The world begins with Hunter x Hunter

Chapter 126 Misunderstanding

Pear Village! A village named after its abundance of pears.

After much searching, Tai found the village where Cuizi is now.

When Tai walked into the village with Xiaomeng in his arms, he found that the people in this village were different from those in other villages he had seen before.

The faces of the people here have something that people in other places of this era do not have, that is, peace of mind.

In this era of rampant monsters, human life is difficult, and the most important thing is that without the power to protect themselves, monsters will invade at any time, and people in most areas are in danger of losing their lives.

And the people in this village, Tai walked all the way, none of them had a dead silence or confusion on their faces, they were all full of hope for life, their eyes were firm, and they even worked so hard to farm.

"Sister, is Cuizi from your village?"

The aunt who was watering the pear tree turned around and saw a super handsome guy holding a pet. She felt that her mood suddenly became sunny and she smiled faintly, but when she thought of Cuizi he just mentioned, she immediately became cautious.

It is because of the presence of the witch that the village has hope. We must not let dangerous people hurt the witch. Maybe this person is a monster. Monsters often come to hunt the witch!

"Little brother! Are you from outside? What do you want to see the witch?"

Tai: "Ah! Well, actually I am Cui Zi's friend. My name is Tai. I came to ask her for help!"

"Friend?" The aunt hesitated for a moment, and the caution in her eyes became more intense. "The witch has been here for a whole year. I have never heard that she has friends? You are not fake, right?"


Tai was stunned for a moment and didn't know how to answer. How should friends be proved? He didn't know!

Seeing Tai's hesitant look, the aunt became more suspicious.

"Well, I am really her friend, but I left her more than a year ago."

"Left her?" The aunt seemed to have discovered something, her eyes widened, and she covered her mouth with her hands in surprise.

Seeing the surprised look on the aunt's face, Tai knew that she must have misunderstood. He was about to explain it clearly, but suddenly he had a bad taste and wanted to make a joke.

"Hey! Okay! I'll tell you the truth!"

Tai turned around, lowered his head and looked at the little fox, gently stroking it with his left hand, pretending to recall the past, very sad and regretful.

"Actually, I am Cui Zi's husband. More than a year ago, Cui Zi and I had some misunderstandings. I said a few words to her, saying that her breasts were not big enough, she had elephant legs, a bucket waist, and was fierce and not feminine at all. As a result, she ran away from home in a rage. For more than a year, I have been looking for her and want to invite her... Hmm? Where is she?"

Halfway through, Tai turned around and wanted to continue talking, but found that the aunt had disappeared. He was surprised and looked around anxiously. He found that the aunt was running quickly towards the village, shouting while running!

"Oh no! Someone come quickly! The witch's husband is here to divorce me!"

Everyone put down their work and talked about it wherever the aunt passed. Finally, they gathered together, filled with righteous indignation and shared the same hatred.

Tai suddenly felt that this matter seemed a bit serious.

Tai: Is it too late for me to explain now?

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