Three Kingdoms: The Eighteen Riders of Yanyun are Summoned at the Start

Chapter 48

Chapter 48 What The Sword Is Pointing At, What He Is Looking At! (45)

Liao Hua, who was sitting on the ground, was stunned for a moment, then knelt down in front of Liu Bian: “Your Majesty is extremely brave, this minister is not an opponent!”

Liu Bowen, who had been watching the battle, frowned. He was not skilled in martial arts, so he naturally didn’t know whether Liu Bian was a real victory or whether Liao Hua deliberately released water, so he stepped forward and said, “General Liao, you really used your best? Could it be? Deliberately losing to Your Majesty, do you know how much danger your loss will bring to His Majesty?”

When Liao Hua heard Liu Bowen’s questioning, he even smiled bitterly in his heart: “Master, the last general really did not let His Majesty, His Majesty is a natural genius, it can be said that he has already surpassed me. Your Majesty has been defeated.”

As soon as Liao Hua said this, Liu Bowen was even more puzzled: “Could it be that Your Majesty’s martial arts are already so good?”

Yuwen Chengdu stood up at this time and said: “Master, your majesty’s martial arts are indeed higher than that of General Liao Hua, and it is not that he deliberately gave in. In fact, when I met Lao Cai last time, your majesty had killed more than a dozen robbers alone, so your majesty has This strength.”

Liu Bian said, “Teacher, willing to admit defeat, you can’t continue to stop me now, can you?”

Liu Bowen sighed and nodded helplessly.

“General Yuwen, you must follow His Majesty tonight. No matter what happens, you cannot leave for a moment. If His Majesty has any mistakes, I will ask you.” Liu Bowen said sharply.

Yuwen Chengdu is naturally aware of the importance of Liu Bian’s safety, so he solemnly said: “The strategist can rest assured that nothing will happen to Your Majesty. With me, no one can hurt Your Majesty.”

Listening to the two of them, Liu Bian felt even more depressed. Why did he treat himself as a three-year-old child?

However, it was depressed and depressed, Liu Bian was still very satisfied with the loyalty of these three people.

Night falls.

The lights of this small town in Youzhou went out early, and from a distance, the dark night was blended together, and it was impossible to distinguish.

In front of the city gate, Liu Bian looked at the Yanyun Eighteen Riders that had been prepared in front of him, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

When he came to the most dangerous time in this world, it was Yan Yun Shiba who took him out of Hongnong City.

Now he will charge with Yanyun’s eighteen cavalry again. It has to be said that God’s will is unpredictable, but last time Liu Bian was still a powerless man and was imprisoned.

But now, as the ruler of a country, he has directly defeated Liao Hua, which can be said to be incomparable!

When Yan Yun Shiba saw his master again, he got off his horse with a swoosh and knelt down in front of Liu Bian: “See Your Majesty!!”

The neat and concise voice was very similar to the scene in Hongnong City that day.

Liu Bian said: “With the rush to the camp today, there are 100,000 enemies, have you ever been afraid?”


“Kill kill!!”

“Kill kill kill!!!”

The consecutive killings made the air also reveal a chilling atmosphere.

Liu Bowen on the side is also amazed. This is the first time he has seen such a strange army. He heard that they can lead His Majesty to fight out from the heavy siege of Hongnong City. Liu Bowen is still a little suspicious, but now it looks like a bear Although the Tiger’s Division is small in number, it can withstand thousands of troops.

Liu Bian felt the murderousness and excitement of Yanyun Shibaqi, and even laughed: “Come back tonight, I invite everyone to drink, whoever kills more people will be able to drink the best wine in my hands!”



Seeing Yan Yun Shiba’s relaxed and hopeful expression, the rest of the people on the side were even more surprised.

In the face of the weight of 100,000, these people did not change their faces, but it was strange to hear that Liu Bian was so excited about the wine.

How could the rest of the people around him know that each of Yanyun’s Eighteen Riders had the absolute center and absolute respect for Liu Bian. They were the most ruthless killers in the face of the enemy, but in front of Liu Bian they were like pious servants.

The servant was naturally very excited when he faced the reward of his master.

Liu Bian stepped forward and helped Yan Yun’s eighteen riders up one by one.

“Tonight I will lead you to create history and create the future. The name of Yanyun’s Eighteen Riders will be remembered in history from tonight, and it will make all the chaotic officials and thieves in the world fear.”

“You are the sharpest sword in my hand, the one pointed by the sword’s edge, and the one who looks down upon it!”

Every one of Yanyun’s Eighteen Riders was agitated in their hearts when they heard:

“What the sword is pointing at, what he is looking at!”

“What the sword is pointing at, what he is looking at!”

“What the sword is pointing at, what he is looking at!”

“Set off!!”

Taking advantage of the moonlight, Liu Bian led Yuwen Chengdu and Yanyun’s eighteen cavalry toward the south, towards the base of the Montenegrin Army.

After walking more than 30 miles, the fog started to rise in front of them. Liu Bian and others did not dare to delay. If the Montenegrin Army was not found before the fog rose, then there would be no robbery camp. .

I was afraid that I and others would be lost in the thick fog.

Thinking of this, Liu Bian made people wrap the horse’s hoof and put on pegs, and then ran with all his strength.

Finally, after an hour, I could vaguely see a large piece of light ahead. After getting closer, I was more certain that this was the camp of the Montenegrin Army.

“Your Majesty, the Montenegro army camp is ahead, shall we do it?” Yuwen Cheng whispered.

Liu Bian said in a low voice, “Don’t worry about it first, find out the current terrain, so that we don’t have to wait for an accident to retreat.”

After saying this, Liu Bian waved his hand, Yan Yun Shiba rode in twos and two and spread out, while Liu Bian and Yuwen Chengdu were waiting in place. *

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