This S.O.B. System


Gunfire rattled off as he stepped out of the portal. It was nighttime on Earth. In front of the guild there was no one in sight. Using Mana Sense the guild hall itself was full of people. He guessed they were most likely people hiding from whatever fighting was going on. Extending the range of his senses he found a large group of people North of the guild hall. 


“Something’s not right,” he said as the girls followed him. 


“You think?” Joon asked sarcastically. Shutting the portal to Elantontrin she began to raise in the air with Tiffany. 

“Think they’re to the North,” Asher said. Putting his Guts Armor on he would have preferred the Champion, but people knew him better in the gray armor. His sword in hand he increased the mana moving through his body to bring out his full stats. Jumping North he saw the line of people using mana. Another line of people with guns were facing them. Firing blindly.


After another jump he was with his guildies behind a Geomancer made hill. “What’s going on?!” He yelled over the sound of gunfire. 


“Asher!” Joan yelled. Ash ran over to the Gamer girl. The other girls were soon coming up behind him. 


“What’s happening?” Ash asked. 




“Don’t bother,” Tiffany said. Mind mana moving around her she poured it into Joan. Within a few seconds she had all the information she needed. 


Tiffany began sending him images of people and events as she spoke. “Looks like some cult leader has been attacking the guild. He united all the other guilds in the area against Community. They aren’t strong but they have a bunch of guns.” 


“Where is everyone?” Asher asked. 


Joan cut in. “The stronger people went after the cult leader. We had a few of their people. We released them to try to work out an alliance. Soon after they started ambushing our people. Especially the…devlins,” she whispered the last word. “They say they’re devils come to take over our world.” 


“This cult guy strong?” Ash asked. 


“Kind of. We did some interrogation on his people. They’re fanatic about him. Say he was sent by God.” 


“What did my dad say?” Asher asked. 

“Your dad hates the guy. Says he’s manipulating people. He was leading the party to take him out,” Joan said. That surprised Asher. His father wasn’t usually so aggressive. But Asher believed his father over anyone. 


“Alright. Let’s take care of these idiots,” Asher said. Joon nodded, opening a portal. It led them behind the line of people firing guns at them. Asher was through the portal. Casting Sex Bomb the attackers jolted. Using Domination a few dropped their guns but many began firing at him. Coating his body in Physical Mana it defended against the bullets easily. Asher was done playing. 


Sword in hand he sliced limbs off with ease. Men and women screamed as they fell to the ground. Blood pouring out of them Asher threw guns in his invisible storage ring as they dropped them. There were a lot of people. Him taking the lead Zora, Tiffany, Gen, and Joon were through the portal and attacking parts of the line he wasn’t at. All in all it was about 100 people, but their levels were low. They relied too much on guns. It wasn’t hard to deal with them. 


As the last few tried to run, Joon made a portal in front of them causing them to run out into the group they had been firing upon. As the last gun was stored Zora did a mass heal. Not restoring limbs, but making sure they didn’t die as Asher was on to the next issue. 


“Who is inside the guild hall?” Asher asked Joan as she walked up. 


“All non-combatants. This wasn’t the best time. The new people showed up and all the dungeon groups were out gathering resources. We sent a few thousand of our fighters to get the cult leader guy.” 


“Which way did the other’s go to get the cult leader?” Asher asked Joan. 


“Umm East. Near L.A.” 


“Okay,” he said. “Got a good way to find them?” No one offered anything up. 


“The old fashioned way it is,” Joon said. Pulling out her Glider they all did the same. Rising into the air they headed East. Asher used Mana Sense on the area, but couldn’t find anyone else not already in the guild hall. He worried there was a larger group coming to attack the base, but for now they needed to cut off the head. 


It took them an hour to find the big group of Community’s fighters. They were ambushed by more people with guns. People firing at them from 3 different spots. One of the Geomancers in the Community group had made a trench to protect them. Asher let out a sigh. His people really didn’t know how to fight with abilities. All were too hesitant. This would have to be a good training exercise. 


Asher pointed down. Joon nodded as she opened a portal below them. Asher stored his Glider and jumped in. He appeared in the thousands of people from Community. People were yelling as they stood sheepishly in the bowl of dirt made up. Some had been hit by gunfire and were being healed. His father was among the healers. 


He cast Domination. The whole group stopped what they were doing. His Physical mana causing them to shake in fear as he asked, “What the hell is going on?” 


“Finally,” Bishop said, finishing his heals on someone. Asher noticed Henry Krollic and many others running up to him as the girls came through the portal. He recognized many devlins in the group as well. Including Merriem and Sapphan. The black haired beauties were easy to spot as they ran over to him. 


“Jeez, you picked a good time to show up,” Henry said. 


