Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

28 – Citadel (4)

As mentioned before, the Council had 3 members from different species.

We have Tevos, the Asari concelour. She is always the one who tries to meditate on things and end conflicts before they start. Also had a fling with Samael in one of the past cycles but don't need to mention that.

Then we have Valern, the Salarian councilor. Like all Salarians, he doesn't like unexpected things and was always the most vocal in saying the Reapers didn't exist in other cycles.

Finally, we have Sparatus, the Turian concelour. Also don't like to be confronted with the truth, and likes to push blame around if needed.

Basically, the Asari are diplomats and envoys, the Salarians take care of intel across the galaxy, while the Turians are the sword and shield.

And, in all other cycles, the Council never listened. When they finally did, it was too late.

Safe to say, Samael didn't really have a good opinion of them, as their action as leaders of the galaxy had doomed them more times than not.

The Council had their special operator, better known as the Specter, who acted on their behalf in dangerous or diplomatic missions. Shepard would become one of them while one of the villains from the first mass effect was also a Specter.

Saren, to be more precice. A Turian who disliked humans because of things that happened in the past. Samael would deal with him later.

Anyway, by the time Samael stopped remembering the past actions of the Council, they arrived at the floor where the audience would happen.

'' Nervous?'' Samael asked Javik while they went towards their goal.

'' Not really. I'm more preoccupied with their personalities. You know, if your leaders aren't good, you're doomed to fail, no matter your force.''

Samael agreed wholeheartedly with that.

'' Let's hope they listen.''
While Samael said that, he knew the chance of that happening was less than 0%. Basically, the whole meeting with the Council right now would only be to show Javik to the galaxy and show there's a Protehan still alive.

That was Samael's only goal, as he knew they would not believe Javik when he tell them about the Reapers... Hell, they might not even believe he was a Prothean!

Wrex, who was watching the conversation, felt something weird. ' Samael always seemed easygoing, but now it's like he's a different person. More serious ... things are different from what I thought.'

Initially, after he accepted the job, he thought it would just be to show Javik alive. But it seems he was wrong as the conversation was going to be heavy based on what he was seeing.

Soon, the trio arrived at the audience chamber and were stopped by one guard, '' Stop! The Council is preparing for an audience in a few minutes, so please leave.''

Samael came to talk to the guard, '' We are the ones who will have the audience.'' He then passed some documents via omni tool to the guard, who took some time to read them.

Seeing nothing wrong with the documents, the guards still didn't like the fact Javik was covering his face, '' Show me your face. Only then you can enter.''

Javik did as he told and the guard found nothing wrong with him, only the face was a little weird.

'' You can enter now. In 10 minutes, you'll be called.''

'' Thanks.''

The trio then entered the audience room and were guided to one corner by the guard, who soon left them alone.

Samael felt nostalgic seeing the place, as in past cycles, he spent a good chunk of time here with Shepard, discussing war efforts across the galaxy.

But that nostalgia soon turned into scorn, as he remembered the Council and their stupidity.

' Even in the games, after they were attacked by Sovereign in the first one, they immediately dismissed it was a Reaper in Mass Effect 2, saying it was just a Geth ship, then said Shepard was a crazy person for affirming it was a Reaper. Then, when the Reapers finally arrived, we weren't prepared.'

Just thinking about it made Samael pissed. So he started to talk with Javik.

'' Do you want any help with what will you say?''

Javik shook his head, '' I'm only going to tell them the truth.''

'' The truth is so scary they will force themselves to believe it's a lie.''

'' At least they will know the truth and prepare.''

'' We will see.'' Samael then turned to Wrex, '' What about you? Have you met the Council before?''

Wrex nodded,'' Many years ago. I tried to appeal for the genophage to be reversed but it fell on deaf ears.''

'' They probably don't want to make the cure to be honest.'' Samael hesitates only for a moment before continuing, '' ...LD is getting closer to it.''

