The Yu Brothers’ Case Book

S2: Book 4: Chapter 6

“How should I put this? Xiao Dong-zai is truly unparalleled in this universe when it comes to unfriendliness.”

Yan Si had holed up inside the police station since early morning, shooting glances at a certain junior that completely ignored him in the adjacent seat as he complained to Yu Xia, who had just returned.

In contrast, that brat actually talked more with Jiu Shen and Xiao Wu. The three of them were currently whispering to each other in a corner like a traitorous, xenophobic clique.

“Did he speak?” Yu Xia glanced at the people in the interrogation room but could not be bothered to bicker with Yan Si. He then turned to look at Yu Tong walk in, the latter shaking his head [in response].

“Still the same. No matter what we ask, he won’t speak, yet he doesn’t want to find a lawyer or family and friends either. He just sits there ignoring everyone else.” Yu Tong passed the file in his hands over to Yu Xia, then surveyed the roomful of people. Fortunately, Prosecutor Gu had not yet arrived. Otherwise, who knew what they would do or think upon seeing this type of scene? “What’s wrong with Ah Yin’s face and hands?”

Yu Yin touched the band-aids on his face and forced a laugh. “Please ignore it…”

“Everyone, come this way for now.” This type of place wasn’t truly suitable for talking. Yu Tong notified an officer and the crowd changed over to Yu Xia’s office.

After shutting the door, Yu Xia opened the case file. “The suspect is Zheng Zhong Hui, 36 years old. High school graduate. Has a criminal record of breaking into homes, violence, and drugs. Two months ago, he was released from prison and arrived at central district. His adoptive parents were killed in a car accident a few years ago, leaving a villa and some properties in the southern district for him. He has quite a bit of cash on him, but his properties are all being rented out. The leasers have all been sending rent into his bank account.” He glanced at Dong Feng and Yan Si as he said, “If you add up all the major and minor cases, he’s been imprisoned several times in succession. The sentences were very short, and he had to pay some fines as well. However, none of these cases have anything to do with Prosecutor Li; none of them passed through his hands. That’s not even taking into account the fact that Prosecutor Li was responsible for an entirely different area before he was transferred over.”

“Since there isn’t any direct evidence, we are detaining and interrogating him as a related person. However, he refuses to answer any questions and claims the person on the security cameras are not him, that he doesn’t know Prosecutor Li,” Yu Tong added while pressing down on his shoulders.

“But after sorting through the images, it was super clear that it was definitely him.” Jiu Shen was starting to hop around anxiously. “Why did the video just happen to not have captured any critical points?”

“Shut off the cameras, pull off his fingernails,” Yan Si bluntly suggested.

“We’ve asked for some local comrades to visit the house, but they couldn’t find anything. A family is renting it, and the paying of their rent uses the method I just mentioned earlier. They haven’t seen the suspect in a very long time now.” Yu Tong skipped over Yan Si’s words as he flipped through the records. “The last time they met him should have been over a year ago. The renters did not know what his background was, but they emphasised that the suspect is a good landlord. The rent isn’t high, and any utility repairs can just be deducted from the rent with the receipts. The place that’s being rented here…Xiao Wu, what’s wrong?”

“I have to leave for a moment, I’ll be back in a bit.” After discussing something quietly with Dong Feng for a while, Xiao Wu stammered under Yu Xia’s murderous look, “Dong Feng asked me to go back and confirm some things in the tapes…I didn’t want to waste time…”

“What’s wrong with the tapes?” Several people turned their attentions towards Dong Feng in the corner.

“Although the main point is to search for my senior and the suspect, I keep feeling like there’s something odd.” Now that he had slept, his mind was a lot clearer. Dong Feng coldly glared at Yan Si, who was also peering at him. “Aside from a few nearby residents around my senior and the suspect, the tapes also showed others repeatedly appearing multiple times. However, they were not following my senior, but the suspect; I originally assumed they were also residents. While eating breakfast this morning, I recalled that they actually seemed to move together with the suspect. Since they kept their distance when following, I didn’t pay too much attention to them at the time, and I only just now realised this.”

