Thirty-ninth Raiders

Chapter 9

Chapter 9: Idol Is A Cat (8)

Chapter 9 The idol is a cat (8)

Today’s work is successfully concluded.

Yu Chu couldn’t believe his progress was so fast.

On the first day of joining the company, I successfully met my idol and gave the other party a hair card!

Being able to have a sense of presence in front of idols is the happiest thing about chasing stars.

The system was a little dismissive of her happiness, and whispered: “It’s not that the host hasn’t worn fast for too long, and I deliberately picked a few worlds with low difficulty to relax and unwind for you.”

Yu Chu: “…” I don’t listen!

“Is it low difficulty to attack idols?”

The    system said calmly: “There are so many assists.”

Yu Chu: “…”

Well it’s true.


In the evening, after she arrived at the dormitory, the other two interns hadn’t come back.

Huayi’s staff dormitory is also very warmly furnished, with its own small balcony and kitchenette, and the bedroom has two bunks and four beds in total.

Yu Chu lives in the lower bunk. She spreads out her bed, climbs up, takes out her mobile phone and posts on Weibo.

Today, while I was in the recording studio, I took a few recent photos. Although I didn’t have any professional equipment, I took them with my mobile phone, but the idol’s high value perfectly supported everything. Yu Chu simply added a filter and It doesn’t feel like a real person.

She sent the photo with the text: [Today’s business~]

As soon as the picture was posted, there were comments.

Yu Chu happily went in to see.

Many fans knew that she went to Huayi for an internship, and they were waiting for her to post on Weibo on her mobile phone, so the photo quickly became popular soon after it was released.

Among the three photos Yu Chu took, one of them was a young man with his eyes lowered slightly, looking at the piano as if he was lost in thought. The light above his head fell on the long eyelashes, as if the butterfly wings were dyed with gold, and the two pupils below were black and white. Clean and clear.

The fans were crying.

【Ahhh I want to dance on my brother’s eyelashes! You are so amazing, blogger, this is definitely the most emotional photo I have ever seen, the blogger is amazing! 】

【Ah, ah, sorry, I’m a little sour again! You are too close to baby Chenxi, ah ah ah, you can even see the eyelashes clearly! 】

【Sour! 】

【Sour sour】

【Hey, I want to open it up! Send my sister to Huayi, we still have pictures to look at, anyway, we will definitely not be able to go by ourselves】

【Miss, send more pictures! 】

However, there are fans who are good at picking up details and found something unusual.

【Wow, have you ever seen something like a trinket on your brother’s piano? 】

【Where and where】

【Fuck I saw it! what is that! How can something like a girl be on Chen Xiqin? 】

[Don’t, don’t think about it, baby’s character is temporarily impossible to fall in love, don’t think too much! Maybe someone else put it there casually]

【Agree upstairs! 】

Yu Chu flipped through the comments and found that the most popular reply was discussing the card, so he coughed and turned off his phone to wash.

I’m sorry, that’s what’s under.

When she came out of the shower, she was sitting on the bed when she suddenly heard a sound coming from the balcony, so she wiped her hair and walked over to take a look, but there was nothing.

The glass door of the balcony is closed, outside is a small balcony with railings, and the night is dark.

Yu Chu didn’t open the glass door, just stood in the room and looked around for a while, making sure that the balcony was empty and there was nothing, so he was ready to go back to blow his hair.

In the end, before turning around, there was a milky cat meowing from the position under his feet, and a lazy waxy voice: “Meow…”

She was stunned, then stopped and looked down.

A little cat is closed outside the glass door.

It looked snow-white and soft, its eyes were deep ice blue, and a pair of kitten ears stood on top of its head. It tilted as it tilted its head. It seemed to be waiting for Yu Chu to find it, but the girl didn’t go down at all. Look, so I had to meow.

Yu Chu’s eyes widened.

This little one is too cute.

It stood outside the door, looking at her with pure eyes, its cat ears moved sensitively, and raised one front paw obediently.

Pink’s little meat pad rested on the glass door, and the glass led out the soft and tender claws.

seemed to signal Yu Chu to open the door.

“Wow, kitty.”

Yu Chu felt that Chenxi was very similar to a cat, so when he saw a cute kitten, his heart melted, and he didn’t know why this little baby was on the balcony, so he quickly opened the door and let it in.

The door opened, and the cat walked gracefully on the catwalk, with its little tail curled, and walked into the room, the tips of its ears turned slightly.

Yu Chu followed behind it and picked it up.

Cat: “…”

It seemed to freeze for a moment, staring at her with round cat pupils, and was hugged by her stiffly and obediently. Yu Chu felt that the kitten might recognize it, so he didn’t hold it for too long, just wiped its little claws, and put it on his bed to let it move on its own.

The milk cat glanced at her, then jumped lightly and jumped on her backpack. The kitten paw lightly scratched the zipper of the backpack, then tilted her head and stared at her, as if she was politely asking her to open it.

Yu Chu was surprised and didn’t know what it meant, so he tried to open the backpack: “What’s the matter, baby, I don’t have anything to eat in my backpack.”

The zipper of the backpack was opened, and the snow-white milk cat got in by himself.

After two seconds, it showed its small head from the zipper of the bag again.

It looks so cute, Yu Chu has never seen such a beautiful milk cat, especially now that only a small head is popping out, it looks soft and cute… Yu Chu can’t help hissing: “A little like you Cat, I can bald twenty a day.”


The    kitten froze, and the beautiful round cat pupil glanced at her, and then rolled out a ball of wool from the backpack. The kitten’s paw pressed on the ball of wool, it seemed to be in a happy mood, the cat’s ears moved slightly, and the pink claws rolled the ball of yarn out of the backpack, then rolled around with the ball, and meowed at Yu Chu. sounded.

Yu Chu understood: “Do you want me to play with you?”


The kitten yelped obediently.

Its pupils are ice blue, pure and deep, to the combination of ocean and starry sky colors. Yu Chu looked at the pair of cat eyes, but inexplicably remembered the eyes of his idol, which were equally beautiful and pure.

“Little baby, elder sister is going to blow her hair. You can play by yourself first, and elder sister will accompany you later.” Yu Chu got up and went to the bathroom.

The kitten’s eyes followed her steps, and the little head also turned. It sat obediently in the same place, with its tail wagging happily behind it, then rolled it with the ball of wool, and rolled it to the head of the bed with its little paws. Jump over and roll it to the end of the bed.

I had a lot of fun with my own cat.

Yu Chu came out after blowing his hair, and saw the cat lying on the bed with a ball of wool.

It was very young and small, the whole kitten hugged the ball of string and looked at her with its head tilted.

(end of this chapter)

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