The Winner is King [Quick Wear]

Chapter 103

Chapter 103: Skilled workers eliminated by the times7

In the winter of 1995, Li Junxin successfully obtained three senior technician certificates and a special industry operation certificate.

The number of references is still quite large, and some workers are still organized by factories to take the test. Li Junxin is not surprised.

The country promulgated this policy, and naturally there were sensitive people to respond.

Everyone from the third factory said that the certificates were useless, but just at the entrance of the examination room, there was a row of labor service company representatives recruiting workers. They recruit workers in factories in developed coastal areas, and the signboards say that those with certificates are preferred.

“Master, should I go take a look?” Chen Li asked nervously.

He is a young rookie who has been in the factory for a year, and his salary is very low. The monthly salary of thousands of yuan is quite attractive to him. But he was afraid that the master would get angry. Everyone would be angry if the apprentice who had been taking him for a year with his heart left.

However, Li Junxin did not stop Chen Li, “Go ask, I’ll wait for you.”

It is also good for young people to have the heart to go out.

Chen Li excitedly chatted with the people of the labor service company, which lasted for half an hour. When he saw the high salary, his enthusiasm had cooled, and when he returned to Li Junxin, he was already like an eggplant beaten by frost.

“The salary looks high, but I work for a private boss, and I won’t buy insurance if I don’t cover it…” Chen Li scratched his head.

The high salary sounds really beautiful, but the cost of living is also high. There are also a lot of hidden buckles. Besides, he only has one year of work experience now, and the other party can’t give too much money.

Going out to open a shop that repairs electrical appliances can make more money than going to the coast. This account is carefully calculated, and it is not worthwhile.

Li Junxin pressed Chen Li’s head and emphasized: “You are still young, so you have time to think about it. Before you figure out what to do, just stay in the factory and work and study.”

Chen Li nodded in agreement, he would think about it.

Getting a senior technician is a start. Li Junxin started from high school knowledge and prepared to take the self-examination.

Li Junxin is so active and eager to learn, not only motivated the young apprentice, but also her daughter Li Sha was also inspired to study harder and harder.

Old man Li wanted to enroll his granddaughter in interest classes, and wanted her to learn dance, painting, music, and cultivate her sentiments, like a princess. But Lisa chose Mathematical Olympiad and English in the end. I am a student, and I cannot lose to my mother in learning.

During the new year, the old Li family had a reunion dinner in the hut on the ground floor of the third factory staff building.

Usually, the old couple is busy, but this year, Li Junxin is in charge. The eight brothers work together to make a reunion dinner together, and parents accompany the children to have a good rest.

We haven’t seen each other for more than half a year, and everyone has changed a lot.

The old one became a civil servant and ate a public meal; the second one started a clothing business, and the business was booming; the third one gave a lot of gifts and finally got a job driving for the railway department, and the fourth one worked as a foreman at the construction site work.

Lao Liu was idle, but he was lucky.

The vacant land opposite the house was photographed by the real estate company. Regardless of whether it was built illegally or not, as long as there is a house, it will be compensated. The demolition was completed in just one month. Lao Liu caught up with the good times, and now lives in a comfortable resettlement house, and has an extra amount of demolition money in his hand. He didn’t like to work, he took the money to the securities company and started to speculate in stocks. On the contrary, he became the first rich among them, and his words were different.

Lao Qi got married to him, and was also busy in the vegetable market. On the day of receiving the certificate, the two invited their families to get together and simply invite the two families, which was regarded as a wedding.

The old man came back from the south, beaming with joy. No one knows what he did, but he made a fortune anyway.

Everyone thinks that they have a better life than Li Junxin, and they feel quite proud.

But Li Junxin swept over with a glance, and his heart trembled with fear. The person who was beaten that day felt even more pain all over his body.

The whole family spent the Spring Festival peacefully, and everyone believed that the coming year would be better than this year.


In 1996, Li Junxin was thirty-three years old. This year was very busy and very tired. She lost two laps of weight.

In her spare time from 8 to 5 work, she runs outside almost every day to earn money. When I get home in the evening, I have to study hard and prepare for the self-examination next year.

On average, they sleep less than 5 hours a day. But the hard work pays off. When the average worker’s salary exceeds 800 yuan, Li Junxin’s monthly income is at least 3,000 yuan, and sometimes it can exceed 10,000 yuan.

The juvenile management office is Li Junxin’s big client, where she regularly goes to repair and maintain the printing press. She also brought two disciples who really wanted to learn technology. Although they were not as smart as Chen Li, they were also serious and down-to-earth, and it was no problem to go out to find a bite to eat once the sentence was over.

Hong Jun drives Li Junxin in his Santana whenever he has time.

The law and order is not good this year, and the night is not peaceful. When Li Junxin was done, it was very late and there was no night bus. A **** walking at night is prone to problems. Hong Jun took the initiative to take up the work of picking up Li Junxin.

This was seen by Lao Zhou several times, and he was scolded behind his back.

Lao Li was setting up a stall next to the delivery room, and this guy couldn’t hear him swearing.