“…Wait a minute, junior, you remember all the scenes from the tapes that clearly?” You can even keep reflecting on them afterwards? Yan Si felt like he had somewhat underestimated this guy’s brain capacity. It seems I should be measuring with T[B] instead of G[B]…or maybe it’s even higher?

“I’m not your junior,” Dong Feng automatically retorted, then lifted his head to see Yu and Yu Yin also staring at him. Thus, he could only continue, “That’s right, I remember.”

Yu Tong watched Xiao Wu flee in escape, then gave a light cough. “Then we can continue while we wait for Xiao Wu. After arriving at the central district 2-3 months ago, he registered a rental, a studio. We sent people over yesterday first thing in the morning to conduct a search, but nothing was found. Based on where we captured him, we think that he likely still has a few lodgings that he had not registered. He spent a large amount of the deposit in his bank account this month, which means we cannot eliminate the chance that he used it to pay rent. Dong Feng helped us investigate some other locations yesterday. A few of these are daily rentals, mostly illegal ones. Some of them refused to cooperate, and we’re still waiting for a search warrant.”

“You don’t mind if I give your suspect a physical examination, do you?” Yan Si stood up with the tool case he had brought.

“It’s fine if he agrees. Bring Jiu Shen together with you.” Yu Xia closed the folder and turned to see Xiao Wu, who had just run off earlier, push open to door to say that Prosecutor Gu had arrived. “Ah Yin, you guys stay here. Prosecutor Gu doesn’t do things like Prosecutor Li does, nor does she know what everyone’s circumstances are. Don’t come out and cause trouble; don’t let ghosts come out either.”

“It’s not like I let out the ghosts.” If I could let out ghosts, I would just make them bite the suspect! Yu Yin felt quite a bit of resentment towards that person.

Yu Xia narrowed his eyes and repeated, “Ghosts are not allowed to appear.”

“…I’ll try my best.” How great it would be if they could sense this murderous aura and truly not appear. Yu Yin felt his head hurt as he watched his two guardians leave. How could he tell the ghosts not to come out? Especially considering that these ones didn’t feel very friendly. He had no idea what they even wanted to do.

“I’m going to look at the tapes.” After most of the people in the office had left, Dong Feng stood up too, only to find Yu block his way.

“Move aside.”

“What’s the matter?” It was very rare to see Yu obstructing others…usually, he was the target, so Yu Yin was a bit shocked.

Yu shook his head and shifted out of the way, but looked as if he wanted to follow Dong Feng out.

Yu Yin kept getting the feeling that something really had happened between these two, so he joined them as well. “Let’s move together, or else I’ll get beaten up again later.” Why are the older ones always unluckier? Always being disciplined as an example for everything, it’s so unfair.

“Do whatever you want.” Dong Feng shot his two shadowers an annoyed glance and reached out to open the door. However, the instant he touched the handle, he immediately retracted his hand.

Before Yu Yin could ask what had happened, he saw the other person open their palm to show a bunch of blackish blood. Then, the dark colour began to creep down the door to form long, uneven scratch marks.

“…Uncle’s going to slaughter me.” Yu Yin could feel himself break out into a cold sweat as he sensed the air around them sharply drop in temperature. A faint, indescribably strange smell wafted over. Then, a second crooked scratch was made on the door.

Yu suddenly came over, shrinking back into his side.

Yu Yin instinctively looked up and suddenly saw a dried-up, yellow-brown skeleton standing impressively next to them.

Dong Feng was staring at the door when he was dragged away with Yu by Yu Yin, who had received quite a shock, and all three immediately retreated a large distance from the door until they bumped into the cabinet on the opposite end of the office.

Although Yu Yin had seen many strange things before, he had never seen an entire fleshless skeleton stand so close to him.

“What is it?” Dong Feng, who could not sense anything at all, shot a baffled look towards the other two whose expressions had completely changed. “Appearance?”