Saying that to Wrex so early was something he never did in other cycles. He was excited and a little hesitant to see how things would change now. I mean, he just told an infertile species he had a way for them to have babies once more. The fact that this species was war-oriented also was on his mind, but still, it was a bold decision, as he generally waited until later to help them. Now, it was even before the war started, so things would change a lot.

' Even after curing them, I have to deal with housing for the new babies. Krogan gives birth at a fast pace... Good things I have 3 planets.'

Those 3 planets were crucial to Samael's plan, as he would use all of them to the fullest. His main base of operation would be on one of them.

That small remark from Samael made Wrex pause and he focused his entire attention on what Samael just said. He looked at the human with a burning gaze, '' Are you telling the truth?''

Samael nodded, '' Why would I lie?''

''How close are you to getting the cure?''

'' Very close, in a few years at most, we can get the cure for the genophage... Of course, we will sell in the market.''

Wrex forgot everything he was thinking and only heard about the cure. It made sense though, as his species was having less and less birth rate and their numbers were getting low.

'' If what you said is true... the Krogan will pay whatever price necessary.''

'' Can you say that about your whole species?''

Wrex eyes shone, '' I will make sure they will pay if you show me results.''

Samael smiled internally, seeing as he made Wrex want to rule over the Krogan earlier than other cycles. And he wasn't lying, as the cure to the genophage could already be made by him, but he wanted Mordin to be involved, so the cure would have to wait.' I have to contact him soon...'

'' I will maintain contact with you to keep you informed on the status of the research. Oh, and the conversation should never leave this room. I can imagine what the Council, specifically the Salarians, would do if they find out LD is getting closer to the cure.''

Wrex nodded at that. He knew the Salarains, even though very weak and frail, were worse than the Krogan when it came to war tactics. They didn't care about anything other than the utter destruction of their enemies, or crippling their entire species. So, he would make sure to not say anything.

But the fire of ambition already grew on Wrex's heart. He didn't have a reason not to trust Samael, as the man was nothing but trustworthy since they met. So, the cure was coming along in a few years.

'Plenty of time to organize things back home...'

While Wrex was fantasizing about the future of his race without the Genophage, the Council finally arrived.

Tevos entered first, looked over at the trio, and went to her position without even a nod. She was followed by the Salarian councilor, then Sparatus.

Not one of them offered respect to the trio. Samael knew it was mostly likely because of Wrex, as the Krogan here participated in all wars in the last millennia, so it made sense their response, seeing that he was with them.

'' The meeting with LD, '' There was a pause in Tevos's voice when she read that, but she soon continued, '' and its representative with the Council will start now. My name is Tevos.''

'' My name is Sparatus.''

'' My name is Valern.''

The council finally introduced themselves, and Tevos went directly to the subject, '' While you said the meeting was urgent and you had news, can you finally explain what it is? We are busy with another meeting in an hour, so you only have that time frame to tell us.''

Samael looked at Javik, while the Prothean nodded at him.

' Here we go again.' Samael took a deep breath and took the initiative to talk, as previously combined with Javik. He would introduce the Council to the whole story, and then he would let Javik talk.

'' First of all, my name is Samael, the owner, and creator of LD.''

That made the Council surprised, as nothing much about the de facto leader of LD was known. Not even the Shadow Broker knew about it, so it shows how secretive the identity of LD boss was.

But now, he was here in front of them. And he looked young too.

That made the Council interested, Tevos more than the other two.

Samael knew the Shadow Broker would know about him after this meeting, as he had some form of deal with the Council, but he was already strong enough to deal with its forces, so he just told them the truth. Also, it adds credibility to them, seeing as the owner of LD was here talking.

He let them gather their thought for a moment before continuing, '' This one is Wrex, but I think you know him.''

The Council wrinkled their face, showing Wrex was known by them.

Wrex just smiled (?) at them.

'' This one is Javik, and he is the reason I asked for this urgent meeting.''

Just in cue, Javik took off his hood and the Council member had a different reaction. While the Salarian and the Turian didn't react much, only found the appearance weird, Tevos almost fell to the floor.

