The Youngest Son of Sunyang

Chapter 160 Slim and Tight 1

This is not the time to be idle.

With no income and only the massive gambling debts of his wife and the illegal gambling ring exposed to the world, he needed to resolve the situation. The issue was the prosecution.

The question was whether they would quietly cover it up or initiate a formal investigation, possibly exposing his overseas off-the-record finances. While his wife's gambling debts might disappear with a little intervention, the carefully collected off-the-record funds, like Altolan, must not come to light.

If even his overseas real estate transactions were exposed in the media, it wouldn't end with just public scrutiny. It could escalate to a special prosecutor's investigation, which had to be prevented at all costs. Everything had to be erased as quickly as possible.

"Management support, planning, strategy, PR, and the secretariat, gather." Jin Yeong-gi dragged his heavy feet toward the conference room. "Give me a report."

The Vice Chairman's tone, lacking any vigor, weighed down the atmosphere in the conference room.

"The prosecution is reluctant to dismiss the impulsive judgment of an ordinary prosecutor, as it may affect their reputation. The American newspaper has been making noise, and even domestic newspapers have reported on it."

The reporter checked the Vice Chairman's expression once again and cautiously continued.

"They say it's inevitable for witnesses to be summoned regarding overseas gambling."

"Do they want us to stand in the prosecution's photo line?"

"Yes. If we help block the media, they've promised to conclude the case with a fine after the promised indictment."

"Good. What about the PR team?"

A man from where the Vice Chairman's gaze was focused suddenly stood up.

"Just stay seated. It's not a presentation."

With a wave of Jin Yeong-gi's hand, the head of the PR department sat back down.

"They said they'll take down the internet articles, but if there's no way to avoid follow-up reports, they'll publish them once or twice. So, negotiations are still ongoing. We'll make sure to stop it."

Jin Yeong-gi felt somewhat relieved. If they could control the media, dealing with the prosecution would be easier. His wife had brought shame upon herself nationwide. He now wanted to see her behind bars.

"Whether it's reporters or editors, don't spare any expense. Give them what they want. Just make sure the overseas gambling articles don't see the light of day."

"Yes, Vice Chairman."

Now they needed to address the most difficult problem: the overseas assets, bank accounts, and illegal gambling. This would not be an easy matter to resolve. Diverting dollars during a national crisis, the likes of the IMF bailout, was no different from embezzlement. Embezzlement was considered a major crime, bordering on high treason, to the extent that rumors had spread that the Supreme Prosecutors' Office was involved.

"Director Choi."

"Yes, Vice Chairman."

"Transfer 500,000 dollars from one account and hand it over to the prosecution... and let's end it with that."


Everyone in the room knew that it couldn't be settled so easily. When the Vice Chairman mentioned 500,000 dollars, it was an indirect way of saying that someone had to shoulder that amount and take responsibility. They would wrap it up with a suspended sentence, and they could expect at least two promotions and a special bonus of about ten billion won.

People in the room began to read between the lines.

Jin Yeong-gi looked around the conference room and casually threw out a comment as he rose from his chair.

"Those going on a business trip should discuss it and decide. It won't be a long trip, so there's no need to think too deeply, right?"

After Hak-jae's report, Chairman Jin frowned.

"So, the bottom line is that it's Yeong-gi?"

"It seems that way. The National Tax Service employee who infiltrated Miracle's headquarters managed to escape like a ghost. Vice Chairman Jin Yeong-gi urgently contacted us."

"That fool. We're supposed to protect the pride of public servants."

Even though they were civil servants who did as they were told, they didn't necessarily view a situation where they had to go and come back favorably.

Especially when they know that these orders are coming not from the organization's leader but from someone from a major corporation, it shatters their pride as civil servants.

If this kind of thing continues, they are no different from errand boys, and the government's influence over its organizations will gradually diminish.

"What about the prosecution's press conference? Did they really investigate, or is it a favor for Miracle?"

"They initially acted on Vice Chairman's orders, but then they went astray. I guess someone gave them a better offer at Miracle."

"Did you make contact?"

"Yes, the head of the Southern District Prosecutors' Office seemed to have a hard time with it. He said it's a bit difficult to cover it up as if it never happened."

Chairman Jin appeared to be irritated as he briefly frowned.

"If you're no longer at the front lines, you shouldn't care about it... This is ridiculous." He casually shook his head. "Just make sure you clearly maintain the boundaries. If this leaks all the way to Miracle, it'll be trouble."

"Yes, I will relay that. Also..."

"What's with that expression again?"

"Mayor Choi seems to have arranged something through the Eastern District Prosecutors' Office."

"Mayor Choi?"

"Yes. What should we do?"

"Let Mayor Choi be. It's a family matter; they'll work it out among themselves. Oh, at my age, having to mediate between my own children... My word." Chairman Jin, picked up the phone with great effort.

"Why do you think I called you all?"

Jin Yeong-gi was tense, and Jin Seo-yoon had a stern expression. Dong-gi sat with an emotionless face, gazing at his father.

"I'm too ashamed to leave the house. Can't you all behave decently?"

"Father, it was our eldest brother who started this. I ended up almost going to prison..."

"So what? Is that a reason to order Mayor Choi, who's an outsider, to investigate your older brother? Is that the right thing to do?"

When Jin Yeong-gi glared at his younger sister as if to kill her, Chairman Jin, spoke firmly. "Contact everyone and have them clean up everything. Quietly bury it."

"Father, I have nothing to do with this..."

"Noisy. You're the same. You didn't get your feet dirty, but you hid behind your brother, didn't you? That's why you had Yeong-jun transferred to Seoul. I told you, didn't I? Before making that guy into a human, don't let him set foot in Seoul."

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