“Um, it’s a complete skeleton.” The skeleton simply stood in place, seemingly having no intention of nearing them. However, the two large, black eye sockets were faced towards them. The gaze was honestly extremely discomforting, and Yu Yin tried his best to keep the two younger ones behind him. He swallowed hard as his eyes met those two holes.

“Describe!” Dong Feng whacked his head and shoved him aside, though he still could not see anything.

“Dried-up bones…Could I not give a description when it’s right here?” The skull’s sockets remained locked on them the entire time. Just thinking of describing its appearance right in front of it made Yu Yin dizzy. However, this also made him realise that the concept of a ghost attaching itself onto them because of some type of description did not exist in Dong Feng’s mind.

“At the very least, you can tell if it’s male or female, can’t you? A female has a wider pelvis.”

“You want me to describe the ghost’s pelvis in front of it?!” Yu Yin felt like he was starting to lose it. It was the first time a friend had asked him to immediately look downwards and provide an extra description as soon as a ghost appeared. He wouldn’t be able to do it even if it was not a ghost that was haunting him.

“You just have to reply if it’s male or female. You can’t do it?!”

Just as Yu Yin was about to throw all caution in the wind and just take a look, he felt Yu suddenly collide into him from behind, causing both him and Dong Feng to stagger one after another and nearly crash head-first into the skeleton still standing in the same place.

That was when Yu Yin discovered that there was another one behind them as well.

“Both of you, don’t move.”

Yu Yin gulped as he looked at the two genuine skeletons and very cautiously glanced downwards before immediately shifting his gaze away. “The first one is female, the one behind is male.”

“…There’s no way to let me see? I can create a face sketch,” Dong Feng asked, as he was only able to see air.

“If I had a way, I would just go earn money as a shaman.” Yu Yin pulled the two over to the side and noticed that the two skeletons had forebodingly changed direction so that they were side-by-side to face them, seemingly about to walk over.

The moment the skeletons took their first step forwards, the door behind them suddenly opened.

“I forgot something…”

“Jiu Shen-gē, don’t come in!”

Jiu Shen froze at the doorway, not understanding the situation. Yu Yin, who had already retreated to the innermost side of the office, saw the two skeletons suddenly disappear completely with a whoosh. Then, something black flashed briefly behind Jiu Shen before fading.

While he was still trying to get a grasp of how many there really were, he once again heard a familiar, ominous cracking sound.

This time, he was well-experienced. He immediately pressed Yu and Dong Feng down. The next second, the lights above them completely ruptured. Then a series of explosion sounds came from the various cubicles outside, and the inside of the room immediately went dark.

At the doorway, the confused Jiu Shen could not even let out a cry or run away before someone plowed him to the ground. Then, the glass of the bulletin board outside also shattered, the shards instantly flying out and covering the ground.

The entire commotion lasted about a dozen seconds or so before everything finally quieted down.

Then, Yu, Dong Feng, and Yu Yin cautiously looked up to see a small black form standing at the table facing the door. Its crimson eyes glared maliciously at them before eventually vanishing into thin air.

After a while, sounds gradually approached from outside, mostly discussions among the people over the confusion of what had just happened.

“Are you alright, Senior Jiu Shen?” Xiao Wu flipped up and patted the glass fragments off his body. “Damn, the clothes my girlfriend gave me are all ripped.”

Jiu Shen let out a shudder from where he sprawled across the ground, then anxiously crawled up halfway and warily glanced into the office. “What was that just now…Ah, don’t say it! I don’t want to know, I-I-I-I-I…I’ll come back later!”

“Don’t run around, there are shards everywhere.” Hearing the noises, Yu Xia came over and stepped on the back of the scared witless and struggling Jiu Shen. “…Ah Yin.”

“I have to declare that this is seriously not something I can control.” Yu Yin was legitimately powerless. He then thought of what had happened behind the door. He decided not to tell Yu Xia for now; the other could discover it himself later instead.

“Boss, do we need to report this maintenance as a public expense?” Xiao Wu looked around at all the glass on this level that had been shattered, as well as the questioning yet unalarmed expressions of their other colleagues. He could not really understand why they were so calm. As he pulled Jiu Shen up, he worriedly went over to ask, “Do we write it as them breaking naturally?”

