Three Years After Three Years, Sir, I’m The Leader

Chapter 521

Chapter 521 I Disagree! 【Please Customize】

Great Eastern Telegraph Office.

Neon Corporation.

“What’s going on with this mobile phone company?!”

“Tenglong mobile phone, how come I’ve never heard of it?”

“Where did the company come from?”

“The mobile phone product, without several years of research and development, is impossible to appear at all!”

“Such a company cannot appear out of thin air!”

“Yes, R&D requires a lot of money, which an ordinary company can’t do!”

“However, so far, no company has come forward to claim it except Tamron mobile phones.”

“I’ve called companies like Sony and it’s not their product!”

“The question now is how do we solve this problem, Tamron mobile phone has already affected our stock price!”

“Yes! Our branch is listed on Neon, and by the end of the year…”

By the end of the year, if the stock price is found to be cut in half, it is estimated that they will also be cut in half!

“I now suggest that we acquire the Tamron company and take the Tamron mobile phone, and we can extend it to the world!”

“Yeah, then it’s our credit!”

“Great credit!”

“With such a strong product, I don’t think it will be a problem in the future!”

“That’s it……”

“How to calculate the valuation of such a mobile phone company?”

“It may be more than 100 billion!”

“We simply don’t have that much cash flow right now…”

“Moreover, to do this, a general meeting of shareholders must be held!”

“Our shareholder structure is a little more complicated, like Hong Kong Island, it’s more…”

“The first is the acquisition plan. We definitely don’t have so much cash! Why don’t we exchange some shares!”

“This, I agree!”

“I think so too!”

“Actually, it doesn’t take 100 billion to acquire a brand new company! If we are in the first round, maybe 10 billion, or even less…”

“This is good.‖!”

“Then it’s decided!”

“Then hold a shareholders meeting!”

Just then, a loud noise came from the door.

The sound is getting closer.

Indistinctly they could hear voices outside.

“Sir, this is the company meeting, you can’t go in!”

“If you do this again, I’ll call security!”


The sound became louder and louder, gradually making everyone a little uncomfortable.


The vice president opened the door angrily.

Outside the door, a group of people are standing at the door.

The leader is a young man.

He looked only in his twenties.

Wearing a suit.

With a kind smile on his face.

“Hello everyone, my name is Nishimura Satoru, and I’m the head of He Graphics Asset Management Company.”

Nishimura Satoru laughed, making people feel very kind and comfortable.

Both eyes narrowed together.

The president of the ghost guy frowned, “Who are you? Our company is having a meeting, please leave!”

Satoru Nishimura’s expression did not change at all, and he still said with a smile, “I came only for the meeting.”

“What do you mean?” The ghost boss frowned.

“I officially inform you that at present, we and Graphic Asset Management Company have held more than 40% of your company’s shares!”

Hearing this, everyone’s expressions changed!

Holding more than 40% of the shares!

Major shareholder!

This What and Graphics Asset Management is their number one shareholder!

“What do you want to do?”

The ghost boss frowned.

“I didn’t do anything. Seeing that your company’s stock price is sluggish now, and many equity holders are interested in making a move, just buy some and play.”

The face of the ghost boss changed, and finally said, “Then please come in!”

40% of the shares!

It is almost the shares of all shareholders outside.

“We just want to hold a shareholders meeting.”

“That’s work!”

Nishimura Satoru walked into the conference room with a smile.

“Mr. Nishimura, now there is a brand new product, I don’t know if you know it.”

“Mobile phone!”

Satoru Nishimura put his latest phone on the table.

The face of the ghost boss changed.

What’s the meaning?

He knows the mobile phone, but he also buys our shares, what does he do?

Could it be that he has a way to turn things around?

“Then, if we want to turn things around, the best way is to complete the acquisition of Tenglong Company!”

I heard the ghost boss say so.

Nishimura Satoru smiled, which made people feel very comfortable, “Your Excellency President, I happen to have a friend who I want to introduce to you.”

Everyone frowned.

A general meeting of shareholders is being held.

What to say about introducing a friend?

“What’s the meaning?”

“Don’t think you are a major shareholder, you can do whatever you want!”

“¨々 That is, this company, it’s not your turn to call the shots!”

Hearing these voices, Nishimura Satoru still smiled.

“I think you should be interested in meeting this person.”

It doesn’t matter what these people are saying.

The other party walked in directly.

Zhao Haijun swept over the crowd with a smile.

“The person in charge of Tenglong’s neon company, Zhao Haijun, Zhao Sang!”

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

What’s the meaning? !

Let the person in charge of Tenglong Company come directly?

what to do?

“Nishimura-san, what exactly do you mean?”

The ghost boss asked coldly.

Satoru Nishimura said with a smile: “First of all, I don’t agree with the proposal to acquire Tenglong Company just now.”

“I hold more than 40% of the shares here, and the number of people who agree does not exceed two-thirds. The proposal is not passed!”

The face of the ghost boss really changed now.

I’m sorry!

Major shareholders hold more than one-third of the shares!

As long as (Zhao’s) his side does not pass, almost all proposals will be finished!

It means they have a veto power!

This is…

“What the hell do you want to do?!”

Everyone glared at Nishimura Satoru.

Satoru Nishimura still had a smile on his face.

“Actually it’s nothing.” Nishimura Satoru said with a smile, “I just want to buy the shares in your hands.”

“It’s not just me who disagrees, but Tamron also disagrees.”

Zhao Haijun stood aside and nodded.

“Since Tenglong will not be acquired by you, and the mobile phone will dominate the market, the Dadong Telegraph Bureau’s stock market will plummet!”

“It’s better to sell it to us, if you hit it in your hand.”

Nishimura Satoru’s smile was still like a spring breeze, “Of course, it doesn’t matter if you don’t sell it. In the future, you should plan to make your proposal not approved!”

“What do you want to do?!” The president of the ghost guy stood up angrily! .

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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