This World Is Strange

2. The harem Protagonist?

"Take me with you!" Cried Ms. Suzuki as she grabbed even harder onto her savior's leg.

As for the perpetrator who had killed the creature moments before, he was trying his best to kick away Ms. Suzuki who was tightly holding onto his leg.

"Ms. Suzuki! I can't!" Cried the perpetrator. As he struggle to get away from Ms. Suzuki's tight hold.

Ms. Suzuki only shook her head in denial at the perpetrator's answer and gripped even tighter. Seeing this, the perpetrator could only give a sigh as he held his weapon into the air, preparing to knock out Ms. Suzuki.

But just as he was about to swing his weapon, a voice cried out.

"Hey! Is anyone there?! Do you need help!" A comforting male voice ringed throughout the hallway. Hearing this, the students in the classroom began crying out.

"We're here! Please, come save us! We're scared!" Yelled one of the girls.

"Is that Takashi!? Takashi! We're here!" Yelled another girl.

Although the boys also cried out, their voices were drowned out by the girls. Before long, a small semblance of light could be seen getting closer.

Once the light had directly appeared in front of the classroom doorway, both the students and Ms. Suzuki could see a handsome man holding onto a torch followed by two beautiful girls clutching tightly onto him.

The boy who was holding the touch, was named Takashi who was quite famous for being the so called "Prince Charming" of the school. In a sense, he could never abandon a "beautiful" damsel in distress. Thus earning him the nickname, "Prince Charming".  

Takashi's gaze traced around the room, seeing countless fearful students, especially the terrify girls.

"Don't worry, I'm here now. Your safe with me." Takashi spoke in a soft and soothing tone. Which helped calm down the students a bit. But then, his gaze landed towards Ms. Suzuki.

"M-M-Miss. Suzuki!" Cried Takashi as a blush came over him. In front of him laid a siting Ms. Suzuki whose clothes were ripped and torn showing a lot of her skins, especially her large firm, soft breast. 

"Takashi! Don't look!" A girl behind Takashi cried out, she blocked Takashi's gaze before glaring at Ms. Suzuki who was 'seducing' her Takashi.

Of course, Takashi fought against the girl's hold on his eyes as he cried out, "Whoa!! Anna! Calm down! I'm gonna drop the torch!" Cried Takashi.

Hearing that, the girl who was named Anna relented and took her hands off of Takashi's eyes. With Takashi now being able to see, he immediately cough to himself before looking at the mess before him.

In front of him laid two person in the middle of the classroom, Ms. Suzuki and a male student. On the left side of the wall furthest to the classroom door was the group of students. But the one thing that Takashi was most focused on was the male student covered in green blood in the middle of the room, his legs which was being smoosh by Ms. Suzuki's breast.

'How enviable' thought Takashi as he began to wonder how it felt being smoosh by the soft breast of Ms. Suzuki. But his thoughts were harshly cut off by a dangerous cough from Anna who was behind him.

"Ahem, You are?" Takashi coughed again before asking cautiously at the male student covered in green blood.

"Clay." The male student covered in green blood replied.

Takashi nodded his head slightly before saying, "What's with the green liquid all over you?" Takashi questioned.

"That" Clay answered while pointing to the creature's headless body that had countless brain matters splatter all across the floor near it.

"I-I seem, well I guess that solves the mysterious of that green liquid." Takashi stumbled slightly at the gruesome scene in front of him. But Still managing to keep his prince charming smile.

Seeing that everything had been answered in Takashi's eye, he began speaking again.

"I think there's more of these strange creature. Although I haven't encounter them yet we have heard of them while we were wandering the hallways. Luckily, me, Anna, and Lily haven't encounter any of them yet. But regardless, we should still try to gather as much people as possible. There is safety in number." Takashi suggested.

Clay nodded his head, "I agree, being alone with these creatures roaming the hallway is dangerous." Clay responded.

With that, the decision was made with none of the others speaking up to voice their opinion. Clay walked out of the classroom followed by Ms. Suzuki and the other students.

They began their aimless roaming around the school building, searching for any other survivor. But during their aimless roaming, Takashi could be seen glancing back from time to time at the sight of Clay who was being held tightly by Ms. Suzuki like python holding onto their prey.

A sense of envy appeared in Takashi's eyes as he saw the large round frim breast of Ms. Suzuki tightly smooshing against Clay's arm.

Of course, although Takashi tried to hide his look of envy which worked for most people, Clay still caught hold of that look of envy from Takashi.

Immediately, a thought appeared in Clay's mind.