“What else? Are you going to write that a ghost broke them?” Yu Xia shot the person a cold glare. “Someone will handle it. What did you two run back here for?”

“I forgot to take something,” Jiu Shen stammered as he gazed towards the notebook that he had abandoned in the office, unable to muster the courage to walk inside. He was clearly looking at the inside of the office that he was usually so familiar with, but after the glass bursting, he only thought of there being many things inside that could not be explained with science.

“Um, what Dong Feng said was correct. I checked a few critical scenes and there was indeed the same duo appearing in all of them on nearby streets, clearly following the suspect.” Xiao Wu had wanted to come ask Dong Feng to go over and check it. He stared at his ripped sleeve with a slightly aching heart.

“Same group?”

“Doesn’t seem like it, but they were keeping a very far distance. However, they should definitely have been tailing. I’ve asked a colleague to track down the car.”

Yu Xia pondered over this. “I understand. Prosecutor Gu is currently interrogating, but seems like there won’t be any results. Xiao Wu, go find two others to bring with you and find the tailing duo.”

“Got it.”

After Xiao Wu ran off, Yu Xia whacked Jiu Shen on the head, as he was still trembling next to the door. “Hurry up and go do your work.”

“Ah, oh, ok.” Jiu Shen returned to his senses, still panic-stricken as he reached out a shaking hand to take the notebook from Yu’s hands before immediately fleeing like a wisp of smoke.

“After Prosecutor Gu leaves, can I talk with that person?” Dong Feng asked quietly as he patted off the shards stuck on him.

“Mn, we’ll be present.”

“Thank you.”

Yu Xia briefly scanned around and saw that there weren’t any major injuries. He told a nearby team member to handle the follow-up, then declared to Yu Yin, “You’re dead.”

“Like it has anything to do with me—”

Ignoring the protest, Yu Xia directly swaggered off.

“It’s best if you two stay here, the damage won’t be that severe.” Dong Feng glanced at the glass that covered the ground inside and outside of the office, then shook his head as he also left.

Yu Yin seriously had no idea who he had provoked as he could only bring Yu with him to search for a broom.

Being a normal human being was really quite tragic.


It was an extremely taciturn person.

His figure was on the thinner side but fairly tall. While seated, he made even the chair seem a bit small.

Yu Xia stood in a dark corner with crossed arms as he studied the suspect that had been brought back. A male, with an extremely honest-looking face. After being out in the sun for long periods of time, the skin on his face and body had many sunspots. The exposed parts of his skin and face also had traces of bruising; the more obvious ones were on his forehead. No matter how Yu Xia looked at it, it seemed like it had been created by an attack from a hard object like a bat.

He flipped through the case file again. This person had a past record of drugs a few years ago, but it had not been serious, and had only been recorded once…On the other hand, there were more records of violence. Most of them were testimonies from strangers that had accused him of harming them multiple times. It seemed like this person had issues with controlling his emotions.

Gu Wen Ying, who had rushed over early, had repeatedly interrogated the criminal. But as before, he did not say a word. However, he had agreed to let Yan Si and Jiu Shen check him and retrieve samples, though he had not responded to anything else.

“Quite strange, isn’t it?” Yu Tong watched the person inside the interrogation room as he went over to his twin’s side. “It just feels as if he is waiting for a time for him to leave. Why is he so certain we don’t have evidence?”

“Maybe we really do have to do what Ah Si said, pulling fingernails might be faster.” It looked like Gu Wen Ying could not get any answers inside either, about to leave in defeat. Yu Xia shrugged. “Either he’s hidden the person in a place that nobody would be able to find…which might be good, since that might confirm Prosecutor Li is alive. Or he’s truly innocent, but that’s not very likely. Or else it could be…”

“That he knows for certain the cameras didn’t capture anything,” Yu Tong finished the sentence. “But those security cameras broke randomly, there’s no reason he would know. Prosecutor Gu is coming over.”

Gu Wen Ying walked in and shook her head. After telling them things like they had to get clues, she rushed back to handle other matters.

