The Whole World Thinks He’s Secretly In Love With Me

Chapter 18

Chapter 18: , Secret Love On The Eighteenth Day

◎Screaming Husband◎

Sheng Yi actually likes to eat fish.

After all, there are so many delicious ways to cook fish, such as stewed soup, steamed, sweet and sour, sauerkraut…

There are many kinds of things, and everything has its own taste.

But she is also afraid of eating fish, especially those with spines.

It was better in the Sheng family. After all, the Sheng family has a big business. If they want to eat a fish with no spines and delicious taste, there are ways. Even if they occasionally eat a fish with many spines, some people will naturally tick off the fish before eating.

But going to Jingcheng is different.

My grandparents and grandparents were people who lived a hard life when they were young. They were used to saving money, and they didn’t like extravagance and waste, so even if they were prosperous, they still guarded the old house in Jingcheng and lived a quiet and peaceful life.

In the eyes of their old couple, grass carp is a delicious and cheap existence.

My grandfather and grandmother felt distressed that she was taking a lot of brains to study, so she made fish soup from time to time, and she was only willing to buy a crucian carp for her little granddaughter to stew.

But to be honest

Whether it is grass carp or crucian carp, for Sheng Yi, who really can’t pick on thorns, it is an invincible disaster.

She was really reluctant to reject the love from her grandfather and grandmother, and she would eat whatever she put into her bowl.

Two months after he went to Jingcheng, Sheng Yi was admitted to the hospital three times in one night just because he couldn’t get the thorn out of his throat.

Since then, spiny fish has become her least favorite dish in high school.

She once went out to dinner with Jiang Lianzhou and a few classmates in the class. Jiang Lianzhou had a buddy named Chi Bai, who wanted to order crucian carp tofu soup.

After serving it up, Chi Baifei said that the crucian carp soup is a must. Everyone has soup and a large piece of fish.

Of course Sheng Yi didn’t want it, but Chi Bai still didn’t understand: “What’s the matter? Don’t you like eating fish?”

Sheng Yi was silent for two seconds, very frank: “The fishbone will get stuck in the throat.”

The people at the table all laughed along with Chi Bo, but there was no other meaning. Chi Bo was just joking: “I really can’t tell, there are still people…”

The words were only half said.

The other half… were kicked back by Jiang Lianzhou.

Chi Bai’s chair was almost kicked over, but he managed to stabilize his balance, and the whole person was stunned: “What’s wrong?!”

Young Master Jiang laughed, lazily, but dragged him to another 108,000 miles.

“Can you control what my tablemate likes to eat?”

That was the only time in front of Jiang Lianzhou that she revealed that she did not like to eat thorny fish.

This is too trivial, it’s just a small and inconspicuous thing in the busy and fulfilling high school years.

Even Sheng Yi himself, after laughing in that shop, instantly forgot about it.

After she went to college, she returned to Mingquan City, and she became the eldest young lady of the Sheng family. The thorny fish, together with many memories, became a distant past.

until now.

In front of these numerous cameras, memories surged like a spring tide, and she felt a little dazed for a moment.

In the background music of “Will you remember tomorrow?”

It just didn’t take much time for her to be in a daze.

The efficiency of the program group is really fast, because the third song is selected first, and the audience of the second group can only choose from the remaining three songs.

All in all, Sheng Yi just walked away for a while, and when he came back to his senses…

Everyone was staring at her.

Sheng Yi: “…?”

Xue Qingfu, who has a gentle personality, was the most kind, and solved the situation in time: “So, the first day is about to end, and the program team asked you if you have anything you want to say or are curious about to the other three guests of the opposite sex. ”

Sheng Yi: “…”

If I remember correctly, what I’m recording is an old time · Memories Kill · Classmates · Show?

It’s not a romance, right…?


[The program team is going forward in the way of doing things and will never look back. 】

[Brother Zhou is as expressionless as ever, but I don’t know why, I always feel that across the screen… the temperature has dropped by three degrees woo woo woo. 】

The program team is really amazing, and they always know what to rely on to maintain the popularity of the live broadcast.

To the other three male guests…

Please, since she recorded the whole day from morning to night, she didn’t have a chance to talk to the other three male guests at all, okay?

And she was really curious, why did the show team only ask her this question, why, did she catch her vegan wool and pull it hard?

…She took a look around the faces of the three male guests with her eyes.

The male idol Zongyan, the game anchor Duan Mingji, and the top 100 up master Yu Shen.

Sheng Yi considered it for three seconds, and said perfunctorily: “Then… Yu Shen. The algorithm science sharing video you made is very interesting. When I was in college, I would watch your video and benefit a lot.”

Jiang Lianzhou turned his head and glanced at her.

