The World Online

Chapter 1302 - TWO 1302-Jack's solution

Chapter 1302: TWO Chapter 1302-Jack’s solution

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

Chapter 1302 – Jack’s Solution

Within the tent, Han Xin gave the three legion corps their missions, pretty much covering the entire Columbia region. However, he did not mention their other target, the Brasilia Dynasty, at all, making it hard for them to understand.

Facing the doubts of the generals, Han Xin did not answer and simply told them to execute his orders as told.

5th month, 16th day, along with Han Xin giving the order, the America warzone burst out. The huge army exited Zhidian City, crossing the Ecuador north border and entering the Columbia region.

Behind them was a long line of grain transport forces.

This grain had been sent over from the Indian Empire to pay for the firearms. To transport the grain to the frontlines, Ecuador Prefecture Governor Zhou Haichen had basically mobilized all the healthy young men.

Dawson Dynasty, Free City.

The news of Great Xia attacking Columbia spread back to the Capital City right away.

When Jack received the report, his expression was really solemn, and he muttered, “Cunning easterner, actually striking at such a time. What a plot.”

The current Jack did not realize that the entire war of America was planned by Great Xia.

Great Xia had set the stage for so long so that they could strike once to take down the Panama Canal and grab the Dawson Dynasty by its neck; this would allow them to prepare for their next big moves.

“How many troops can the dynasty send to assist Columbia?” Jack asked. Sitting opposite to him was the Dawson Dynasty Prime Minister, Franklin.

The Panama Canal was simply too important. If it weren’t, the Dawson Dynasty would not have a fifth of their soldiers stationed there.

Hence, Jack instinctively wanted to protect it, protect the Panama Canal.

When Franklin heard this question, he replied, “We can at most send 100 thousand.”

“So little?” Jack was surprised.

“In the recent month, the Maple Dynasty’s defenses in the north have been really stubborn, and their firepower has been increasing instead of decreasing. I suspect that they have received a new batch of firearms.”

Franklin was helpless and continued, “The Mayan Dynasty in the south is also like that. Recently, their disturbance to the south of the Empire has been really intense. A large portion of our troops have been sent to these two battlefields.”

Jack’s expression was really ugly, and he ordered, “Investigate where they bought their firearms from.”

“If I’m right, it should be Great Xia. Only Great Xia has the ability to sell so many firearms.” Franklin really certain about this.

“Great Xia, Great Xia again!”

Jack muttered. In his heart, he felt a bad premonition.

“We are fighting to the death on the frontlines while Great Xia was profiting greatly. What a good plan.” Jack roughly caught a glimpse of the shadow of Great Xia hanging over this entire war. In his heart, he felt depressed.

History had taken a massive 180-degree turn.

“It seems like we need to instigate the Darkness empire to create problems for Great Xia. If not, Great Xia’s land will be clean and too peaceful.” Jack’s eyes shone with a dark cold light.

Franklin said, “In my opinion, the Darkness empire consists of a bunch of bugs hiding in the dark. To ask them to fight Great Xia in the light would be tough. In the Battle of Hawaii, they were beaten till they were scared by Great Xia.”

“If we don’t try, how would we know that it won’t work? It’s better than not doing anything.”

Jack had confidence in the Darkness empire. He believed that Keisuke Honda and the others would not forget about how Great Xia had wiped them out. Someday, they would give Great Xia a fatal blow.

“Then let’s try!” Franklin did not insist and instead asked, “How will we deal with Columbia? Should we send reinforcements? Based on the intel from the frontlines, they have 750 thousand troops, and they are determined to win.”

With the way he put it, Franklin evidently did not support the sending of reinforcements.

If they wanted to go against the Great Xia Army, the Dawson Dynasty would at least have to send 500 thousand more troops, which was impossible.

Jack did not want to give up so easily, as the strategic position of the Panama Canal was just too important, so he said, “Can we have the army attacking the Indian Empire withdraw and let the Brasilia Dynasty send in more reinforcements?”

“We can withdraw our troops, but it would be difficult to make them send more troops.”

“If Great Xia takes down Columbia, their next target would be the Brasilia Dynasty. If not, why would Great Xia send so many troops there?” Jack looked at the matter with more clarity than Franklin and said, “As long as we discuss the pros and cons with them, they would definitely send reinforcements.”