“Catch up later. Facts now,” Asher said. 

Tiffany began using her Mind mana on everyone catching him up with images as Bishop spoke. “This cult leader has brainwashed a bunch of people. We tried to negotiate after an issue. Your mom, Wayne, and a few others were captured on their way to talk to them.” 


“Where’s Lastoo?” Asher asked. 


“With your mom,” Bishop said. 


“And why weren’t you with her?” Asher asked, surprised. 


“Someone had to stay home with your sister,” Bishop said. “And I don’t do well around the guy. He’s a snake.” 


Tiffany finished showing him images as he looked around. Letting out a sigh Ash sent everyone a War Invitation. “I’m not sure why you all are taking some abuse from simple guns. But this stops now. We are going to get serious. Killing is going to be our go to. If some of theirs survive. That is fine. But I just got back from our guild being attacked. These people will die.” Asher’s eyes bored into his father’s. The man wanted to say something but eventually nodded. 


One of the image’s Tiffany had shared was his father pushing to not hurt the people firing guns at them. Trying to help justify their actions that they were being brainwashed. He had them holed up, taking the abuse. Asher wasn’t going to pretend to care about these people. 


“Sounds good,” Henry said. “What do you have in mind?” 


Asher passed leadership of the War party to Henry. He had a General skill. Able to command troops the party would act more quickly with his ability to talk to troops from afar. “First, Joon gather the Portalmancers. We will be ambushing all of these people back. Get me every single fighter above level 25.” 


Less than 20 minutes later Asher was on the ramparts around his group. An Echomancer used their mana to project his voice. 


“I am Asher Whitmore,” he said, his voice booming over the area. Gunfire halted as he said the words. “I will give you all 60 seconds to drop your weapons, lie on the ground, and give up. When that 60 seconds is up, every one of you left standing will die.” 


He was met with a gun firing at him. His hand coated in Physical Mana he extended it and surprisingly caught the bullet. The area still dark out he doubted anyone would see, but no one else fired. “45 seconds,” his voice boomed as he turned around and walked back into the pit. 


“Your group,” he said pointing at their fighters. “Through the portals. Kill if you have it in you. Maim if you don’t. Put guns in your storage as you can.” They nodded and split walking into 3 different portals. 


“Mages, ready yourselves,” he said. The mages were in 3 different groups, pointed at the attackers. A Geomancer in front of each they would part the man-made hill and the mages would stream out to attack. Fighters hitting them from the back, mages from the front, that just left the middle. 


“Ready girls?” Asher asked. His women were the highest level. The devlins were with them. Since they all had hidden wings it would be easy for them to fly. 


“Sonicbooms out,” Asher said. Echomancers moved up the ramparts and began casting Sonicbooms or the equivalents. “Blinders!” Illusionists began casting high intensity lights and illusions to confuse them. Asher didn’t wait. Jumping over the rampart he was fired upon but was in the midst of them immediately. Ignoring the lights and sonic booms he didn’t go easy on them. 


Slicing through men and women he ignored their screams. A part of him hated to do it, but they had attacked his home. In his absence people thought they could take advantage of the guild. Hoping that numbers could take pure strength. They needed to know the truth. He could kill them all by himself. 


It was a long and bloody fight. The group he was in quickly folded and people ran. Falling right into a trap that a few Geomancers had laid they were gathered up. Moving to the next group it was much the same. By the time he got to the last they had already given up. He had hundreds of guns by the time he was done. Also hundreds of experience for killing people in a War party. 


When all was said and done his father was already working with the healers to save those he could. Asher wasn’t interested. Grabbing him by the caller he asked, “Where is the cult leader?” 


“His name’s Joshua,” Bishop said. Pulling himself away he began healing someone at their feet. The man pulled a knife and tried to stab Bishop. His old man slapped it out of his hand and continued to heal him. “These people are being controlled by him. You need to see that.” 


“I understand,” Asher said. “No more games, though. If he has mom. I’m done being nice.” 


Bishop let out a sigh. “Son, I hear you. But we have to live on this planet. We can’t be known as the butchers or else no one will come to us willingly.” 


“We can’t be seen as weak either,” Asher said, growing angry. “Hiding in a pit is weak, dad. All of these people, not one of them was over level 35.”


“Levels don’t matter!” Bishop said angrily. “You’ve always said it. Who cares what level they are? They’re still people. Still our neighbors. Stop thinking through the eyes of the System, and start looking through the eyes of a human being.” His father breathed heavily. Pouring holy mana into some other enemy as he said the words. 


Asher bit back a retort. He didn’t really have one. Letting out a sigh he asked, “Fine. What do you propose?” 