Sheng Yi seemed to be aware of it, he thought that according to Young Master Jiang’s disposition, he would definitely not speak.

Who knows, Jiang Lianzhou opened his mouth casually.

“Do you like Xueba so much?”

Yu Shen, who was originally putting his soy sauce at ease: “…?”

“Tsk.” Young Master Renjiang asked a question, but he didn’t wait for an answer at all.

Unceremoniously interrupting Sheng Yi’s line of sight, and regardless of whether the program team has any other plans, he stretched his waist and raised his chin towards Sheng Yi,

“Aren’t you ready to rest? You have to rehearse tomorrow. No one will call you if you can’t get out of bed.”

[…Brother, do you know how sympathetic you are pretending to be nonchalant? 】

【Obviously you care about it! Still a casual look, jlz I see through you! 】

[Be considerate of everyone, men’s masks are so weak, alas (wipe tears for Brother Zhou)]

[Did Ren Shengyi boast a word (wait, is that a compliment?) Jiang Lianzhou, you are enough…]

【Is it really that much love? 】

… This screen-filled barrage, Jiang Dadingliu naturally couldn’t see it, and he thought it was a good camouflage.

But then again.

After all, he is a top streamer of Jiang Da, a man who has been independent and coquettish in the entertainment industry for several years, and everyone will still give him this face.

The program team also quickly rounded up the field: “Okay, everyone worked **** the first day of recording, please take a rest early today, and start the rehearsal of the program tomorrow and disband!”

Sheng Yi: “…”

The live room will definitely not be closed immediately.

The audience watched as the guests walked towards the hotel.

Jiang Lianzhou was the first to walk, and although the eldest young master seemed to be sloppy, his legs were long and he walked quite fast. He had already reached the bottom of the steps.

No one can see.

Wang Tongxin and Duan Mingji walked together, both behind; Yin Shuang and Xue Qingfu seemed to be very interested in Sheng Yi. The two of them walked beside Sheng Yi, and you asked me questions one by one.

Sheng Yi slumped on the left and the right, and just walked down the steps, and was about to turn without looking back when she heard a low-pitched male voice calling her, “Ajiu.”

Being too familiar with his nickname, Sheng subconsciously said “um”, only to find out when he turned around.

Jiang Lianzhou did not leave.

Just after recording the show, he took a peaked cap from his assistant and put it on his head.

The clean broken hair is pressed under the brim of the hat, and a pair of peach eyes are looming, and the ends of the eyes are slightly raised.

He was leaning against the wall at the moment, with one hand in his pocket, his long legs overlapped, and even if he couldn’t see his handsome face, he was still so handsome that countless people looked at him.

She didn’t realize why the eldest young master suddenly called her by her nickname, but just asked, “You haven’t left yet?”

“Yeah,” Jiang Lianzhou nodded lazily, his voice fluttering a little, and he seemed a little bit unknowingly hooked, “I’ll ask the assistant to bring you a glass of milk later, drink it before going to sleep.”

Sheng Yi was a little confused, but bking wouldn’t show that he was confused, so he nodded calmly: “Okay, I see.”

After finishing speaking, seeing that Jiang Lianzhou didn’t mean to leave, and didn’t continue to speak, Sheng Yi blinked, “…Huh?”

The eldest young master moved the corners of his mouth, but still did not speak.

But Sheng Yi, who is too familiar with him, knows that this shows that Young Master Jiang is not very satisfied with his reaction.

Sheng Yi thought for two seconds and added, “…Thank you?”

Jiang Lianzhou nodded.

Still not moving.

Still not satisfied.

…does she have anything else to say.

Sheng Yi was silent again for a few seconds, with a very uncertain and hesitant tone, trying to probe the ground:

“…Good night?”

There was a sudden silence in the air.

Sheng Yi regretted it for a while, and she didn’t know why she thought about the inexplicable words “good night”.

However, Sheng Yi didn’t change his color after the collapse of Mount Tai, so he quickly moved his head and thought about saying something to make up for it.


Didn’t wait for her to make amends.

Young Master Jiang, who had always had an unhappy expression at first, paused for a while, and then slowly opened his mouth in the silent air:

“…Good night.”

He seemed to have a bit of usual dignity and pride.

But just by listening carefully, you can hear the smile in his voice that can’t be concealed.

The way he speaks is lazy, and these two words are even blurred by his bite… but gentle.

After speaking, Jiang Lianzhou raised his hand slightly and pressed the brim of his hat.

His skin was cold and white, and when he exerted force, blue veins appeared on his wrist.

Jiang Lianzhou stood up straight, walked over slowly, bypassed the three of them, and walked forward.