Even with all her years of training and experience, she wasn't ready to see the split image of her Goddess right in front of her. Yes, the goddess of the Asari was a Prothean, but that is a story for another time.

' How is this even possible!? ... Could it be?'

Samael didn't let Tevos think about the whole situation, as he dropped a bomb, '' LD was excavating a place in a planet we will not disclose the name nor the location, when we came across Javik. He was in cryo sleep for 50.000 years...''

Understanding came to the Salarian first then Sparatus. Tevos already knew what was going on.

'' Wait... are you telling us-''

'' Javik is a Prothean. Here's what we studied from him and LD came to the conclusion he is legitimately a Prothean. No information from his DNA was found on all databases we had available, and the only species active 50.000 years ago were the Protheans.''

Silence. The trio received some files from Samael and took some time to read. The next meeting was out of their head, as this was a monumental discovery.

The Protheans, even if living 50.000 years before them, were more technologically advanced than most races. If this Javik was really a prothean, the things he may know ... could change the status quo of the galaxy.

While they were reading the files Sameal had on Javik, like his structure, and what he could do, the Council was thinking of ways to get Javik under them, so they could grow in power.

Samael scoffed as he knew exactly what they were thinking. Only if they knew Javik was under LD already...

It took some minutes until the Council read all of the files. If what Samael said was true, this is a monumental discovery for the galaxy, as the Protehan were considered extinct.

'' How can we trust you? I mean, this Javik could be another unknown species, for all we know.'' Sparatus asked that but knew it was unlikely to be true. He was just testing the waters to see how things would go.

'' You can send people to the area where I excavated him. You will see it's Prothean... Also, after leaving this place, I'll divulge its location to everyone.''

In fact, a few days ago, before they arrived at the Citadel, LD sent an anonymous message to a young Asari, who was also a Prothean Expert, talking about their discovery. They even offered her a ride to the place. She was animated and was going to Eden Prime as they spoke.

The Council had nothing more to say about that. As he was the one who found out about the base, he had the right to do anything he wanted with the information. While they wanted some time to study it for their species, nothing could be done.

Samael then looked at Javik and nodded, signaling it was time for him to speak.

Javik nodded back and took the spotlight, as the Council was now focusing on him, all with interest.

'' First of all, let me introduce myself once more. I'm Javik, the last Prothean alive. If you have any questions for me, I'll answer them.''

That made Tevos eye shine, as she began bombarding Javik with questions. Valern and Sparatus also questioned Javik.

10, 20, and 30 minutes passed and they still didn't stop asking questions and Javik did his best to answer them. Some of the questions were strange like what they used to eat in the Prothean cycle.

Valern was surprised to hear the Protheans used to eat Salarians among other species.

Tevos asked some very specific questions and that made Javik's eyes shine, as he most likely knew the Asari, who his species chose as their successor, had some kind of database on the Protheans. It made sense too, as the Asari would need a lot of help to gain enough power to be the leader of their cycle.

Having some kind of Prothean beacon to give them information wasn't that far-fetched.

Why they didn't disclose their find with the galaxy was unknown but Javik could guess why. Maybe they didn't understand all the information from the Prothean beacon, or they simply wanted all the knowledge to them.

Anyway, after enough time passed and the Council had finally stopped asking questions, Javik took the opportunity to say, '' I unfortunately came here to say something you will not like to hear but will need.''

Tevos prepared herself, '' Say it.''

'' Have you heard about the Reapers?''

All Council members nodded. The Reapers were considered a fairytale to all species, a boogieman so to speak. Their ancestor passed the story down to them, and until now they were being told to children who don't behave.

But as no one really knew how the Reapers looked, only they were supposed to be machines, it left a lot of the terror out. Still, a race that exterminates all intelligent life in the galaxy was a good way to scare children.

Javik said sombrely, '' They are the reason Prothean went extinct. They are real.''

That made the Council pause. They could not even begin to comprehend what Javik said.

And Javik didn't stop there, '' They are real... and they are coming for you now. You only have a few years to prepare for their arrival.''



The cat is out of the bag! What changes will this bring to the galaxy?


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