Three Kingdoms: I Have Unlimited Gifts

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Draw The Back Wei Army!


Pfft! puff…

On the tower, people’s heads are rolling and blood is splashing.

The soldiers of the Han army raised their knives and fell, and the Wuhuan prisoners fell to the ground in an instant like mino dominoes!

On the tower, Liu Zhao stood with a gun and was indifferently watching the killing of the Wuhuan prisoners in front of him, but at this moment, in Liu Zhao’s mind, a system sound suddenly sounded.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for repelling the first wave of attackers and successfully activating the achievement package!”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the achievement package*1!”

Achievement package?

Liu Zhao heard the words, but his heart moved.

“System, achievement package, why was there no prompt before?”

Liu Zhao spoke silently in his heart.

“The achievement package is a passive activation package, and the activation condition is the first achievement obtained by the host after crossing!”

“And the host successfully defeated the first wave of enemies since crossing, so the achievement package was successfully activated…”

At this moment, the systematic explanation sounded in Liu Zhao’s mind.

It was indeed a pleasant surprise, Liu Zhao did not expect that he had defeated a small group of enemies of 300 people, and even got a big gift bag!

It is indeed destiny…

“System, open the achievement package!”

Although Liu Zhao’s face was still, but in his mind, he had already ordered the system!

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting Back Wei Army*500!”

When the system prompt sounded in Liu Zhao’s mind, a card drawing an elite cavalry team appeared in Liu Zhao’s mind.

Back Wei Army?

On the tower, Liu Zhao couldn’t help but take a deep breath.

At this moment, Liu Zhao’s heart has been filled with a huge surprise…

Ambition to eat Hulu meat, laugh at the thirst to drink Xiongnu blood!

Yue Wumu, Yue Jiajun… that is the existence that supports the backbone of the entire Southern Song Dynasty! Is an invincible commander and a legendary army!

The Beiwei Army is the elite of the Yue Family Army…

History records: Yue Wumu, with his five hundred Beiwei elites, defeated more than 100,000 Jin soldiers in Zhuxian Town, causing the Jin people to sigh and say: It is easy to shake the mountain, but it is a pity that the Yue family’s army is difficult…

It is such an elite that is full of endless legends, with five hundred backs and one hundred thousand golden men!

And now, such an invincible elite has fallen into the hands of Liu Zhao!

“System, summon these 500 Backweiler elites to this host!”

On the tower, Liu Zhao was very excited.

“Ding! The five hundred Beiwei Army has been successfully summoned and is currently three miles away. You can come after a stick of incense…”

Soon, the system’s prompt sound echoed in Liu Zhao’s mind.

With the invincible army in hand, Liu Zhao was excited.

“Eldest son, now that the Wuhuan people’s front has been broken, and the central army is not far away, I will wait to avoid the edge for a while, and wait for the governor to send troops to help…”

But at this moment, Liu Bo’s hard-hearted persuasion came into Liu Zhao’s ears.

“Avoid the edge for a while?”

Hearing this, Liu Zhao immediately frowned, then waved his hand towards Uncle Liu, but then sneered and looked at the horizon outside the city.

“Uncle Liu, you are too arrogant! The real edge is not their Wuhuan people!”

“Those who offend my strong man will be punished even if they are far away! Since they dare to come, my son will bury them all on the land of my strong man…”

Between the words, Liu Zhao’s deep eyes were filled with murderous intent.

“Eldest son, there are no more than three hundred soldiers in the county now, and Li Huan is a famous Wuhuan general who has ravaged Liaodong these years, and he is so fierce that he must guard against it!”

“It’s not too late, I’m afraid things will change, and I hope that the eldest son will evacuate as soon as possible. The old man is willing to lead the remnant army to stop the Wuhuan army for a while…”

Liu Bo saw Liu Zhao’s self-satisfaction, and immediately persuaded him with an ugly face.

Although the eldest son was brave and invincible before, and refreshed his cognition with his own strength, the three thousand Wuhuan army was attacking the three hundred county soldiers with eggs.

And the lord entrusted the eldest son to him, it is his trust, Liu Bo can only repay with death!

At this moment, Uncle Liu swore to himself that even if he died today, he would still preserve the safety of the eldest son…

On the other side of the tower, among Liu Bo’s words, other big Han soldiers also set their eyes on Liu Zhao.

The Wuhuan people are about to attack the pond, and everyone understands that the soldiers of the three hundred counties are destined to hit the stone with eggs!

Fight or retreat, their life and death… Liu Zhao decides in one word!

At this moment, Liu Zhao was the center of the whole city, attracting all the attention, only Cheng Yaojin stood blankly behind Liu Zhao with a Xuanhua axe on his face.

“Don’t disturb Liu Bo, I have five hundred elite cavalry on the way to help, Li Huan…he will surely die!”

On the tower, Liu Zhao stood with his hands behind his back, confident.

“Eldest son, Liaodong is rich in war horses, and the Wuhuan cavalry is famous far and near, with five hundred against three thousand, and attacking stones with eggs!”

“Eldest son think twice…”

Liu Bo bowed his hands sadly, and at this moment, he was about to kneel down and persuade him to die.

On the tower, Liu Zhao couldn’t help frowning when he saw this.

Liu Bo is loyal, and he has watched him grow up. He is a rare confidant of their Liu clan branch in Youzhou!

Liu Zhao was naturally aware of the strength of the Wei Army, but Uncle Liu didn’t know. He began to worry about how to persuade Uncle Liu…

Tap tap!

Tap tap! tap tap…

But at this time, on the horizon in the distance, there was smoke and dust everywhere, and the earth roared and vibrated…

“It’s over! It’s over…”

Under the huge movement, Uncle Liu subconsciously looked into the distance, and immediately there was a strong look of despair in his eyes…


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