'Shit, I know that look well enough. It's the look of envy. For now, it may be fine. But if things gets rough and if I'm in a bit of a pickle. I'm sure Takashi won't hesitate to get rid of me when no one's looking.' thought Clay as he still kept a normal face plaster on.

"Um, Ms. Suzuki?" Clay cautiously asked quietly, in a attempt to avoid drawing attention and letting others hear.

"Yes." A quiet voice different from Ms. Suzuki's usual teacher tone came out.

"Do you mind letting go of me?" Clay asked casually, but in response. Ms. Suzuki's body tremble before clutching even more onto Clay's arm, afraid that he might leave her once she let's him out of her grasp.

Shaking her head furiously, Ms. Suzuki made it clear that she had no intention of letting go of Clay. Instead, she further increased her grip on him.

Takashi noticed the abnormality of Ms. Suzuki's trembling body which he addressed, immediately.

"Ms. Suzuki? Are you perhaps, cold? If so, do you want to stay near me? I have the torch, I'm still it'll keep you warm. Come, stay near me so it'll keep you warm." Takashi addressed with open arms towards Ms. Suzuki. His eyes giving a feeling of warmth and comfort.

"Yes, I also think that Ms. Suzuki is cold. You should go be near Takashi, where it is warm." Clay addressed, which earned him a secret wink from Takashi.

Although trembling slightly, Ms. Suzuki thought for a moment on the matter, before nodding her head slightly and going closer to Takashi. Although she wasn't as close to Takashi compared to hugging Clay like a python before. Takashi was still nevertheless, very happy.

After all, he now had countless eye candies of Ms. Suzuki's breast which was only covered by her bra. And seeing how it bounced slightly up and down with each step gave him a feeling excitement.

He tried to get closer to Ms. Suzuki in order to have the chance of 'accidently' touching her breast. But it proved to be fruitless as Ms. Suzuki said, "Takashi, please make sure there's some distance between us. I want to make sure the torch doesn't accidently bump into me." Ms. Suzuki said politely.

Hearing this, Takashi coughed awkwardly as he nodded and continued onwards, all the while feeling two glaring eyes behind his back. Turning around, he saw both Anna and Lily giving him a 'friendly' smile as they slowly walked behind him.

Seeing this, Takashi could only awkwardly cough again before moving once more.

'How cliché.' Clay thought to himself as he rolled his eyes secretly, choosing to not say anything about the matter.

With that, the group continued onward, gathering more people along the way. But strangely enough, Clay noticed one thing that seemed a bit odd about the group of people that was slowly beginning to form.

'Why is ratio between boys to girls so weird in our group?' Clay thought to himself as he pondered the view in front of him. 'For every five girls we find, there's only one boy. What happened to all the boys?' Clay cautiously thought to himself. A sense of foreboding creep into his heart which made him even more vigilant of his surrounding.

After about two hours had pasted since Takashi first met Clay and his classroom. There was now about thirty girls and six boys including Clay and Takashi. And strangely enough, they haven't even encounter a single one of those strange creatures ever since meeting up with Takashi.

It was as if Takashi was some kind of good luck charm that prevent bad things from happening. Which Clay found to be odd and suspicious, but in the current situation they were in. He was rather glad to have it.

'Even if it means having to bear though with Takashi's cliché moment from time to time. It's better than facing those monsters.' Thought Clay as he watched another event of Takashi's saving a group of girls and flirting with his two companies, Anna and Lily.

Even Ms. Suzuki was somewhat starting to warm up to Takashi within a oddly short period of time. Before, she would just kept her distance. But now, she was slowly starting to allow Takashi get closer to her as time went on. Seeing this, a crazy thought occurred in Clay's mind.

'Is Takashi some kind of harem protagonist?' A crazy thought raced through Clay's mind. Something like this was seemed absurd to even think or come to the conclusion to. But with the development that was happening in right of him. Plus the ungodly luck of not even encountering a single creatures with this many people whose gender heavy favor the female. 

It truly did seem like this was shaping up to some kind of harem protagonist journey for Takashi. And if that was the case, then all male side characters would either be killed off, or left to die in some ditch.

'Fucking hell. Are you shitting me right?' Thought Clay as the absurd thought was racing through his head.

With a sigh, Clay shook his head and reformatted his thinking.

'Fuck, even if that is the case. For now, let's just stick with him. Worse case, I can always use the meat shield around me in order to have Takashi's harem protagonist luck come into play.' Clay thought to himself as he observed the dozens of female students closely following behind Takashi.

"Truly a fucking harem Protagonist, huh?" Clay muttered under his breath.

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