The whole communication with Xue Qingfu and Yin Shuang was just a nod when passing by.

It was as if he was waiting there just to tell Sheng Yi about the milk delivery.

Or again…

[Yes, you have to listen to yourself and say “good night” before you can fall asleep, right?! jlz you are finished, you are planted thoroughly! 】

【what! I am a groundhog! I just cover my face and scream like crazy! 】

[I heard it right just now, everyone? Did he call out “Ajiu”? That’s Yi’s nickname, isn’t it? 】

[I’m going crazy, I’m going crazy, how can I be so intimate and natural, who can’t be worthy of me? 】

[Sisters, look at the expressions of Yin Shuang and Qingfu, hahahaha, “I’m just a light bulb, why?” hahaha. 】

The scene was silent for a long time.

After a long time, Yin Shuangcai sneered: “You have a good relationship with your old roommate.”

Xue Qingfu: “I also want to hear Yi Yi say ‘good night’ to me, Yi Yi, do you think I am worthy?”

Sheng Yi: “…”

It doesn’t have to be.

She laughed with Yin Shuang and Xue Qingfu for a long time, and then went through Jiang Lianzhou’s performance in her mind again.

It’s so bullshit.

Natural, not contrived, not deliberate.

It’s no wonder that when she was given the script, she didn’t have too many restrictions on her reactions. The essence was that Sheng Yi’s acting skills were so poor that others could easily see through it.

Sheng Yi couldn’t help but sigh.

After all, after a long day of exhaustion, he drank the milk sent by Jiang Lianzhou’s assistant, and Sheng was paralyzed on the bed, and quickly fell asleep.

I slept well all night, but only had a dream in the early morning.

Moreover, in the dream, I recalled a very small thing that had long been forgotten.

She dreamed that once in high school, she went skiing in the next city with Jiang Lianzhou, Chi Bai, and a boy named Gong Qirui in her class.

The reason why I can still remember the boy named Gong Qirui is because he changed schools in his third year of high school and lost contact, but then he unexpectedly went to the same company as Bei Lei.

Bailey said that a colleague was chasing her recently. After several descriptions, Sheng Yicai found out that she was a classmate in high school.

The dream was only half done. I dreamed that she didn’t stand firm on the ski resort that time, and went straight to Jiang Lianzhou below, when Jiang Lianzhou opened his arms and seemed to be ready to save her.

She was awakened by the disturbing phone ringing.

Sheng Yi answered the phone angrily.

Last night, Young Master Jiang, who kept saying “You can’t get up, no one will call you”, now has the hoarseness of getting up early, and called with a slightly raised voice: “Morning.”

Sheng Yi: “…”

For a while, she couldn’t tell the difference between a dream or reality.

But the scariest thing is.

Regardless of whether it is a dream or reality, in her life, the name “Jiang Lianzhou” is actually used.

Mr. Shan rubbed his temples, turned over, stared at the ceiling for a while, and asked after sobering up, “Jiang Lianzhou, do you remember that boy named Gong Qirui in our sophomore year?”

Just as the doorbell rang, the phone also rang at the same time. It was presumed that it was a program group that did not let people live, so Sheng turned over to get up, and slowly walked to the door with his slippers.

On the phone, Jiang Lianzhou gave a “hmm” and didn’t care: “Remember, you said Lao Gong.”

Sheng Yi OCD suddenly committed.

All the boys in their high school class called Gong Qirui “Old Gong”, that’s fine, they had to change their surname to a third tone.

As she pressed the door handle, she said angrily, “How many times have I said it, Pigeon Weng Gong, the first one, read it as…”

Jiang Lianzhou was also opening the door for the program group at the same time.

The enthusiastic netizens who got up earlier than chickens and slept later than dogs have now enthusiastically squatted in the live broadcast room.

[Ah, ah, it’s Brother Zhou who got up early one day! I am very blessed! 】

[What’s the matter with the sisters, I didn’t sleep for a few hours at all, but I was so energetic that I could go down and run for 800 meters. 】

[Don’t say it, my head was full of sugar last night, and I was about to pass out of a coma…]

[Miss Sheng Yi’s Weibo, from zero followers to 500,000 followers a day, is inseparable from everyone here…]

In anticipation, Jiang Lianzhou finally opened the door slowly.

Today, he wore a set of black silk pajamas, his hair was messy but not messy, and his laziness was revealed.

Even if it is to get up early, even without makeup, Jiang Dadingliu is still so good-looking that it makes the deer hit the ground.

However, everyone suddenly discovered that Jiang Lianzhou was holding a mobile phone and seemed to be on the phone.

Before I could confirm it, I could clearly hear a familiar female voice coming from the phone.

The tone is precise, decisive, and loud.

she called


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