This S.O.B. System


Daphne had finally given birth. It was everything she hoped and feared. Hard, pain inducing, yelling, and screaming galore were had by her as she went through it. But also kind of freeing. Finally she could put a face and name to the kid that had done nothing but make her feet and back hurt. 


Amelia Yueller was a fat baby. The complete opposite of Anita’s cute kid. Amelia screamed and yelled every chance she could. Nothing was ever good enough for her. Daphne thought that grownups were loud. Amelia could put opera singer’s to shame. Screaming her head off with the most minor of inconveniences. A light got in her eyes, someone touched her, someone sneezed too loudly. Daphne had to practically walk on egg shells or risk her eardrums rupturing if Amelia got pissed. 


The only one that Amelia wasn’t pissed off at was Arnold. Her muscular father was there every night to handle her so Daphne could sleep. Able to survive on an hour of sleep Daphne wasn’t so lucky. She needed at least 6 hours or risked becoming more of a raging bitch than usual. 


Luckily babies were still rare. People were more than happy to give her a break now and then during the day. Especially her friend Charlotte. The blonde was ecstatic to volunteer for a chance at holding the banshee. 


Not that it was all bad of course. Daphne finally did understand why people had kids. When Amelia was sleeping she found herself enjoying being a mother. The simple knowledge that the kid was half her, and she had spent 9 months being her only source of protection and food helped instill that maternal instinct. But dang it was hard to remember why she put up with it when the girl wailed because someone dropped a book. 


Now Amelia was 2 weeks old. Her facial wrinkles were disappearing and she had plenty of meat on her bones. Daphne unashamedly whipped her tit out and made the kid latch on. “God dang, warn a lady,” Anita said. Closing her eyes. 


“What? You’re still doing it,” Daphne said. 


“Yeah, but I do it discreetly. I feel like I need to put a dollar in your G-string for that titshow you just gave me,” Anita said. 


Daphne laughed. “How’d you know I was wearing a G-string?” Anita cringed while gagging and Daphne laughed louder. She cursed as Amelia began to whimper. Shushing and patting her the girl calmed down and began to suck again. One thing Daphne did like about having a kid was how big her tits had gotten. She planned to let the banshee eat as much as she wanted just to keep them nice and juicy. People hadn’t looked at her much with Arnold around, but now that her tits were bigger she caught a lot more glances. Not that she would ever let it progress beyond that, but she appreciated the attention. 


They were standing outside the guild. Everyone waited patiently as the time came closer. Asher had been gone for a little over a month at that point. Off on yet another adventure. She was still disappointed he hadn’t fulfilled his promise to get her some new monsters. But when he came back she could guilt him easy enough. 


Millions of miles away, and yet he still gave them problems. Now he was having a bunch of aliens move in. Wayne hadn’t been happy about it. But as Asher explained their situation more people understood that these Devlins could be helped and be helpful. 


“It’s time!” Wayne yelled. People nervously waited for them. Then without warning the gate opened. People of all different species began running out of the portal. It quickly became pandemonium as way more people showed up than they were prepared for. 


Daphne’s dad, Henry, was quickly using his military voice to snap people out of their confusion. An Echomancer next to him increased the volume of his voice making it boom through the yard at the front of the guild. He soon had them all lined up and at attention. As the last one streamed out Daphne caught a glimpse of Asher then the Portal was shut. 


“Alright!” Wayne Tyler’s voice soon boomed, another Echomancer using their Sound Mana to project his voice. “We are the Community Guild. Asher Whitmore has told us of your situation. As you can see, we are currently in an illusion from the outside. As we understand it, you are all under your own illusions. I would like to discuss with your leaders further steps before we proceed from here.”


The men, women, and children in the group of thousands began to murmur. A tall wolfkin man with long gray ears and a bushy tail stepped forward. He pointed at a few other people and they stepped out as well. 


Daphne was next to Bishop and Ria. Around them were the other executives of Community. Wayne Tyler the Guild Master. Anthony Prescott the leader of the merchants. Joan Davis the leader of the dungeons. Scarlet Brooks the leader of the mages. Charles Turck, the leader of technology. Henry Krollic, Daphnes father, the leader of the Troops. And Arnold Yueller, her baby daddy, the leader of the hordes. 


All the names were still works in progress. They tried to split responsibility so it wasn’t all on Wayne. Ria and Bishop were the unofficial leaders of the healers and refugees. Anita was the unofficial day to day leader. Helping all she could and getting them the assistance they needed. Amanda Neil was supposed to be the leader of protection but she had disappeared weeks ago and hadn’t been seen since. She was apparently off with Abby Fitzgerald somewhere as she tried to ‘find herself’.


Daphne realized then that she didn’t really have a role. She bit her lip thinking. There had to be something she was good at. That was a problem for another day. 


The devlin leaders stepped up. The wolfkin in front walked closer than the others as he stopped in front of Wayne. “I am Lastoo,” he said. 


“Wayne,” the guild master said as they shook hands. “Asher has told us, and only us your circumstances.” He pointed at all of the humans present. “We understand there are certain features of your bodies that you want to keep hidden. Before we introduce you out into the world I would prefer that you all agree on what features to keep.”


“Of course,” Lastoo said. “We have discussed. We will be forgoing our wings and keeping the rest of our normal features.”


“Please pass that information along to the others. Then we can drop the illusion. And hopefully identify if there are any stragglers that don't belong to your species.” 


Lastoo nodded and soon the few men and women behind him were moving back to the crowd. The wolfkin became bathed in mana. His features changed and a man with pale skin and dark hair was revealed. His eyes were red. Blood red. A little unnerving, but manageable. 


“What next?” Lastoo asked. 


