The XXX-Gene (Marvel)(Mutant OC)

Chapter 23: Emma Frost Pt. 2

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Emma propositions, Thaddeus comes clean.


There’s a moment of silence as Emma remains deep in thought and Thaddeus decides that propositioning her himself in this moment might be a little crass. Suddenly though, the beautiful blonde psychic rises to her feet, coming off of the edge of the bed with a preternatural sort of grace.

“Come. Sit.”

Thaddeus raises an eyebrow at that, even as Emma steps to the side and gestures to where she’d just been sat.

“… For what reason?”

Smiling slightly, the gorgeous telepath, dressed all in white but in an ensemble that REALLY doesn’t leave much to the imagination, plants her hands on her hips.

“I believe that you didn’t realize what the X-23 Experiment had to offer you. I’m willing to accept that you had no idea you’d already developed a degree of psychic resistance before answering my beckoning call. That said, I already paid for this room and set aside a large portion of my schedule in order to… entertain you today. There’s no point in letting it go to waste.”

Flipping her hair back over her shoulder, the blonde crosses her arms under her chest, pushing her sizable bust up even further than her all-white leather corset was already doing as she huffs in amusement.

“After all… as strong as your mental defenses might have become, they are not impregnable. You are not immune to psychic attacks even now, merely highly resistant. It might take me hours to worm my way into your mind, but less than an hour to break in if I was being less than gentle. And our enemies certainly won’t feel any need to exercise caution if they see fit to try and plumb your secrets.”

Shrugging her shoulders in a way that makes her chest slightly jiggle, Emma just smirks.

“It’s true what they say. The best defense is a good offense. Now imagine how strong you will be if you have both the X-23 Experiment’s defense… and some of my offense.”

That was… well, all of that made perfect sense to Thaddeus. Emma was right on the money with everything she’d just said. It was like he had a set of walls around his mind three feet thick but no actual surveillance cameras or living security guards manning them. As a result, while the walls might stop the average psychic from breaking in, he wouldn’t necessarily be able to keep out a determined foe… or even know they were trying to get in to his mind in the first place.

She was completely right. In this case, he was a man with a shield but no sword and while Thaddeus WAS named after a World War II General, he didn’t fancy himself as Captain America, thank you very much. He wasn’t nearly patriotic or good-hearted enough for that.

There was just one problem in the end with Emma’s proposal. He’d never told her that the power boost went both ways. Obviously it couldn’t stay a secret forever, but he himself had only found out that it went both ways on the same day that he’d properly confronted Emma about reading his mind. And while they’d both come away from that conversation with a stronger bond for it, he had still withheld his knew knowledge.

He'd wanted something that she didn’t know, at least for a little while. But now here the blonde was, offering him herself on a silver platter without even knowing she would also gain from it. Technically, Thaddeus supposed he could have found a way to reject her offer… but there were a number of crystal clear reasons not to do such a thing.

In the end…

“Before we do anything, there’s something I need to tell you, Emma.”

The blonde raises an eyebrow at that, considering him quietly. Right. Time to rip off the band aid.

“The power boost goes both ways.”

Emma Frost goes still for a moment, clearly having to process that. Silence hangs between them until finally, she furrows her brow.


Feeling a little guilty even though it was a perfectly reasonable thing to hold back in his opinion, Thaddeus sighs and nods.

“I found out the same day we… discussed your own powers. I’ll be honest, I knew I couldn’t keep it from you forever, but I wanted to have something… something that you hadn’t taken from my mind already when we originally met. That’s why… well, that’s why I didn’t tell you until now. Laura is a lot stronger and tougher now… and that government agent, the one posing as my RA, knows as well. She got some sort of boost from our… time together.”

Now Emma looks downright concerned. The blonde hisses as she begins to pace the length of the room.

“That’s… it’s a wonder that whoever she works for hasn’t grabbed you already if she knows, Thaddeus.”

The realization that she’s right hits him like a bolt of lightning. The fact that his power goes both ways… he should have been kidnapped out of his dorm room in the dead of night, drugged to the gills, and used while comatose for his mutation by unscrupulous actors in the government by now… right?

“Does that mean… she hasn’t told them?”

Emma tilts her head in consideration.

“Perhaps. Unfortunately, so far I’ve been able to uncover little about a Natalie Rushman. Obviously, it’s an unassumed name. But… I’ll keep hunting. And maybe you can check in with her on your end… get a little closer to her. If she hasn’t told them everything yet, perhaps she can be subverted.”

