Through The Chat Group, Start Fighting To Break The Three-Year Agreement!

Chapter 76

Chapter 76 Han Li: You Don’T Know Anything About Seniors!

“Yan Donglai?”

Han Li’s pupils shrank. He and Su Han had stayed in Tianxing City for several months, and they had enough understanding of Chaotic Star Sea.

The Chaotic Star Sea is divided into two areas, one is the Outer Sea, also called the Monster Sea, where countless monsters live.

The other is the inner sea, which is the territory of the human race. Although there are many monsters, they are basically the prey of the human race.

The Star Palace is the super power that rules the inner sea, and there are several Nascent Soul cultivators.

Across the sea of ​​stars, no one dares to disobey!

Yan Donglai is one of the elders of Xinggong, with a high position and respected status!

Regardless of Yan Donglai’s identity as the elder of the Xinggong Palace, his own strength is also extremely terrifying, he is a Nascent Soul cultivator!

Cultivator Yuanying has already stood at the top of the human world, and can open up a great power. The world is respected as Yuanying Zhenjun!

Of course, Yuanying Zhenjun also has a down-to-earth title, called Yuanying Patriarch.

Yuanying lives for thousands of years, mortal dynasties have changed several times, and Yuanying monks are still alive, can they not be called ancestors?

In addition, the supernatural power of monk Nascent Soul is unimaginable to the world, moving mountains and filling seas is no problem!

Such a big man actually came to visit Su Han in person?

“As expected of a senior.”

Han Li secretly admired it.

Ordinary Golden Core cultivator, how can Nascent Soul cultivator come to visit in person?

Often it was a call from the Nascent Soul cultivator, and the Golden Core cultivator had to go to see it respectfully.

When Su Han is here, Yuan Ying Patriarch has to visit him in person!

This is status!

“In the early stage of the Nascent Soul.”

Su Han’s spiritual sense swept over him, and he could see Yan Donglai’s state at a glance. He looked calm, and he bowed his hands as a salute.

“I’ve heard Elder Yan’s name for a long time, so I don’t know what you can do with me?”

Although his realm is in the late stage of Jindan, but facing Yan Donglai, the ancestor of Yuanying, he communicated with an equal attitude.

Gein Su Han’s real strength exploded, and he was able to kill Yan Donglai, so he was naturally full of confidence!

“Senior is a senior, and he can calmly deal with the Yuanying ancestor.”

Han Li admired him even more. When he faced the ancestor of Jindan, he must have been terrified and very nervous, for fear of offending the other party.

Not to mention Yuanying Patriarch.

On the other hand, Su Han’s attitude towards Yuanying Laozi is very casual and natural.

Han Li felt that just Su Han’s attitude of being neither humble nor overbearing in the face of the strong was enough for him to learn for half his life.

A flash of surprise flashed in Yan Donglai’s eyes. Ever since he broke through the Nascent Soul, any Golden Core cultivator had a respectful and restrained attitude when seeing him.

Su Han is so calm and communicates with him with an equal attitude, which is completely different from ordinary people.

Yan Donglai paid more attention to Su Han, he said.

“Some time ago I saw the formation board you made, and the level is very good.

Xinggong has always liked talents, I recommended you to the palace lord, and the palace lord agreed.

So I came to visit today, I wonder if you would like to join the Star Palace?”

Su Han’s formation level is not only good, but top-notch!

Elder Yan has a lot of research on formations. He studied Su Han’s formations some time ago, and was surprised to find that Su Han’s formations are of a higher level, even better than him!

Looking at the entire Chaotic Star Sea, Su Han’s formation level can be ranked first, and he can be called the number one formation master of the Chaotic Star Sea!

Therefore, Elder Yan personally came to invite Su Han to join the Star Palace. How could an ordinary Tier 3 formation master have the qualifications for him to come and invite him?

Xinggong has analyzed Su Han’s character long ago, and knows that he doesn’t like nonsense and pays attention to efficiency in doing things.

Elder Yan didn’t fix these falsehoods anymore, and directly stated his intentions.

