Three Kingdoms: The Eighteen Riders of Yanyun are Summoned at the Start

Chapter 38

Chapter 38 Proclaimed Emperor Early! (24) The Cover Has Been Revised!

ps: The cover has been modified, so there should be no embarrassment!

Liu Bowen seems to be very satisfied with the current Liu Bian, with a very warm smile on his face.

Liu Bian continued to ask: “Master, according to my situation, how can I restore the orthodoxy of the Han family?”

Now that Liu Bowen is such a formidable military adviser, Liu Bian will naturally not let go of his tricks.

Although he also has ideas in his mind, after all, brainstorming is better. Only by listening a lot will he analyze the problem more thoroughly.

Liu Bowen said, “Your Majesty knows why Wuhuan Qiu Liju led his troops to invade yesterday?”

Liu Bian said: “It should be among the Kwantung Allied Forces, who do not want me to be within the territory of the big Han, and this will secretly smuggle foreigners and make killing moves against me.”

Liu Bowen shook his feather fan, nodded slowly, and said with satisfaction: “Your Majesty is right, because there is more than one force that does not want to see His Majesty become emperor in Youzhou.”

“Then what does His Majesty think they will do next?”

Liu Bian shook his head: “I would like to hear from you sir!”

Liu Bowen said: “Except for Kong Rong who led Beihai’s troops to the north, among the 18 lords in Guandong, the rest of the lords either pretended to be deaf and dumb, or publicly said that His Majesty was the King of Hongnong, and it would be a great treason to take the throne privately. things.”

“This shows that the other seventeen passers-by, including Dong Zhuo, do not want His Majesty to regain the throne. Dong Zhuo does not want to understand it very well. His Majesty’s enthronement means that all the chips in his hands have no legal status, so he does not want His Majesty to take the throne again. Your Majesty is alive.”

“As for the Kwantung Allied Forces, it’s actually easy to understand. The most important reason why they work together to deal with Dong Zhuo is because Dong Zhuo’s power is so powerful that they will definitely be eliminated one by one if they fight alone.”

“So basically all the lords are not in a hurry in the confrontation, but after Your Majesty ascends the throne, after they admit it, they must fight Dong Zhuo to the death, and they must obey His Majesty’s dispatch. How can this be for the unfettered princes today? Are you willing to take the initiative to enter the cage?”

“So, they don’t want His Majesty to become the emperor either!”

After Liu Bowen said this, Liu Bian nodded secretly in his heart. Based on what happened in history, he believed that the Kwantung Allied Forces were unreliable, but Liu Bowen was based entirely on the current situation, situation, and analysis. Naturally, he was better than himself. More than one.

Thinking of this, Liu Bian said, “What my teacher said is good, but what should I do now?”

Liu Bowen said: “Now the princes of Guandong have basically not taken the initiative to attack after confronting Dong Zhuo once, and Dong Zhuo has not made any moves, which proves that the forces of the two sides are likely to reach an agreement underground. If this is the case, then the next step is I am afraid that they will be the same. To deal with Youzhou, then your Majesty will have to deal with all the princes of the world!”

Speaking of this, Liu Bowen also had a solemn expression on his face.

Seemingly aware of the big change in Liu Bian’s face, he said with a smile: “Don’t worry, Your Majesty, they will not directly choose to besiege His Majesty without feeling that His Majesty’s tail will not be removed. He is a recognized traitor, so the Kwantung Allied Forces will not openly oppose him.”

“It’s just that they will tacitly understand that they will use their own means to deal with His Majesty!”

“The Kwantung Allied Forces need face on the bright side, and they are more loyal to the Han family, so they will also use sinister methods, such as yesterday’s use of Wuhuan’s methods to kill people.”

“So, the Kwantung Allied Forces are not able to pose a threat to His Majesty at the moment, but Dong Zhuo is hard to say! The calm in Hulao Pass means that he is very likely to attack us in Bingzhou, and we have to guard against it!”

Liu Bowen took a stab at it and analyzed all the situations, and Liu Bian also secretly admired it.

The top advisors are unusual, and their insights are often refreshing.

A few days ago, Xun Yu mainly talked about how to expand, and now Liu Bowen is talking about the outside world. Although the angles are different, they both give Liu Bian a lot of inspiration.

“Then our first step should be to stabilize Youzhou and beware of Dong Zhuo?” Liu Bian said.

Liu Bowen fanned his feather fan and said with a smile: “Your Majesty escaped the killing move of the first move, presumably the ultimate move of the second move should be coming soon, and you must prepare as soon as possible!”

“Get ready early?”

Liu Bian was stunned for a moment. He really couldn’t think of how to prepare for it other than recruiting troops.

Seeing Liu Bian’s doubts, Liu Bowen said with a smile, “Build walls high, store grain widely, and be named emperor early!”

Liu Bian has naturally heard of these nine-character mantras. In history, Liu Bowen once suggested Zhu Yuanzhang, but the last sentence was that he was called the king late. How could he have changed so much here?

Liu Bowen continued: “Building a high wall in Fanyang City, recruiting troops to buy horses, accumulating food and grass, first of all to stand in an invincible position, it is impossible for Dong Zhuo and the Kwantung Allied Forces to negotiate peace at the moment, so Dong Zhuo will not be all out against us, so we have The possibility of mediation, the defense and the offense, make it impossible to succeed.”

“Secondly, Your Majesty needs to hold the ceremony of sacrificing the sky early and be crowned as a great treasure. After all, Your Majesty is the direct son of the late emperor, and the enthronement is even more upright. Dong Zhuo was relegated to make the world dissatisfied, so as long as you reveal your identity, those princes from all walks of life will be even more afraid. The bright side will be embarrassed by you, and at that time it will be able to relieve the pressure from the Kanto princes.”

“The establishment of the dynasty will be more able to get the response of talents from all over the world. At that time, all talents will be in His Majesty’s hands. Even if you face various princes, why should you be afraid?”

Liu Bowen’s last sentence was even more impressive, and even Liu Bian was excited when he heard it.

“My teacher’s words are like dazzling enlightenment. I should follow my teacher’s instructions, build high walls, store food, and become emperor as soon as possible, so as to call the heart of the world.”

Liu Bowen nodded with a smile, very satisfied with Liu Bian’s response. *

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