Thaddeus thinks of Natalie’s beautifully sculpted face and perfect body and finds himself getting a little aroused at that thought. Something that Emma doesn’t fail to notice; it would seem.

“Now sit. In the end, this changes nothing really. Unless you’re afraid of giving ME more power.”

Well, now that she mentioned it… but no, in for a penny, in for a pound. Shaking his head, Thaddeus strides over to the edge of the bed and sits down where Emma had been sat when he first entered. Then, he swallows as the incredibly gorgeous woman, clad in sexy white lingerie, approaches him.

“Tell me, Thaddeus… does the power boost go both ways via oral?”

He pauses and considers that for a moment before finally shrugging.

“I actually don’t know. By all rights, it should. After all, the mundane girls I let suck me off back in High School all got a temporary bonus to their intelligence just for swallowing. But… power boosts? Every meta I’ve enhanced so far; it’s been full intercourse.”

Emma nods at this… and then slips down into a crouch between his legs, her own legs bending at the knee and spreading wide as she rests her ass on her heels and brings herself to eye level with his crotch.

“Then we shall test that today, hm?”

Thaddeus flushes, even as the beautiful blonde bombshell gives him a wicked sort of smile and reaches for his crotch with gloved fingers. Deftly unbuttoning and unzipping his pants, the psychic reaches into his boxers and wraps a gloved hand around his length. The soft silken feel of her covered palm upon his shaft is enough to make Thaddeus groan as she slides her hand up and down his dick for a moment before pulling it free, out into open air.

He shudders even as Emma licks her lips, looking his cock over.

“… Have you gotten bigger?”

Blinking rapidly at that question, Thaddeus looks down at the blonde while she examines his member.

“Err… how would you know, exactly?”

‘This is the first time you’ve seen it’ is on the tip of his tongue before his thoughts catch up with what’s happening and he realizes that’s not true. This might have been the first time Emma had seen his dick in person, but it’s definitely not the first time she’s seen his dick altogether. If she’d been in his head every time they’d met before now, from their first meeting in the Ice Cream Parlor, then she definitely knows what his cock looks like… because she’s probably watched through his eyes as he fucked and was sucked off by pretty much all of the eligible women both his age and older in his small town.

Emma’s eyes twinkle and he can tell that she knows he’s come to the proper conclusion without her having to spell it out for him. One of her gloved hands moves down to cup his balls, while the other rides along the underside of his shaft, sending shivers up and down his spine. In doing so, she effectively serves his throbbing mast up to herself on a silver platter… or rather, on the palm of her hand.

“No matter. Though we shall have to hope you don’t get TOO much bigger, Thaddeus. Otherwise, the only women you might be able to fuck are giantesses like She-Hulk or Titania.”

That… Thaddeus’ cock twitches at the mental image, but at the same time he grimaces as well at the thought. Fucking those two would be great. But not being able to properly pleasure other women because he was just too big…

“Actually, I might have a solution to that already.”

Emma’s eyes light up without him even having to say it.

“That’s right. You fucked Mystique.”

Thaddeus nods. It’s not a power he’s used much of so far, mostly because his version of Mystique’s shapeshifting seems to be limited to one body part at a time and very slow. But… it’s actually perfect for shifting his dick down half an inch in size over the course of about thirty seconds right before Emma’s eyes.

He hates the idea of going any smaller though… maybe more of the Chad he used to be remains in his mind than he would have liked.

“Is this enough?”

Emma laughs at the look on his face, even as she continues to lift his cock up to her lips.

“It’s fine, Thaddeus. I can handle this much, after all.”

And then she goes ahead and proves it. Thaddeus lets out a groan as Emma dives down his cock, taking more than half his length into her mouth in one go. Her palm falls away from the underside as she does so, that particular gloved hand dropping down between her legs instead as she pulls aside her white panties and begins to touch herself.

She’s incredibly skilled, he quickly realizes. Taking his dick in between her lips is second nature to her. It has him wondering what sort of life Emma Frost has led. She’s a big shot now it feels like, high up enough in the Hellfire Club to be sent to recruit him. But before that… well, it doesn’t matter. His hands clutch at the bedding on either side of his body as he resists the urge to place a hand atop her head. He doesn’t hold back his groans though… or his words of appreciation.

“Fuck Emma, that feels so good…”

Her tongue along the underside of his cock, her lips suctioned down around his member. It’s all phenomenal… though to his surprise, she pulls back after a moment, looking surprisingly vulnerable.

“… I’m glad. Since today is a day of sharing secrets, I shall share one with you, Thaddeus. I have never been with a man I could not read before.”

