The Yu Brothers’ Case Book

S2: Book 2: Chapter 3

By the time Yu Tong received the news and rushed home, it was already evening.

The first thing he saw after opening the door was Yu Yin sitting in the living room with his hands bandaged as he played video games with Yu. When Yu Yin saw his father, he lifted a hand to wave in greeting. “You’re so early today, Dad.”

“Why aren’t you resting in your room?” Yu Tong, who had broken out into a cold sweat from the scare, let out a sigh of relief. Just earlier, he had received an extremely worrying call from Yu Xia saying that they had gone to the ER, so Yu Tong had instantly run back as soon as work finally ended.

“Eh…it’s fine.” Yu Yin paused the game so that he would not be taken advantage of by his opponent sitting next to him; Yu Yin was already at nearly zero health, and he had lost several times in a row now. In order to regain his dignity as the older brother, he would have to reverse the tides and beat down Yu this time. “The bleeding stopped on the ambulance, and after getting it cleaned up at the hospital, it turned out there wasn’t actually any wound.”

Basically, the situation had been like this: a bunch of people had frantically pushed him onto the ambulance, and the nonstop bleeding suddenly stopped on the vehicle. By the time they had reached the hospital and the ER doctor had helped clean off all the blood covering his hands and face, it was discovered that he did not have any injuries at all. The doctor had been completely mystified as well, but afraid that it was some kind of hidden or haemorrhagic ailment, the doctor had still performed a series of examinations and bandaged him. Yu Yin was also scheduled to return for a follow-up visit the next day as well as next week to review his analytical results.

In the end, Yu Yin’s energy had recovered very well by the time he had returned home. There was nothing wrong with him, and no need for extra rest. Thus, he had dragged the concerned Yu with him to play the video games Li Zi Hong had lent them before so that they could distract themselves.

“Where’s Xia?” Yu Tong scanned the house and did not spot his brother anywhere.

“I just asked Uncle to help bring my friend back home.” It had actually been more like begging with all he could. Yu Yin had nearly been forced to cut his palm and swear that he would not run out again in order for Yu Xia to agree with escorting back the skeleton that had followed them home.

Although Yu Yin did not know exactly what kind of person that skeleton was, Yu Yin knew that this person was quite a loyal person, having accompanied them the entire time from the ambulance to the hospital, even asking the doctor there about a bunch of ailments that Yu Yin could not understand. Then, the skeleton had come back home with them too, confirming that Yu Yin really was fine before expressing his desire to go home. However, since this person had a bad record of passing out on the street, Yu Yin had needed to request for Yu Xia to make the trip so that the skeleton would not end up collapsed on some random road again.

“You really are…” Yu Tong shook his head, somewhat weakly plopping down on the sofa. Yu quickly poured a cup of tea and passed it to him. “What exactly is going on? I’m referring to everything that has happened from last night up until now.”

Yu Yin saw the grave expression on Yu Tong’s face, knowing that he was definitely very angry this time. Thus, Yu Yin scratched his face as he changed positions to a seat opposite from Yu Tong. “That girl who jumped from the building yesterday…probably followed me back.”


“How would I know? It’s not like I always know where ghosts hang around,” Yu Yin weakly protested as he accepted the tea that Yu passed over and innocently continued, “But I think it’s really strange. Ghosts from suicides usually stay where they died. There’s no reason for them to run around following people.” Although he had witnessed the scene, being haunted like this was still too bizarre, especially the fact that the girl was constantly trying to communicate with him.

It was too different from the other suicides he had seen before. However, if he had to think of a similar situation, it would be Chen Yong Hao’s case from before. Back then, everyone had also believed he had committed suicide, yet in the end he had come forth [with the truth].

Yu Tong pressed his aching temples, closing his eyes for a few seconds before looking at his son again. He asked in a completely serious tone, “You can’t ignore it?” He and Yu Xia had already tried their best to prevent the children from getting involved with most cases now. Despite this, it was evidently impossible to push Yu Yin away. It was as if something was constantly drawing him deeper into the trap.

Sometimes, Yu Tong really found it exhausting, as well as extremely frightening. For a time now, Yu Yin had been too involved, whether it had been the case with Xiao Yu’s family or Wang Zhao Tang, or even the most recent matter with Yan Si. All of these incidents had forced him to constantly run in and out of the hospital; thinking of this always made Yu Tong’s blood turn cold.