Su Han narrowed his eyes, lost in thought, joining Xinggong? This choice seems to be quite good.

Originally, his plan was to plunder the formation inheritance and elixir of the major forces after his cultivation level broke through the Nascent Soul and the formation level also broke through the level of a formation master.

Let yourself continue to improve.

After all, at the Nascent Soul level, it often takes hundreds of years to progress in every small realm.

Where does Su Han waste so much time? He can only do extraordinary things in extraordinary times.

But now, Xinggong took the initiative to invite Su Han. It seems that he doesn’t need to compete with the major forces, and can grow rapidly by relying on Xinggong.

The Star Palace is a superpower that has been inherited for tens of thousands of years, and has always ruled the Chaotic Star Sea and the Inner Sea.

There used to be many cultivators who transformed gods in the ancestors. This generation has declined, but there are also two great monks of the late Nascent Soul stage, the two saints of Tianxing and Xingxing.

The depth of the background is not comparable to that of other monks in Chaotic Star Sea!

“I don’t know what kind of treatment Xinggong can give me?”

Su Han stared at Yan Donglai and asked.

Whether to join Xinggong or not depends on Xinggong’s conditions. If the conditions are good, he can consider it, but if the conditions are not good, then there is nothing to say, and the bid will be rejected.

“Haha, the conditions offered by Xinggong are so generous that you won’t refuse them!”

Yan Dong said confidently.

“The biggest advantage is that the star palace will give you a baby gift!”


Before Su Han could respond, Han Li couldn’t sit still, and his breathing became short of breath.

Han Li has been cultivating immortals for decades, even with the help of Zhang Tianping, he still struggles, and the bottleneck he encountered when breaking through the realm caused him an extremely headache.

The palm bottle can only ripen the elixir, but it can’t directly help him break through the bottleneck.

The alchemy alone gave Li extremely a headache.

Han Li didn’t even dare to think about the baby-forming thing!

Yan Dong glanced at Han Li, chuckled and quickly looked away.

The value of the baby-forming thing is simply indescribable, and no amount of spirit stones can be bought.

Han Li, a little foundation cultivator, inevitably lost his composure after hearing this.

“Fellow Daoist Su, have you ever felt the sincerity of Xinggong?”

Yan Donglai looked at Su Han and said with a seductive voice.

“Join the star palace, and you will get an infant birth item, and you will become a new Nascent Soul cultivator!

Be called the ancestor and be the ancestor, feel free and happy!”

“Baby things.”

Su Han is not interested at all, he has a system, he only needs to brush up his proficiency to the full, and any realm is a 100% breakthrough.

The baby-making thing is very attractive to people like Han Li, and it will even make countless people work hard for him.

But there is absolutely no attraction for Su Han.

“Xinggong gives such generous treatment, what should I do for Xinggong?”

Su Han asked, he is not interested in baby-making things, but he also knows that baby-making things are absolutely priceless treasures for other Golden Core monks!

You can tell by the look of Han Li losing his composure.

Star Palace is willing to hand over a baby thing? Just to get Su Han to join Star Palace?

Su Han thinks that his level of formation has not reached this point, if he is a fourth-order formation master, it is possible.

Therefore, Su Han must have other conditions besides joining the star palace if he wants to obtain the baby.

Elder Yan is here, even if Su Han is not interested in the baby, he still has to listen to his conditions.

“The old man likes to talk to smart people.”

Elder Yan showed a smile on his face and told the conditions of Xinggong.

“You only need to serve the star palace for a hundred years, and within this hundred years, you must not refuse the needs of the star palace formation.

A hundred years later, the Xinggong will definitely offer the Nascent Soul with both hands!”

Hearing this, Su Han’s face darkened immediately, although he didn’t need anything to conceive a baby at all.

But if you want the baby of Xinggong, you actually want to work for Xinggong for a hundred years?

This is even more capitalist than a capitalist!

The most important thing is that Su Han can only stay in the mortal world for three years. After three years, no matter whether the group mission is completed or not, he has to leave the mortal world.