On the other side, the man inside the room still had not said anything.

A while after Gu Wen Ying left, Dong Feng, who had been waiting outside, pushed the door open. “Is it my turn?”

“Let’s go.” Yu Tong led him into the interrogation room.

Facing the stranger nearly twice his size, Dong Feng did not sit down and simply walked up to the person’s side. “I’m just going to tell you one thing.”

From where Yu Tong stood off to the side, he saw the child bend over slightly to say something into the suspect’s ear. Since the voice was too quiet, he could not hear it. But as soon as Dong Feng finished speaking, the previously undisturbed suspect suddenly whirled his head around, a fierce glow in his dark eyes as he furiously stood up and roared out:

“I didn’t!”

Dong Feng reflexively took a step back, and Yu Tong immediately shot forwards like an arrow to stand in front of him and restrain the person against the table. Then, Yu Xia immediately charged in and took over to ruthlessly press the suspect down on the table so that he was unable to move.

“You did,” Dong Feng coldly stated from behind Yu Tong’s protection without changing expression.

“I didn’t!” Zheng Zhong Hui bellowed again, pouring all his efforts in resisting so he could pounce at Dong Feng. However, he was held firmly by the smaller Yu Xia and was entirely unable to free himself. He could only stay stuck there like a trapped wild animal as he continued to shout, “You don’t know at all! Liar!”

“The surveillance cameras caught it. You were together the entire time. You just showed here that what I said is a fact, bastard,” Dong Feng’s voice increased in volume as he immediately responded to the other’s rage.

“He’s very safe!”

When the upset man tried his best to free himself again while furiously telling these words, Yu Xia was forced to exchange a look with his brother so that the latter could bring the little one out.

Once Dong Feng was pulled out, Yu Tong closed the door and furrowed his brows. “What did you say to him?”

Dong Feng crouched down on the ground weakly as he wiped his face with the back of his hand. “I told him ‘You actually left that person with the other two, trash’…My senior is still alive.”

Yu Tong bent down next to Dong Feng, having more or less understood the other’s intention. Although he did not encourage suddenly doing something like this without informing them, he had to admit that it was a good idea. But this meant they might have to start considering things in a different direction.

The suspect that had taken Li Zi Hong away had very likely not done so with malice. Judging from his words “very safe” and his enraged display, it was likely closer to goodwill. Maintaining silence had also been waiting to break free from them. That meant they might not have to worry about the abducted person’s life for the time being. They still had some time to find him.

“Why were you sure that these words would be effective?” Yu Tong patted Dong Feng’s head and softened his tone to let the other person slowly relax.

“That person was chatting very happily with my senior in the tapes. My senior wouldn’t randomly treat malicious people well. Moreover, that person’s pacing nearby seemed more like he was either looking forward to their meeting or it was a chance encounter. It wasn’t the same as the cautious movements the other pair of accomplices were showing,” Dong Feng turned his head to explain, “Then presuming that they are not people on the same side, a slight probe could get a response similar to the one just now…I wasn’t certain though, and just wanted to try it. I had no idea he would respond so intensely either.”

“However, it did confirm that he knows there were two people following him.” Yu Tong noted this to himself as he figured out the general direction of the adjustments they would need to make in their actions. “Oh right, do you know about Prosecutor Li’s matter? Regarding his vacation, I mean.”

Dong Feng nodded. “I heard.”

“Any opinions?” Although Dong Feng was not a related person, Yu Tong wanted to hear the other’s thoughts.

“It’s best if you guys do a thorough inspection. The spy is hidden too deeply. Sending my senior away first was correct.” Dong Feng stood and closed his eyes to endure the bout of dizziness, only re-opening his eyes once it passed. “Someone unfamiliar would not be able to do those things.”

“Understood. You go rest for a bit. Once the person’s mood stabilises, we’ll interrogate him again.” Yu Tong placed the bills and coins he had on him in Dong Feng’s hands. “Buy something to eat on the way, please.”

Dong Feng nodded as he closed his hands around the coins and paper bills that were slightly warm, then silently turned to leave.