In the past, Ah Yin would at most occasionally say he saw something unclean, telling them any odd points as mere suggestions. However, now he had gotten wrapped into so many cases, leading to multiple near-death disasters. This was no longer just the question of whether he could see them or not. And now that he seemed to be seeing them more and more clearly, the difference from when he could only spot things on the rare occasion was significantly greater.

Yu Tong no longer knew how many times he had asked Yu Yin to stay out of these things.

“It’s not like I have a choice. I wasn’t the one looking for them…” Yu Yin had originally planned on muddling through with his usual joking manner, but after a tug from Yu, he noticed that his dad was extremely listless, and even looked extremely sad. As a result, Yu Yin softened his tone. “Well…I’ve been training my body with Uncle recently, and I’ll be more careful. I’ll try my best not to see too much…”

Yu Tong sighed and rubbed Yu Yin’s head.

“What are you all doing?

The first thing Yu Xia saw upon returning home was this unexplainable scene.

“Nothing.” Yu Yin immediately turned around and asked, “You brought him back?”

“Yeah, your friend lives quite far away though.” Yu Xia put his keys down and walked inside with a large bag of food. “Nearly at the Eastern Sea. Here, take the lotus ice cream and dinner.”

“I see.” Yu Yin had no idea who the skeleton had been looking for all the way over here. As Yu Yin took the large bag of food, Yu ran to grab some plates and chopsticks.

Yu Tong shot a profound look at Yu Yin before helplessly shaking his head and glancing up to meet Yu Xia’s pensive gaze. “Sit down, Xia, and tell us about what you investigated today.”

Yu Xia raised a brow, but quickly sat down in understanding and threw a fist down at Yu Yin’s head. “Be good and quickly resolve the matter so that you can get rid of those unclean things. Otherwise, I’ll have to go ask Student Fang to temporarily let you move in with them!”

His classmate Fang had a spiritual repellent named Xiao Hai in the household who often visited the Yu family. If either Yu Tong or Yu Xia asked, Yu Yin was certain that he would definitely be imprisoned in Ah Fang’s home without being able to see the light for the rest of his life. Moreover, he knew that Xiao Hai would absolutely bind him with metal chains.

“I’ll try my best….” It’s not like I want any of this to happen either, Yu Yin thought to himself sadly. However, since the adults in his family were willing to speak, it saved him from trying to sneakily probe around. This was much faster.

“Before we talk, you have to swear that if there’s anything strange, you have to contact us to come and handle it together. Don’t go running over alone.” Yu Xia glared at the older son and mercilessly added, “If you don’t, I’ll break your arms and legs.”

“…What if it’s a sudden occurrence?” Based on his usual experiences, Yu Yin felt like it was highly likely his limbs would be broken.

“I’ll still break you.”

“I disagree, you should go break the ghosts instead.” Yu Yin decided not to make the swear.

“If you have the skills, catch one and bring it over for me to break,” Yu Xia coldly replied with a hand under his chin.

Yu Tong coughed as Yu finished preparing the dinner on the table, then opened his mouth to interrupt. “Stop fooling around. Xiao Yu, you come and sit too.”

Yu handed out chopsticks to everyone and sat down next to Yu Yin.

“Tan Ya Yun, twenty years old, a third year university student.”

Yu Xia bit down on an octopus skewer as he flipped through his little notebook. “She started renting an apartment at the beginning of her first year. Her other two housemates are her fellow classmates that entered the university from the same high school. I asked around today and heard that the deceased loves to read, a brilliant, self-motivated student. But it’s too noisy in her home; it had affected her when she had been preparing for university. Since she wanted to properly study at university, she discussed it with her family and moved out.”

“I got pretty much the same information on my end.” Yu Tong glanced at his older son who was listening very attentively before giving a general overview of the information he had learned of today. “I went to visit the Tan family today. The parents are arranging the funeral for their daughter, so I met with her older brother. We talked about similar matters; their family has very bad fights with the person living below them, which has gone on for about half a year now. Both have been accused of harm and have been sued, the main reason being that Mrs. Tan killed a rat in her home and complained that it was from downstairs. When she tossed the rat in the shop, the boss became upset and fought with Mr. Tan. Both were injured and insisted on accusing the other of bodily harm. Also, Xia wanted me to check their criminal records. The Tan family doesn’t have any…aside from their disputes with the owner below them. But the snack bar’s owner, Boss Luo, has a criminal record of sexual harassment.”

