The XXX-Gene (Marvel)(Mutant OC)

Chapter 29: Trying Things

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Things move along at a steady pace...


The surge of power, small as it is, hits them all, Thaddeus notices. He gets a boost from Mystique on top of what he gets from Rogue since the shapeshifter participated in the whole thing as well. His own weak shapeshifting abilities, which he’s had for several months now, grow stronger. On top of that though, there’s something else…

“Did it work? Rogue? Do you think you can control your powers now?”

Mystique, of course, only has eyes for her adoptive daughter, still refraining from touching her but looking like she’s only waiting for the go ahead before she throws her arms around the girl. Unfortunately, Rogue doesn’t give it. With a furrowed brow, the younger mutant shakes her head in confusion.

“I… I don’t think so? I… don’t know…”

Meanwhile, Thaddeus can tell he definitely got something from Rogue. Something much like her absorption. However… Thaddeus can also tell that he can decide when, what, and how much to absorb. His maximum is only a trickle right now of course, but…

“Mystique. Let me try something.”

He offers the shapeshifter his hand and Mystique looks at it with no small amount of consternation. But it’s not like she’s going to balk now when they’ve already come so far. After only a moment of hesitation, Mystique reaches forward and puts her hand in his. Nothing happens… because Thaddeus isn’t using what he just got from Rogue.

Mystique furrows her brow as she stares down at their joined hands.

“I’m going to use it now. Only for a split second. Ready?”

After another beat, the blue-skinned shapeshifter nods. Thaddeus activates the power a moment later and watches Mystique jerk. He immediately turns it off of course, only leaving it on for a single breath as promised.

“That… that didn’t feel too bad…”

Thaddeus shakes his head.

“My version of the power is still weak, so it wouldn’t. But more importantly… it’s controllable. I can control it.”

Rogue flinches at that, but Mystique quickly catches on to what he’s saying.

“If you can control it… then you think Rogue should be able to control it as well.”

Thaddeus gives a firm nod, even as Rogue’s breath hitches and hope spreads across her face.

“Then we need to keep going!”

Mystique looks both determined and excited, glancing between him and Rogue.

“We can’t stop here. If we continue as we have been, we might just have a breakthrough!”

She was right, they might. Only… if just a handjob wasn’t enough to give Rogue control, that might mean they would have to go further. They would have to go all the way. And that meant being inside of Rogue. Full sexual intercourse usually required tab P to go into slot V after all.

“I want to try something else before we continue. Rogue, can you take off one of your gloves and hold out your hand?”

The young woman hesitates at his request but Thaddeus doesn’t mind. He knows he’s asking a lot. Eventually she glances to Mystique for guidance and only when the shapeshifter gives her an encouraging smile and a nod does she do what he asks. Staring down at Rogue’s pale palm like it’s a poisonous snake for a moment, Thaddeus wonders to himself if he’s really going to go this.

… Yes. Yes he is. Swallowing thickly, the young man slowly reaches out with just a finger. He makes sure his own version of Rogue’s power is active… and presses the tip of his finger down onto her palm.

For a brief moment, nothing seems to happen. And then he feels it. The drain. He’d felt it the other way with Mystique before, but if Thaddeus’ version of the power was a trickle of absorption, then Rogue’s version is a vacuum turned to max. He can feel her draining him… but at the same time, he can feel himself draining her right back.

It’s not resistance. It’s an exchange. And it’s still wholly in Rogue’s favor. He’s only able to touch her palm for about twenty seconds before he has to pull away, gasping for air, his heart pounding overtime in his chest. He recovers his vitality almost immediately though once they’ve lost contact with one another thanks to all of his time with Laura. It’s interesting, while he’s in contact with Rogue, he can’t rely upon the regeneration factor from Laura to help one bit. But once they’re no longer touching, he feels rejuvenated almost immediately.

As Thaddeus soaks up this information, turning it over in his head to make sure he’s properly considering it from all angles, Rogue and Mystique are both having their own reactions. Rogue is staring at the point where his finger had been touching her palm in wonder, her eyes wide and her mouth slightly agape in awe. For the touch-starved coed, this much must be like nirvana for her.

Mystique, meanwhile, has her eyes narrowed as she stares at the palm as well, before finally looking at him.