Su Han had to work for Xinggong for a hundred years before he could get the baby, the day lily was cold!

Han Li on the side frowned. Although he wanted the baby, but working for Xinggong for a hundred years, the price he paid was a bit high!

“Elder Yan, I’m used to being idle and I don’t like restraint. I’m afraid I can’t join this star palace.”

Su Han refused Elder Yan’s solicitation without hesitation.

“Is this a baby thing? You don’t want it?”

Elder Yan frowned.

Ordinary Golden Core cultivators want to join Xinggong and work for Xinggong for a hundred years in exchange for a baby.

Elder Yan hasn’t given him this chance yet.

After all, a Jindan cultivator has a lifespan of 500 years, and if he works for the Star Palace for 100 years, he can exchange for a baby gift, which is a huge profit, right?

Elder Yan saw that Su Han’s formation skills are extremely high, he has reached the level of the number one person in Chaotic Star Sea, and he has unlimited potential, and is expected to break through the fourth-order formation master.

Then he personally came to invite Su Han to work for Xinggong for a hundred years in exchange for a baby gift.

In the end, Su Han didn’t take this opportunity seriously, and Elder Yan felt that he was a bit clueless.

“don’t want.”

Su Han said calmly, he doesn’t need a baby-forming thing, and he can break through the Nascent Soul 100%.

For others, the baby-bearing thing that is extremely precious, really has no cards in front of him, so it is not rare at all, okay?

Elder Yan laughed angrily.

“Without the baby-forming thing, you won’t be able to break through the Nascent Soul in this lifetime!”

After one level of practice, it is extremely difficult to break through each big realm, such as building a foundation, forming an alchemy, and forming a baby.

Every pass is like a sky pass, hindering countless monks!

It is especially difficult to conceive a baby.

Take the Yellow Maple Valley where Han Li used to stay as an example. There are tens of thousands of Qi training monks in the sect, but only one or two hundred foundation building monks, which is one in a hundred!

There are less than ten Golden Core cultivators, and they are one in a thousand!

Patriarch Yuanying, especially Patriarch Linghu, is the only one in ten thousand!

From this we can see how difficult it is for a cultivator to conceive a baby, it is almost as difficult as going to the sky!

And these people were able to break through the Nascent Soul, all with the help of the Nascent Soul.

Nothing to baby Want to baby?

According to ancient records, for tens of thousands of years, Jindan monks who have not had an infant, failed to break through the Nascent Soul.

Among those who failed, there were all kinds of amazing people, such as evil monsters, righteous talents, but they all failed!

If there is no baby, if you want to break through the Nascent Soul, you will die! This is the iron law of the world of cultivating immortals!

Doesn’t Wang Tianxuan think that he can break this iron law?

Elder Yan kindly advised.

“Let me advise you once again, join Xinggong and serve Xinggong for a hundred years first, and after a hundred years Xinggong will definitely offer the baby.

I don’t know how many Jindan cultivators want this opportunity, you must know how to seize the opportunity.

If you miss it, you will regret it for the rest of your life!”

“Thank you Elder Yan for your kindness, but I am used to being free alone.”

Su Han looked indifferent, but still declined.

From Elder Yan’s point of view, he had good intentions, but Su Yuan was a little speechless.

What can’t break through the eternal law of the Nascent Soul without the baby-forming thing?

Wait for him to brush up his proficiency to the full and break through the Nascent Soul stage in minutes.

Elder Yan was furious when he heard the words, Su Han was so ignorant that he was rejected twice when he tried to persuade him!

“Stupid, for being stupid.”

Elder Yan thought to himself.

He doesn’t want such heavy treasures as baby-connecting things. In his eyes, Su Han is the representative of a fool.

It’s even more arrogance, Su Han wants to conceive a baby if he doesn’t have anything to conceive? Do you really think the law of eternity is just a joke?

Elder Yan took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, got up and was about to leave, he sneered before leaving.

“Giving you a chance, you don’t know Jane

Unfortunately, I hope you will not regret it in the future!”