“May I ask if the deceased is really pretty?” Yu Yin asked, having only seen blood and mutilated flesh these past two days.

“Ah Si said she should be a beauty.” Yu Xia pulled out a photo from his notebook and slid it over.

“Yan-dàgē’s words can’t be trusted. He’d probably say the same even if it were an ant lying there.” Yu Yin took the photo and saw that the girl was indeed quite attractive. She had a sweet smile, the type that would make anyone like her at first sight.

“I read through the records, and the sexual harassment was supposedly a misunderstanding, a prank by a female customer from Boss Luo’s previous shop. The charge had been brought to the court, but the woman had later revoked her charges. There haven’t been any situations like that from the place below the Tan household, and the surrounding neighbours have said that it’s just been profane language flying around.” Yu Tong exchanged his notebook with Yu Xia’s and calmly said, “The preliminary conclusion is that, aside from the dispute between these two neighbours, the Tan family didn’t demonstrate any form of pressure on their daughter and did not require anything from her studies. She naturally loved attending classes and going to school even without anyone watching.”

“Her classmates all said the same thing, that she had high self-expectations and was always top-ranked in academics. There were no abnormalities in her everyday life.” Yu Xia skimmed through the exchanged notebook to get the general gist of his brother’s information. “Li Zi Hong’s investigation was pretty much the same. The professors and the school all gave similar comments. Aside from the fact that she started falling behind her studies about half a year ago and her mood dropping around that time, her lifestyle was the same as usual. Even her interactions with her classmates were pretty decent.”

Yu Yin was puzzled. When hearing all this, there really did not seem to be any other reason [for the death].

As everyone silently ate their food, Yu suddenly raised a hand.


“Ahh, foreign languages. Their department has fewer males and apparently they’re basically all split apart into different classes. There are only two or three boys in the class, so the girls are quite close with one another. The entire class often goes on class trips, and they seem to be a pretty cheerful group.” Yu Tong added in explanation, “The deceased was easy to interact with, the popular type. She did not have any enemies, and her relations with others were not bad.”

“The more I hear, the more I feel that she still committed suicide from pressure.” Yu Yin could not figure out any other indications, and he scratched his head in perplexment. “There’s nothing strange at all.” She behaved well, studied well, and there was no pressure from her family, school, or classmates. The only possibility was mental pressure inflicted by herself. It was not different from what the news had reported; that everything had been a result of her falling grades. Especially after hearing everything, this truly seemed to be likely.

“Indeed, but this is just a preliminary conclusion. If we look deeper, we should be able to find some kind of breakthrough.” Yu Xia looked over at the restless Yu Yin and stressed, “When we start going deeper, you’d better stay at home and go to the follow-up appointment tomorrow. Xiao Yu, make sure you keep a close eye on him this time.”

Yu nodded and powerfully glared at Yu Yin before he continued his meal.

“Sigh, ok, ok. But if you make any new progress tomorrow, let me know.”

“Just eat your food!”

At around midnight, Yu Tong brought two cups of hot tea into Yu Xia’s room once he confirmed that Yu Yin and Yu had both retired to their own rooms to sleep.

Yu Xia had retreated to his own room long ago, discussing today’s progress with Li Zi Hong on video call while letting the TV run. Because of Yu Yin’s sudden change in condition, Yu Xia had not returned to the station that afternoon or gone looking for Li Zi Hong, instead arranging to discuss everything at night.

“That means you two didn’t find anything on your ends either?” Li Zi Hong had come online nearly at the same time as Yu Xia. He nodded at Yu Tong, then continued back to their discussion of the matter.

“Yeah, everything around her seems completely normal.” Yu Xia accepted the hot tea with a nod, then noticed that Li Zi Hong’s background was the office; this person had not left work even at this time. “But the more we ask, the stranger it seems. It doesn’t seem right for it to be just due to studies. There must be something else that affected the deceased to form this pressure.” If the deceased had not originally been skilled in academics, or if her school and family had held high expectations of her, then the pressure might have been an issue. But he was sure after today’s round of questioning that the deceased had not been under any such pressure, and she was originally an excellent student that loved studying. Even the owner of the place she worked part-time at said that she was very skilled in memory and math. The owner had even been planning on asking her if she would be willing to take a full-time job with an increased salary.