How did Li Junxin’s violent temper come from? It was inherited from Lao Li. He picked up the bench and fought with Lao Zhou. Later, he really tore up Lao Zhou’s mouth. In the end, the Zhou family wanted Li Junxin to apologize.


In the spring of 1997, Li Junxin successfully passed the self-examination and obtained an undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering.

Old man Li shed tears with this bachelor’s degree certificate, and then burst into tears. The child who hated studying so much, actually started to forge ahead after working for more than ten years. Although he did not go to college, his children have not lost to college students. He was very happy.

Li Junxin’s job position has not changed because of the change in education, but her salary is two levels higher. The factory is doing well, and everyone’s wages are rising. But Li Junxin’s income of 2,000 to 200 yuan a month is also very conspicuous.

She didn’t stop studying, she was going to take the postgraduate entrance exam.

Young apprentice Chen Li was inspired and followed suit. I often ask the master questions that I don’t understand, and Li Junxin answers patiently.

This active learning attitude makes many people in the factory pantothenic acid. Consider them “false positive”.

Is it usually bad? You have to work so hard to highlight yourself and show how good you are.

Li Junxin was too lazy to care about their thoughts. Over the years, in workshop meetings and in-plant meetings, she has repeatedly emphasized the importance of learning. Since 1995, she has published articles in influential print magazines. Part of it is his years of experience in repairing printing presses, and part of it is his thinking about the advancement of the printing industry.

If a person with intentions sees and hears and is prepared, her kung fu will not be in vain.

A good friend of Hong Jun contacted Li Junxin through his relationship, a CNC machine imported from Germany was broken. During debugging, the aircraft crashed many times due to improper operation, and now it does not work properly.

Advanced gadgets such as CNC machine tools are not popular at present.

Li Junxin learned CNC technology by himself, and even went to Yuzhou University for an internship with a cheeky connection. He also has experience in how to operate and maintain.

No problem this time. I am not familiar with the model, but there are manuals and drawings in the original German language.

In less than half an hour, the machine was back to normal.

On the way to take Junxin home, Hong Jun asked, “Junxin, have you ever thought of going to work in a machine tool factory?”

The more he got along, the more he admired and admired Li Junxin. A talented person like her should have a better future. The printing house was too small, limiting her development.

“I’m still studying. When I’m admitted to graduate school and get a master’s degree, I’ll have a wide range of options.” Li Junxin said.

Hong Jun asked again, “Have you ever thought about making a machine tool?”

Li Junxin did not reply, she waited for Hong Jun to continue.

“You are also a person in the printing industry, so I will say it bluntly. Even though the printing industry is still flourishing, printing is always at the end. Due to the restrictions of the upper industry, the development prospects are not good.” Hong Jun said: “I Want to do business in machine tools. Machine tools are the foundation of industry. All industrial manufacturing needs machine tools. If you do it well, the future is definitely bright.”

While driving, Hong Jun analyzed. He set up a printing factory and cooperated with the juvenile management institute, because he was interested in the connections among them.

Now that the relationship is in place, it’s time to do something else seriously.

“When my machine tool factory is finished, you are welcome to visit, and you are more welcome to join.” Hong Jun poached with a smile.

Li Junxin neither agreed nor refused. Lao Hong is a very good businessman, but how could she put her eggs in a basket that hasn’t been woven yet? Besides, if she joins now, she is at most a maintenance person. Li Junxin’s ambitions don’t stop there.

She responded, “I’ll go see it when your factory is finished.”


In the autumn of 1997, the wave of layoffs swept across the country.

The news broadcast on TV and reported in newspapers is all about the bankruptcy of state-owned enterprises across the country and the layoff of employees.

The news broadcast on the news is relatively positive, so the people who have not been affected do not know the horror and despair of being laid off.

The workers of the third factory have not yet woken up. They feel that their factory is very profitable and cannot go bankrupt like other factories. Work is definitely fine.

The factory suddenly started offering benefits, and employees could buy staff housing at a very low price.

Everyone wants to buy a house where they have lived for more than 20 years, and they also feel that this is a symbol of the prosperity of the third factory.

Only Li Jun was thinking, did the factory also sell the house and sell the land to cash out?

The old couple insisted on buying the old house that they had lived in for more than 20 years.

But at this time, a new twelve-storey residential building had been repaired on the open space opposite the staff building. Li Jun wants to buy a new house and move,

However, the old couple took pictures of the old house and prepared to pay for it themselves.

In the end, Li Junxin gritted his teeth and spent almost all his savings to buy two apartments.

The whole family spends the new year in a new house with plenty of sunshine and fresh air.

The brothers are a little sour, and they plan to buy a house themselves. However, the old eight, who doesn’t know what to do, didn’t show up this year.


In 1998, a famous comedian performed a sketch on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

The phrase “who will be laid off if I don’t get laid off” makes those who have not been laid off have fun, but it makes those who have been laid off even more desperate.

At the beginning of the new year, more and more people in the factory are staying without pay and retire early. In the end, the leaders interviewed and laid off directly, and there was no room for change.

