The Witch’s Ichor

Apology Dress [24]

This chapter may contain immense gay romance. :3
This was also released 4 days early on my patreon :0

Zoe's eyes flutter open to see the sun filtering in through her bedroom window. She yawns softly, and rolls over to face her closet. Memories of her dream return to her in a flurry of images.

God, that's embarrassing.

Images of her and Theo doing things she's never thought to do before come back from last night's dream. She blushes, covering her face with a goofy smile. Zoe reaches over and grabs her phone eagerly.

Sadly there's not many messages. She checks the one from Theo first.

Theo: Good morning

Theo: I hope you had a pleasant sleep, Zoe

Zoe: I slept really good!! Good morning! <3

Zoe's eyes linger on the screen as she waits expectantly for Theo to respond. He doesn't reply, so she checks the message from Tracy with a pout.

Tracy: Hey!! Um I was wondering if ur busy today?

Zoe: I'm free, what's up? :)

Tracy: I wanna take you on a little trip to the mall, as an apology

Zoe: Oh you don't have to, silly!

Tracy: But I want to, please? </3

Zoe: OK fine! XD

Zoe puts her phone back on her nightstand with a smile. Theo may not be replying at the moment, but Zoe has other friends she can always talk to.

The smell of something cooking downstairs gets Zoe's stomach growling as she slips out of bed. She stretches, glancing at her bedhead in the mirror. Zoe grabs the brush her mother got her, and starts to untangle her unruly dark mane.

Ouch. Being a girl can be so tedious!

Zoe finishes brushing out her hair. She looks at herself in the mirror, and giggles. Zoe leaves her brush on her nightstand as she leaves her bedroom. The scent of potatoes frying has Zoe salivating as she descends the stairs.

Zoe's mother turns to smile at Zoe as she takes her seat at the table. She dishes up a plate of fried potatoes for her daughter.

"G'morning Mom." Zoe mumbles sleepily.

"Morning, sleeping beauty." Zoe's mother replies.

The crispy golden brown potatoes practically melt in Zoe's mouth. She moans softly at the delicious buttery taste, and her mother raises an eyebrow. Zoe doesn't really care how she sounds. These potatoes are delicious!

"Any plans for today?" Zoe's mother asks.

Zoe minds her manners, finishing the food in her mouth before responding.

"Yeah, actually. Tracy wants to take me shopping today!" Zoe exclaims.

 "Who's Tracy..?" Zoe's mother asks with a smile.

"Oh, I never mentioned her? She's a friend from school." Zoe replies.

Zoe takes another big bite of her breakfast. Zoe's mother purses her lips as she struggles to think of an appropriate way to ask the question she has. Zoe notices her mother's discomfort, and takes a stab in the dark.

"She knows about my magic, too." Zoe guesses her mother's concern.

"Oh I see. Well, I hope you two girls have a great day." Zoe's mother comments lightly.

The soft thump of heavy footsteps descending the stairs draws the two ladies' attention. Zoe's father enters the living room with a smile on his face. He gently hugs Zoe. His scratchy unshaved stubble causing her to recoil with a giggle.

"Dad you're like sandpaper, jeez." Zoe complains.

Zoe's father moves over to his wife and gives her a peck on the lips. She turns to address Zoe with a roll of her eyes.

"I know, right? You wouldn't believe how impossible it is to kiss this man." Zoe's mother sighs.

"Can't be that difficult. You do it pretty often, sweetheart." Zoe's father teases.

Zoe makes a face at her parents. She gets up to put her dishes in the sink, and pointedly ignores the laughter of her parents. She washes off her plate and returns to the table.

"You two are sooo gross." Zoe says sarcastically.

"Really? You and Theo didn't seem to think kissing was gross." Zoe's father retorts.

The implications of her father's words bring a bright red blush to her face. She didn't realize either of her parents were observing them when they said their goodbyes last night.

"T-That is different, Dad!" Zoe whines.

Zoe's father chuckles in amusement at his daughter's bashful reaction. He has to get his kicks somehow, and embarrassing Zoe is one such way. Zoe's mother rolls her eyes at her husbands behavior, turning to Zoe.