The fact that this kind of person would suddenly be unable to keep up with her studies and regress was the biggest issue.

Yu Yin could not tell, but Yu Xia had seen too many cases like this in the past, which typically always had external factors influencing the sudden drop in grades.

“Moreover, the family had no idea of this matter.” Yu Tong pulled a chair over to sit down and frowned slightly. “But I believe she must’ve wanted to ask her family for help. It’s just that the family disputes covered her voice, which made it impossible to notice. The deceased’s older brother said that for a while, their parents were completely focused on the injury lawsuit, constantly going to the lawyer’s firm and the district court. That usually leads to overlooking some changes…I hope that we can conduct a search of the deceased’s room at the family home. If we’re not mistaken, we might find something there.”

“I’ll coordinate with the family members, so you can go ahead.” Li Zi Hong thought it over. The initial issues that the twins had found were even more than what they had expected. “Do you believe she committed suicide?”

“I believed it likely was up until yesterday. But then last night…” Yu Tong hesitated for a few seconds before continuing, “Ah Yin was followed by the deceased.”

“Hm? Is he alright?” Li Zi Hong was slightly astonished, but at the same time, it was to be expected. After all, the fact that Yu Yin had appeared at the scene was the main reason they had decided to investigate more deeply. Being haunted did not seem that strange.

“We nearly died of exhaustion because of him,” Yu Xia angrily bit out.

In reality, aside from the affected Yu Yin, everyone else in the family had been unable to sleep the entire night yesterday.

At around one in the morning yesterday, Yu Tong had just finished organising some documents and went upstairs to rest. However, he heard some noise from the hallway, a low sobbing that did not seem to belong to anyone from their family. It sounded like a girl’s voice, a depressed tone.

For some reason, Yu Tong instinctively sensed that it came from Yu Yin’s room. When he quietly opened Yu Yin’s bedroom door, he unmistakably spotted something curled up next to the foot of the bed the instant he looked inside. It took up quite a bit of space, too. Before he could turn on the lights, that thing quickly vanished with a swoosh before he could discern what it was.

The temperature in the room dropped abnormally. Considering how the window was tightly shut, it should not have been that low of a temperature.

When Yu Tong turned on the light, he noticed something was very wrong with Yu Yin. The latter was muttering something non-stop despite his eyes being tightly shut, and he was sweating profusely. After touching him, Yu Tong discovered that Yu Yin had a high fever.

Originally, Yu Tong planned on handling the situation himself. However, just as he pulled away a corner of the blanket, he spotted purplish-black handprints slowly fading downwards from Yu Yin’s arms, as if someone had grabbed him and then let go.

And Yu Tong instantly felt his blood run cold.

Then, Yu Yin started to flail around. It started as just some fidgeting, but later turned into a struggle for his life. The commotion drew both Yu Xia and Yu over as well.

Since Yu Yin was resisting so strongly, Yu Xia forcibly held the other person’s limbs down to prevent self-injury. Yu helped constantly change the towels and water. The sweating was unusually excessive, and Yu Tong could only keep wiping it away without stopping, trying his best to feed his son water.

Throughout this entire period, Yu Yin never woke up. He simply kept repeating, “I don’t want to die”, as well as some other words they could not understand. This continued all the way until the sky outside brightened, and Yu Yin finally collapsed into a deep sleep.

The exhausted Yu also fell asleep next to the bed.

Yu Xia cursed as he moved away, his limbs practically cramped from holding the boy down for several hours, and he let Yu Tong get a closer look.

And the two of them both saw the purplish-black handprints appear on Yu Yin’s arms and legs under the pale light. The markings on the ankles were particularly clear, as if someone else had been pulling him this entire time as well. The imprints quickly began to fade, disappearing without a trace within five minutes.

“Don’t tell him.”

Yu Tong stared straight at Li Zi Hong through the screen. “Ah Yin shouldn’t remember this, since he didn’t mention it at all today. All he recalls is the deceased appearing in his dream.” Originally, the two of them had been extremely worried, both wanting to take leave. However, Yu had woken up and pushed them out the door, saying that it would be better if they figured out what exactly the deceased wanted.

