Time is slow

Chapter 774

Chapter 769: Sue Lan Songquan

Chapter 769 Sue Lan Songquan

Lan Songquan was beaten by Lanshan.

Lan Shan pointed at Lan Songquan’s nose and scolded: “What kind of people are you provoking, they are all idiots without brains! You are even more confused, since you know that they are people who do things with their heads up, you will give them away happily. The money sent them away. It’s a good thing that you actually defaulted on the debt, this is good, the servant of the Ministry of Engineering has let the bandits sue, how glorious!”

“What is the default, and what made the bandits sue?” Lan Songquan was even more confused, and jumped up after asking, “Father, someone is plotting against me!”

He hurriedly summoned his confidants to ask what was going on. After he figured it out, he would look for the three people, but they had already left the capital.

Lan Songquan has been domineering in and out for many years, where has he suffered such a dumb loss, and he is so angry that he spins back and forth.

“It’s nothing, who would take a bandit’s words seriously, and they have no evidence!” After calming down a little, Lan Songquan thumped the armrest of the chair.

Lanshan was not as optimistic as his son, and sighed, “I’m afraid that others will make trouble with it.”

Having dominated the government for so many years, especially in the early days, there were not a few so-called loyal ministers who would impeach their father and son, but their father and son have been safe and sound.

Rely on what? Of course grace.

In recent years, fewer and fewer people dare to challenge their father and son, but Lan Shan feels a little heavy, and he has keenly felt that the emperor’s favor to him has not been as good as before in the past two years.

For that person, right or wrong is often not important, but it is important to have his favor.

The successive reprimands and fines made Lan Shan feel bad.

Lanshan’s hunch soon came true. Lan Songquan’s being sued by people in all corners of the world was just the beginning. Although that person was soon thrown into prison waiting to be questioned, someone else soon impeached Lan Songquan.

The person who impeached Lan Songquan was Chi Chan, the son of Princess Changrong.

Chi Can’s position in the engineering department can be described as a duck to water. In less than a year, he has become a famous “thorn head”, and no one dares to approach him.

There is no way, they are also under a lot of pressure in the face of a speaker who impeaches every three days and sues every two days.

This time, Chi Can impeached Lan Songquan on charges of assassinating the former censor *** and selling his daughter Ouyang Weiyu into a brothel.

*** was originally the Censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. Two years ago, he was demoted to Beiding City for his impeachment against Lan Shan and his son, but he died suddenly and suddenly six months ago, and then there was no news of the family.

These days, Emperor Ming Kang has been in a gloomy mood because the life and death of Prince Rui is unknown, but Lan Songquan was unexpectedly involved in this matter. He doesn’t care whether it’s true or not, now it’s certain that Lan Songquan is not pleasing to the eye.

Why don’t those bandits stalk others, but Lan Songquan?

It can be said that the timing of Chi Can’s impeachment is too suitable. When Emperor Ming Kang raised his eyelids, he waved his hand and ordered the Three Laws to investigate the matter thoroughly.

In court, the daughter of the *** Ouyang Weiyu, dressed in plain clothes, complained of Lan Songquan’s crimes with tears and tears.

“Miss Ouyang, you said that Ling Zun was murdered by Lan Shilang, is there any evidence?”

Ouyang Weiyu heard the bitter hatred in his eyes.

She didn’t have any conclusive evidence, and she wanted to know how those who killed her father would leave evidence of their crimes, but she was sure that her father was killed by a beast surnamed Lan.

Ouyang Miyu looked at Lan Songquan who was sitting on the side.

Lan Songquan gave Ouyang Weiyu a disdainful smile.

That’s right, *** is indeed the one who sent someone to kill him. He just wanted to let those self-proclaimed hard-hearted people know that before provoking their father and son, they should think clearly about the price, and they can afford to come back with a broken family.

Killing a *** is just killing the chickens and showing the monkeys that’s all. How could he leave evidence of his crimes?

He would have to see how this little **** accuses him.

“That day, my father came back from the private school and was fine, but at night he suddenly started vomiting blood, leaving a message when he left that there was something wrong with the hair cake given to him by a student named Cui Jia…”

Ouyang Weiyu wiped away her tears, and then said, “Father only had time to say that and went away, while mother passed out at the time, and the other day, my brother went to inquire about the student named Cui Jia, and only then did he know that the student was here. The private school only lasted for a few days, but now that person is gone, he is gone.”

Speaking of which, Ouyang Weiyu bit her lip hard, her whole body trembling slightly: “Cui Jia claimed to be poor, and kneeling outside the private school for two hours aroused my father’s pity before accepting him, and even exempting him from all expenses, even The pen, ink, paper and inkstone were bought by my father for him, but I have pity on my father but lead the wolf into the room…”

Ouyang Weiyu raised his head with tears in his eyes and looked directly at Yang Yunzhi, the chief judge of the punishment department: “Sir, Cui Jia came suddenly and disappeared strangely. Before my father left, he also pointed out that there was a problem with the hair cake he sent, doesn’t this mean that my father is a Have you been victimized?”

Hearing this, Lan Songquan sneered and glanced at Yang Yunzhi, the minister of punishment.

Yang Yunzhi had some sympathy for the girl kneeling on the ground.

Such an old girl, who is younger than his granddaughter, has encountered these things. The situation can be described as tragic, but she is still naive. How can she sue Lan Songquan without any evidence? And punish.

“Miss Ouyang, according to what you said, there may be a problem with that student named Cui Jia, but what does this have to do with Lan Shilang?”

Ouyang Weiyu gave a miserable smile: “How could it have nothing to do with him? After that, my brother and I sued the officials to look for Cui Jia while taking care of my father’s funeral. Who would have thought that one day the little girl was knocked out, and when she woke up, she was already the largest in Beiding City. in the brothel!”

The people in the court looked at Ouyang Weiyu with pity and strangeness in their eyes.

She used to be the daughter of the censor, but now she is in a brothel. This situation is really embarrassing.

However, Ouyang Weiyu didn’t seem to care about the subtleties of everyone’s expressions at all, and stared at Lan Songquan with a straight back: “It’s better for the little girl to live in the brothel for three days, and finally she received the first guest, that person is him, Lan Songquan, the son of Lanshan, the chief minister!”

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the hall, and everyone looked at Lan Songquan.

Lan Songquan didn’t even move his brows, and said coolly: “If you can just talk about people’s crimes, then I don’t know how many wronged people are locked up in the prison. Mr. Yang, you can let a little girl gossip and slander in court. An important court official?”

What about the daughter he slept with? He just wants to kill the person who opposes him and sleep with that person’s daughter, so that the person who can’t get along with him will regret and be afraid of being a ghost, but he can’t do anything to him!

At the same time, let the living people weigh the fate of offending him.

“Yes, Miss Ouyang, you have no reason to say these words. It is a false accusation against the court officials, and you should be punished.” Yang Yunzhi said solemnly.

Ouyang Weiyu was trembling all over, staring at Lan Songquan almost spitting fire.

Under everyone’s attention, she suddenly smiled: “Who said I have no evidence? I have!”

(end of this chapter)

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