The Yandere Ring [Yandere Harem]

6 – Claire says good morning, and Tina says… WHAT?

That second day starts pretty much like any others.

I feel a light headache, which is not something I am used to. On the other hand, my limbs feel strangely relaxed. What kind of night did I just have?

I find a note taped to my desk, next to my bed.

Hello lil’bro, I will have to get out earlier today. You get your breakfast downstairs.

Thanks for listening yesterday.

Much love-

Ah, so maybe the secret is to listen to her from time to time, hm?

“See? No need for any magic stuff in my life,” I mutter to my finger, where the ring still rests.

At any rate, I walk down, eat my eggs and I get ready for school. I know it is not going to be a good day at all, but at least I can get some respite when I go back home tomorrow.

Once I reach the gate, I hold a breath, knowing this is going to be another hard day, very hard in fact.

I only have to resist a few hours. I cross the gate and glance at Claire. She’s sitting with her gaggle of girlfriends, and no hunk in sight. Must be a slow day.

I don’t want to look at her, no matter how hot she looks, but our eyes cross once again, and I lower my gaze just quickly enough to avoid another of her sneers.

I walk with my hands deep in my pocket and my gaze held down. Almost there. Just have to cross the door…

“Listen well, you peasant!” Claire’s sharp voice calls out.

I freeze, as do the girls of her clique. They giggle, looking at how I stopped mid-step like a dumbass.

“Have a nice day,” she says, and then goes back to typing on her phone.


She’s the school’s head bitch in charge, and she just wished me to have a good day?

Me? The literal scum, of the earth?

It must be a ploy. Judging from her smile, it must be her trying to get her boyfriend angry.

Speaking of which, better make myself scarce before one hundred pound of beef and half a pound of brain starts to sniff the air and look for me.

It can’t be. It can’t be.

It can’t be.

That’s not how things work. Should I just call Grandpa and ask if he’s playing a fast one on me? I don’t even have his number… of know if he even has a number.

“I don’t believe you!” I mutter looking at the ring. My ring. The ring of good luck.

What kind of good luck can I hope for? I could really go for some of that.

Thinking like this, I stumble into class and find Tina standing next to my spot.

“Uh.” I look away. “Sorry.”

“Hey runt,” she growls. “Follow me.”

I obey, if only because I don’t want to cause a scene. What other kind of poison does she want to spew at me?

We reach the same spot as yesterday and once again she pushes me against the wall.



“I’m sorry.”


“I’m sorry for that I said yesterday.” It’s hard to see through her tan, but Tina is… blushing? “I am not mad at you. Wanna… uh… I have to buy a new pair of training shoes. Wanna come with me to the store tomorrow?”

I can’t believe it! What the fuck is going on?

“I… uh.” Say yes! Say yes, you stupid motherfucker! “Y-Yes, I would love to!”

“Great!” She beams with happiness, leaning forward to give me a hug. It’s the second one I receive in less than a day and it feels just as amazing as the first.

Tina leaves, blushing furiously and I stand in the hallway, transfixed, for a few moments.

What the heck…

I look down at my ring. Does that mean…

“You actually work?”

The ring seems to glisten – the light around it growing dim for just a moment, like a reverse flash. Maybe I imagined that.

But surely I did not imagine the rest! The ring works!

Ecstatic, a wide smile on my face, I slowly get out of the empty hallway, only to notice something weird going on.

It’s the Principal. He’s standing there in the main corridor, looking at someone I can’t see, who’s just behind him. I can’t understand what they are talking about as he’s whispering as he bows lightly at the person he’s talking with.


I turn and walk back to the class. I doubt the ring can save me from his fury if he finds me in the hallway after the lesson has started.

But the person he was talking with… a girl more or less my age, dressed in a grey suit, with long platinum-blonde hair falling down to her hips… who could she be? I have never seen her at school before.

And as it turns out, any expectations I could have would get blown out of the fucking water.

To find the full novel (only up to 60% will be published here) together with exclusive POV chapters and even more sexy scenes, you can follow this link (or click on the sexy pic below).




Thanks for reading. I wonder what must have been to cause this change in Clairem and Tina as well? 

I'm sure it doesn't really matter - what matters is our protagonist does seem to rebuild his relationship with his childhood friend! I'm sure things will sail smoothly from now on. 

Speaking of which, the first reader who guesses the identity of this 'new girl' gets a silver star from yours truly!

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