“Don’t worry, I won’t even tell Ah Si.” Li Zi Hong paused for a few seconds before saying, “Then, it likely is not a suicide after all.” Most people that committed suicide would not have such a powerful desire not to die. Usually, those that killed themselves had already given up on their lives. This kind of situation was too abnormal.

“Do we need to ask the family members to cooperate with an investigation?” Yu Xia asked.

“No need for the time being. The family members have no objections to the suicide and hope to close the case as soon as possible. If our investigation progresses and we are able to present a clue as evidence that it was not a suicide, we can ask the family members for their cooperation. For now, we will conduct a search first as a confirmation of the suicide.” If it was not a willing suicide, there was the possibility of it being due to an external effect or a homicide. However, they currently had no evidence. Rashly informing the family of this would likely draw unnecessary trouble. If it was wantonly published in the media again, perhaps they really would not be able to investigate the cause. Li Zi Hong carefully assessed all this and looked at the officers before him with a cautious gaze. “Do not under any circumstances draw anyone else’s attention, or else the trail of investigation might be cut off. Externally, we will just announce that we need to ensure proper inquiries are completed to close the case.”

“Understood.” Having suffered from the media a lot recently, Yu Xia naturally knew the other person’s concerns. Even if there really was a murderer involved, they would instantly escape without a trace if everything was exposed under such circumstances. “I’ll have Jiu Shen and Ah Liu check the deceased’s possessions and living quarters.”

“Sounds good, thank you for all your efforts.”

“What are you guys talking about?”

Li Zi Hong turned around to see the office door being pushed open. Yan Si walked in with a paper bag in his hand. “Great Prosecutor, it’s already half past midnight. Aren’t you afraid you’ll one day get assassinated while in your office by yourself? And then your young secretary would only discover your dead body the next morning?”

“When that time comes, will you take responsibility [of my body]?”

Yan Si started at this, then pressed the bag onto the table. “What a joke, I’d definitely find the most unskilled junior brother to come and cut you up.”

Li Zi Hong chuckled as he grabbed the bag and took out the boxes of food inside. The restaurant printed on the bag was Yang De Cheng’s place. At this time, the shop must have already closed; Yan Si had likely gone to bug Yang De Cheng for the food. “I think it likely is another jumping case related to a miscarriage of justice,” Li Zi Hong echoed the words his friend had jokingly said before. Who would have thought it would turn into reality?

“Did you find something?” Yan Si curiously flipped through the papers on the desk and swiped a box with chicken spring rolls. Yesterday’s inquiries had not seemed to result in any particular clues.

“Rather than finding something, it would be more accurate to say that there are some strange and suspicious points. Also, the deceased seems to have attached itself onto Ah Yin, which means the case may not be as simple as it seems.” Li Zi Hong took the papers back and slowly began to eat the dinner.

“Tch, I just knew there would be trouble if the student that ganged up on appeared.” Yan Si shrugged and pounced on the small sofa next to him. “Then should I go drag it out for an examination?” Who knew if the family members would be willing to hand their daughter over to be put under a knife when they had already been prepared to take her back?

“We will provide an explanation when it is necessary. It would be best if we hopefully have evidence by then,” Li Zi Hong said as he ate his dinner and continued reading through the case files he had not finished earlier.

“As your old roommate that holds a doctor’s license, I want to remind you that eating like that will lead to indigestion.” Yan Si lay back on the chair as he shot a sideways glance at the person still working. “And you’ll get fat.”

“I don’t think my digestion has any issues.” Li Zi Hong almost always ate like this, and he had never felt any discomfort with his digestive system.

“Are these more cases? Is there a need to be so rushed?” Yan Si casually asked as he swept a look over the pile [of documents] on the desk.

“There are a few smaller cases…mostly about disputes. That type of case has significantly increased in number recently. The cases have been allocated out, but everyone has many of these on their hands now.” For example, the case he was holding was a dispute between neighbours.

At first, he had not thought of it as a major problem, as it was a commonly seen argument. Between the two next-door neighbours, one family was comprised of two parents and their three children, while the other was a single old man.

The old man had a bit of a reclusive personality, so he was likely not easy to communicate with on certain levels.

On the other hand, the married couple next door had many opinions about their antisocial neighbour.

Li Zi Hong still remembered what had happened on the day he had accepted this case:

At the time, he had been at the station looking for Yu Xia to discuss a murder case. When he was bringing the files back to the prosecutor’s office, he found that there was a minor commotion in the hall. A few basic-level officers had just returned, and they were trying to wipe the blood off themselves. “What happened?”

