up. "Maybe I don't have to wait that long." 

Mel spent the next 45 minutes going through both of his decks and checking which card reacts with the companion card. In the end, the companion card gravitated towards only five cards from his decks. 'Huh it only reacted to Toon cards, is that what the doc meant when he said it will take the form most suitable for me? Does that mean Toons are the most suitable archetype for me, and if so how does it decide that?' Placing the companion card on the table, Mel looked over the five cards it reacted to. His gaze stopped at one particular card that is different from the others. "Toon World? Why would it react to a non-monster card? How would that even work, would it take the form of the book and then just fall to the ground?" The more Mel thought about it, the more he wanted to see how the companion card would materialize as the Toon World. In the end, he placed the copy of Toon Kindom next to his companion card and placed the rest of the cards back into his deck.

It didn't take long for the companion card to start to glow, the circuits become more pronounced as the light got brighter. When the light got too bright for Mel to look at, it started to gather and condensed into a ball of light. Mel watched in awe as the ball of light started to stretch and squish, eventually taking the form of a worn teal book. Once it fully formed it fell onto the table with a 'thump', the front cover had a picture of Manga Ryu-Ran's head underneath the Toon World title. As it was falling, Mel saw a glimpse of the Toon Mermaid's head on the back cover. He stood in place, waiting for anything to happen. However a few minutes of nothing happening, he frowned as he walked toward the book. "Don't tell me it really will just lay th-"

Before he could finish his sentence he was shocked in place by the rippling and convulsing of the book in front of him. Before long the picture on the cover along with the title started to sink into the book. Soon goofy eye's popped out from the clear book cover, as cartoonish teeth grew from the book edges. The book's eyes soon focused on Mel, as the book curves to form a grin. "Uh hello?" The book's grin grew as it jump towards Mel, causing him to scream as he fell back. His screaming quickly turned into laughter as the book licked his face like a big dog. "Hahaha stop that! That tickles!"

Once the duo calmed down, Mel sat down on the floor to look at the book that is once again on the table. Its eyes curiously look at him as he examines the book. "You're quite the interesting companion, I don't even think there is a Toon Mimic card. So what should I call you?" The book barked as its cartoonish tongue hung out of its mouth. "Hmm how about Goofy?" Goofy happily barked before opening up. Soon after a cartoonish white dragon jumped out, snickering at Mel's surprised look. "WHOA! Goofy is that you?" The toon dragon nodded and gave him a thumbs up as it grabbed the book and landed on Mel's shoulder. The sight caused Mel's eyes to light up as a smile grew on his face.

"AWESOME! Hey, can you do other Toon monsters?" The toon dragon nodded before tossing the book into the air. The book stopped in mid-air and opened up. Soon after the cartoon dragon was sucked into the book's pages, the book then rapidly started flipping through its pages. Once it stopped, a little cartoon girl wearing a blue and pink dress holding a wand jumped up. The girl giggled as Mel's smile grew. When the book started to fall, the girl swooped down and caught the book; clutching it underneath her arms.

"THIS IS SO COOL! I CAN'T WAIT TO SHOW THE GUYS THIS!" Mel's smile strained as he look at the floating girl who tilted their head when she noticed his gaze on her. "I need to think of a better name for you, Goofy is a fine name when in your book form. However, I don't think it's a fitting name in your other forms." The girl looks down at their form before nodding. "Well do you have any suggestions for names?" The girl shook her head. "Well we can figure that out later, now let's see what other Toon monster you can turn into." The duo grinned as the cartoon girl threw the book up. She was quickly sucked into the book before the pages started flipping. Once it stopped a skeletal monster sprung out, its lower body still attached to the open book. "Awesome!" 

The duo spent the next couple of hours playing around before both of them collapsed onto the bed from exhaustion. Mel fell asleep clutching the toon book in their arms, with a huge smile on his face. The companion card tucked into the book like a bookmark, the circuits slowly fading before completely disappearing.

Hope you Guys/Gals enjoy this new chapter. Remember all comments/criticism/comments are welcomed.

Any names for the book? If not I'll just stick with goofy.

Lastly, I hope you all enjoyed this mini-arc. What were your thoughts on it? I would love to hear what you all thought about it in the comments.


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