At this moment, many people understand that in the public service advertisements broadcast on TV every day, the phrase “the big deal will start all over again” is sung to them.

Chen Li took the initiative to be laid off after consulting Li Junxin, and he opened a small home appliance repair shop nearby. Proven technology and good, word-of-mouth spread, business is booming.

“Don’t be arrogant, and don’t stop learning. Popular things like pagers, telephones, and mobile phones, you must be able to repair them. And computers just started, you must also learn. Don’t forget the technology of large-scale mechanical repair.” Li Junxin Repeated reminders.

Chen Li has listened to it. This small shop is only temporary, and he also has dreams.

“Teacher, don’t worry, am I not taking the self-examination too?” Chen Li said happily.

He is not as smart as his master, but he is close to getting an undergraduate degree.

In the summer, Li Sha Xiao took the primary exam and was successfully admitted to the city’s key middle school.

A long time ago, Li Sha wanted to go to a nearby junior high school smoothly. But my mother worked so hard that she couldn’t help but study hard. The grades go up step by step, and the vision is naturally long-term.

Successfully hit the best key middle school in Yuzhou, Li Sha made the whole family proud of her.

At the end of 1998, Li Junxin joined the review team for postgraduate entrance examinations, preparing to take part-time postgraduate examinations.

This year, Li Junxin was not affected.

Lao Liu did not come back for Chinese New Year this year. State-owned enterprises went bankrupt, the stock market crashed, and all the money evaporated in an instant. He was not in the mood to celebrate the New Year. The old eight has news, and the smuggling crime has been locked up.

The old couple did not worry much about their son. Trouble can’t solve the problem?

They are honest workers, they don’t have a lot of money and they don’t know the powerful.

Whether it is the sixth or the eighth, can their difficulties be helped by themselves?

It’s all your own troubles, you solve them yourself!


In 1999, the third factory and the second factory merged to establish Huacai Printing Co., Ltd., to build a packaging and printing leader in the southwest region. However, the situation is not optimistic. The third factory, which has a better effect, will sell the land to the real estate developer, and all the machinery and equipment will be relocated to the second factory.

The human resources department is interviewing employees again, and people are laid off every day, and every day someone signs a contract with a brand new Huacai company.

Li Junxin, as a technical backbone, is of course the first batch of human resources to talk to.

Of course, the attitude of the factory is to keep people. If the salary and treatment are good, Li Junxin is not going to change factories in the past few years as a graduate student.

But Huacai’s contract is five years after signing, and the salary has been reduced by only 2,000.

She was dissatisfied and made up her mind to leave, so she took the initiative to ask to be laid off, but the factory did not agree to let them go.

National policies and labor laws, Li Junxin took the laws and regulations to wrestle with the people in the Ministry of Human Resources. After talking for a long time, the factory manager came out to talk many times, and finally the two sides reached an agreement.

The factory agreed that Li Junxin would be laid off and go through the formalities at the end of the year to allow her to enjoy the preferential policies for re-employment provided by the state. But Li Junxin wants to help with the disassembly, handling and installation of the machine. If the relocation of the factory has not been completed after the completion of the formalities, then continue to work as an outside mechanic until the end. During this period, wages are paid at the current level.

The news that Li Junxin was leaving soon spread, and everyone in the factory said that Li Junxin’s reading had ruined his brain.

Huacai’s situation is very good, and people want to stay, but she still wants to take the initiative to be laid off? !

The old couple in the family didn’t understand either. Li Junxin explained that it was nothing more than cooking oil on fire and returning to the light.

Of course the old couple didn’t understand.

“Forget it, let her go. Anyway, we are rich, and when your heart can’t hold it, there are us.” Old Man Li was not so worried.

Don’t look at a small breakfast stand, they’ve saved up a fortune.

Moving a factory is not an easy job, and the machines have not been moved halfway through the busy half year.

Li Junxin is still making money outside, but Hong Jun at the juvenile management institute doesn’t do it. The one who took over was not very close to her, the money was low, and Li Junxin was not willing to run away.

After Li Junxin brought the two disciples out, he told Deputy Director Yu to cancel the cooperation. Deputy Director Yu was very reluctant, but it was not him who paid the money, so he could only give up.

Although Hong Jun no longer engages in printing, he still keeps in touch with her. He often introduces her to work.

Li Junxin’s maintenance work has long been not limited to the printing press, she is now mainly responsible for the numerical control equipment. Many units, including many state-owned enterprises that survived the first wave of bankruptcy, extended an olive branch to her.

At the end of the year, Li Junxin participated in this year’s postgraduate national unified examination. After the New Year’s Day, the written test results were released, and the results were very satisfactory.

This New Year, all the brothers and sisters are saying that she acted too ill-conceived, laughing at her for giving up her bright future and destroying her own future.

The sixth man who lost money last year has become rich this year by buying insurance. He also disapproves of Li Junxin in various ways.

Li Junxin didn’t lose her temper, just let them laugh, she would laugh till the end.


Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during the period of 2019-11-17 20:30:23~2019-11-18 21:01:15~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 2 groceries in the north and south;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of koki and lion tea;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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