Franklin nodded, acknowledging Jack’s judgement. He followed by analyzing the difficulties within, “The current South America battlefield is really complicated. For our army to withdraw from the frontlines will be tough.”

“Then let the Brasilia Dynasty army cover us. We are fighting the war for them.”

‘However, if we do that, their resentment toward us would be huge. After all, they are hoping to use this battle to crush the Indian Empire.’ Franklin thought.

The Brasilia Dynasty was no one’s puppet. They were willing to ally with the Dawson Dynasty due to their need to go against the Indian Empire.

For this reason, threw in 400 thousand troops onto the east front.

One must know that since the beginning of the war till now, the Brasilia Dynasty had only around 800 thousand troops. In other words, they had thrown in half of their army, showing a lot of determination.

If they withdrew now, everything would be wasted.

Thinking further, without the threat from the east, it might only be a matter of time after the Indian Empire dealt with Argentina. When that happens, how could the Brasilia Dynasty go against the Indian Empire?

Along with Great Xia interfering in the South America battlefield, the Dawson Dynasty was still a good support in the eyes of the Brasilia Dynasty.

In time, everything would change.

Under such circumstances, Jack wanted to demand the Brasilia Dynasty to not only withdraw from the Indian Empire but also send troops to reinforce Columbia; that was asking a little too much.

If he really did that, their relationship as allies would definitely come to an end.

Jack was really decisive and said, “Let’s get through this problem first. As for what happens next, that will be for the future.” In Jack’s eyes, allies were just chess pieces.

When one should give up, one must not hesitate.

When Franklin heard that, he sighed in his heart. Based on his judgement, rather than protecting the Panama Canal, it was better to maintain a good relationship with the Brasilia Dynasty.

Giving up on the Brasilia Dynasty was a stupid choice.

After all, they were only at the start of the industrial revolution. The Panama Canal’s importance to the Dawson Dynasty was a far cry from its importance in the future.

Of course, Jack had his own ideals. He was looking at was the future of the Empire, so one could not say that he was wrong.

“There’s also another point, ” Franklin felt that he needed to remind Jack, so he said, “If we withdraw from the east, the Argentina region might be lost. How will we answer to the Spain Dynasty?”

This time, Jack was totally stunned.

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Chapter 1303: TWO Chapter 1303-Not being a puppet

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

Chapter 1303 – Not Being a Puppet

The war of Columbia that Great Xia started seemed like a simple situational war, but it affected the entire world.

When Jack realized this point, his head hurt.

“Let me think about it.”

Jack could decisively give up on the Brasilia Dynasty, but this did not mean that he could break his promise to the Spain Dynasty.

Not to mention that if they withdrew now, Argentina would be in danger, which would affect the European battlefield and consequently the entire global situation of Silver Hand.

Just breaking the promise to Spain would cause the Dawson Dynasty to be discriminated in Europe.

The price was too high!

“I think we have been swindled. We should not have fought one another so early on; this allowed Great Xia to pick up the spoils.” Jack was a little regretful.

“That is not something we could prevent.” Franklin was really calm.

Silver Hand and Azure Badge going against one another was a matter forced by interests and the situation. It was not something that a single person or dynasty could stop.

Since they worked together because of interests, they could definitely go against one another because of interests.

“Great Xia has been playing a huge chess game.” Jack was enlightened.

Since the world war had reached such a stage, a single person’s will could not stop it. All the dynasties were wrapped up within it and were unable to pull themselves out.

“No matter what, we still need to give it a shot.” Jack was prepared to take a final gamble and said, “Inform Spain that if they really cannot give up on Argentina, we will give them a batch of firearms for free as compensation.”

Compared to Great Xia, although the Dawson Dynasty did not have a population advantage, its industrialization standards were no weaker than Great Xia. It had the ability to craft many firearms to compete with Great Xia.

Jack was prepared to go all out in return for the Spain Dynasty’s forgiveness.

“If we do that, the issue should not become too big.”

When Franklin heard that, he did not try to persuade Jack and went to make arrangements instead.

That night, the Dawson Dynasty sent out 100 thousand troops to teleport to Panama to strengthen the defenses and delay the Great Xia Army before the reinforcements arrive.