Thaddeus blinks at that. Emma smiles a slightly sad smile, even as she shrugs her shoulders.

“I did not realize how much of a crutch that was until today. Normally, I can see everything. I know exactly what I’m doing right and in the very rare cases where it crops up, what I’m doing wrong. But with you… well, I suppose I should be lucky I have such a storied past to lean on for experience, hm?”

With that, sharing time seems to be over because she dives right back down his cock, bobbing up and down his member as Thaddeus groans, torn between processing her words and enjoying her technique. To know that she found him that challenging was… interesting if nothing else. And yet, she was still so good. For all that she couldn’t read him, Emma Frost had more than enough experience to make up for that fact.

Groaning and grunting as she fondles his balls and bobs up and down his length without a single gag, Thaddeus realizes she’s suppressing her gag reflex by continuously swallowing, allowing the first few inches of his dick to drive down the back of her constantly convulsing throat before pulling back again each and every time.

It’s an incredible technique, and one that has him nearing the edge in no time at all. But before he can cum, Emma pulls back again, looking up at him curiously.

“Does it need to be swallowed for your abilities to take effect? The girls who sucked you off back at your High School… they always swallowed without fail.”

“Ah… well, it needs to be… accepted in some way. Swallowed. Or held in your mouth and then spit out. Or captured in your hand or on your face. In the end, they usually chose to swallow because it was… cleaner.”

He had extensive experience with that sort of thing. Taking in their incredibly opulent surroundings for a moment, Thaddeus looks back down at Emma as she considers what to do. Finally though, she dives back down his cock, sucking and throating his member even more energetically before until he can hold back no further.

With a groan, Thaddeus cums and cums. In turn, Emma swallows. She drinks down every last drop, gulping his seed and letting it fill her belly as she crouches there before him still fondling and kneading his balls in her gloved hand. It is… one of the best oral experiences Thaddeus has ever had. And that’s WITHOUT Emma having access to his thoughts.

A moment later and his mutation does it’s thing. Thaddeus grunts as he feels his mind suddenly… expand for lack of a better word. It’s like a switch has flipped on, an awareness that wasn’t there before blossoming behind his temple. For instance, he can actually ‘see’ the walls in his mind’s eye. Covered in spikes, they look more like overgrown brambles if he’s being honest, all around his mind, allowing no access without pain.

As Emma finishes sucking off his cock, leaving it clean of everything but her spit, she pulls back and looks at him curiously.

“… How does it feel?”

Looking back at her, Thaddeus has to admit, it feels… strange. But instead of answering her question, he goes ahead and asks one of his own.

“What about you? Did it go both ways?”

He thinks it would, but he can’t be sure. This is the first time that a superpowered woman has performed oral on him, after all. Would Emma even know if the boost was too small? Would she-?


With a nod, Emma tells him the truth without hesitation, catching Thaddeus off guard just a little bit. Then, she rises to her feet and plants her hands on her hips.

“Which means we have a choice to make now, Thaddeus. Or rather, you do.”

His mouth is a paradoxically dry and watering as he stares at the gorgeous blonde bombshell. He suspects he has an idea of what she’s offering.

“You have enough psychic awareness now to be able to sense your own defenses and thus intruders. I can tell that much.”

As she speaks, he feels her presence on the edges of his brambles, the ‘calcification’ of his mind. She does the equivalent of running a hand over one of the less spikey parts of his defenses, allowing him to feel her but not trying to dive deeper. She’s right… if someone tried to get in, he would at least know about it now.

“We could go further though. Increase your power. However… you cannot do so without increasing my own power. And if you do that, there will likely come a point where I am strong enough to overcome you, defenses and all.”

That was… true. Very true. Emma smirks as she sees the conflict in Thaddeus’ eyes.

“I wonder. Do you trust me with that much power, Thaddeus? I’ll be honest… I wouldn’t. It might be best to keep this relationship between the two of us purely transactional, as it already is. However, I am not selfless enough to not make the offer all the same.”

… Yeah, that was fair. Fuck. DID he trust Emma with that much power? She could have controlled his mind back in the Ice Cream Parlor to be fair, but he didn’t believe she’d done so. His decision then might have been the byproduct of manipulation, but it was still HIS decision. And yet… to have her offering him her body in one hand while warning him off of giving her too much psychic power in the other… what was a man to do?

The Patreon Vote:
[ ] Keep their relationship transactional for now (no sex) - 2%
[ ] Fuck Emma just the once, they can talk about more later on (middle ground) - 13%

[X] Screw it, fuck the weekend away and make them both powerful as all hell (balls to the wall) - 85%


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