This is a Miracle

Chapter 48: You’ll Do Your Homework Even if It’s The End of The World

“Now that we have almost solved the issues of agriculture and housing, our next task is to arrange military training for adults and a proper education for the children.”

“The Arden clan has been carrying military training for years, so we can leave this task to Noel.”

“In terms of education, we need to discuss what kind of curriculum we should prepare.”

Uncle Saros suggested to Bai Luo that he must put education first.

The construction of the school has already begun, and the Arden territory now has about 50 children aged 6 to 13.

Among them are the tree elves’ descendants, as well as the original Arden clan.

Although the tree elves’ descendants aren’t as young as they look, Bai Luo still hopes that they can attend school as well and get a proper education.

Of course, the tree elves’ descendants will definitely be assigned to a separate class in the future. In fact, they might even establish an academy that belongs to them in the future.

For now, they will attend class with the Ardennes. This is also a prime opportunity to deepen the relationship between the two clans.

Therefore, when it comes to education, there’s actually a small element of brainwashing.

When the uncle raised this point, Bai Luo only hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

To love the country and the people, Arden needs to be united. There’s nothing wrong with this kind of thinking no matter where you place it.

Loyalty to the king is even more important!

“It will take two days before the construction of the school is completed. It will be completely built the day after tomorrow. Lilith, you really worked hard this time.”

“It isn’t hard, master.”

Hearing Bai Luo’s voice in her mind, Lilith, who was transforming the landscape, hurriedly replied,

“Lilith is very happy to be able to help her master.”


There’s no need to differentiate between the miracle and the miracle master. In a way, they are a single entity.

“But is it really okay to think about education now?” Bai Luo said,

“The pirates might come back at any moment.”

“So, we won’t do anything until the pirates come? What if they don’t come for days or weeks, should we just waste that time?”

Bai Luo couldn’t refute the old uncle’s words. The old man looked at him, then said seriously.

“Even if tomorrow is the end of the world, today’s study and tomorrow’s homework must be done! There are no exceptions!”


Bai Luo couldn’t help but think back to the devilish demeanor the old man had when teaching them.

“You are right, I agree!”

Anyway, it wasn’t him that had to do homework.

‘Well, kids, there’s no harm in learning more.’

“The lessons are mainly divided into two parts.”

“Cultural classes, reading, and writing. If they can’t even write or use Arden’s native language, that would be too incompetent.” The old man said,

“We are naturally going to retain the culture, language, and text of tree elves’ descendants.”

“However, Arden must have its own common language in the future. A universal language unique to the nation of Arden!”

Uncle Saros, Mountain Weng, and Grandpa Andrew, the three of them have discussed for a long time before compiling a new language.

This language was prepared by uncle Saros and grandpa Mountain Weng a long time ago. They just took it out today and asked for help from grandpa Andrew, asking him to fill in the gaps.

It is quite similar to the Ardennes native language and has little relation with the language of tree elves’ descendants.

But Grandpa Andrew didn’t care, because they are still going to retain the culture and language of the tree elves’ descendants and teach it in Arden as a local dialect.

At the same time, Bai Luo also assured Grandpa Andrew that there will be special personnel to study, preserve, and pass on the history and culture of tree elves.

Thus, the old man can be absolutely assured!

Bai Luo is a person who loves culture, art, and customs.

He couldn’t wait for more foreigners to join Arden in the future, only then could a country with real heritage be established.

“We have finished discussing the first course.” Bai Luo said,

“This Arden language has beautiful pronunciation, and it can support the composition of a huge vocabulary. It has great potential.”

“We will train some artists in the future to make songs, dances, and write magnificent compositions. “

Bai Luo has always felt that the beauty of culture lies in art, and the beauty of art lies in all aspects.

The words they speak, the gestures they use to salute others, even the ways they present objects in a room, is a culture worth savoring.

He very much hopes that one day in the future, Arden can become rich and colorful, not only materially, but also spiritually.

“Actually, I composed Aden’s national anthem 20 years ago. Come and listen, this is the song I composed.”

The old man stood up and said. He looked very excited. As long as it is about the construction of the nation of Arden, he is always like this, full of motivation and endless energy.

“How wonderful!”

Bai Luo doesn’t have much knowledge about songs, but Grandpa Andrew has traveled across the entire continent in his youth, so he understands!!

Seeing that Andrew was deeply attracted by the tune and lyrics. Mountain Weng on the side showed an expression of ‘I understand, I understand’. He was like the die-hard fan of uncle Saros.

“Old man, have you been a musician in the past?”


The old man waved his hand, humbly saying,

“I’m just a little involved. I know just a little, just a little.”

However, looking at Grandpa Mountain Weng’s expression, Bai Luo felt that when they were young, they might have actually formed a band and traveled around the world like bards.

“Then it’s settled.”

Bai Luo couldn’t really tell how good this song was. After all, he had hardly heard pieces of music after transmigration. However, the three old men are saying that it’s good.

Oh, there’s also his elder sister. She also seems to think that the anthem is quite good.

What more is there to say!

Since his elder sister likes it, there must be nothing wrong with it!

What about Inya?