An officer he was acquainted with greeted him and informed, “Someone just reported that two residents were fighting. In the end, their angers shot up, and one of the residents actually grabbed a knife to slash at their neighbour. The brother at the scene called for reinforcements, and the crazed resident unexpectedly tried to attack the police, even setting fires to the cars. Fortunately, it was contained before the damage spread. But several people were injured from the knife.”

“That’s too dangerous. How’s the situation?” Li Zi Hong scanned the people shaking their arms. They seemed to have some scrapes as well, so he quickly had someone grab the medical kit to disinfect their injuries.

“They’ve all been sent to different hospitals. The resident that was hacked at was a single old man in his seventies. He ended up with five or six cuts, but fortunately suffered no critical harm, just severe blood loss. The person that attacked was a middle-aged person in his forties. He was also injured himself. We had two people force him into the hospital, and we’ll bring him here afterwards.” The officer shrugged with a helpless expression. “We’ve already asked the other residents at the scene. They said these two have already been at conflict for a very long time now, arguing nearly every day. But it seems the reason for the fights is simply because the old man wakes up at five every morning to walk as exercise, and whenever he passes the other residence, the dog barks at him and wakes the other house owner up. They’ve requested for the old man not to get up so early and alarm their dog. Today was the same, but as the argument escalated, it eventually led to a case of injury.”

“…” Li Zi Hong was silent for two seconds. “What did the family members of the attacker say?”

The officer spread his arms out. “They were very succinct, unanimously believing that the old man was looking for trouble. They said that at five in the morning, everyone else is asleep except for that old man, which even frightens their dog. They then said that the old man often complains about them to nearby residents, always badmouthing them, which is why they hate the old man. Today, the male owner claimed the attack was self-defence because the old man hit him with a crutch first. He claimed that he had only taken out the knife as a warning because he was afraid of getting severely injured.”

“But that old man has suffered from a paralysing stroke before, so he always trembles even with the crutches,” a young officer standing nearby supplemented. “And it seems that he cannot lift them very high up.”

Even without the old man’s insistence on resolving the issue, Li Zi Hong had to prosecute the other family on the violation charges of slashing someone with a knife, as well as other dangerous actions such as attacking the officers on the scene and burning cars.

The prosecuted middle-aged man was extremely discontented, roaring out in front of the media about how the law not only failed to protect them but also refused to give them the justice they deserved, instead only protecting the evil neighbour next to the them.

“Why are there so many bizarre people these days?” Yan Si raised a brow at his friend’s description, convinced that the number of mysterious beings in the world were definitely multiplying. No wonder he had been getting a bunch of strange corpses recently.

By strange, he meant that despite the cases not seeming to have any deep resentment and hatred involved, the corpses were in a state that looked as if someone had gotten their revenge eighteen years after their entire family had been destroyed, from the people to the dogs and cats, and even the anthills.

How humans have evolved over time. Blades and fists have advanced, yet brains and self-control have regressed.

“There may be even more later.” Li Zi Hong did not know what else to say as he glanced over the piled document folders that contained at least one more scenario like this.

“I think that before we die from overwork, we should just hurry up and retire while we have enough funds,” Yan Si bitterly suggested. He instinctively felt that continuing like this would result in everyone enjoying the afterlife together in a few years.

“Before you die, please hang on for a bit longer.”

Yan Si pretended to cough up blood as if dying in battle.

“Back to the original topic, did you find anything unusual during your preliminary examination?” He asked, knowing that Yan Si had gone into office today.

“Was alive while falling; the skull burst from the impact causing instant death. There were injuries from bumping into some canopies and balconies. If I really had to say something was odd, it would have to be some of the bruises. They were of various sizes, some deep and some shallow. Several have already faded, which means they were all from different times.” Yan Si gestured in demonstration and stretched out his hands. “Some were fingerprints, located on…Well, the young miss might have a boyfriend.”

“…Would dating lead to a drop in grades?”

Yan SI lazily replied to his friend’s obvious question, “What do you think, Great Prosecutor?” Isn’t this world filled with a people who abandon all kinds of things for the sake of love?

“Please complete a thorough examination then.”

Li Zi Hong covered his box of food.

“The deceased did not have a boyfriend.”

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