This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 43: Chase on the Beach

Chapter 43

After reading through the complete script, Yu Shu decided to invest in this movie. To be honest, the story core is the most fundamental thing for a movie.

The only thing Yu Shu worried about was that she only had 20 million in her pocket, and she didn't know if that would be enough.

Seeing her with a face full of distress, Wan Tusui carefully and expectantly asked, "You can be my dad, right?"

Shen Youlin, who was casually sprawled on one side, suddenly became spirited when he heard this: "Then you have to call me grandpa."

Yu Shu gave both of them a slap, and asked Wan Tusui: "Good boy, how much investment do you need?"

Wan Tusui: "One..."

Yu Shu frowned. One hundred million? She would have to tap into those savings in advance.

"Twelve...ten million is also fine." Seeing her frowning, Wan Tusui quickly changed his words, "Or even eighty."

"I'll give you twelve, can't let the child suffer."


That night, Yu Shu treated them to a meal. Besides Shen Youlin and Wan Tusui, there were also the main creative members of the crew, emperor crab, abalone, garoupa, eating extravagantly. It was a barbecue party on the private beach of the hotel.

Like a child, Shen Youlin was having fun playing water guns with the crew members. When he got tired, he ran to Yu Shu's side, wildly shaking his dripping wet hair and splashing water all over her face.

"Have you seen a wet dog?"


Of course Shen Youlin had seen one before. He would occasionally give Dou E a bath himself, and every time Dou E would shake water all over him.

"Humph! I'll scold you to death after I finish eating!"

Yu Shu smiled: "Go ahead, I'll be waiting."

Right after Shen Youlin left, Wan Tusui crept over again, "Dad, is he my birth mom?"

Yu Shu was drinking juice and choked from his words. She crooked a finger at her good boy, and whispered, "He's my kept boy toy. Don't worry, I won't marry him back home to be your stepmom."

Admiration filled Wan Tusui's eyes as he gave her two big thumbs up.

"What are you two talking about?" Shen Youlin came back with a plate full of food.

Wan Tusui's reverence disappeared instantly. He squinted his eyes and arrogantly imitated Shen Youlin's tone: "Get me some grilled oysters."

"Who are you talking to, hmm?"

"Uh...that server behind you." Wan Tusui chickened out under his gaze and made up an excuse to slip away.

Dad is still dad after all. Even his boy toy has more aura than a normal boy toy!

Looking at his retreating figure, Shen Youlin contemplated, "Did he secretly eat braised leopard guts?"

Otherwise how dare he talk to him like that!

"Er...maybe it was garlic." Yu Shu lowered her head guiltily to peel shrimp.

She just had her nails done. Peeling the small shrimps with their hard shells was difficult. After peeling fruitlessly for half a day without getting a single one, Shen Youlin couldn't stand watching anymore. He snatched the shrimp from her hand, startling Yu Shu with his sudden movement. Her finger was pricked by the shrimp spikes.

"Let me see!" Shen Youlin grasped her hand tightly, not letting her pull back.

The sky had already darkened. Shen Youlin took off her disposable glove, held her hand under the light and looked closely. Yu Shu's hand was very fair, but it wasn't especially stunning. The skin wasn't considered that delicate either. There were thick calluses on her right index and middle fingers, and several small scars on her hand clearly formed at different times.

The pad of her thumb was punctured but fortunately without bleeding.

Shen Youlin wiped the wound clean with a wet tissue, then dried it with another tissue. He flung her hand away in disdain, "Your second face really doesn't look good."

Yu Shu covered her own face, "I have to leave some road for other women."

Shen Youlin magnanimously threw the peeled shrimp into her bowl, "Why doesn't the academy come find you to do research yet? Your thick skin can withstand an atomic bomb."

Yu Shu held up her fists, "I'll take you up on that."

"Who wants to take you up." Shen Youlin gave an awkward cough, "Ahem... ahem..."

Yu Shu chuckled as she lowered her head to eat shrimp. Seeing her tactful response and not making fun of him, Shen Youlin generously decided to peel shrimp for her this time.

After finishing the shrimp, Yu Shu blinked her eyes, "I also want to eat crab, the small kind."

"That's enough from you! I'm warning you not to take liberties!"

Yu Shu feebly held up her injured hand, "My hand hurts~"


Shen Youlin angrily started peeling crab.

After eating her fill, Yu Shu became drowsy and nodded off in her chair.

"Don't fall asleep after eating your fill. Let's play beach tag, come chase me, stop running after I stop!" Shen Youlin's eyes lit up excitedly as he rubbed his palms. "I'll run and you chase!"

This is a staple scene used in countless dramas, especially idol dramas.

Yu Shu lifted one eyelid, "Childish."

Shen Youlin kept batting his eyes flirtatiously at her, "Come on, come on! Chase me~ If you catch me~ I'll let you~ Hehehe~"

Yu Shu: "Teehee~"

Silence on the beach tonight.

The two silently looked at each other for a few seconds, laughter and provocation in Yu Shu's eyes, while Shen Youlin put on his "30% mocking, 30% aloofness, 40% nonchalance" expression that he painstakingly practiced in the mirror.

"Teehee!" Yu Shu darted up and ran, "Come on, chase me!"

Shen Youlin immediately jumped up as well, "Damn! Stop running!"

Yu Shu's recent workouts were initially showing results. Her stamina had improved quite a bit, but Shen Youlin leveraged his height advantage and chased relentlessly, making it hard to determine a winner for the moment.

Watching from afar, Wan Tusui's admiration for his rich dad rose up another level. He secretly clenched his fists, vowing to himself that he must make a good movie and earn money for his rich dad, so she can keep more boy toys! Go for it, Wan Tusui!

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