Three Kingdoms: Ten thousand times increase, I will dominate the world

Chapter 11

February of the second year of Zhongping!

A fire broke out in Luoyang, the capital division, and the Nangong was destroyed!

Among the eunuchs, Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong persuaded Emperor Liu Hong to tax acres of land to repair the palace room and cast bronze people!

So Emperor Liu Hong ordered the world, in addition to the normal rent, ten yuan per mu tax to help repair the palace!

Not only that, but also buying and selling officials, new officials arrived to scrape the ground and collect money, the people were not able to make a living, and rebellions broke out!

And Zhang Niujiao is the largest chaotic army in Changshan, known as supporting 100,000 troops!

April of the second year of Zhongping!

Zhending County Yazhong is discussing with Qin Xuan!

"My lord, if you find a rebel in the city, you should be a person with horns. "

"If you find it, just grab it!"

"Maybe this is the time for the lord to plan Changshan!".

After frustration and explanation, I realized that now Zhang Niujiao has entangled an army of 100,000!

Since it seems that there is an idea in sending someone to Zhending, but it takes time for Zhending to develop!

So he thought about what power to use to deter this rebel spy and make Zhang Niujiao have some scruples!

Once it is found out that Zhending City is a hard bone, Zhang Niujiao is likely to go to fight somewhere else

And at this time, Qin Xuan can greatly expand his sphere of influence by sending troops to quell the rebellion!

At that time, if Zhang Niujiao really captures Changshan, it will naturally be justified to recover it by himself!

After speaking, he said with a little distress

"Now it's just a matter of finding a way to let Zhang Niujiao know that we are a hard bone!".

Qin Xuan laughed

"It's not easy, just hold a military parade!".

After speaking, he told the process of the military parade in later generations and the frustration of the teaching, so that the frustration teaching shouted again and again the master's clever plan!

After inquiring about the details of the process, he went back to discuss with Zhao Yun and them!

April 10th of the second year of Zhongping!

The military parade has officially begun!

The news has already been announced to the whole city!

This has never happened before!

In addition to the battle of the great army, who has seen a large-scale military parade

So it's not an exaggeration to say that today it's an empty alley!

Qin Xuan put on silver armor and stood on the city tower with a silver gun, waiting for the start of this military parade!

The people below are talking about it

"Look at that Lord Qin, it's really mighty!"

"Now it is rumored that Lord Qin is the reincarnation of the God of War, I look like it! If it weren't for the reincarnation of the God of War, he would be able to break through the army of eight hundred thousand?"

"I heard that this military parade is strongly requested by adults, that is, to let everyone see what the army looks like!"

"Don't say it, my neighbor Li Ergou has become a soldier!"

"Good guy, in less than three months, the original chicken cub is the same, and now it seems like a different person!".

"I used to stand on the side of the road and no one looked at it, but now I don't know how many women's eyes have been lost when I go out!".

With the sound of a drum, the parade officially began!

The leader is Zhao Yun's spear phalanx, Zhao Yun is already tall and handsome, and the image of the white horse and silver spear is even more attractive to a group of women to exclaim!

Look at the phalanx of spears, the neat queue, the same pace!

The soldiers held their heads high, like a benchmark, and their momentum went straight into the sky!

The sound of neat footsteps is like stepping on a person's heart!

The audience was shocked beyond measure

"Look at the leading general, silver spear and white horse, extraordinary bearing, that is General Zhao Yun, the first military general under Lord Qin!"

"This No. 1 military general is not self-appointed, and now General Zhao Yun is the best at fighting!"

"Why do you only pay attention to the general who takes the lead, haven't you noticed that these big-headed soldiers are different from before!".

"This military appearance, this power, is so shocking, I want to be a soldier when I see it!".

"It's not easy to enter the army now, and the requirements are high!"

When the family members of the soldiers heard this, their proud heads were raised!

In the past, you looked down on my son who was a soldier, but now you can't climb high with me!

I saw Zhao Yun and all the soldiers in the phalanx turning their heads in the direction of the city gate and shouting in unison

"Hello Lord!".

Qin Xuan waved his hand

"Comrades have worked hard!".

"Serve the Lord!".

The uniform shouts made the audience boil

"I'll go, this shout, I have goosebumps when I hear it!".

"Such soldiers, such troops, can only be seen here in us!".

"It's so secure!".

plus a total of 10 phalanxes in the back, which made the masses enjoy watching!

Every phalanx walked by with a burst of exclamations!

Some people who are obviously not good people look at the phalanx that walks through one by one, and leave after talking to each other!

I didn't put my mind at ease until I received the message!

The bait has come down, and Zhang Niujiao knows that it must be thorny, and it is estimated that he will avoid it!

It's up to people to make things happen, so adapt to the situation!

Zhang Niujiao is listening to the soldiers who came back to report the military situation at the moment, and the previous military reports are in very good condition!

Chang Shan was as he expected, the army was empty, and there was a shortage of food and grass, and the counties were too busy to take care of themselves!

A county with 3,000 soldiers is considered to be sufficient, maybe this time I can get a Changshan King to sit down!

At this time, the spies who really set the direction are also back!

Zhang Niujiao asked the spies who came back

"How's the military investigation?".

"General, the army is really strong and strong, and it is invincible!"

Zhang Niujiao couldn't help but become serious

"Why don't you fight the enemy, you are shaking the morale of the army, if you can't say why, I will kill you!"

"General, the Zhending Army held a so-called military parade a few days ago, and the barracks were neat and terrifying!"

"Every soldier is an elite soldier, and the leading general is also mighty!"

"Chu Yan is powerful enough, he was captured and killed by Qin Xuan, who was still a county lieutenant at the time, and led people to take the Chinese army directly!".

"Eight hundred people broke Chu Yan's army of tens of thousands, and only a few were slightly injured!"

"The point is that there are nearly 10,000 such elite soldiers!".

A group of generals who were deliberating couldn't help but be shocked and discussed

"What? You think there must be tens of thousands of troops?"

"How is it possible! How is it possible that there are tens of thousands of troops in Changshan?"

"Even if they could pull up the line, what if there was so much food and grass there?"

The spy saw that everyone didn't believe it and decided to add another fire

"I don't know where their food and grass come from, but the Zhending Army eats three meals a day is known to passers-by!".

"Big white rice, steamed buns, noodle soup, side dishes are enough, and the good training is meat!".

"These are all things that we have seen with our own eyes!".

There was a gasp of air




Not to mention the soldiers below, they themselves can't eat well every day!

And three meals a day in Zhending City are still full!

Zhang Niujiao immediately made a decision, first hit other counties, I really can't fight!

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