Currently, the three armies of Great Xia had set off recently and had just crossed the border.

The war of Columbia had just begun.

5th month, 18th day, Brasilia Dynasty.

Although the Brasilia Dynasty was huge, large portions of it were unsuitable for humans inhabitation. The population was gathered in the south in the regions near the ocean.

The rainforest areas had a lot of moisture, but it was difficult for the soil to keep the moisture because the moisture in the rain would be swiftly sucked up by the plants.

As a result, the soil in the rainforest regions were really dry. Along with a lack of difference between wet and dry seasons, an area unsuitable for agriculture resulted.

Brasilia’s north region, including the famous Amazon Rainforest, had a low population density.

In the game world, the vast Amazon Rainforest became the Brasilia Dynasty’s north natural border. Till date, no army had dared to try to cross it.

Even the 200 thousand strong army from the Dawson Dynasty first took the naval route. After rushing to St Paulo, they gathered up with the Brasilia army to strike the Indian Empire.

Hence, when Han Xin arranged the troops, he threw the three legion corps separately onto the Columbia battlefield.

Going south from the Columbia region to directly attack the Brasilia Dynasty was just asking for trouble.

Brasilia city, palace.

Brasilia King Rio looked at the letter from the Dawson Dynasty and was so angry that his body shook as he said, “Shameless! To betray the alliance contract and actually raise such unreasonable requests.”

In the letter, Jack asked the Brasilia Dynasty to cover the Dawson Dynasty army as they exited the battlefield. At the same time, he asked them to send out no less than 300 thousand troops to assist the Columbia region.

Rio had also obtained news of Great Xia attacking Columbia region. If the Dawson Dynasty only withdrew from the Indian Empire, Rio could still understand. However, he did not expect Jack to actually be so shameless.

“Does he really think that we are puppets?” Rio was furious.

“Your majesty, you can be angry, but I think that the Dawson Dynasty’s words make sense. Once the Columbia region falls, we could be next.” the prime minister reminded him.

“What are you afraid of? To our north is a rainforest. Do you think that they can fly over? Rio was really confident and said, “Even if they take down Columbia and control the Panama Canal, the Pacific Squadron cannot cross the canal and arrive south of us. We might not have to fight them.”

Hearing that, the prime minster asked carefully, “Then your majesty, should we withdraw the troops?”

Rio shook his head and answered, “No! Without them, we can still fight this war. The Indian Empire’s east front is about to fall. This is a chance given to us by the heavens, and we cannot miss it.”

Rio understood that if he missed this chance, the Brasilia Dynasty would have no more opportunities to rise up.

Rather than sending troops to assist Columbia to aid others for nothing in return, why not send reinforcements to crush the Indian Empire east front?

Conquering the Indian Empire’s Cusco might even be possible.

So long as they won this war, the Brasilia Dynasty would be able to stand on the same level as the Indian Empire. Neither side would be able to swallow the other.

“Your majesty, are you not afraid of the Dawson Dynasty taking revenge on us?” The prime minster was a little worried.

When Rio heard that, he gave out a mocking smile and said, “Can’t you see? To defend the Columbia region, they have already fallen to the level where they need our help.”

“Facing the attack of Great Xia, they cannot even defend themselves, so how can they take revenge on us?”

The prime minister was still worried and added, “But there will be a time when the war ends. Once the Dawson Dynasty recovers, we would be alone without help.”

Rio smiled and said, “Who says we have no help? I’ve understood that in the whole world, be it Silver Hand or Azure Badge, neither is Great Xia’s opponent. That is a genuine backer.”

“Your majesty is saying?” The prime minister was astonished.

Rio got up and looked at the map of South America and solemnly said, “Great Xia interfering in South America caused a reshuffling of the entire situation. At such a time, we cannot be blinded.”

In the past, Great Xia had always given one an unbeatable impression on overseas battlefields. Great Xia suddenly throwing in 750 thousand troops into South America changed the landscape right away.

At this point, Rio saw through the matter cleanly.

When the prime minster heard that, he felt a chill in his heart, understanding what Rio was planning. At the end, he asked carefully, “Then how should we reply to the Dawson Dynasty?”

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