“There are much more of you than we were told,” Wayne noted as the group's features began to shift. 


“Yes,” Lastoo said. “Many chose to join at the last minute. I hope that is not a problem.”


“No, we will manage,” Wayne said. “To help prevent confusion we would like everyone to take one of our ID cards as well.” He raised his hand to show a thin green card. It was like a status screen and when mana was poured into it, the card would show information about the person. One of the enchanters had made them. Community was trying to standardize them to make it harder for outsiders to sneak in. 


“Yes, the Systemic League has their own version of this,” Lastoo said taking it. There were boxes of them scattered around for later. 


Wayne and Anita shared a look. She slowly nodded. 


“Okay,” Wayne said. “I think that was all for now. Let’s drop the illusions.” Henry nodded and began yelling at the Illusionists around the area. The mana around them was dropped and the front of the guild as well as the market around them appeared. 


As they expanded, the Community Guild hall had become the center of their territory. A communal area, people now set up shops in front of it. A large courtyard was where the groups of red eyed devlins stood. The illusion gone, around them were stations. 


Wayne began announcing to the crowd of devlins. “We currently have 5 different stations set up. Number 1,” he pointed to a group that had a pole with the number 1 written on it. “Will be for those interested in farming. 2 is for those interested in dungeon diving. 3 is those interested in homesteading. There are new continents on this planet. Lots of land is up for grabs. 4 is for those interested in opening a shop. 5 is for those who don’t know what they want to do.” 


“Our planet is recently Initialized. As Asher Whitmore has told you, we don’t know much. There is a call for everything. I am sure there is produce you know of that we have never seen before. Accessories you can make. Knowledge that you have that we could all use. Our guild is open to all of you. Please stick around for now. I would like to make sure you all don’t scatter. There are groups of monsters all over the place. We have mapped some out, but there are many we don’t know of. Don’t disappear blindly into the wilderness.” 



There was pandemonium for a while as people began moving around to the different stations. Many were at group 5. Simply unsure how they wanted to proceed. It had calmed down a little and the leaders of the devlins were back meeting with the leaders of Community. 


“Now that things are rolling,” Wayne said. “How would you like to proceed from here, Lastoo? Our guild is open. We have very simple terms. Do you think many of your group will want to join?” 


“I believe so,” Lastoo said. “Most of us were too scared to join guilds before. Just because we would have to reveal certain information.”


“Great. Would you be interested in leading a part of the guild just for the Devlins? That way if they run into any issues they can come to you?” 


Lastoo was a little surprised by the offer. “Yes, but can I ask why you are being so welcoming of us? The Lawful Good explained you need people. But that can’t be all?”


“Actually that’s kind of the reason,” Wayne said with a chuckle. “My son-in-law speaks before he thinks most times, but he does get results. And knows what is right. We have some star elves and beastkin on the planet. And they have made themselves at home. We want your people to as well, but your group is much larger. Also, as I understand it, your people were far more…involved in professions and knowledge. We are still a little lost on how standard items are made.”


“Such as?” Lastoo asked. 


“Portal Circles for one,” Charles said. He had the Rick System which gave him unnaturally high intelligence. He had been digging into the circuitry of all the fun things Asher brought back from space. Mainly the spaceship and his own transporter. 


“Hreath,” Lastoo said to one of the women behind him. She was tall with long silver hair. Wearing a leather coat and simple shirt she was about Daphne's age. “You were involved with the Eccleshens factories were you not?”


“I was part of their research and development,” the woman said hesitantly. 


Charles stepped up to her. “Maybe you can explain some things to me. I’ve been tearing apart this transporter of ours. They had these weird boxes that I assumed were capacitors…” He grabbed her hand and started walking her in the direction of the Starburst. 


“Anything else?” Lastoo asked. 


“So much more,” Wayne said. “But let’s focus on getting everyone where they want to be. If there were people assigned to help collect materials from dungeons that would be a huge help. Let’s start with…”


Daphne got bored. Looking down, Amelia was passed out. Pulling the kid up she slowly put her shirt back up. She hadn’t really registered that the kid was feeding while a bunch of aliens watched. 


“What next?” Daphne asked Ria. 


“Next we worry about the Rapture Guild,” Bishop reminded. 


It had been a shock that they were taking in a species with red eyes and black wings. The Rapture Guild Leader Joshua was very vocal about the devlins bringing the end of the world.


Bishop had attributed the focus on devlins to Hitler’s style of leadership. Making people believe that some species was the cause of all of their problems. Everyone wanted to give the devlins the benefit of the doubt. But in all honesty they planned on keeping an eye on the new Earthlings until they proved to not be some harbingers of disaster. 


“Heard anything from Rapture lately?” Daphne asked. 


“I’ve met that Grace girl a couple of times,” Ria admitted. “She at least seems sweet. The others though…” 


Daphne had heard stories about their group. They set up about 40 miles from Community. Closer to Los Angeles they had started forcing people away. Claiming their own territory as Joshua preached. People went to them for answers and already their numbers had swelled to 50,000. 


“What should we do?” Daphne asked. She shared a look with those around her. No one had the answer. 


Henry Krollic let out a loud whistle to one of his people. Amelia shook herself awake and was immediately wailing. “Hey jackass!” Daphne yelled, making Amelia yell louder. “Deal with your granddaughter. You broke her.”


Henry quickly apologized but was running off somewhere. The man wasn’t the best around newborns. But Arnold was soon swooping in and taking her from Daphne. Amelia quieted and Daphne cursed under her breath. She didn’t know how such a strong man could be so gentle. She pushed down whatever feelings she had for the guy. Though he was her boyfriend she didn’t want him thinking she loved him or something like that. Then he’d probably disappear like all the other boyfriends had. 

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