Crossing his legs as he waited Joon, Zora, and Tiffany sat around him. They were in an unfamiliar place, but they acted like it was completely natural to be there.


“I don’t know how we got around before you,” Tiffany said with a sigh. She leaned over kissing Joon on the cheek. 


“A lot of running and Gliders,” she said. “I jumped at the chance to be a Portalmancer.” 

Asher chuckled. She had been opening portals everywhere as they figured out the next step to their plan. He had calmed down since his confrontation with his father. With a better idea of what was going on he was sure this would work. If not he would just start killing. 


“Here they come,” he said with a big yawn. Feeling the group heading toward them with Mana Sense he put back on his relaxed demeanor. 


The group of guild masters and their subordinates walked into the large room. It took a few seconds to notice Asher and his girls. His eyes were drawn to a golden blonde woman. Wearing a white robe her chest and hips shook with every step. His gaze on her caused her to stop walking. Meeting his eyes she blushed. Asher felt his heart quicken under her gaze. A wide smile split his lips as he studied her. 


“Focus,” Tiffany whispered. Asher shook his head, putting back his stoic gaze. 


“Who are you?” A man asked midstep as he noticed them. 


Asher’s eyes moved to the man in question. His light gray hair and beard were obvious to note. The mana around him was strong. Casting ID didn’t bring anything up as he studied him. His mana swirled and tried to reach Asher. Condensing Physical Mana he sliced through the intruding Mind Mana the ‘messiah’ tried to intrude upon him. 


“I am Asher Whitmore,” he said. “I am here for my mother.” Most everyone recognized the name. Asher felt them stiffen in fear. Mana began to swirl around all of them. 


“Move and I kill you all,” Asher said. His Domination went over them in a wave. More mana was called to them, some went for guns. Asher condensed his Physical mana, cutting off hands as they tried to reach for weapons. Suddenly screams were let out as people’s hands dropped to the floor. For those without Mana Sight, it would have looked like he simply looked at the hands and they fell off. 


People froze, staring at him. Some shaking in fear. None moved. Asher studied them one by one. Allowing his Domination Physical mana help convey the seriousness of his words. “I don’t know what this man has told you.” He pointed at Joshua. “But I have been clear. Don’t fuck with me. Or you’re dead. Whatever the hell he is, he is no messiah.” He spat the words leaning forward. “I have sat across a table like this from some of you. Offering peace. You have now spat in my face.” 


Asher pointed his finger like a gun at one of the guildmasters he had offered to let join Community. Pulling the finger trigger he did the same to another 2 guildmasters. Physical Mana shot out from his fingertip, stabbing them through the brain. Killing them instantly. The 3 men dropped to the floor dead.


“Next time you have someone in your midst that wants to declare war on my guild. You need to remember I am a lot scarier than them,” Asher said coldly. “And the next time I offer peace. You better accept it. Or you will be dead.” He heard the trickle of someone urinating. Looking to Joon she nodded and opened a portal behind her. Stepping back, Tiffany and Zora joined her. 

Asher stood. Condensing Physical Mana he grabbed the supposed Jesus System and pulled him. The man screamed and flailed as he was dragged through the air and thrown into the portal. 

“There will be a nice show outside,” Asher said. “Why don’t you all check it out.” He nodded to the beautiful blonde. “Oh, and bring me my guildmates. Or all of you will be dead next.”  


He stepped out onto the top of the convention center. Once upon a time it had housed Comiccon or some such event. Now it was the headquarters of a major LA guild. The very building Asher had just stepped out of. One of the people they interrogated knew just where the guildmasters met daily. Asher and his team worked up a plan and were ready to execute it. 


“Asher, what’s with you and the drama?” Keera asked. The black goth girl was a sight for sore eyes. He smiled widely at her. Genevieve had Joshua wrapped up nicely in her Created spiderwebs. 


“I just missed you,” he said. “You and Tosh tie the knot yet?” 


“No,” she said with a sigh. “He’s like a little kid when it comes to stuff like that. All blushing and stammering.” 


Asher laughed loudly. “I could see that. I notice you’ve been there a lot? Giving up on Community?” 

“No,” she said. “They just need a lot more help over there.” 


“Yeah, yeah,” Asher said. Looking back to Joshua he thought it was about time. “Alright, let’s get the show started.” Keera nodded. Mana pouring out of her there was quickly a gigantic screen over their heads. It was easily half a mile wide and tall. Almost up to the clouds. It just so happened to have Asher’s face on it. 


“Woah. That new?” Asher asked. His voice boomed in the area as the screen projected his voice. Flocks of birds flew away from them, startled by the sound. 


“Just practice,” Keera said with a smile. She cast some Sound Mana over them to help block the booming voice. “I think we are good to go.” 