Inya understands ???? about art and music! She can’t even tell the difference between Do Re Mi and Fa Sol La.


“Well then, this will be our anthem from now on. As for the instrument…”

Arden doesn’t have a musical instrument. It seems that musical instruments are also a problem, but the old man hastened to say,

“I also know a little about this.”

Bai Luo: “…”

Their current location is a temporary council hall specially made by Lilith.

The building has only one floor, but it is very broad.

Bai Luo originally wanted to place a round table in the middle, but he couldn’t find a suitable reason.

Because in this world where miracle masters are king, it’s too blasphemous to the kingship.

In desperation, Bai Luo had no choice but to adopt the disaggregated method, that is, he sat in the foremost position, with seats stretching on both sides.

Although the old man said that they shouldn’t be seated with Bai Luo, on this point, Bai Luo reasons that the three of them are too old to stand for long. If they continued this discussion until midnight, would they have to stand until then?

Respecting the old and caring for the young is one of Arden’s virtues. Facing Bai Luo’s words, the three old men reluctantly agreed.

“Then for the second course, I suggest mathematics, what do you think?”


“His majesty is right, if they don’t even know how to count, then the Ardennes would be tricked outside sooner or later.”

Logical language is important, and numbers are one of the subjects where many people get cheated.

Therefore, learning mathematics, which can exercise the human brain and provide logical thinking, is essential.

“Next, are the three most important courses.”

The old man said,

“The first one is Arden’s martial arts study.”

All the Ardennes are natural warriors, and pursuit of strength is naturally a top priority.

However, it’s not a compulsory course, but an elective course.

In fact, there are only two compulsory courses in Arde, for the time being.

Languages and mathematics, young people’s source of misery.

If the students from the previous life came to Arden and found that there was no foreign language learning here, they would probably rage against Bai Luo’s injustice.

The truth is Bai Luo has greatly suffered from foreign language learning for a long time in his past life.

So now there is an opportunity, Bai Luo resolutely decided to make the people of Arden live in a world that doesn’t suffer from foreign languages.

Naturally, foreign languages can be learned, but only in professions that require them. Simply the same as German, French, and Japanese majors in his past life.

Bai Luo will not allow foreign languages to be the standard for measuring the excellence of the Ardennes.

“Registration started yesterday. There was even a 4-year-old child who secretly registered his name.”

This is proof of how popular registration is. It seems that everyone is very envious of the strength of the big brothers and sisters. They seemingly can’t wait to train earlier and fight for Arden.

To Bai Luo’s delight, the same is true of the tree elves’ descendants.

Those children seemed to be drawn by Noel and Issafeiya’s power, hence they enthusiastically enrolled.

“The second elective class, magic.”

The registration zeal for this course is really, really high.

It wasn’t just the children, even many teenage boys and girls registered for this class, including some mature ladies.

“Only Lady Lilith can serve as the teacher of this class for the time being, and it’s mainly to look for candidates with an aptitude for fairy magic, so as to screen and prepare future fairy magicians.”

As long as it’s someone who has seen Lilith’s magic, it’s estimated that they would all be attracted to it.

It’s simply too powerful and magical. Everyone would wonder whether they can also have such magical power in the future.

The Ardennes are completely loyal to Bai Luo. Even the newly added tree elves’ descendants (which can also be called Ardennes now) have been recognized by the miracles.

Lilith’s miracle power will definitely choose them, but whether they can successfully adapt to this power depends on their talents and affinity.

“The last elective course shall be a free activity course.”

The old man said,

“Children can choose what they want to do on their own. They can be their own teacher. They can associate with friends who share their hobbies and explore their talents.”

Just like the clubs in his past life, if you like to cook, then study cooking, if you like music, then start a band together, and study music.

Even if you just like to sleep and eat, the free activity class can still meet your needs. This is something that Bai Luo personally guarantees.

“That’s all for now.”

The old man concluded,

“We still have few people. We don’t have many choices, we can only make such a simple educational framework for now.”

“It’s already very good!”

Compared with the previous Arden, which didn’t even have the concept of a curriculum, teaching one to one, without even a proper schedule, it’s countless times better. In fact, only the old man led group studies in the past.

In addition, Bai Luo was still amazed at the fact that they have a new language.

A new skill has been added to the old man’s endless repertoire——linguistics master.

“Let’s just implement it.”

Bai Luo said to the three old men, “You’ve worked hard, old gentlemen.”

After the meeting, the three old men left.

The old man still has to continue his research. Grandpa Mountain Weng found a lot of new medicinal herbs on the island, and now, he is studying the properties of these herbs.

The tree elves weren’t very helpful in this regard.

Their body structure is quite different from that of humans. What is not harmful to them might be a potent poison for humans.

Grandpa Andrew also has something to do, mainly to organize the culture of tree elves, and then hand it over to Bai Luo.

Bai Luo is very fond of the tree elves. He also upholds the idea of carrying forward their customs.

As long as it is the essence, Bai Luo stated that it will definitely be passed down.

On the other hand, if it’s some bad custom, under the tree elves’ descendants’ oath, Bai Luo has the right to make them change it. 

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