This Childhood Sweetheart is a Little Sweet

Chapter 29: Clingy Kitty

Chapter 29

When Jiang Wei received Older Sister Zhou's message, she was practicing the new moves she had just learned that day in the dance studio.

Older Sister Zhou's voice sounded very cheerful. Her new roommate got along with her very well. The two did mock exams for the postgraduate entrance exam together, listened to lectures together, and having a like-minded companion on the long journey of preparing for the postgraduate entrance exam was fortunate.

Hearing that Older Sister Zhou was doing well now, Jiang Wei also felt much more at ease.

"What about you? How are you recently, little girl?"

Older Sister Zhou's gentle voice rang out in the voice message, and Jiang Wei thought of her kind face and couldn't help but curl the corners of her lips slightly.

"I'm fine. Everything is the same as usual."

Jiang Wei replied.

"'s that little cat of yours doing?"

There was a smile in Older Sister Zhou's voice. At first Jiang Wei didn't react - what did she mean? When did she ever raise a cat?

The next second, she suddenly remembered that someone had meowed from the next room in order to attract her attention...

"The little cat succeeded and has now been adopted by me. Everything is good, it's just, um...too naughty."

Jiang Wei shook her head with a laugh.

"I heard that dogs will tear up the house to get their owner's attention. I guess...your little kitty probably thinks the same way."

"Don't leave him too lonely."

Older Sister Zhou sincerely hoped this pair would get together. They had already been through so many years, there really wasn't anyone more suitable for each other.

"Okay, I got it." Jiang Wei obediently nodded at the phone. Older Sister Zhou was gentle and kind. She often took care of Jiang Wei like a real older sister.

In order to make room for Yi Ming, Older Sister Zhou took the initiative to move out, which always made Jiang Wei feel guilty. Zhou kept reassuring her - "It's said that facilitating a marriage will bring good fortune to yourself. I'm gathering blessings for myself. Who knows, maybe this time I'll ace the postgraduate entrance exam and get a boyfriend..."

Jiang Wei couldn't help laughing at her joke.

After Older Sister Zhou moved out of the rented apartment, she heard Zhou had gone on two blind dates.

The first time, the man felt the difference in education level between him and Zhou was too big. Although he had achieved some success in his career, there was always a disconnect when communicating with Zhou - Zhou told him about the various medicinal values of Chinese herbs, but as a restaurant owner, the blind date could only think to ask: "Can you stew meat with it? I heard it's quite fragrant..."

Zhou: "..."

The second time, this man was very satisfied with "Zhou". He sat in the restaurant, held Zhou's fair, tender and smooth hand, and smiled, "I think we're quite suitable. My mom said our family has dark skin inherited through generations. In the future when having babies, I must find a girl with fair skin to balance it out."

Zhou sat on the stool next to him, enduring again and again until she couldn't stand it...

She stood up and went to smack the back of the man's head: "I'm here, I'm here! I'm table 6, not table 9. Buddy, it's been a while since you changed your glasses, huh?"

The man with a red mark on his head slowly looked up in confusion: "???"

Of course, the ending of this blind date was naturally a bust.

As for whether the man got several slaps from the fair-skinned, beautiful, long-legged woman at the next table, Zhou had left early and didn't get to witness it.

Thinking of Older Sister Zhou's "hardships" in romance, Jiang Wei couldn't help laughing, and also felt heartache for her.

"Don't rush, what's meant for you is still waiting for you. Older Sister Zhou, you deserve better."

She wasn't good at comforting people, she just spoke her true thoughts in a proper manner.

"Thank you, my little girl."

Older Sister Zhou's laughter sounded very sweet, passing warmly through the phone to flow into Jiang Wei's ears.

Having a friend like this really made one feel blessed.

At least for Jiang Wei, who had few close friends.

Not long after, there was suddenly a knocking sound at the dance studio window. Jiang Wei looked up and saw Yi Ming's grinning face plastered against the glass. He then pointed at his stomach - "I'm hungry."

Jiang Wei smiled.

Look at this clingy little cat.

How could she bear to neglect him...

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