“Perfect,” Asher said. His voice echoing, it was quieter to him now. “Hello Los Angeles. I have come here today in search of my guild mates. I am Asher Whitmore. And this man has taken them.” The screen moved to show Joshua’s face. He tried to keep an indifferent look on his face. Joon opened a portal to allow Bishop on the roof with them. He walked through staring daggers at Joshua. 


“This man calls himself the Messiah, Father, and Jesus Christ. All names that are complete and utter bullshit,” Asher said. Pulling out the Null System Necklace he put it over the man’s head. Joshua’s eyes widened as the mana around him stopped flowing. He was still an old white man, but he looked much frailer with his System gone. Asher cast Identification. 


Joshua Ellis

Jones System

Level 30


Asher read off the information. Keera projected it on the screen for all to see. “Well, he doesn’t have the Jesus System. Who is this Jones character?”


Bishop answered. “Jim Jones. He was a cult leader that claimed to be the Messiah. He did the Jonestown massacre.” The young people around him gave him a weird look. “The poisoned punch where everyone died a few decades back.” 


“Oh, don’t drink the kool-aid guy,” Tiffany said. “Wow. And the System gave him Jesus powers for it?” 


“Looks like it,” Asher said. “Tell me Mr. Koolaid. Why did you trick all of these people?” The man had fear in his eyes, but didn’t answer. It didn’t matter, Tiffany was using Mind Mana on him. 


“He gets experience from all of his followers,” she said. “Dang, that is a broken experience method. He was only level 5 coming out of the tutorial.” 


“Woah, jealous. That’s cheating,” Asher said. 


“You’re one to talk,” Zora said. Gen and Joon appeared to agree. Asher smiled widely at them. He much preferred his method for gaining experience. 

“Why were you focused on red eyed black winged people?” Bishop asked. Again Joshua didn’t want to answer. Tiffany moved some Mind Mana from Joshua to Keera. The Recorder System girl began to play a shot. 


It was dark outside. A man with red eyes and black wings flew straight at the screen. His sword slicing through the air the man’s head was cut off. The head rolled into view of the camera showing it was Joshua’s head. 


“Ouch,” Asher said. “Looks like you reap what you sow. Were you just scared of them because you saw a vision where one kills you?” The fear in the man’s eyes was answer enough. He must really have some prophetic skill to see something like that. 


“I’m not sure this is enough to make people hate him,” Asher said. “He got any other dark secrets?” 


“A whole bunch,” Tiffany said. Asher pulled out a chair to watch the screen as more Mind Mana was pushed to Keera. 

It was not very PG. Back in the Easy Tutorial he was masturbating to a group of women bathing in a river. Then he stole a bunch of underwear, mostly women’s. His System awakened near the end of the tutorial as he started to rally people to him. It got worse from there. Beating a man who had caught him watching his wife. Then groping a bunch of girls as he baptized them. The finale was him jerking off into the ‘blood of Christ’ for communion. Asher heard many people retching from street level. 


All in all he felt better about it. He had confirmed that none of his people were dead. Or else the man would be. His father was mostly on board. Asher had warned he was going to kill the guildmaster’s he had offered peace to. Bishop wasn’t happy but he agreed to the plan. 


The screen moved back to Asher. “I guess you all know, never drink anything this guy gives you.” He did the signal and the screen was cut off. Standing up, Asher picked up Joshua. Hitting him in the gut the man was knocked out. Taking the Null System Necklace off he jumped on his Glider. 


At the front of the convention center were thousands of people that had been watching. Asher caught sight of his mother, Wayne, Lastoo, and a few others. Dropping down to them he flashed them a big smile. 


“Miss me?” He asked. 


“I did,” his mother said with a wide smile. Her husband landed next to her on his own Glider. They were soon hugging and whispering about their daughter. 


Holding Joshua by the scruff of his neck Asher asked, “You all want this guy anymore?” No one appeared to. He considered dropping him off somewhere secluded but with powers like his he might become a problem again. Letting him go, the man hit the ground like a sack of potatoes. 


“Anyone want him dead?” He asked Lastoo. The man hesitated. Looking around, he shook his head. Asher looked around again. He studied the people. All of them were scared. He guessed it was because they didn’t have a leader anymore, but it might have been because of Asher himself. 


“I might be overstepping things,” Asher said. “But Community is currently recruiting. We could sure use more people.” It may have not been the best time to ask, but Asher planned to get the whole world into his guild. Working towards the same goal. The Joshua guy had done a lot of recruiting. Since Ash beat him, he might as well take everything else he had. Especially that blonde beauty from earlier. Turning around he noticed her staring at him. He gave her a wink and she blushed as she turned away. There was a lot of potential in the area. 

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