Rolling his shoulders, Thaddeus glances back at the bed he’s currently sitting on the edge of.

“I think… Rogue and I should have proper sex. It’ll have to be slow though. Lots of stops and starts. But maybe, just maybe, we’ll get something more from me actually fucking her.”

He shrugs at the end there, trying to make it abundantly clear that he doesn’t know for sure if everything will work out. Mystique nods in understanding, while Rogue… Rogue is bright red and looking highly embarrassed by his words. Ah, right. Almost certainly a virgin.

“That sounds like it might make it hard for you to reach completion though.”

Thaddeus prepares to shrug again, opening his mouth to throw out some platitude like ‘it is what it is’. But before he can do so… Mystique transforms right before his eyes into a carbon copy of her adoptive daughter. Suddenly, he’s staring at two Rogues… though after a moment, the Rogue that’s actually Mystique shifts the white streak in her hair into the same purple that Risty Wilde was rocking, making it easier to differentiate between the two of them.

Of course, the absolutely salacious grin that spreads across the purple-streaked Rogue’s face a moment later also doesn’t really seem like it belongs on the introverted goth coed either.

“Well, stud? How do you want us?”

Thaddeus gives Mystique as Rogue a look at the return of the ‘stud’ epithet, but Mystique just grins wickedly, her eyes dancing with amusement that suggests she knows exactly what she’s doing and just doesn’t care at this point. Still, it’s a good question. He needs a position that he can avoid getting… entangled with. They can’t afford for Rogue to grab hold of him or latch onto him in the heat of passion in any way.

He winces a little bit, because this is supposed to be Rogue’s first time and a first time should be a little bit more of an intimate affair then the position that comes to mind. But… he doesn’t see a safer option.


A slight frown spreads across Mystique’s face at that, while Rogue goes even redder and ducks her head.

“I need to be able to pull out quickly and switch between the two of us without any potential interruption. So… I think from behind is going to have to be the play.”

He rubs the back of his head, trying his best to show that he understands the position isn’t ideal. In the end, Rogue doesn’t seem to have it in her to voice an opinion on the topic. Meanwhile, Mystique mulls it over for a moment before finally nodding.

“You’re right… there’s no other way. Come on Rogue. Get cleaned up and then finish stripping down and let’s get in position so Thaddeus here can fuck us both silly~”

The two near-identical goth coeds rise to their feet at that, with Rogue doing as she’s told even though her blush is downright atomic at this point. He feels for the poor girl, he really does… but this is the best chance of getting her what she really wants… the ability to touch anyone at any time, not just him. A poor first time is a small price to pay for something like that, Thaddeus figures.

The two Rogues move onto the bed once they’re both completely naked, their pale bodies exposed as they crawl up on all fours about a foot and a half apart. No point in them accidentally touching after all. If that happened, Mystique would be down for the count in no time. Once they’re up, Thaddeus moves into position behind the actual Rogue. He hover-hands her hips for a moment, lining up his cock with her waiting pussy lips as best he can without actually touching her and holding her in place.

“Alright… it’s going to have to be fast Rogue. Sorry. Might hurt at first.”

Finally, the young mutant woman breaks her silence.

“I-It’s okay… please… I need this.”

Thaddeus can’t help but grin a little. He’s used to hearing those words to be honest. Lots of women have said that sort of thing to him before. But he knows Rogue doesn’t mean it like THAT and that’s pretty amusing.

… Or maybe she does. Grabbing her by the hips and thrusting forward into her pussy in the same moment, Thaddeus immediately feels her mutation trying to drain him as he counter-drains her in response. He also feels just how wet she is, however. Her hymen tears on the spot, her virginity taken on his very first thrust, but Rogue… Rogue is very turned on right now.

He wasn’t expecting that, but maybe he should have. All of this… even if it wasn’t ideal, it was still Rogue’s dream come true, wasn’t it? All she wanted was to be able to touch and be touched. But when had she started getting so wet? Was it when she’d walked in on him and Mystique going at it? Or when she’d been giving him a gloved handjob and anticipating what would happen once he came? Or could it have started as late as him touching her with just his finger for a couple dozen seconds?