"Zoe, honey... Make sure you're home by ten tonight." She warns.

"My curfew isn't nine anymore?!" Zoe exclaims.

"You've been behaving yourself quite well, and haven't broken any rules... so I don't see why not." Zoe's father adds.

"Thank you, thank you!" Zoe thanks them giddily.

The middle aged couple watches their daughter scamper upstairs in a hurry to get ready for her outing. They turn to look at one another, and laugh at their daughter's antics.


Tracy pulls out her phone, checking her makeup in the camera. The outfit she chose for today is a little chilly for the season, but she wants to impress Zoe. Her shorts are cut high enough to leave most of her muscular legs visible. The white cropped shirt she's wearing leaves both her biceps and abs in plain view. The brunette's hair is tied back into a neat ponytail, leaving her makeup adorned face on display.

God, I hope she likes this look!

The soft scrape of Tracy's sneakers skidding over the sidewalk breaks the silence. She approaches Zoe's front door, and gives it three good knocks. The door opens as she's retracting her hand to reveal a hulking man. She takes a step back in surprise.

"I take it you're Tracy?" The huge man asks softly.

Tracy nods hesitantly. The man steps aside and a smiling Zoe practically leaps down the stairs. She steps past the man-who must be her father-and tackles Tracy into a big hug. The taller girl stumbles back a step, nearly falling off the porch.

"Tracy! Hi!" Zoe chirps.

Zoe's adorable face is adorned with a light makeup, yet she looks breathtaking to Tracy. The taller girl gently holds Zoe by placing her toned arm behind Zoe's back. Zoe's father smiles at his daughter's excitement, and waves.

"You two have fun." He says.

"We will! Bye Dad!" Zoe replies.

Tracy watches Zoe's father shut the door. She can feel her face heating up as Zoe clings to her toned tummy. Zoe tilts her head curiously at Tracy, and realizes her breasts are pressed against Tracy's abdomen.

"Oh... Oh!" Zoe exclaims, realizing many things all at once.

"W-We should get going." Tracy suggests awkwardly.

"Sure." Zoe replies with a smirk.

Zoe separates from Tracy, and the two girls start walking toward uptown. Tracy tries not to think about how soft Zoe's hands were as they slipped along her bare skin. She fails miserably.

"So, you're into girls?" Zoe says suddenly.

Tracy's breath hitches as she looks at Zoe with wide eyes. Last time they interacted Zoe hadn't been able to spot Tracy's obvious attraction, nor did she seem to consider Tracy a potential partner. Something's obviously changed.

"A-Ah... yeah." Tracy replies nervously.

Zoe wears a catty smile as she gently bumps her hip into Tracy. Her eyes flicker from Tracy's muscular legs to her toned abs.

"Well I might be into them, too." Zoe says nonchalantly.

"Really?!" Tracy exclaims, her enthusiasm showing.

Tracy's face flushes a dark shade of red as she realizes how obvious she's being. She turns away from Zoe to mitigate her embarrassment, and Zoe giggles. Their conversation peters out as Zoe looks at her feet. She sighs.

"Honestly I might not be, um... on the market, anymore?" Zoe says with uncertainty.

Those words sting, but Tracy doesn't hold it against Zoe. She turns to look at Zoe. She's frowning.

"What's wrong..?" Tracy asks gently.

"It's just, I feel bad for not noticing your feelings earlier..." Zoe mumbles.

"Nah, don't be. It's my fault. I should have just said it." Tracy replies calmly.

They keep walking. The suburban homes are gradually replaced by commercial buildings. Several multi story buildings populate uptown. Zoe glances up at a particular office building, and wonders which building her mother works in.

"So, who's the lucky one?" Tracy asks suddenly.

Zoe turns to look at Tracy. The taller girl has a bitter smile on her face, and her eyes are staring straight ahead. Zoe winces at the girl's obvious pain.

"I-I uh... I went on a date with Theo." Zoe replies quietly.

"What?! The one with glasses?" Tracy exclaims in shock.