Su Han doesn’t want this childbirth, some people want it!

Elder Yan failed to recruit Su Han, and he didn’t think about wasting time on him.

“Elder Yan wait a moment.”

Su Han stopped Elder Yan.

“What? Regret it? Let me tell you, it’s useless!

The opportunity has been missed by you, and the zodiac palace will not give you a second chance, this baby thing, you will never have a chance in this life. ”

Elder Yan raised his head and said proudly.

He just knew, how could anyone in this world be able to resist the temptation of a baby?

Wasn’t this Su Han a cow just now?

Saying that he can conceive a baby without needing a conceived thing, the words treat as nothing the iron law that there has been no conceived thing for thousands of years, and it is doomed to fail to conceive a baby.

Now in less than a minute, I regretted it and changed my mind.

But Elder Yan won’t give Su Han another chance, even if Su should ask him, it’s useless!

“Elder Yan, you have misunderstood 830, I don’t want a baby, but I am very interested in the knowledge of the star palace formation.

I want to make a deal with you.

I can work for Xinggong for a hundred years, you can provide various materials, and I can refine array disks for you, free of charge.

You just need to let me consult the knowledge of the star palace formation for free. ”

Su Han said with a smile.

The star palace has existed for thousands of years, with a profound foundation, and the accumulated knowledge of formations for thousands of years is extremely huge.

If Su Han could look it up, his formation level would definitely skyrocket. Maybe the chance to break through to the fifth-order formation master lies in the tens of thousands of years of formation knowledge accumulated in the star palace.

As for the price Su Han needs to pay, because the star palace refines the century-old array for free.

Su Han said that Xing Gong may make a small profit, but he will never lose money.

For one thing, refining the formation disk is a good way to brush up the proficiency of the formation technique.

Xinggong provided Su Han with the materials to refine the formation plate, and brush up the skill proficiency of the formation. Even if there is no salary, he still earns it by blood!

High-level materials are rare, especially Yuanying-level materials, each of which is very rare, and there is no market for it!

It is very troublesome for Su Han to find it by himself, but it is different for a rich and powerful force like Xinggong, who can provide a large amount.

In addition, Su Han said that he has worked for Xinggong for free for a hundred years, but after more than a year, he will leave the mortal world as long as he completes the group tasks.

He patted his ass and left, who would give Xinggong free work for a hundred years?

When Elder Yan heard Su Han’s words, his face turned red and blue, and he felt like a clown.

He thought that Su Han stopped him because of the baby.

As a result, Su Han didn’t pay attention to the baby’s birth from the beginning to the end, but for the knowledge of the formation, which was nothing in his eyes.

Elder Yan didn’t understand very much.

Also working for Xinggong for a hundred years, Su Han doesn’t want to conceive a child, but needs the knowledge of Xinggong’s formation.

The latter can be exchanged with contribution points, while the former cannot be exchanged with contribution points.

“Forget it, I came to see Wang Tianxuan originally to attract him, hoping that he would join Xinggong and work for Xinggong for a hundred years.

Now, for the sake of formation knowledge, he offered to work for Xinggong for a hundred years, and my goal has been achieved.

There is still a precious baby thing left, speaking of it, I am making a lot of money!”

As soon as Elder Yan thought about it, his mood suddenly became happy, and he also became pleasing to the eye when looking at Su Han.

“I agree to this transaction, and I will give you a special token when you come to the Star Palace three days later.

Elder Yan showed a smile on his face, and consulted all the formation knowledge of the star palace for free. He does not have this permission [requires the Saint of Star and Earth.

However, he believed that the second saint of Xinggong would definitely agree.

Using knowledge of formations that can be copied infinitely, in exchange for the first formation of Chaos Xinghai, Mage has worked for Xinggong for a hundred years, this is really a huge profit!

“Pleasant cooperation.”

A smile appeared on Su Han’s face, expressing his anticipation.

When he digests all the formation knowledge accumulated by Xinggong for thousands of years, to what extent will his formation level skyrocket?

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