He had no idea why he was always here.

Perhaps he just wanted to quickly return the favour he owed, then quickly move away.

These people were truly too annoying, thoroughly and severely corroding his life, preventing him from passing his time in peace and quiet.

He did not understand.

Too deep, and there would eventually come a day when he would probably repeat something like what had happened in the past. He was very certain that he could not endure it again. That was why he had decided from that day onwards that he had to stay alone, without any worries or burdens. He just needed a space to independently operate, isolated from the outside world and its atmosphere. He would slowly walk to the end that way.

This was better.

He dropped the coins into his pocket and stuffed the bills into a self-donation box he saw along the way. It had probably been set up by the people at the station and was likely emptied monthly to help the weaker administrative regions.

He exhaled as he opened [the door to] Yu Xia’s office.

What welcomed him was a vacant room.

“…Where are they?”


“Sorry for troubling you guys.”

Ah Liu took the item that Yu Yin had helped pull open, then returned the object that had been very difficult to open back into the evidence bag and sealed it. “When I asked Jiu Shen to help just now, he actually told me that his hands had gone weak from fright, but I urgently needed to open it. Seriously…”

“Ahaha, you’re welcome.” Yu Yin forced a hollow laugh as he eyed the friend inside the adjacent workshop while he pulled off his gloves. He also knew very well that it was normal for a typical person to be frightened to death by that scene earlier, as it wasn’t a trivial matter.

“If you’re fine with it, you can stay in our break room for now. How about I order delivery for you guys?” Ah Liu asked, knowing about what had just happened.

“Ah, no need. We want to go back and wait for news.” Yu Yin shook his head and tactfully declined the other’s goodwill. He truly was not in the mood to do anything else right now.

“You can wait over here too.” Jiu Shen stuck half his head out from the workshop to look gloomily at his own colleague. “Ah Liu knows about Prosecutor Li being forced to take vacation, but stubbornly refuses to tell me. You guys can take turns attacking him, firing at him, pressuring him, or tying him to the wall and letting the ghosts bite him until he says it.”

“Wait a minute, I already said I don’t know either.” Ah Liu immediately refuted when he saw the two little ones’ eyes light up and stare fixedly at him.

“Hmphhhh…you think I’m actually that easy to deceive?” Jiu Shen clung to the doorway and continued to keep only half his face exposed as he narrowed his eyes. “Having to keep sealed lips yet not trying to dig up the truth isn’t Ah Liu’s style. Ah Liu’s potential insidiousness takes up about a third of his body. You must have gone to question others. Going to Xiao Huan to help her and grab materials had to be in order to get her to speak up. Especially since Xiao Xuan and Prosecutor Gu have a personal friendship that led to her being designated to handle the matter.”

Ah Liu helplessly rubbed his forehead and shook his head in exasperation. “I seriously can’t handle you…becoming quick-witted at this sort of time.”

“Ah Liu-gē, is that true?” Actually, Yu Yin had never quite understood whether Li Zi Hong’s vacation had been a result of something happening or not; he had been worried about this too. He pressed, “Just a bit [of information] is fine too. Please.”

“…Break room.”

Thus, Ah Liu still ended up buying delivery in the end.

Temporarily pausing all the work they were doing, they entered the break room. Jiu Shen placed canned drinks on the table and went quiet.

“First of all, you guys must not divulge this outside, nor can you involve Xiao Huan. Otherwise, she’ll get in trouble.”

Ah Liu saw the other three people in front of him nod, so he locked the break room before finally taking a seat. “Xiao Huan told me that this matter was supposed to be discussed with Prosecutor Li and Boss after Prosecutor Li returned. When the time came, you actually would have found out too, Jiu Shen. It’s just that it couldn’t be spread anywhere before being announced, or else any outside speculations could lead to issues arising. The chief prosecutor and director also plan on proceeding with a low profile.”

“I swear I won’t say a single word once I walk out of this door, or else…” Jiu Shen tilted his head in thought, and after much difficulty, fiercely vowed, “Or else wherever I go, I will bump into g-ghosts.”