This puts a pout on Zoe's adorable face, and Tracy quickly puts her hands up.

"Sorry! I was just surprised, is all." Tracy says apologetically.

"Well don't be. He's a very good kisser." Zoe retorts.

The awkward silence that ensues lasts until they arrive at the mall. Tracy doesn't say anything, but she politely opens the door for Zoe. The tinny speakers play that familiar jazz music they always play here. The burbling fountain adds an air of refinement to the space. The two girls wander past the fountain.

"Have you ever worn a dress, Zoe?" Tracy asks softly.

Zoe turns to follow Tracy's gaze. She sees a rather pretty black dress adorning a mannequin inside a vaguely familiar department store.

"No... Aren't they expensive?" Zoe replies.

Tracy gently takes Zoe's hand, and leads her into the store.

"Could my friend try on that dress?" Tracy asks an employee.

"Of course." The employee replies.

Zoe shifts her weight from foot to foot as she anxiously watches the employee take the dress off the mannequin. Tracy gently squeezes her hand. The employee guides the two girls over to the changing rooms, and hands the dress off to Zoe.

The quiet of the changing room eases Zoe's nerves somewhat. She glances at her cute self in the mirror for a moment, and her confidence returns.


Tracy gently chews her fingernail as she waits for Zoe to finish changing into the dress. Her thoughts wander back to their earlier conversation, and the revelation regarding Theo.

He really beat me to the punch.

The soft click of the changing room door opening draws both Tracy and the employee's attention. They turn to observe Zoe, and audibly gasp. Zoe's build is a perfect fit for the dress. The fabric comes up to cup her breasts comfortably. It leaves her shoulders and cleavage visible. The wavy bottom half of the dress comes close to Zoe's knees, offering a peek at her thighs. Tracy's face flushes.

"How do I look?" Zoe asks.

"Adorable!" The employee exclaims.

Tracy nods softly as she stares down at Zoe. Zoe can feel a blush of her own creeping into her complexion as Tracy practically eye fucks her. Tracy shakes her head softly, resisting the urge to ogle her friend further.

"S-Sorry, uh... you look gorgeous, Zoe." Tracy compliments.

"Thanks! It's pretty comfortable, too." Zoe laughs.

The employee's eyes flit between the two girls before resting on Tracy. She leans over and whispers to Tracy discreetly. Tracy's eyes widen a little, but she nods immediately. Tracy pulls out her card and hands it to the employee as they begin walking to the register.

"What was that about?" Zoe questions.

"Oh, she was just telling me the price." Tracy replies.

Zoe follows, still wearing the dress. Her other clothes are bundled up in her hands. The employee gives her a bag to stuff her clothes into.

"How much was it..?" Zoe asks.

Tracy flinches at the question. She could tell Zoe, but the cutie might just have a fit over how expensive it is.

"That's a secret." Tracy replies seriously.

Zoe rolls her eyes at her friend, but doesn't pressure her into saying. The two of them leave the department store with their moods uplifted. Tracy glances over at a restaurant situated across the hall from the department store.

"Wanna grab a bite to eat?" Tracy offers.

"I don't want to take advantage of you, dummy. I'm broke." Zoe shrugs.

"Friends can buy friends food, can't they?" Tracy argues.

"Yeah, but you already bought me this amazing dress!" Zoe huffs.

"That doesn't count. That's an apology dress." Tracy refutes.

"An apology dress?" Zoe repeats sarcastically.

Tracy nods at her with a cheeky smile. Zoe squints up at the athletic girl, and catches Tracy's gaze flickering down from Zoe's face. Zoe smirks.

"You sure you didn't have any ulterior motives when you bought me this?" Zoe questions.

The blush coloring Tracy's face says it all.

"I-I don't know what you're referring to." Tracy deflects.

"Hm, sure. Let's go to that restaurant." Zoe replies.

Zoe boldly grabs Tracy's muscular arm. She clutches Tracy's arm close to her chest. Tracy makes a flustered whimpering sound as Zoe pins her arm against her soft breasts.

I don't know if I prefer innocent Zoe or this...

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