The Witcher: Lord of the Empire

Chapter 197: Treasure and Trickery

The answer to Master Mirro's riddle, Lann already knew: a mirror.

That's right, the Master Mirror is hidden in a special mirror.

Before time ran out, Lann had to find the Master Mirror and collect as many treasures as possible, and ultimately, get the most out of it. That was his goal now!

Without hesitation, Lann ran off the lunar platform.

Ahead of him lay a muddy, mountainous road, constantly shrouded in darkness, with a red glow on the horizon. The air was filled with a cold, wailing wind...

Lann looked up and saw the chorus of souls from the Master Mirror floating in the sky above him. This group of souls was providing the ambiance of this world.

Well... It wasn't that the cold wind sounded like wailing, but that the wailing sounded too much like a cold wind.

Lann curled his lips, turned his sight, looked to one side, and soon found a huge mountain church standing not far from him. It was too eye-catching in the mountains with dead trees and jagged rocks.

The 'mirror' he was looking for was there!

After choosing the direction of his target, Lann rushed forward. A steady stream of white mist seeped out from the cracks in the road under his feet, and pavilions with red candles lit often appeared on the roadside.

A wooden bridge soon appeared in front of him, and two black shadows stood in front of the bridge. Judging from the outline, they seemed to be small monsters like drowners.

They were like motionless statues, until Lann approached, and the shadows awakened. Clearly, they were the guardians of the place, and some of the shadows that fell from the curtain had become them.

Looking up at the sky, the hourglass had gone down a little. It seemed like there was still time, but in order to explore all the treasures in his memory, Lann needed to save time.

Lann slapped his chest, activating [Quen Sign].

Facing the Drowners' attacks, he did not hesitate to roll on the ground. The black mist monsters were easily cut through by Lann.

"Excellent body movement! It's neither an ability nor magic, and even I can't figure it out. When we travel together, I must study your secrets carefully!"

A resounding cheer came from the sky. Lann didn't bother to respond, he stood up and continued running across the broken bridge.

The black fog monster that he passed through turned around and attacked Lann again.

With a bang, the Quen Sign's shield exploded, and the black mist monsters retreated, Lann was also propelled onto the wooden bridge due to the impact.

Keep rushing!

After Lann walked away, the black mist monsters once again became motionless, like statues.

For Lann, this was good news that saved him time.

After all, drowners were manageable, but if he encountered griffin-based black mist monsters chasing him, he wouldn't be able to escape and would have to stop and waste time fighting.

After crossing this wooden bridge, Lann soon encountered the second black fog monster.

Here too was the first treasure on his path.

The path in front of him forked to the left, where an altar shrouded in red light had a sword stuck into it.

In front of the altar was a tall, thin monster. From the figure condensed by the black mist, one could see that the monster had two enormous deer antlers.

Lann saw the prototype of this black fog monster at a glance: the Leshen.

However, the monster in front only had an appearance, and upon seeing Lann, the monster only moved its black mist claws to attack, which relieved Lann, as he did not use any of his other abilities.

Activating the [Quen Sign] as a precaution, Lann then slapped the ground, summoning the [Yrden Sign].

Lann rolled again to pierce through the black mist monster, causing the black mist Leshen to become confused. At the same time the monster was covered by purple magic light and when it turned around, Lann had already arrived in front of the altar.

A silver snake-headed sword was inserted into the altar, reflecting a blood-red light that the Master Mirror had somehow created, and the magical aura was so great that it looked like a demonic sword.

Lann took it with one hand, and the [Inventory] automatically gave the following prompt: [Viper venomous silver sword]

This sword is the type of equipment that was only given to the strongest witchers during the order's heyday. Lann even suspects that this sword was the weapon of the founder of the Viper School, Ivar Evil-Eye.

Of course, for Lann, who already has the Sword of the Lady of the Lake, this sword is not of much use, but... since he has come this far...

And now that the Viper School has surrendered to Lann, giving them this sword can further consolidate the relationship between the two sides.

Seeing Lann's movement, the Black Mist Leshen reacted violently, but was trapped by Lann's immense magic circle, occasionally receiving purple rays.

When Lann put the sword away in the [Inventory], the Leshen was still fighting in the same place.

"Ha." A strange voice came from the sky again. "I really don't understand why you warriors can't move when you see a good sword. Obviously, the wind is still roaring, the rain is still pouring, and your life is in danger."

Lann rolled to avoid the Black Mist Leshen's claws, then repeated the same tactic, absorbing the impact with his back and using the force of the [Exploding Shield] to accelerate again.

"Lann, time flies..."

Soon, Lann reached the church door, in front of a bumpy staircase and a worn iron gate. But instead of entering, he suddenly turned a corner and began running along a mountain path that circled the church.

A hundred meters ahead, a cave appeared in their path, with a lamp hanging from the ceiling that emitted the characteristic red light of Gaunter's world.

This was Lann's second goal and the last goal within the time limit.

Around the entrance were some golden Orens and Crowns coins, Lann quickly moved forward, picking up the coins as he stepped on them and storing them into the [Inventory].

This was just the beginning.

The full picture of the cave was presented in front of Lann, which was like a treasure house that only appeared in fairy tales and fables.

The golden coins radiated dazzling light, and the stack was higher than Lann's body, almost filling the 40-square-meter cave. There were also a lot of gems, magic materials, runes, etc.

Even Lann, who was well-informed and mentally prepared, was dazzled by everything in front of him.

He needed it so much now. Cintra was in ruins, and the money was enough to hire all the mercenaries in the North to fight for him, enough to support Mousesack's magic experiments regardless of consumption, enough to rebuild the kingdom in the future. All the manpower and material consumption, and even the balance for other investments...

From today, Lann's money ability has returned again!

In addition to money, Lann also saw a lot of equipment drawings inside. A quick glance revealed that it was the top Mahakaman heavy armor of the dwarven kingdom, and there were others...

Lann threw himself into this mountain of wealth, almost 'swimming' to move his body in the cave, in order to increase the contact area of his body as much as possible to speed up the storage of the [Inventory].

If it were those dwarven bankers or halfling merchants, they would probably have fainted with joy at this moment.

"Lann, are you serious? You can't even resist a few golden coins? To be honest - I'm a little disappointed."

The world of Gaunter was finally now showing the true flavor of a legendary demon. Epic weapons, inexhaustible riches, using these temptations to make brave adventurers forget their way and eventually take their souls away.

But all this does not affect Lann.

Of course, according to the traditional devil routine, in addition to these material temptations, there is also a most vulgar plot waiting for Lann...

"Lann, save me!"

Running out of the treasure cave and back to the church entrance, Lann suddenly heard a familiar pleading voice.

Looking towards the source of the sound, it turned out to be Triss!

She had been tied around the neck with a thick hemp rope, and her feet were on an even more fragile branch, while the other end of the rope was tied to the thicker trunk of the tree.

The tree where Triss is hanging is just in front of a fork in the road not far from Lann.

Although 'Triss' was screaming desperately, upon approaching and observing closely, a barely perceptible smile could be seen at the corner of her lips.

That smile had an eerily familiar air to it, as if it were that of the Master Mirror.

Everything about the scene radiated a strange atmosphere.

Lann took a deep look at 'Triss' and ran towards the church without looking back.

"Lann!!!" The red-haired sorceress behind him screamed, and the branches under her feet could no longer support her weight.

Her body fell with the action of gravity, and the rope tightly strangled the red-haired head. The huge inertia easily broke the sorceress's fragile neck.

"Oh, my God, are you really so heartless, Lann?" A teasing voice came from the sky. “But what am I going to do if now that you behave like this I like you even more?”


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