“Even if I don’t swear anything, I’ll still bump into them….” Yu Yin was starting to feel like he really was unlucky.

Yu blinked, waiting for the other person to continue.

“Jiu Shen already knows of the matter regarding the scrawls of blood on the documents.” Ah Liu gave a brief description to the two younger ones. “But that actually isn’t the problem. It was obvious from a single glance that it was an intentional, malicious prank, and absolutely could not become evidence that the two of them had any connection to each other. The ‘thorough investigation’ is only an excuse. This incident is not minor, and it needs to be handled under the radar for as long as possible. A single mistake could lead to a serious loss of control [on the situation].”

“What exactly did you find in the documents?” Jiu Shen’s brows wrinkled together as he immediately realised the situation. He had originally assumed that the thorough investigation and time off were punishments, but it now appeared as though that was not the case.

“A finger.”

Yu Yin’s eyes widened when he heard this answer.

Ah Liu stopped the others from speaking by continuing, “In one of the document folders regarding a snatch theft case, a single female pinky finger was found. It was shrivelled up severely from drying out, having been removed from the body after death. After analysis, it was discovered that this finger was an identical match to the female perpetrator for the snatch theft. That was a very simple case; after a young couple took some drugs, they randomly robbed something on the streets and were captured red-handed. The female offender was sixteen years old and had gone missing fourth months prior.” He paused and crossed his arms. “After learning of this, the chief prosecutor immediately did a detailed inspection for any schemes. The chief prosecutor believed that this was a warning the perpetrator had wanted to give to Prosecutor Li. When the drug report came back, they found that Prosecutor Li had actually been injected with an immediate-acting poison that night. It was a very small amount with a fast breakdown, but it still made him unconscious for a while. However, if the amount had been just the tiniest bit higher, he could have very likely died on the spot.”

“So then, he was declaring that Prosecutor Li’s is in his hands…” Jiu Shen had not imagined it would be this serious. He now just wanted to steal that case from the female colleague even more. “Wait a minute, injected? Were there traces found on his body?”

Ah Liu shrugged. “Didn’t he cut Prosecutor Li’s neck? Although at first glance, it doesn’t seem like anything, while examining the photos after, they found a bruise from a needle prick. It was tiny, nearly overlooked.”

“So that’s how it was…” Jiu Shen expressing his understanding, then began to contemplate Su Zhang’s strange actions and behaviour. It appeared that his infiltration had definitely not been as simple as a joke. There must have been many other things that they had not thought of.

“May I ask if you…have a photo of the girl?” As soon as Yu Yin heard ‘sixteen years old’, he felt a bit anxious. He had no idea if it was that girl that had been following them, but she did not seem to be the type that would take drugs and commit snatch theft. A single look was enough to tell that she was a very normal, simple and clean girl.

“I do.” Ah Liu fished his phone out and passed a photo over to the other person.

Yu Yin felt relieved when he looked and saw that it wasn’t that girl. The person in the photo was someone else. Moreover, her face carried a fierce air; it was hard to imagine how a sixteen-year old girl could seem as though she hated the world.

“That’s basically all I know. I’ve honestly told you guys everything this time.” Ah Liu spread his palms out to indicate that he had already answered the forced interrogation. “The rest will just have to wait until Prosecutor Li returns. Don’t forget not to blab this out after you leave.”

“I swear that anyone who speaks will be silenced,” Jiu Shen earnestly replied.

“Oi, oi, Jiu Shen-gē, don’t drag us into your vow too,” Yu Yin immediately protested.

Right before Jiu Shen could respond even more honestly, someone suddenly knocked on the break room door. It sounded impatient as well, and then they heard another co-worker call out, “What are you guys doing in there? Boss is looking for you!”

Ah Liu opened the door to meet his colleague outside. “Looking for which one?”

“Jiu Shen and the two little ones. It seems like they found out something on their side and want you guys to quickly go over there.”

When they rushed back to the office building, they just happened to see Yu Xia and Xiao Wu about to head out.

“Follow us.”

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