… Either way, Thaddeus realizes he can’t let himself get distracted or caught up in all of that. He’s been thrusting into Rogue for half a minute by this point and he quickly pulls out, realizing he’d been getting way too caught up in the moment. Her cunt was deliciously tight and wet as it had wrapped and gripped around his cock and Thaddeus had enjoyed it far too much… to almost dangerous levels.

His vitality begins to recover swiftly once he’s no longer touching her, though the whimpering mewl Rogue makes definitely tugs at his heartstrings. Still, Mystique is wiggling her own ass back at him and Thaddeus doesn’t hesitate to take her up on her offer. That said, he also doesn’t let himself get distracted again. It wouldn’t do to get caught up in fucking the wrong Rogue, after all.

Pistoning in and out of Mystique’s own pale, identical behind for a few moments, enjoying her tightness and wetness just as much as he’d enjoyed the real Rogue, Thaddeus grunts and pulls away after another half a minute. That’s how he’ll do it. Thirty seconds in one, thirty seconds in the other. That should be more than enough time for him to recover.

And so he settles in to work. Thirty on, thirty off. It really is a bit tasking; Thaddeus has to admit. As fun as it is to fuck two identical, beautiful goth twins in their dorm room, the enjoyment is somewhat derailed by the context of the situation and the exhaustion that Rogue’s mutation invokes. If he hadn’t already fucked Laura so damn much, if he hadn’t already had so much sex since his own mutation activated that he was pretty much superhuman… Thaddeus isn’t sure it could have worked.

But Mystique was right to bring Rogue here, to try and ingratiate them with Thaddeus and get his help with this. He felt like his unique circumstances made him one of the best people for the job.

Still, the sex is… well, rather janky to be honest. Rogue and Mystique are both moaning while he’s inside of him, but he has to pull out too soon to really get their engines revving. That doesn’t stop him from doing his damnedest all the same, and he DOES manage to extract one orgasm from them apiece before the end. Not that it means anything, it’s more for his own pride than anything else.

But then it arrives. He’s getting close. He’s going to cum.

“I’m about to blow… might get more of a benefit if I cum inside Rogue…”

Those words are intended for Mystique, since she’s sort of ‘supervising’ this whole thing and he’s been bouncing ideas off of her this entire time. But funnily enough, it’s Rogue who answers with a squawk.

“Y-You can’t! I’m not on birth control… and I’m not ready to b-be a mother!”

Ah. That was… a fair point. Of course Rogue wouldn’t be on birth control. She wouldn’t have to be, not when she quite literally couldn’t even touch people before today, let alone have sex with someone.

Nodding her head in agreement with her adoptive daughter, Mystique is quick to suggest something else.

“Cum all over her, just like before.”

Rogue blushes hard at that but doesn’t reject the proposal. And so, with a shrug, Thaddeus pulls out at the last second and proceeds to cum all over Rogue’s ass and back, coating her backside in his seed just as he’d coated her front.

Like before, they all get a surge. Again, his shapeshifting abilities grow a bit from Mystique’s participation. Again, he finds himself gaining the ability to absorb more from others that he touches. However, he still has complete control over the mutation. He can even change just how much he’s absorbing, turning it up from a trickle to a slow draw and then back down again.

Narrowing his eyes, Thaddeus experimentally reaches out and grabs Rogue’s leg, seeing how the rest of her is currently a bit messy. The female mutant jolts as he rubs her skin experimentally. Hm… it was as he’d come to suspect. He DID get more from these transactions then the women did. His version of Rogue’s mutation had grown stronger than hers had from their copulation, meaning he could now touch her for longer periods of time without risking falling into a coma.

“Rogue? Anything?”

Still on her hands and knees, biting her lower lip, Rogue shakes her head as Thaddeus finally removes his hand from her leg.

“N-No… n-nothing…”

Mystique frowns but looks just as determined as ever.

“Then we just have to keep going…”

That is one option. But Thaddeus isn’t sure it’s the correct one at this point. They aren’t helping Rogue gain control. They’re just making her mutation stronger. Maybe more sex might unlock the ability to control her absorption powers, but Thaddeus hadn’t started out with his uncontrollable… he’d been able to control them from the start…

The Patreon Vote:
[X] Is there something they're missing here? - 78%

[ ] No, more sex is definitely still the answer - 22%


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